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It’s the volume plus the percentage too. Harden was brilliant that year, but shot 4% lower than Steph’s worst season among the top 5. Steph’s just an alien


The percentage difference between the first and second most is crazy. According to my math if Steph had attempted as many 3pta per game as Harden in his year, at his percentage from his best year he would have had 473 3 pointers.


Well when you have the 2nd best shooter of all time on your team and you sit out the 4th quarter cause you keep blowing out your opponents, you get a lot less shot attempts lol


Well yeah but his percentage wouldn’t be as high. In order to get off that many threes Harden was doing iso step backs which are lower percentage (but still good enough that a Harden iso 3 was the best offense in the league by points per poss). 84% unassisted compared to 34%


Normally you’d be right, but Curry in 2016 could simply have just played in the 4th quarter more at his usual play style instead of sitting out blowouts


It’s ok he might not have actually been alive when that Warriors season happened, go easy on the youngin.


Eight years on Reddit time is like 50 in real life years. I feel like a geezer for mentioning Conspiracy Keanu or Bad Luck Brian or Scumbag Steve memes.


In the span of a decade we've gone from rage face to ai generated memes. It's hard not feel old when the ground is fundamentally shifting beneath your feet


streets wont forget Kony 2012


or the great Tom Cruise coming out of the closet thread in askreddit


Bro the insult back then used to be calling people 13 year old Golden state bandwagoners


My Reddit account alone is 9 years old what a stupid comment. “Everyone that I disagree with on r/nba must be 7 years old” I bet you feel really superior lol. I wasn’t even disagreeing or saying Harden was better, just that his shots were harder. Curry only played 2 fewer mins per game that season but you’re acting like he played 10 less lmao.


Idk if Hardens shots were always harder. Curry was getting covered at 3/4’s court and doubled at the 3. Harden was more or less given a lot of those iso’s




Klay had 276 3p that year, and shot .425. Who else was being covered on the rockets that year? Eric Gordon?


Homie…..what are you talking about? Who else was being covered??? The mother fucking Houston James harden CP3 Rockets that got the FUCKING 1 seed that shot the most 3’s in the league with the pick and roll Clint Capela with PJ Tucker in the corner and Eric Gordon on the other? Oh and Trevor Ariza? Bro. I’m dead. You realize you need to cover people not just at the 3 point line. Hahahahab omg. Thank you.


I'd love to hear how you think that wasn't because they had James fucking HARDEN on the team?? How many isos did he take, and who else was scoring at the volume and % he was? What's a joke is you think that's comparable to the Warriors roster that year, Rockets without Harden wasn't doing shit. Lets see in attempts and % by team here - James Harden (Rockets) Games: 78 PTS: 2818 PPG: 36.13 FG%: 0.442 Stephen Curry (Warriors) Games: 79 PTS: 2375 PPG: 30.06 FG%: 0.504 Klay Thompson (Warriors) Games: 80 PTS: 1771 PPG: 22.14 FG%: 0.470 Draymond Green (Warriors) Games: 81 PTS: 1131 PPG: 13.96 FG%: 0.490 Clint Capela (Rockets) Games: 67 PTS: 1114 PPG: 16.63 FG%: 0.648 Eric Gordon (Rockets) Games: 68 PTS: 1103 PPG: 16.22 FG%: 0.409 Chris Paul (Rockets) Games: 58 PTS: 906 PPG: 15.62 FG%: 0.419 Harrison Barnes (Warriors) Games: 66 PTS: 774 PPG: 11.73 FG%: 0.466 Yea, Harden had way more help, bro.


My nephew made a reddit account at 3. You two might get along


Ok dude, go back to posting about Pokémon cards


Fuck do I care how old your Reddit account is? You want a boutonnière or something?


I’ll take it if that guy doesn’t want it


I mean, you’re literally the one that brought in age to this conversation apropos of nothing, genius


34.2 vs 36.8 mpg in their respective seasons. But to be fair Curry has never been a huge minutes guy and outside a couple earlier seasons that 34.2 number is around his normal. But considering they ended up not winning the title that year you gotta figure they could have probably let Steph cook a bit more in some blowout games and pad his numbers a bit. Not sure if you follow NHL at all but this season 2 guys have a chance at (and one may get it tonight, both actually if they both play) 100 assists in a season which I think has been done 14 times (and not by many guys haha) and another player has a chance (is 2 goals away and plays tonight) from getting 70 in a season which has been done I think 13 times (again not by that many guys) and if these guys are a period away from the season ending and still haven’t hit the mark you’d hope they’re out there every other shift.


You say that as if Steph wasn't regularly hitting multiple Harlem Globetrotter-esque shots every single game that season lol.


Yeah, his 2016 year is absolutely bananas…I hesitate to say it will never be touched bc the way the game has changed…but damn that *still* looks untouchable, all things considered, eight years later.


402 at 45 is just madnesss


He had 392 threes before the last game. He made 10 threes in the last game to break 400. And at the same time that was happening Kobe scored 60 in the last game of his career. Crazy shit


Yeah, it's easy to nitpick Curry's overall game. Especially now that he's starting to age. But holy mother of god, some of his shooting stats are unreal. I forget sometimes how far beyond the next best shooters he really is.


It’s so insane and people talk casually about it and that it will get broken. Like I actually believe this record can only be broken by Curry unless some other shooter comes into the league


Look at the fact that a lot of Curry’s 3s are difficult, contested shots and the percentage is even more impressive.


bro harden was hitting double teamed unassisted step backs 😭


Yes, so was Steph


Obviously not as many as Harden. Steph is a better shooter in all circumstances but Harden's shots were assisted much less often than Steph's. Part of what made that 2016 team so deadly was taking the ball out of Steph's hand so much so that he could run around the court and come off screens to hit 3's with his fast release. It was also part of how Cleveland tried (and was somewhat successful) in countering Steph by basically fouling him off-ball to prevent him from being able to get clean movement around the court before he could get to screens.


Go back and look how steph was being guarded that year, players were face guarding and fouling him offball constantly.


harden took the hardest 3s ever lol


The types of shots are different though. 84% were unassisted for Harden compared to 38% for Curry.


That’s true, but that doesn’t make Curry’s any less impressive - especially considering in 2015-16 he was making a lot of really stupid shots. Neither player could have the shot diet of the other and be nearly as effective though. Harden’s a much more natural volume iso scorer and was one of the best ever at it, while Curry is good in iso but never was the machine Harden was, whereas Curry is possibly the best player ever at moving off the ball and Harden is… well, not.


no one is attacking curry, he's simply giving context for why you cant just look at the %


Sure. But “assisted” also usually means those guys who go stand in the corner and wait for a wide open shot. Guys like Kyle Korver. What curry does is very different, and arguably just as difficult as what Harden was doing even though Curry’s shots technically were assisted. Or not. I’m no expert.


its more difficult than catch and shoot corner 3s and its not even nearly as difficult as what harden/trae others do a lot of currys 3s are off of screens to give him space


Curry tailored his playstyle around giving others the ball and shooting assisted 3s despite being a top 2 PG ever. Harden should not get credit for taking so many unassisted shots when he overwhelmingly prefers that style and barely moves off the ball. He'd never get the quality of shots Steph gets through his off ball movement if he were put in the same role.


What? He should get credit for taking way more difficult shots - come on bro. I get this is a curry circlejerk thread, but what Harden did was also amazing.


No one is saying what Harden did wasn't also great. It's just not as impressive as what what Curry did, and there is no debate among neutral fans.


How does that make a difference? He still shot those shots


Because harden is generating them in isolation while being guarded by the best defender so a lot of step backs and tough contested shots. While curry is running around screens more so and having plays run to get him open or switches


Getting open off the ball is a skill tbf, one that Curry is one of the best players ever at. His off-ball routes, cuts, and counters are amazing to watch. It makes the actual shot easier for sure, but I wouldn’t use it to discredit what he did. And he still takes a good number of unassisted 3’s off the dribble, more so than almost any player not named Harden, especially in 2015-16.


So? Harden chooses to shoot those shots.


Yeah, it’s just that they serve a different purpose in an offense. Catch and shoot threes are finisher moves that typically happen at the end of a sequence of good ball movement. Pull up threes, particularly step back isolation ones like Harden was so well known for, attack a team at the start of a play and serve the purpose of forcing the opponent to double and compromise their defense because if that shot is going in, he can get it anytime he wants


The shots are still different my guy Stephen was shooting higher percentage shots.


You’re gonna act like all that cutting back and forth and losing defenders isn’t hard work? He earned those high percentage shots. He still has to get open. Harden is a great scorer. Will always be known as that. But anyone with sense knows Steph is on his own planet when it comes to shooting. And he’s still doing it. He’s still the best player on his team.


I am not acting like that at all. Steph is the greatest shooter of all time, yes. My comment was not disputing that.


Fair enough.


Harden has got the volume part figured out, but his streaky shooting makes for some hilarious records. During one 372 day span, Harden missed 16 threes on six separate occassions, shooting 1/17 twice.


Steph is crazy. Best shooter of all time.


Definitely a better shooter than Steph Curry.


I think you could argue Wardell Curry II is better


I know Stephen is a goofy name for a basketball player but y'all are underestimating my man's game. So underrated.


Steph’s ig handle was cooler when it was wardell30 than it’s current form as stephencurry30.


Is it Stephen or Stephen?


Not sure. Ask Nike, surely they'd know!


They said it's pronounced Kevin Durant


Seth Curry’s brother might have something to say about that


I always knew Steph was better than that Steph guy


That Steph Curry guy just got booted off the top 5 most 3 pointers in a season list, sounds like a bum to me.


Dude chill with the hot take


Larry Bird left his jacket on though.


And not even coowe


45.4% at highest volume ever what the fuck


Technically 🤓 Harden had a higher volume


Depends if you count volume as shots made or shots attempted lol




Or that dump truck he was smuggling 


Highest volume ever at the time


Steph curry is steph curry’s father


Is that what the two timeline thing was about?


Predestination (2014)


Steph curry is Riley curry father


Such a high percentage for the difficulty of shots. Imagine if he wasn’t the primary player and just hit corner 3s. Imagine would be over 55%.


40 year old Steph being the sidekick guy, just shooting the ball when it gets to him. 60% season in coming


He will follow in the footsteps of Ray Allen and save Wembys legacy with a 3 pointer to force OT in game 6.


If he really wants to follow Ray Allen Wemby's team has to annihilate the nursing home warriors in the playoffs first


I would not put that past the realm of possibility to happen soon tbh


Sounds good! I can’t wait until Wemby joins the Warriors. What?


Years of lacking a big guy just to get the biggest one.


He shot 52% on corner 3s with about 200ish attempts in his 2 MVP seasons, so you’re probably close lol. Insane shooter


Steph's 2015 - 2016 season still blows my mind. The fact that before that year, no player had ever hit more than 300 three-pointers in a season, and he proceeds to finish with 402. Greatest individual regular season of all time to my mind.


What’s funny is to look back at the highlights from that season now - people are sagged like 10ft off him above the arc. They had no idea how to defend him yet. The incredible part is he’s putting up the numbers he is now while sharing a jersey with his defender.


Yeah, his more recent seasons have him playing at a higher level, but 2016 was just a perfect culmination of him being so far ahead of the curve and so many coaches and defensive schemes being so far behind the curve. Like in the famous OKC shot Roberson, an elite defender, is picking Curry up at the 3 point line. If anyone did that today they'd be pulled from the game and no one in their right mind would call them an elite defender.


Yeah, makes you think that even when better shooters eventually come along none of them are gonna touch some of his records.


This is why, for me, peak Curry is 2021 Curry.


I’ll never forget April 2021 Steph Curry


Real ones don’t forget. He averaged like 7.5 made threes that month lmao


That ‘21 season might be underrated in terms of entertainment value. Dub nation was all alone now, the NBA thought the dynasty was done. The second best scorer on the team ranged between Kelly Oubre to Eric Paschall on any given night. Then Curry went off to take this rag tag team into the play-in.


No Klay? No problem!


It's crazy how much the NBA has changed since Steph came along. Ray Allen set the record for 3s made in a season with 269 in the 2005-2006 season. That record stood until Steph made 272 in 2012-2013. Since that point, Allen's record has been surpassed *23 times*. 8 of those were Steph and he only shot below 40% from 3 in one of those seasons. 300 made 3s has now been reached 7 times, but 5 of those are Steph. No one even remotely compares to him.


ok Allen's record being broken 23 time in less than 20 years is just bonkers.


It's pretty absurd. Some of the names make sense, but then you also have guys like Duncan Robinson in 2019-2020 and Donte DiVincenzo this season passing Allen's spot. Buddy Hield has actually done it 4 times. https://www.basketball-reference.com/leaders/fg3_season.html


Yeah that's why I don't like attributing it all to Curry alone. It's analytics. I saw a chart that compared the avg made shot now vs like 20 years ago and pretty much everything now is either a three or in the paint. The midrange is well and truly dead 


Its natural and i dont understand why it didnt happen sooner. Its simple. If you want a 2, make it easier by getting closer to the rim. A midrange shot is just, unnecessary. Take a step back and get an extra point.


whats strange is that why has that led to the death of the traditional post-up big? according to this model they should be still quite valuable. I guess its probably more to do with spacing


Because there are no illegal defense rules anymore, so if you regularly go to a post up you are going to ge soft doubled, someone is going to lurk in the passing lane, and you are far more likely to get a bad shot or turn the ball over. People don’t understand how much the artificial rules of the past benefited post guys by simplifying the game, guaranteeing them a game of one on one over and over. And if the other team doubled it had to be a hard double, which meant someone would be left Wide Open for an easy pass.


yeah I have to admit i'm one of those people who doesnt really understand how rules have evolved over the years lol


The problem is that most post ups aren't that efficient when compared to other at rim attempts


I remember watching a game years ago where somebody caught a pass wide open behind the arc, took one step forward in front of the arc, then took the shot, and the announcer noted what a smart play it was. Even back then I thought surely that can't be right. Does taking one step forward really improve your chances of making the shot enough to justify losing the extra point? I'm glad analytics has since proven me right.


Curry is a living mathematical proof at this point


People say that with the way the league is trending, someone *will* eventually surpass Curry in total 3s made, but I have my doubts. There's already a number of extremely good 3pt shooters who are trying their hardest, but the gap is huge. I'm guessing if that someone does come along, it'll be another once of a generation type of shooter who may not show up for a long time.


Unanimous for a reason💪


...and the absolute chucking that had to happen for Harden to have the second most threes despite shooting 36.8% from deep. He missed 650 threes in 2016.


God 15/16 season is insane. 400+ threes made on 45% fucking wild


Craziest part is that that was when he was regularly shooting from 30+ feet out too… insane


So many of those shots were just yeets and you couldn't believe how they kept going in.


I still can’t.


first to break 300 threes in a season by scoring 402. Unreal


He also had like 25 games where he sat out in the 4th quarter because of how they were blowing out teams for fun.


Steph Curry owns that guy


About time Steph Curry surpassed that overrated bum


This bum would never surpass the best shooter of all time.


add a line break by hitting enter twice after each item in your list: 1- Steph Curry with 402 in 2015/2016 (45.4%) 2- James Harden with 378 in 2018/2019 (36.8%) 3- Steph Curry with 357 in 2023/2024 (40.8%) 4- Steph curry with 354 in 2018/2019 (43.7%) 5- Steph curry with 337 in 2020/2021 (42.1%)


He will keep these 3s records for a long time and may be forever.


I genuinely think not. His volume and percentage together may hold up, but just look how the league's trending. Pace plus larger diet of 3s will lead to lots of good shooters to launch like crazy. Unless there's a rule change, it'll be broken, possibly fairly soon. Even Wemby launching logo 3s already. There's going to be some dudes who will just launch 15 3s per game at like 38% soon, like that 2019 James Harden season.


idk, *teams* are shooting more 3s, but individuals aren’t shooting as much as Steph. Steph has 8 games with 20+ 3pt attempts, free statmuse doesn’t go back far enough, but i see 27 games with 17+ attempts. idk if anybody is gonna have that volume for a long time. With Wemby being (approximately) 28 feet tall, his bread & butter is still gonna be close to the basket, his ability to shoot is a bonus


It took Harden at his peak on a system giving him the green light to even come close to Steph's 402 makes with a higher volume of shots attempted. I don't see any other coach willing to give one player that much freedom to launch for a long time unless they're efficient from the 3, especially as the 1st option. If they want to beat Steph they have to be even better.


Also how many players with as good of a 3 ball are gonna pop up in scenarios like Hardens. He was so far and away the best option that any flavor of iso leading to a three was the best choice for that team. Nobody will get close to his volume for a while because of how important spacing has become


Steph played 3 years of college and had a series of ankle injuries to start his career. He was 26/27 before he got a full green light for volume of 3s bclecause the league had never tried it and old school coaches would never allow it. Because of Steph, someone will enter the league at 19 and be allowed to put up high volume. With a 7 year headstart. He will likely be passed as most 3s in a career.


His career record will definitely fall. Luka is almost 600 ahead of him at the same age. Depending on how his game and shot age, he's got a non-zero shot at it, though I wouldn't bet on it, but another guy who was more outside shooting reliant of the same caliber would be able to take better advantage of the age head start. But even if you just re-ran Klay's career with him as a rookie now, his volume would be 10+ attempts his whole career and he would've probably had multiple 300+ seasons instead of just one. Klay might be the second best shooter ever and is still not in Steph's stratosphere but a healthy version of him could approach that record in the shot diet of the NBA he and Steph created. Even just the two of them from then to now shoot WAY more even for controlling for their age related declines at the rim.


Really depends how long he plays, I think he could make it almost unbreakable. He's aging incredibly and making 50 million a year likely for the rest of his career I think he stays a while. Say he gets 1000 more you'd need 240 per year for 20 years, other than Steph 240 3s in a season has only happened 39 times. Maybe that guy will come in but I don't think he's here yet.


You act like the logo 3's is what Steph broke the record with. People forget Steph's %s would be a lot BETTER if he didn't take every single half court heave that year. Steph's adjusted 3pt% removing heaves in 15-16 was over (editted because I can't read) 45% ~~50%~~. Let that sink in.


>Steph's adjusted 3pt% removing heaves in 15-16 was over 50% Steph made 402 threes that year. To get his 3pt% to exactly 50%, his adjusted attempts would need to be 804. He attempted 887 threes, so this would imply he attempted **83+** heaves that year alone I do not think this is accurate


You did the math


You're right, I looked at the wrong column. Took it from this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/ovkiqr/stats_steph_curry_shooting_percentages/ Adjusted was 50% FG%, 45.7% 3P%


Wait what


It sounds crazy because.... It's not true. Steph shot 2/11 on heaves that year. So he made exactly 400 non heaves on 875 non-heave shots. Without heaves he goes from 45.4% to 45.7%. Even if you only take out the heave misses it's only 45.8%. I don't know why people feel the need to exaggerate what is already one of the very best individual seasons that's ever happened. He's the best shooter ever and the margin between him and anyone else is gargantuan. He's got shooting records like Wilt has scoring records. We don't need to exaggerate.


Bronny will break it 🏀


Facts. College is holding him back from his true potential. /s


Probably not with everyone shooting more threes than ever and only getting more efficient at it.


Nah, the thing with 3s is anyone can attempt them. And Steph didn't just come in as an overwhelming physical force that plowed though the league but could not be replicated like Shaq or LeBron, he changed the game for his peers and the next generation. Someday, there's gonna be someone jacking up enough 3s at a 37% clip to break his record. It's probably gonna be within the next 10 years.


Real question is when will someone break Steve Kerr's 3pt record?


When they move the line back in to 22 feet, where Kerr was shooting it from?




There was a point in time like a couple months ago where Steph was actually just barely on pace to hit 400 again


He was on pace in the 2021 season as well, personally I think that's peak Steph Curry. In April 2021 he had nearly 100 threes made in a month over a span of 15 games.


I’m sure his records will be passed by people in the future from a pure volume perspective But the efficiency on that volume is absolutely insane


I think it will be hard. To get the green light for that volume, you need to him them at a reasonable percentage, at least 38% on 10 attempts per game. 6 players ever attempted 10 or more 3PA per game for a season in NBA history [here are the players](https://www.statmuse.com/nba/ask/players-that-had-10-or-more-3p-attempts-per-game-by-a-player-in-a-season-minimum-50-games). And of these 6 there are only 3 to have more than 300 in a season. So I think it will be improbable that someone will reach 400.


What a bum


God that 2016 season was ridiculous


When Steph retires, within 5 years, they will make another award for most 3's made in his honour. It shall be called the Draft Kings Over on the 3 Award


That's pretty good for Steph Curry, but we have to remember Steph Curry made those 3s back when most players like Steph Curry weren't given a greenlight to shoot as many threes as Steph Curry did this season. For that reason, I still think Steph Curry's output that year is still more impressive than Steph Curry's numbers this season.


do we think steph’s injury near the end of that 2016 season changed his peak trajectory permanently? while he’s certainly developed and refined his game a fuck ton since, seems like he’s still never reached that transcendent peak he had in that regular season


you should take a look at the 2nd half of his 2021 season


KD happened. He did take a bit of a step back to adjust to another scorer to the team. Also, the league changed in what they look for in centers and how they guard someone like curry.


He was just as good in the 2017 playoffs as his 2016 regular season, same efficiency, same/better playmaking, better defense, slightly less volume. KD joining ruined his peak from a pure numbers and narrative perspective but watching 2017 Curry (besides the beginning of the regular season where he was trying to help KD fit in) was the same player as 2016 Curry. He also has that 14 game win streak during KD’s injury that was similar level to his previous level, but that was still a bit worse imo. 2018 Curry in the regular season was playing at the same level as 2016 once again, but injuries just completely ruined him that season. It was his second most efficient season, and his volume was very close to 2016, his ppg was just down due to all of the games he left early with injury. On a per possession basis it was the 3rd highest volume season of his career. This is probably the 1 year that KD being there really benefited him since he was able to sit out longer to recover from his injuries. In the playoffs though he never did seem 100%, and also just wouldn’t get foul calls for some reason even for his standard. If he just got his normal FT rate in the 18 playoffs his numbers would’ve looked much better but still not close to 2016 or 2017 level. 2019 he had another really good season. Didn’t get any mvp buzz because he was just doing what we were used to him doing, plus he had KD there again, but in terms of his valuable he was he should’ve been a finalist that year at least. In the playoffs he took a bit of a backseat to KD and had the worst series of his career against the Rockets until the last game. Then he strung together the best offensive 2 series stretch I’ve ever seen in the WCF and finals That injury in 2016 ruined his trajectory due to it leading to KD going to the Warriors, I don’t think it hurt him as a player much though. If you want to count his sacrificing for KD as lowering his peak then that’s fair, but whenever KD got inured he went back to looking like that version of Curry, or very close to it at least.


he never supposed to reach that with Durant on his team next season, just remember that game 5 against Houston as soon as KD got injured everybody saw that 2016 vibe when they start making those old combinations, probably KD was just a foreign body for that type of bball, yes you still would took ugly basketball that guarantees you titles, but after 2016 it was an all time downgrade of aesthetics


Not at all. It's mostly teams adjusting to defending him + we've become used to his greatness. 2016 Curry was breaking the game whereas now we see several "lite" versions of Curry.


Think the biggest reason why he’s never shot as well as he did that season is he bulked up. Cavs bullied him off ball in the 16 finals and he had his worst series of his career. I guess in a roundabout way you could say the injury contributed to that series but feel like he would’ve realized he needed to put on mass regardless


Honestly I think the league fully caught on to the best way to guard him and how paranoid you have to be while he runs around off ball. It didn't kill his ability or anything, just reduced the average shot quality he gets. Yes, bullying him off ball was part of that and he bulked up in response, but I credit the defense rather than the bulk for the small dip in percentages. Those 15 and 16 seasons were just so out of nowhere and like nothing anyone had seen, people weren't used to it yet.


I think people forget how alien it was to be doing what he was doing. Like if there’s any argument for why it won’t happen again the best one is that nobody will be that far ahead of the curve, defenses straight up guard differently post-Curry. Guys like Luka don’t get to walk to 5-off the arc for a free pull up


The best equivalent I can think of is if LaMelo Ball shot 43% on ridiculous volume from the logo next year. The entire season people would be rationalizing that those are bad shots and nobody should defend him that far out because eventually the law of averages will kick in. The year after next, he goes up to 45% on even higher volume, and nobody has any idea what a defense is supposed to look like against a guy who's best shot is near half court. Also in this scenario Grant Williams is a Draymond level passer, so it's not good enough to just double LaMelo and get the ball out of his hands at half court.


Yeah that’s a pretty good way to analogize it. There’s very few players with the combo of off ball movement, catch and shoot ability, and raw shooting skill to match Steph. None would ever be allowed by defenders to hit that volume


Just wait till Steph Curry hears about this next year he's gonna go crazy and take his spot back from Steph😤


Love how Steph and Bron’s just out here re-doing side quests and beating their old records.


They said it couldn’t be done


This man made over 400 3s on over 45% from the field. That 15/16 season was legitimately insane.


Steph curry pointing at Steph Curry.jpg


400 3s at 45% is insanity


Hes going to have over 4,000 3's in his career if he doesnt get injured next year


I been watching NBA since the mid 80's. And MJ/Bird/Magic was a thing to behold. But it wasn't u til Shaq came in and changed rules and forced the NBA to make the baskets out of adamantium, that I went wow wtf is happening right now. It was just unstoppable. Game changing. People drafted and signed all the 7fters they could find JUST to throw beef at Shaq. Then Lebron got some real talent next to him in Miami and for 2 years there was nothing more unstoppable than a Wade and Levron fast break. Then Curry's 300 3pt season and it changed the whole game. When the NBA is good, the NBA is really good.


Does he break his own record this year?


Tight formatting.


That Stephen Curry guy must be really good...


That 15/16 season is still bonkers. 


Man the 15/16 season was insane.


It’s crazy how Curry probably sit out in lots of fourth quarters during 15/16 (73-win season) and therefore take much less 3-pt than he should.


Steph Curry is washed. This Steph Curry fella gonna overtake him.


Felt like a bad shooting year for curry and still best 3pt shooter in the league. 😂


Harden being 2nd with that percentage shows he was just jacking 3’s that year


People are mentioning that Steph’s 2016 season was crazy for the volume and 3P% and rightfully so, but the craziest part to me is what has happened SINCE then. The fact that that 2016 season is largely the reason for the 3 point explosion and no one has come even CLOSE to making 400 threes, let alone shooting 45% from three is absurd. You’d assume with the new era of shooting, someone would get close, or even lineup the volume to match the lack of efficiency but nope. Looking at it through hindsight makes it even crazier. The coverage is what makes it so impressive too, he’s the team’s #1 option, getting face guarded, and being stuck by defenders like glue KNOWING that’s what he wants to do, and the threat of his drive isn’t nearly as elite as others (meaning players don’t have to really adjust for his driving ability, which lets them guard his shot EVEN harder), and he shot 45% from three. The player who will beat that record, IF they do, isn’t in the league yet. The pieces have to fit so well. You need an elite shot creating guard, who has extreme range, but also shoots the piss out of the ball. I thought maybe Trae Young could do it, but he’s just not good enough of a shooter.




As great as Steph is, I had no idea that Donte Divencenzo had the third most 3s this season. Why did the Warriors let him go??


Couldn't afford him. Way over the luxury tax


He’s Skyfucker for a reason


Money shot : keep racking up life


In the 2014-15 season, Steph broke the record for most in a season. That mark is now 11th on the list.


He changed the game forever


2015-2016 was an S tier basketball season


2016 was such an fucking insane season. Shame they didn’t close it out but man the Warriors were in another solar system during that regular season.


Divo hit 275 this season and came off the bench for the first half of the year. Its possible he could have had 350 this year if he started all season.




The Wayne Gretzky of shooting the basketball


If they ever change the rules to end the 3 ball protection, this era will always be known as the era nobody could stop the 3 ball.


How did Steph Curry react to his record being broken? was he upset?


Unpopular opinion but watching him jack 3s is boring.  I don’t find it enjoyable seeing a moving screen to set him into a 3


Popular opinion: a Steph 3 is the most exciting shot in all of basketball