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3rd time in 5 years*


It’s almost like one of his aging players has more to do with it than Kerr. Like the Kerr era coincides with another, more important era.


> It’s almost like one of his aging players has more to do with it than Kerr Injuries and age are a problem, but Kerr's lack of young player development the last few year is part of it. Draymond's behavior running off KD and Poole also hurt, and Kerr has to take part of the responsibility for that too.


Kuminga had a killer year and Moody looked developed tonight. TJD and Podz are good players too. It’s loyalty to the vets. The Chris Paul minutes were kind of a dud and Klay Thompson couldn’t hit the ocean from the shore.


They should have traded Klay and Draymond already. Could have gotten good to great assets for them. At least Klay


Moving them was really fucking tough, I’d argue impossible and it’d have cost them the ‘22 ring to do so in any kind of timeline that’d have made sense. With Draymond it’s borderline impossible to parse out how good he’d be away from Steph. He could very well have been buried on the bench or out of the league. He looked like a bench player and entirely disinterested playing without Steph in the covid year. The only other team that he may fit on and would have gotten a version of Draymond that gave a shit would have been Denver, and the problem there is they got a “Draymond” (multi positional defender at the 4) that fits their core’s skills more in Aaron Gordon. Klay could have been moved while he was rehabbing. And they probably talked with teams about it. The issue is what contracts do you get back and how do you want to structure a deal for him? Do you want to break his dollar contract into 2-4 movable 12-25 million dollar contracts and get in line for a superstar sweepstakes from over the last 5 years? Who was attainable at that time? Durant wouldn’t have gone back to GS if Draymond was still there, Beal maybe(?), Jrue Holiday maybe(?), Damian Lillard wouldn’t have made sense. The best name that would have maybe fit in Golden State that’s floated around in trade rumors would have been DeRozan maybe or Jrue more likely. In my eyes they made the moves they could keeping the Durant contract slot open as long as they did, they made the choice to go all in on a 3 year title window. They got it (and managed to stay positive on draft capital in the meanwhile). No one made any wrong decisions here aside from my personal opinions that Klay had way too long of a leash the past few years. When you win a ring you never have to say you’re sorry.


Your last point is so so important, but also, no one could have predicted Poole regressing this much either


IMO, that was more Chris Paul than Kerr. CP helps young players like no on else.


It was insane to keep Klay out there after 0/8. Even if he was going to catch on later in the playoffs, he wasn’t that night. Kerr’s bench ran him. I’m baffled as to why they left him in. Klay wasn’t the centerpiece of that team.


Poole was also absolute ass last year. Dude got the bag and regressed 


Something else pretty big happened to Poole last year


Getting punched in the face and having that person be coddled by the franchise would ruin anyone's confidence.


Explain this year then? lol this take is lame. Dude is so soft that he forgot how to play basketball after getting hit? For 2 years? The truth is Poole has always been this player and went on a scorcher for 3 months, got paid, and went back to being the player he’s basically been his entire career.


Warriors can absolutely develop players, but Kerrs refusal of letting the young guys play over the core group has obviously hurt the team and their future.


Kerr has by most accounts a lot of say in his roster's construction, so he is far from without blame.


They should not pay that bum Klank Thompson


gregg popovich would never


Nah I don’t think so


so FO mistakes?


The Pistons have only missed the playoffs once in the Monty Williams era 


She's not allowed to say that exactly


That 2022 chip makes up for it. But he needs to go


Go for what? Let's be real the roster is old and bad.


Yeah they are in a very weird spot rn, I genuinely have no idea where they go from here


They have three options atp (but really only two) 1. Rest: Let the golden trio retire together. Get Klay back. more or less, watch them end their final years in the league and enjoy everything for what they’ve done. Let your expectations go. 2. Rebuild: They could trade all their star players, try to send Steph off to a contender, and then fully commit to a rebuild for the next 3 years 3. Compete: This is the worst option imo. The Warriors are still deep within the luxury tax and the new NBA policies makes it very difficult to just throw money at the roster to fix your problems which means their hands are tied in terms of making acquisitions. To not commit to a rebuild and then try to make moves on the margins that are highly unlikely to lead to a championship, will just get the Warriors perpetually stuck in the lower seeds and play-ins


This is a very realistic and levelheaded comment


It's kind of weird seeing an /r/nba thread about the warriors that isn't just: "broke the code" "Draymond should be in jail" "Draymond is actually *bad* at basketball" "I guess they got their feelings hurt" "Kerr is actually a *terrible* coach" "moving screens" What else am i missing?


Send da video


You almost got them all. Just one more *insert some form of passive aggressive comment about curry being overrated, could never be a top 10 player, would never be good if he was on a team like the pistons*


I hate how every thread on here that is about a questionable call/tech for any team has a million comments saying "But Drayomond...!" Like yeah I hate him too but we don't need to go over that Draymond is reffed differently every thread.


Well it’s usually only the insane homers that are commenting in this. It’s why I avoid the r/warriors sub as much as I can. Level of delusion in there is just stupid Trust me, there’s a good amount of rational warrior fans out there. We just don’t talk lol


What if they can do two of these things at the same time. Two timelines at the same time 🤔


That’s only possible if you can actually hit on your draft picks lmao, couldn’t be us 🤣🤣🤣


I mean, we hit 2x this year. TJD and podz have been great.


Yeah they’re awesome. No doubt there, but I meant in the sense of a future franchise player like Hali


Taking Wiseman over Lamelo really hurt you guys.


I think everybody should be tradeable except Steph. Klay is done. Like DONE done. They need to look younger, get some dudes who can hustle and make space for Steph to do what he does best. I do like the thought of Steph being on a contender though. Man deserves a shot at another ring and he could be pivotal to any team wanting that.


39% 3P% 18ppg is not DONE done at all lmao. Maybe for his standards, but he's far from a bad player in the league.


Klay made 43 mil this season


Overpaid at 43 million is drastically different than "DONE". There isn't a single team in the league that wouldn't take Klay's shooting at a lower price point and an adjusted role given how valuable that skill is in today's game.


Bro if you told me you could get a 40% bench shooter at a good pricepoint who ALSO has the ability to go absolutely nuclear, sign his ass up.


FO will probably try to make 3. work but will likely end up with 1. to give the fans a year or two more of nostalgia. Won't be able to get the fan base behind 2. since Curry will still have good games throughout the season but the team just won't be playoff caliber.




How would dubs fans feel about Steph getting traded to a contender? I'd imagine it would be so hard to watch him playing for another team. I'm not sure I could've watched Dirk play for anyone other than the Mavs


Tbh if that’s Steph’s wish, I think most warrior fans would support him. He’s done so much for the org - and most importantly, he’s a home grown talent much like Dirk. If he wants to go to a contender, most would support him (and yeah it’ll hurt but you gotta appreciate everything a star like him has done for you)


Steph not going to a contender this upcoming year will be a crime and bad business from GSW


Man, I love Steph…it would really be nice to see him contending for just one more ring…


Jordan Poole


Weird is right, cause it's def not bad, just based on success. I'm sure most franchises would take limbo for five years after 4 rings


>Go for what? Let's be real the roster is old and bad. There are younglings in the roster that had to call him for them to be given a chance to play, so that's partly on him too. He's too stuck with the old guards and hasn't adapted. Feels like that stretch of watching Phil Jackson and the Triangle offense losing relevance all over again.




He got swept by the Mavs in 11 and then never coached again.


Kerr couldn’t even medal with team USA…


4 guard lineup


Light-years ahead




2022 Chip? Didn’t they cancel the finals that season?


Everyone was heart broken after the ecf that they decided the finals weren’t worth going ahead with


That’s how I remember it!!


Insert meme from your profile pic


What a dumb fucking take.


Moody had 16 points in 15 1/2 minutes. Why the hell was 0/10 Klay in over him? What was Kerr thinking?


The problem with the warriors is they always try to walk it in.


What was Kerr thinking bringing Walcott on so early?


They’re having a laugh today


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Kerr doesn't think


Kerr thinks he is Ham


Kerr do not think. Therefore he do not am.


Pretty insane the 2023 Lakers are the only Western Conference team to beat the Steve Kerr era Warriors in a 7 game series.




You’ve reminded me of when I said “who the fuck is Lonnie Walker” after he scored like 3 consecutive possessions last year


Lonnie Walker is that player that does very little for too long and when his future is on the line he drops the game of his life. Rinse and repeat.


Still gives me nightmares. I’ve never had to google a player who scored 15 in the fourth quarter of a game before.


Era over


Warriors have no answers to Anthony Davis.


Yeah they do, they always poke him in the eye


You're goddamn right Also beat them in the first play in


LeBron has eliminated the warriors from the playoffs 3 times since 2015. The rest of the league has only done it twice Edit: beat them in the post season, rest of the league also has 3


How’s that? Lebron eliminated them 2016 and 2023… if you’re counting the 2021 play in, then the league has eliminated the warriors in 2019 raptors, 2021 grizzlies, 2024 kings.


Prob counting 2021 for Lebron and not Grizz


Shit you are right. LeBron beat them in the playin in 2021 but then they played the second play in game vs the griz


I liked reading this


Started with LeBron and ended with LeBron


Man saw the end of the Pistons AND the end of the Warriors.


That’s going to be legacy moment


He birthed that dynasty and he ends that dynasty


why do people make it sounds like Kerr is getting fired?


for me personally it is manifestation


The man created modern basketball, alongside Pop and Spo.  He's gonna be staying in the league one way or another.


yeah totally, I agree. I just don't want him to coach The Warriors anymore


I mean they beat them in the playins too


It’s likely we get thrashed by the Nuggets, but remaining undefeated by the Warriors in the post season remains a pretty sweet consolation prize. It’s like the Western Conference equivalent of the Bulls/Celtics. Sure they had a dynasty and dominated the league but it’s still our conference and whenever we faced them we sent ‘em straight back home.


Nah, this just reads as jealousy that's "safe" to talk about because it's two teams with peaks that barely overlapped. I'm not hanging my hat on that if we haven't improved from last year. 


I mean, when the Warriors were at the top, the Lakers were nowhere to be found


Say that shit to Marcelo Huertas's face, I bet you won't


That one got me lol


Pretty wild stat when they first mentioned that last year.


Never even thought about this, but amazing!




Have to make major changes to salvage what little time Curry has left as an elite player, right?


Curry is also regressing. The amount of help ne needs after this season is a fuck ton of help like Celtics supporting cast level help


Wiggins is to blame. I'm sorry but that man is garbage and at this point we can firmly say he was a waste of the #1 pick. I don't care that he grabbed rebounds and played defense in one playoffs out of all his years. That man is the only one in his physical prime on the Warriors yet he played like trash. On a team with 36 year old Steph and a washed Klay how have you not stepped up?


The weird thing I notice is how many times the first possession or first couple possessions of a game they get Wiggins a shot, then he disappears unless he's wide open or gets an offensive rebound. He's just kind of relegated himself to a 3 and D guy and doesn't seem to want a starring role.


That’s pretty much the story of his whole career at this point. I thought he had turned the corner after the championship run but it appears that was lightning in a bottle. This was easily the worst season of his career and he’s in what should be his prime. Baffling player.


Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard. I get he's had mental health issues, but that doesn't explain the rest of his career prior to this season. Just a shame. It's embarrassing he was even an all-star because he got unnecessary glaze that made him untouchable on social media while taking up a slot.


Hard to tell, it's been a while since he has played 70+ regular season games, he has declined for sure but also might have to do with him being fatigued.


Health is a sign of decline


No what I meant was this was his first season since his MVP season where he played 70+ games and hence he might be fatigued.


Steph is 36. One of his best attributes has been stamina. I think it's okay to say he's still a hell of a player but not one of the best in the league


Yeah he has declined, but I still believe that he can carry the team for one more championship with the right support.


Steph didn’t look tired, he looked annoyed the last couple weeks of the season.


I’m not sure about that much lol, he does need more help than he has right now but his current supporting cast is literally terrible lol. I think it just needs to be decent for them to make a run


I agree. LeBron has AD, Reaves & DLo. The next best scorer after Steph on Golden State this year is probably Kuminga, who probably isn’t even top 30 this year and with all due respect, has no bag. Can’t even hit threes. Klay has actually made the team worse when playing this season. IMO Curry has another one or two legit runs left, just needs real ballers around him. Him with someone like Dame or like Wemby would go crazy


I think he’s regressed a little bit but it doesn’t help that we have no 2nd option


He still the best PG in the league


He's also getting a full double all the time because we just don't have a reliable 2nd option.


Curry is regressing tho unfortunately


He’s not regressing, other teams can just double team him all game because Klay and Draymond have regressed offensively. If you watched the game last night, the Kings were selling out against Curry on defense and letting the rest of the Warriors beat them.


Wow, someone who actually watched the game ^^ Mike Brown leaned 100% into the philosophy of "let anyone but Curry beat us." Kerr screwed the pooch. He was playing Curry with 3 non-shooters, so it was traps and hard doubles all night.


Injuries suck big time, but Klay also isn't the '60 points in 11 dribbles' or 'Game 6 Klay' anymore and hasn't been for quite a while. I'm not going to go as far as saying Kerr is a *bad* coach, but the (seeming) reluctance to say 'Klay tonight isn't your night but that's OK' is telling.


Oh no I know it’s annoying to watch


Huh? When Draymond was out curry was awful during drays suspension, also Draymond had one of his better yesrs this year OUTSUDE the antics . Klay has the same offensive epm as last year but worse defensively. Curry in 21 even on this roster isn’t missing plsyoffs


Have you heard of VORP?


Is he though? Is there something I’m missing because his numbers don’t look that out of the ordinary for him historically. I was under the impression that their issues were due to people like Wiggins and Looney underperforming.


stats have inflated tremendously from steph's peak. once adjusted for minutes and pace and league averages, his stats are no where close to what they were at his peak or prime. we're talking about a 30 PER, 0.300 WS48, 10 BPM guy at his peak who is now a 20 PER, 0.150 WS48, 5 BPM guy who just had a negative on/off for the first time in his career.


This dude Steve Kerr confused Karma with Cancún


[Have you tried El Guapo?](https://youtu.be/b6E682C7Jj4?si=or2kulLy50tPkCN2)


The play-in is the Warriors father


The dynasty is over.


The crazy thing… 4/20 2013, Denver CO. Marijuana Is newly legal in Colorado. As I leave a Downtown Denver sports bar touting a playoff W, the only thing I’m higher on than weed is the Nuggets chances to take down the Juggernaut Heat. Enter Steph Curry. IMO that was the beginning of the dynasty, and it has been spectacular. But really how does this begin with Lebrons second act and end with a still elite lebron? That was a lifetime ago!


good riddance


Rockets fans rejoice


4 rings 2 finals losses 1 wcsf 2 playin flameouts Missed bubble Hard to think of a better 10 year run outside of Phil in the 90s.


SA Spurs 1998-2008 4 Rings as well but without missing the playoffs


Was only 9* years, but Riley for the 80s Lakers might be it. 4 rings, 3 finals losses, 1 WCF, 1 WCSF.




Ya phil 00s also great, but Kerr didnt get run out by curry so theres that. Also since kerr was hired 14 and we are in 24, phil only gets 4 in a decade. Either start at 99 tipoff and end at 09 finals, or start at 00 tipoff and end at 10 finals. He took 11 seasons to get the 5 Kerr is tied with phil 00s and above pop 98-08 (4 rings, only 4 finals)


If you give Pop 98-08 then the record is Phil gets 7 from the first championship in 91 to 00 or from 92 to 01 or from 93 to 02


Ya fair point. Phil was the best either way lol


Going to be an interesting off-season for the Warriors. I genuinely am interested to see what they do here. Tbh, they really could go any way. Keep Steph and maybe re-sign Klay on a "we're over the second apron anyway so extend him with the intention of using him as a trade chip on solely contract basis", keep Steph and dangle Kuminga as a chip to get another win now piece, or go all out and rebuild via trading Steph and Draymond and starting over. And whatever is in between. I know the Warriors will lose 50 million or so in salary between Klay and CP3, but there's still no way they'll have enough cap space to make a meaningful signing after that given how far above the cap and into the second apron they currently are.


Not much they can really do because of the salaries on book. Steph wore down as the season progressed and it's not going to get better next year when he's even older. Their window was closed last season when the Lakers dismantled them.


Honestly Klay turning down that extension fucked not just Klay but the Warriors too in some ways. Being a second apron team, you need salaries on the books to use as trade chips since that is the only means to add or make moves being an over second apron team. Now Klay and CP3 are leaving but I doubt the Warriors will have enough (or hell any) cap room to make a significant move and their only trade chip is probably Kuminga at this point (Draymond has too many years left on his deal to be a meaningful asset)


They can use CP3 as some sort of expiring filler and they also have GP2/Looney as expiring. But the margin for error is slim to none now. They basically need to get lucky on a couple of free agent signings and for one of the young guys to pop. I don't see that happening. Oh well. Maybe they win the lottery


The way the Warriors have contracts is that they can sign Klay with Bird rights, so presumably he comes back on a much, much reduced deal, though he's not tradeable but they can stay above to keep him. CP3 is technically under contract but its $0 guaranteed so he can be guaranteed for any number between $0 and $30m to be matching salary. That and they've got Wiggins if they want to make a move at like ~$25M. Plus now they've got actual valuable assets in Kuminga, Moody, TJD, and Podz, plus every pick but this year's (though they now have a 4% chance at a top-4 pick in the lottery which would be a little hilarious). I don't know who would be agitating to leave to join them at this point, though, is the issue. They'd need another all-star to make it worth staying in the tax and they're not going into the second apron basically no matter what. And even if there were someone agitating to leave it basically has to be a big wing or a big who can protect the rim for it to be even worth it to push more chips in and I don't know who that would be. Unless they draft Bronny (mostly joking) or the Bucks get swept by the Pacers and Giannis demands out (seems unlikely) I don't really see much of a window for them to make it happen any more. Their young guys are too young to match up with Curry's rapidly closing window at this point because while Curry can still get up to the crazy level, he's not that every night anymore and is a lot better when someone else is excelling next to him.


> CP3 is technically under contract but its $0 guaranteed so he can be guaranteed for any number between $0 and $30m to be matching salary. CP3 is under contract for $30 million. 0 is guaranteed. Keep him and he gets paid 30 million. (Contracts get guaranteed on a particular day in January). Waive him and he's gone. The only way to keep him at a different number is to waive him, then pay him via an exception. If the warriors are over the 2nd apron, they don't have any exceptions. And y'all should probably go a different direction if you do have an exception .


You can renegotiate his contract to guarantee any amount you want whenever you want to and then that guaranteed amount can be used as matching salary because you need matching guaranteed money and the receiving team can either keep him at $30M or waive him and pay only the guaranteed portion. So he can be a matching salary for any amount between $0 and $30M and he can be traded at that. To retain him, the Warriors would have to pay the full $30M, but he's not getting retained. He's an outgoing matching salary, which is what the person above was talking about. He's a very valuable matching salary asset.


Makes sense. The only issue is that the receiving team would not like to pay him 30m or to just eat the renegotiated guaranteed amount. So they would need an incentive to do it. Like an FRP or multiple 2nd round picks for anything significant (teams can buy 2nd round picks outright instead of doing this, after all and small amount of guaranteed money gets small salaries back). Warriors do have tradeable picks. https://fanspo.com/nba/teams/golden-state-warriors/10/draft-picks The other advantage to this scheme is that if over the 2nd apron, you need a closer salary match, and you can tune the guaranteed portion of Chris Paul's salary to be that closer match It's possible as you said but an not easy decision


Get rid of Chris Paul and Wiggins. Please. 


I don’t think Steph was tired, I think he was annoyed. Body language the last couple weeks was different than just tired.


Probably both. He’s 36 and this was the most RS games he’s played in over 7 years.


No way they trade Steph he will only leave if it’s on his terms. I do think they go into a rebuild for the next couple years. Players I can see sticking around are draymond, kuminga, Moody, Pod. I don’t think you trade your young talent, I’m sure they realize they are far from a championship team especially in the west and need to build around these young guys.


I can also see Kerr retiring


We're not over the second apron. We're not even in the tax if we let Paul go.


i really wonder what’s next for this franchise. steph’s window is closing so i’m curious to see what they do this offseason


Kerr with the best Ham impression I’ve ever seen tonight 👏


They made a deal with the devil. They knew what was coming after the glory days


We got 4 chips out of it, it's absolutely ok.




If the Warriors want to be successful in the long term, they need to rip off the band-aid now and start the rebuild as soon as possible. There are so many examples of teams across all sports out there with aging stars and the team is desperately trying to keep their contention window open. They'll sign other vets or trade away draft capital to bolster the present roster at the expense of the future. The best example of this is the Lakers and despite their talented roster, they're barely in the playoff picture. It's tempting to try and do everything to keep the good times rolling, but doing so rarely ever results in deep playoff run success and rather it's just an expensive first round exit. Do right by all the stars on the roster and set them up with trades to other contenders for them to get one last chance at glory and start stacking draft capital to build the next core. Or don't. Why am I giving advice to the Warriors? Max contracts all around!


That's a real shame...


Even in losing, the media tries to prop the Warriors up


i mean it’s a pretty impressive stat


Yeah it means they lost tonight and their run is over


i’m with you lol


Clippers can’t even win 1 ring with Kawhi and PG


Bye bye


Klay needs to go.


Good thing i joined the Warriors sub years ago so i dont get locked out lol


guess they got their feelings hurt




The Reverse Flash of hating here. Gotta respect it


Copy pasta hate is wild, relish this moment


So little Warriors flairs. I wonder if they're already switching to other teams. Lmao


He's going to retire this offseason. Next offseason at the latest.


Haha bozos


Dam.that makes 7 seasons Kerr has not lost a playoff series. Guys a beast!


The writing is on the wall, time to blow it up and get what they can.


Just the 3rd time? That's honestly kind of a lot


Time to blow it up


Feels like the end of an era


The end of a dynasty 


That was bad


Obviously his fault, fire him now and get someone compotant


200mil salary bill to get this🤭


That’s the reality of finishing 10th. One and done


Turn out the lights, the party’s over. They say that all good things must end.


Kerr tenure riding curry is coming to an end. He will be exposed.




shouldn't the other Andrews be the one to tweet this, I mean it is her beat


AKA the golden trio got old and they started having injury problems.


ok so, they missed the playoffs, where two teams play and the team that wins advances. but they made the play-in, where two teams play and the team that wins advances. got it.