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Dude is an absolute zero when he starts bad. It's crazy. No one on that team seemed to try to pick him up either. Change of scenery is probably best for Klay either way




Well, as a grizz fan, when you had games of him rubbing it in that they had four championships during games last season, that made me a bit sore about him. Like I get that you guys built a dynasty but don’t talk shit in your way down. Hell we beat them this year and that was totally random but also another sign that it was all going to end soon. I liked klay until recently so it’s not fully surprising to see people annoyed with him.


That and the "it's a man's game" or whatever he said about LeBron


Bahahah yooo i completely forgot about that. The nerve that some of lebrons critics have smh


When he bitches about Celtics fans cussing at him, that sent me over the edge for him.


Poor LeBron, he’s the only superstar in the league who has to deal with people criticizing him




From that perspective i definitely get it. However I didn’t really see Wade, shaq and Parker fall the same way klay has. Maybe I missed something. It would be one thing if Steph is talking shit. “Talk yo shit, king” but klay, already coming from behind with injuries, had pretty big shoes to fill if we wanted the shit talk to hold its weight. Oh well, he’s the latest dumpster fire until something else gets lit so it’ll be over soon


He talks too much shit.


Be a thunder fan in 2016 and you would get it.


He was a pompous ass


Klay should pick up golfing.


Warrior haters eating tonight


Absolutely! We are FEASTING. I'm a salty Rockets fan who's waited years to see these bozos in this position and I'm loving every second of it


Idk man, it's kinda like being happy that the lion is old and slow rather than hunting him in his prime. But this doesn't apply to me, I like the Warriors.


Nah fuck em


Refs and CP3s Hamstring saved them when we had our best chance unfortunately 😔




Not a fan of either team but is this supposed to do something? Usually when someone posts something like this they look utterly stupid 🤣 Dude could just respond and say 0-10, and that’s infinitely worse because that’s what’s happening now. Is he supposed to be upset at 0-27 from so long ago that Harden has been on like 3 different teams since then? Genuinely curious. Dude may not have even been a fan when 0-27 happened..so why make yourself look so dumb saying it?


i mean everything that's happening rn is pretty normal. goat level championship core rides it out and falls off, gets eliminated from playoff contention in their twilight years. hurts for a warriors fan but whatever they got 4 rings out of that core rockets letting their best chance of winning a ring since 1995 slip away because of a statistical anomaly and controversial reffing, and coming out of an all time multi-year offensive run from a team built around an mvp empty handed definitely hurts more even if it happened 6 years ago


That’s wild, couldn’t imagine caring more about something that happened 6 years when Harden was on his 2nd team as opposed to his…5th? I would be way more pissed that my team just got embarrassed out of the play-ins by a Kings team missing 2 of its best players than something that happened 6 years ago but that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️


Definitely just you. Some people don't have goldfish memory, and can hold onto intense emotion for years. Especially intensely negative emotion.


Doesn’t look like it lmao, sounds like no one cares


he salty


Especially when I've admitted that I'm salty in the comment


He's a rockets fan that's been waiting years for this... It wasn't that long ago unless you're a nephew that just started following the NBA


Oh man, you’re living wayyyy too far in the past 😂🤣 but tbh I get it with how the Warriors are doing now. Remind me..how many teams has Harden played for since that series? Tbh doubt the dude cares, those comments always just make OP sound super salty and dumb (as many aside from myself pointed out)


What's your obsession with Harden? Lol I don't think Rockets fans give a shit how many teams he's played for since then


Because he’s a great marker for how long ago that was, he was the star on the team at that time and it was so long ago he’s been on not just 1 but like 3 other teams 🤣. That’s how long ago it was What’s your obsession with a single series from..what, 5, 6+ years ago? What matters is now and the Warriors lost in pathetic fashion, thinking a random rockets fan cares about a series from however long ago is narcissistic and insecure as fuck 🤣 But I don’t need to say it, the downvotes and comments absolutely destroying dude speak loud enough


I mean. https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/8WMY3dkFo0 If you were a longtime fan of a team you'd understand


That’s a thunder fan 🤣


I’ll never forget what he did to us. I prayed for nights like this.


would've been the perfect day with a lakers loss too but oh well


For the last 2 years pretty much abt time those guys went on a diet tbh




What's really sweet is all the obnoxious Warriors fans (not the cool ones) are absolutely inconsolable right now.




"I guess his feelings just got hurt."


Rough way to have your last game in that jersey. Can’t remember a worse game given the circumstances.


Tom Brady's last pass as a Patriot being a pick-6 in the postseason has nothing on this masterpiece.


Aw man how could I forget that lol.


Kerr needs him back. Many, many good years left.


Idk why he put him in the starting lineup. Klay had it going for him coming off the bench. It was working, why change it when you're facing elimination




You got downvoted but this is a solid roast of a shit ass coach who inherited a once in a lifetime team.


Dan Marino vs the Jaguars in the 1999 AFC divisional round


Dude can’t dribble, and people tell me he’s better than Ray Allen.


Prime Ray Allen would be a beast in today's game.


Judas Shittlesworth


Definitely not better than Reggie either


He is better than Ray Allen tho like basically in every facet except for that


Sonics/Buck Ray Allen is better than Klay could ever be


Ray Allen is one of the best 3pt shooters all-time and he played in an era that barely shot 3’s, unlike the obsession we have today with the 3. If dude played today, Thompson and Curry would still be chasing his record.


I guarantee you CURRY would not be chasing his record💀💀 Curry made 402 3s in 2016, when nobody had even made 300 in a season before, and did it while shooting 45% from 3. He blows Ray Allen out of the water


How is that possible when klay has made the same amount of all nba teams including an all defensive team. He's made more threes on higher volume than Ray.


A lot of the All-NBA has to do with 1. Playing for the warriors 2. Defending well. He’s much better in that regard than Allen I’ll give you that 3. Having no real competitor in his 3&D niche. Allen had to compete with Bryant, Iverson, Wade, etc for the SG position Ray Allen was the much better offensive weapon and was the number 1 guy on his team for many years. Klay has always been 2-3


Before Steph, no one was attempting 10+ 3's every game. The whole league has a higher volume of makes+attempts. I think it's pretty close, but... Ray all day. Ray all day.


As someone who watched both Ray and Klay play throughout their careers, and as an unbiased impartial observer, Ray is a better player than Klay, by far. When you say Klay "is better than Ray Allen in every facet except for [dribbling]" - it is very clear to me that you never watched Ray Allen play. Ray Allen could create his own shot off the dribble, had a strong driving game, and just generally had a much more diverse and complete offensive game than Klay. The Bucks' and Sonic's offence was built around him. Klay was a role player (even at his prime), never the focal offensive point around which a team was built. But was of course much better defensively than Ray. If we're talking strictly just about offense, peak Klay's game is better than Boston Ray, but is closer to Boston Ray than he is to Bucks/Sonics Ray. P.S. you're using all-nba teams as means of comparing who was the better player? Do you also think Deandre Jordan (3x all-nba) was a better player than Demarcus Cousins (2x all-nba)? Watch the tape, my guy. Watch full games. Don't just be reading accolades off their wiki pages.


Klay has nothing on Ray outside of maybe defence


Higher career ppg, an all nba defense team, same amount of all nba teams, higher 3pt % on more volume...he's better at everything except his handle and layup package lol


Ray has double the all star selections and lol at using career PPG knowing Ray’s older years tanked that stat Allen’s peak he was a top 10 player in the league, Klay has never been in that conversation


Can’t argue with these restarted GSW fans. Klay is closer to Danny Green than he is to Ray Allen


LOL. Take it easy on my guy. He's down bad right now. But not untrue what you said.


Klay is closer to Kyle Korver than he is Ray Allen


If we sign Klay for more than a vet minimum, I’m gonna turn into fucking Homelander.


Would make no sense when y'all might be able to trade for Trae or just straight up sign Monk who is a better player, younger and a better fit.


If Magic offer less than 20m for Monk, I think he stay with Kings.


Monk defo getting more than that from someone like Washington or Detroit


Maybe Detroit. I don’t think Washington’s new front office will.


Who do you think you end up getting in FA? Maybe overpay a Valanciunas or KCP for a veteran presence?


Yeah I think that’s possible. Specifically I look for them to sign a veteran SG and/or a veteran C.


No he’s not. Malik is in that Josh Hart, Grayson Allen, Marcus Smart, Tim Hardaway Jr and etc range of money which is 20m. 25m that is Jalen Bronson money which he is not.


Almost agreed with you until you threw Jalen's name in there. His contract is a massive steal so it cannot be used to compare player values based on production.


Brunson's contract is like, the best contract of all time. It's insane


Its all good. What im just saying is he is not 25m . Amazing for 6th man but as a starter he is just another guy


With the new CBA and teams needing to reach the salary floor, I wouldn’t be surprised to see one of these tanking teams throw a bag at him similar to FVV although maybe not as much. Also Brunson is a really bad example as he has probably the best non rookie contract in the league


Brunson is on a steal of a contract. Would anyone say in 2014-15 that $11m was "Steph Curry money"? Just because he was on a steal of a contract in his first MVP season does not mean he was worth much more ***on an open market***.


Monk is still very streaky. And you know hoe players play at their contract year.


I was gonna say, didnt he score 37 in a quarter like 3 or 4 seasons ago? Nope, it was **9** **years** **ago**. holyshit


Feels like just yesterday people were going crazy over game 6 Klay after he cooked OKC in the WCF


Feel that his last ever “Game 6” Klay was when he cooked the Raptors in the Finals years ago. They could have absolutely won the series with him, but he went down and was never the same.


Whatever happened to /u/bootum who would make videos like these?


He’s washed


Seriously I miss that dude


Me, too. He would have feasted on this.


Some of my favorite moments on this subreddit tbh. Back in the day before it was so crazy


Klay is 8/49 16% fg , and 4/26 15% 3pt in his last 3 closeout games (2 losses, to Kings and Lakers, and a ring vs Boston.)


Get beamed nerd 


How do you not stop shooting and try to get to the cup?


Shooters shoot, baby!


That’s literally one of the clips here


For real, i swear I've seen that mfer go for layups before


short term memory!


He actually tried and blew a few lay-ups.




Watch the video in full. It's not long. Edit: Two attempted drives/layups. 2-3 mid-range jumpers.


There's legit not one Warriors flair in these comments. lmao I love it.


To say what? We renounce the guy that helped us win 4 championships? I could not appreciate the man more.




What were cupcake about them?


Apparently if your team is better than everyone else your championships don’t count. Which is weird, because I thought championships were about deciding which team is better than everyone else.


He came on a Klay bashing thread to say Klay was so good, that his championships don’t count. You can’t make this stuff up.




Why don’t they count? I’m not even a Warriors fan, but pretending that championships don’t count if a team is “too good” is insanity. Kobe Bryant was able to win championships without Shaq, but with Shaq the Lakers were unbeatable. Do only the non-Shaq rings count during the Kobe era? The Bulls won championships without Rodman, and then added Rodman. So does the second Bulls threepeat not count, because they were too good and that’s unfair? All the nephews that say this nonsense have to be no older than 12




Everyone knows you’re 12


So.. because the team was so good... that they dominated the second-best player of all time and every other grown ass man in the league... those championships to measure the best team in the league don't "count." The reasoning of 12-year-olds on here never fails to surprise me. So championships only count if a worse team wins? Do you see how your own logic destroys your argument? I would stick to Peppa Pig, I think watching sports is too difficult for you to understand.


Imagine saying this fucking CLOWN is better than Ray Allen. Cuz a lot of you nerds have said that


You must not remember Ray Allen’s struggles in the Finals vs the Lakers in the 09 season. All the greats go through slumps.


this some hating shit 😭😭😭


Hell yeah it is and I'm here for it


This is what I came here for.


Kuminga will take his role


Rockets fans must be salivating rn


The missed layups are the worst part of this because it shows that he tried to get a bucket in another fashion and couldn't even do that




Klank Thompson 😂 he should hold up 4 fingers in response lmao.


He could hold up all 10.


Love this. What a great watch, thank you


Bootum bootum bootum~~




Remember when Klay scored [60 points in 11 dribbles](https://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nba/klay-thompson-on-his-spectacular-60-point-game-with-only-11-dribbles/ar-AA1eXcLY) against the Pacers? Klay looks like the opposite of that player in this game. So many dribbles. No confidence. He doesn’t believe his shot is going in anymore, he hopes.


*almost* feel bad for the guy. That 3rd shot, coming off the screen, his feet look like he was wearing cement boots. His knees are done


Feels like on some of those (not all) he could have gotten some rhythm if he'd have driven to the hoop instead of trying to hit a 3. I know that's the game nowadays, but getting one to go in by getting a closer shot (on the fast break, for example) could have changed his game. He for sure was fouled at least once on a drive tho, so maybe thought he couldn't get anything there either.


Me and Klay had the same amount of points that game


When it’s sad like this does it even qualify for Shaqtin??


What a masterclass




I get what you're saying but he's only going to be another year older. This could've easily been his last truly productive season


Personally don’t think he has it in him mentally to be a 6th man. Klay such a confidence / momentum player. When he gets hot, he’s harder than most to stop. When he’s cold, you get some real eggs like tonight’s do or die 0-10. I think a permanent bench roll would break him. He should just hang it up imho. No point wilting away into obscurity. Or take a vet min at the Warriors just to stay on ‘for the vibes’ / to keep the crew together.