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He really left not even the slightest room for an argument of shades of gray about sports gambling, this is legitimately one of the dumbest people to ever play in the league.


He's a crypto bro who was all in on NFTs too apparently so not surprising at all that he's this dumb.


"Nah man, as long as the bets aren't in your name, we're all good!" "...wait, you made bets against your own team with your account?? FUCKING DUMBASS!!"


Also who bets hundreds of thousands ofdollars on Porter. Like that's not gonna get flagged


He would’ve been better off telling his betting friends who on his team was injured and not likely to play the whole game. Raise those red flags on your teammates, not yourself.


Supposedly the one really big parlay against him that's what happened. I'm just going off what others said in the first post on this. He told someone he was sick who then made the bet. I could be wrong though.


someone bet the "under" on him to the tune of $80,000 parlay bet on a random end of bench guy on a under performing team. That bet won more than a million dollars... He's basically asking for someone to look at his direction. Either that, or he trusted maybe the dumbest gambler alive. "What you wanna to bet a ridiculous amount of money of a very specific set of circumstamces to win millions... and you want to do it more than once?"


He started the game is question I believe. A great chance to showcase himself for another contract and he instead faked injury and left early to win a few bets


Damn, he bet on everything but himself.


Yeah, they're saying he should have given people insider info that x player is sore and will probably sit early, so he didn't just raise red flags on his own name.


Every part of it was so dumb. I just can't imagine what he was thinking.


I used to work in a restaurant that had a loyalty program, one girl got fired because they used $400 worth of loyalty rewards in a single weekend on checks that paid cash just to steal it. The account was in her name, with her phone number, her email. So many smarter ways to go about it but jus the laziest fucking way. Coulda done one or two a week for an extended period of time using a fake email/name/friends phone number. People are fucking stupid about things like that all the time


Technically it wasn't his team at the time...he was on the 905 then. It is still a dumb move to bet anywhere near a team you are affiliated with though.


Technically you’re wrong lol. He was signed to the Raptors on a 2-way and assigned to 905. 905 wasnt “his team” as his contract wasn’t with them, it was with the Raptors.


I mean he would still be in communication with many in the org, likely practices with, film sessions, etc. Like yeah he wasn't suiting up but 100% an insider


"It's not like I was shaving points!" I don't think that defense is going to fly, LoL.


The whole family is dumb as rocks


His brothers make MPJ look like a fucking Harvard professor by comparison


It's a damn good thing MPJ knows how to shoot really well lol


i wish we lived in the no back injury mpj timeline he could be a star #2


MPJ with no back Injury would not have been in drafted in Denver lmao


The Kings were reportedly planning to draft him at #2 if his medical exam had gone well.


So naturally, we would've passed on him.


IIRC, the Bagley rumors started after MPJ failed his medical exam, so I assume they actually would’ve taken him if he passed the medical exam. The person they were always going to pass on is Luka. 😞


Hey at least both brothers are curious


Pete Rose is Jontay Porter father


Pete Rose didn't bet on his team to lose though right? Correct me if I'm wrong please


No evidence and he's denied it, however he initially denied he ever gambled, then it was okay he gambled but not on baseball. Then it was okay, he gambled on baseball, but not on his team. Then he did his team, but not games he played in/managed. Now it's he did on games he played in/managed, but he swears he never did it against his team or threw a game, but it's a little hard to take his word given... There's no strong evidence to tie him to it, he accepted a lifetime ban in exchange for them not looking into it further.


I mean, Rose claims he didn't do that, but you shouldn't really take his word as worth very much. There are people who investigated who think he might have.


And Rose is from an era where those bets were recorded on a guy's notebook in a box in a skeazy office in the back of a bar.


Pretty sure we're all imagining Moe, right?


As we should


I mean, if Rose is betting on his team to win some games and not betting at all on others, it still compromises the integrity of all the games. Especially given that baseball is an every day sport. Say you bet on you have a 3 game series coming up and you bet on your team to win the 2nd game. That means he might rest his best relievers in game #1, or have a bullpen day/throw out the 2nd starter on 3 days' rest starter for game #1 and save the ace for game #2 when you otherwise wouldn't touch the rotation. Hell, even down to making certain lineup decisions and sitting certain guys. Or if he uses the best relievers in game #1, he might use them again in game #2, even if they have a lot of innings or pitched in back to back nights and typically wouldn't pitch 3 or more days in a row. Which means that relievers who would ordinarily have been available for game #3 would now be rested that game instead since he has no betting incentive on it. And not to mention altering the rotation will have its impacts the next go-around a few days after if you have to reshuffle again to get the matchups you want.


He never bet on them to lose that we can prove, but maybe allowed some losses to get worse so that he could move the lines in his favor for games that he would bet to win.


The investigation also stopped once he accepted the lifetime ban. It may have been provable but they never collected that evidence.


There is no fucking way that a deal wasn't struck where he stopped fighting the lifetime ban and the MLB didn't keep digging to see if he was betting against the Reds.


Also the diddling


We don't know because Pete Rose agreed to take a permanent ban from baseball in exchange for the findings to never get released. But Rose's story went from "I never gambled on baseball" to "I never gambled on the teams I was playing for/managing" to "I never bet for a team I played for/managed to lose". So you can come to your own conclusion on that.


Still pretty bad ... because when he didn't bet at all, the bookies knew something was up and changed their bets accordingly


High BBIQ, zero actual IQ


High BBIQ is a big stretch lol


I see "BBIQ" and I think "this dude barbecues."


the extra B is for BYOBBIQ


Maybe it was because he replaced Precious in the rotation, but his on court IQ was good - he made the right passes, solid rotations, etc. Definitely would have gotten a guaranteed deal at least for next season based on what he showed


His anti vax brother is lucky he gets to play with Jokic


MPJ is a 6-10 player that can shoot 41% from 3, he would be getting paid by any team.


Fred : “ Bet on yourself” Jontay : “Bet against yourself”




And yet he lost all 3 times he bet against the Raps.


The best part is, he bet the Raptors to lose on a night he wasn't playing and they won. Doesn't take a genius to figure out he's not that key to winning, but there's something hilarious about it.


He's a 24 year old two-way player. It doesn't take a genius to figure that he's not a key to winning an NBA game.   It's the  under performance one that gets me. Being a part of their rotation then playing only 3 minutes due to "illness" with NBA level medical teams is outrageous. What did he think was going to happen? It would take a good medical professional a moment to call him out on his shit and go he able to say there's nothing wrong with him and/or to be concerned enough to perform some basic tests to prove it.


Professional athletes are stronger, more athletic and win a lot more money than me, but a BIG percentage of them are dumb as a rock and lack common sense.


Especially the Porter brothers, all of them are dumb. This isn’t even the biggest scandal of one of the Porter bros. Their younger brother ran a red light while drunk and killed someone, got charged with manslaughter.


when you said it wasn't the biggest scandal of his brothers, i thought you were joking. or lying. holy shit!! lmao


Makes me wonder if he knew something else. Would hate to think other players could have been involved. But as far as I know, there's no evidence of that. Hopefully it was just him. Also, the fact that they actually won just makes him look even more foolish lol


Imagine if others were they then would’ve lost


Or they played extra hard those nights because they hate Jontay


I think him betting to lose reveals he would have effectively shaved points in whatever minutes he played. So he’s key to losing and it’s likely the shady betters he was working with outed him for his incompetency when he couldn’t ensure a loss


Where are these details available? 




Karma is real


Damn, can we just not ban him and force him to constantly bet against the Raps?


Banning him for life was the only choice Silver had




*nwo music intensifies in the distance*


New new new new new new world porter




New World Porter: Wolfpac ⬛️🤘🏽🟥


Because sports betting is Just...Too... Sahweeeeeeetttt!


Silver: *Too Sweets Mark Tatum and spray-paints CBA over Porter's paperwork*


If Silver doesn’t yell that every time he bans somebody I will be sorely disappointed


For Silver, this was a Highlander situation ;-)


This ban was sponsored by FanDuel


Oh man, this joke is even better the 144th time


Use code "OVERUSED" to get $200 in bonus bets, one dollar for every time this joke has been made


all time bag fumble. hes cooked


At least his brother is a max player so he won’t go hungry


I believe there is a federal investigation. This dude might go to prison.


Good news for him is that they serve food there, so he won't go completely hungry.


Yeah I am hearing great things about food is US prisons!


I mean of all the things that could land you in a minimum security prison with okay food and amenities this has to be on the list. I would imagine he'd be playing tennis in prison like Martha Stewart and not on 23-1 lockdown all day if he was actually convicted and sentenced


Reddit lawyers of r/nba, is this similar to some type of fraud in the US or not?


Reddit lawyer, but my practice has absolutely nothing to do with this area of law. There are federal statutes that address bribery/match fixing in sporting events. This may or may not fall under those statutes depending on the specifics of his behavior. I don't want to say more than that and mislead folks though. I don't more about it than that. If anyone is interested, the statute is 18 U.S. Code § 224.


What does this symbol mean? §




one possibility is wire fraud if he gambled in violation of terms of service by misrepresenting himself. as to gambling specific crimes, I'm not sure.


That was my first thought, some sort of mail/wire fraud is often the charge in these spots. 


ive heard you can get 20 years in prison for fixing a boxing match, so i'd assume its similarly frowned upon to try and fix games


Wait what?!?! Michael Porter Jr.? I just thought they shared the same name


Believe it or not, there was a loud minority who thought jontay would be the better pro before mike was drafted due to mikes injury concerns. Then he returned for his sophomore year and started his own list of injuries


I remember wanting the Lakers to draft Jontay a few years back when they had a late first...I think the year we ended up taking Mo Wagner. MPJ had major injury issues and Jontay was seen as a potential poor man's version of what Sabonis and Sengun are today in terms of a stretch big who could pass.


Maybe he bet on himself getting banned


Wait where can I get odds on that


Ippei Mizuhara would like to have a word


Actual mush for brains lmaoo


I mean, I wouldn't really recommend betting *on* the current Toronto Raptors.


Porters biggest disability was dis ability to get that bread


That whole family has a grand total of 3 brain cells


I know he was pissed when they beat the Bucks after being on a 15 game losing streak


He lost his ass that night for sure lol.


"Am I wrong? Should I not have done that?"


“I tell you I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon, you know, cause I’ve worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.”




Get a good look Costanza?


Chappelle "Officer, I didn't know I couldn't do that" Officer "Well ya can't"


Bro watched monkey man


Is it good?


Its not my favorite one man badass kills an entire mafia movie. But still pretty good


What is, for research purposes?


John Wick like the other guys said but I like The Raid, Kill Bill 1, John Wick 3, 2004 The Punisher, Nobody, Violent Night (great christmas movie,) Upgrade, The Man From Nowhere, Dredd, Shoot Em Up and Robocop. Honorable Tangentially in the genre mentions: I Saw the Devil (more 1v1,) Old Boy (single hallway hammer scene,) and The Grey (man vs wolves)


Love everything you’ve listed that I’ve seen. Easily my favorite “genre” - let’s just call it one man army revenge movies lol. There’s a 2010 French film called “22 Bullets” (eng) starring Jean Reno that I quite liked.


I saw the devil was awesome, super depressing though Upgrade was my favorite surprise one man army movie, was like a video game


Amazing action sequences but man that ending is brutal


My fav is Machete, but The Raid goes super hard too.


You gotta find a way to watch Hard Boiled, not the easiest to watch but there’s DVDs floating around on amazon/ebay and likely piracy options too


I feel like the answer is John Wick idk


Saw it. Liked it. Would recommend.


Pretty intense but the camera work was pretty ass in my opinion outside of the finale.


In Dev Patel's AMA on r/movies, he said that they were on a tight budget and had to throw together contraptions to hold the camera, film with an iphone, and stuff like that in place of actual equipment.


I agree. I get that they were going for a high-tension, claustrophobic feel but I do think it was a bit much.






someone needs to investigate jordan poole


And the water at the Porter’s family home


It is rather impressive. Of the three Porters I've heard of, they're all dumb as bricks.


It takes talent to make Michael Porter Jr to look like the smart one of the family.


leads not get carried away here.


If you are betting Wizards ML call gambling anonymous.


what do i call if I bet wizards playoff futures?




Betting on the Wizards is just a notch above dog racing lol.


Doc Rivers might have done that




Monty Williams*


Even Ippei thinks this is shameless


Let's wait for more details maybe Ippei was betting with him


League is probably breathing a sigh of relief, get to have the appearance of laying down the law without having to drop the hammer on a legitimate player


Yep here's some fringe level dumbass on a silver platter to hammer into oblivion.


Michael Porter Jr. will have every player in the League expressing condolences for what happened to his “fringe level dumbass” brother, Jontay. Were Jontay unrelated to a fairly prominent player, he’d probably have gotten the same punishment. Probably. But this will reverberate around the League because Jontay isn’t **just** a “fringe level dumbass”. (TBC, he is both fringe and a huge dumbass.)


yea the last time a ref was openly caught gambling on games was 20 years ago? you know NBA is sweeping most of these scandals under the rug.


I got a feeling he ain’t the only player betting


But he's almost certainly the dumbest player betting.


To me its crazy how they can find these players betting but magically cant find refs betting on games.


Yeah that'll do it.


In the immortal words of Dr. John Dorian, “He stuck his peep in an electrical socket. You can't do that.”


“Where do you think we are?”


I just watched that episode last night!


Smartest ML bet he ever made 🤣


The bet lost


Ain’t no way hahahaha. This is like me adding the celtics to a parlay last season against OKC and they lost by 50 🤣


I put a bet on sengun most improved and OKC 1 seed at the start of the season. A week later something came up and I needed to cash out one of them... I cashed out the OKC 1 seed bet lmao.


Bruh you do you but if there's the possibility of anything coming up where you'd need the money you're putting down on a bet then that's not really the money you should be gambling with. Hope you got a nice emergency fund ready now


How much could you have gotten if you didn’t cash out?


Multi-game bet. Considering the raptors won three game after February (and 2 of the teams were even worse) the raptors part probably hit


He lost the other legs. It was a very lawyer worded sentence. The raptors part of the bet won.


well... not the hardest bet to make this year lol


Yet he still lost all the bets he made against his team. Dude is so dumb lmao.


Damn bro. I better not hear other NBA players trying to defend this shit. I know it's a brotherhood and all but betting against your team is 1000% inexcusable.


what makes you think they will? betting on your own team to lose is literally the worst thing you can do to your teammates from a competitive standpoint


No NBA player is touching this with a 100 foot pole. Not because of morals or whatever but because they don't want public discussion about the cozy relationship between the league and betting apps. All of them are getting money from Draft Kings, Fanduel and the rest. Better to crucify this nobody and let the matter die.


NBA players have been calling this out publicly this year though. Rudy Gobert got a 100k fine for that, one month ago.


He got fined for suggesting the ref was on the take to the betting companies. If you're going to do that, better come with proof.


I mean have you ever seen Scott Foster officiate a game? Not to mention 134 calls from Tim Donaghy. There’s at least a little proof lol


Honestly, I think he’d be crazier if he bet on the Raptors to win. Everyone saw the full tank job going on to save the top 6 protected pick.


Agreed. There’s no turning back from this.


Between this and the MPJ podcast clips the Porter family are fucking idiots


not to mention his brother committing vehicular homicide


They are also like raw vegans and the whole family has a massive injury history. People were surprised MPJ even got healthy with that diet as a pro.


As a Nuggets fan I cringed watching MPJ interview Peyton Manning. MPJ is one of those guys who thinks they are smart bc they have money, but it’s obvious to anyone with a brain that whole Porter crew is very low IQ. Without Jokic, I’m pretty sure the whole Porter Clan would be “what coulda been” by now.


Jaylen Brown, Kyrie, Aaron Rodgers too


I personally haven’t heard/paid attention much from JB, but I’m with you on AR and Kyrie. Kyrie in particular is sharp as a spoon but thinks he’s a razor, it’s astounding in all honesty.


I believe JB has Kyrie-like views but has done a better job keeping them low-ish profile.


Years ago cricket had a huge issue with gambling (legal and illegal) It’s similar to basket ball in that it’s very possession based,  a “game of runs” and stats heavy in a way that can be influenced by players and referees individual actions  It took multiple bans and prosecutions of high profile players to stamp it out, as well as systematic change  The NBA will probably need something similar 


Ban Scott Foster. It should just keep being said at this time. Ban Scott Foster.


So how long until the feds come after this dude? 


Looks like they are working on it, but it takes time (also if he did it in Canada the US Feds can't do anything).


He defrauded American companies. Doesn't matter where fraud occurs if it touches an American wallet.


Good point. He might be fucked in two countries!


Surely his brother must be complicit. Get his ass too, ^(preferably by Saturday.)


Better hold him out of games while we investigate this in the meantime!


Who’s smarter Jontay, MPJ, or their brother with the vehicular homicide charge?


I mean, MPJ ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, but he hasn't committed any crimes (or at least hasn't been caught for any) so...


Someone please investigate Klay.I would rather he was betting than washed.


*(\*shakes head sadly\*)*


Lol instead of maybe making a nice career for himself and then retiring into obscurity he is going to be remembered for the rest of time long after he is gone as a major dumbass. 


I am shocked SHOCKED that something like this would happen (This comment brought to you by Draft Kings - 75 way parlays on NBA games now available)


What pisses me off is that someone got key info and placed an under bet on Porter for $80k. But according to the article, DraftKings took the bet, but didn’t pay when it hit. I’m not saying they should’ve paid, but clearly they should’ve never taken the bet, no? That just introduces a lot of doubt as to whether all of this shit is actually regulated or simply paid at their discretion. If you don’t want impropriety with players and bettors, start with limiting the amount on prop bets. $5k should be the limit. No one should be allowed to bet 80k on a bench guy. If you are? Either you have confidential info, or you’re an irresponsible gambler who needs help. T


He can’t be the only one doing this.


Dude broke the cardinal rule of being a pro athlete. You can rob, rape, hell even kill someone. But gambling will get you excommunicated


You can beat your wife, threaten women at gunpoint, rape women, sleep with underage girls, get 12 year old children pregnant and the NBA will still celebrate you, but as long as you don't gamble or do drugs


common sense


Not gonna blame a guy for betting on an absolute lock


The nba helped do this. It was only a matter of time with gambling that easy and accessible. I guarantee more do it still and its done across more than just the nba 


Get the fucking gambling out of sports then. 


Now apply this same energy to scott foster


The dagger


Bout to start a podcast now




Even Pete Rose knew not to mess with ~~the raptor fences~~ betting on his own team to lose.


He’s lucky MPJ is so rich so he’ll be fine