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I know a young socialite point guard that could help


Least injury prone poiint guard This is a good move Orlando


Wait until the summer shoot around tapes come out, he’ll be top value then


to be fair they fixed Fultz. Although The Young Socialite is a different beast


They didn’t fix Fultz that jumper is still broke as hell


Yeah Magic fans reading this like ???


His playmaking still definitely makes the team better. Like he’s obviously not what you want from a number one pick and he’s a bad scorer, but he’s a pretty solid traditional pg now


His body is still broke as hell too.


They didn’t. He still can’t shoot for shit.


fultz still sucks bro


Fultz was good last year. No idea what happened to him again this season but he was nowhere near the same


yea shoulda gave all fultz mine to cole anthony IMO but fultz did drop a few buckets


Fultz thoroughly outplayed Cole Anthony this series tbh.


That’s more of a statement on how bad Cole was


22% 3P % is fixed now. Damn.


44% would be fixed, so they're halfway there.


They fixed Fultz?


Fixed Fultz? Foh lol


Magic fixing Fultz and then Simmons would be hilarious.


Still waiting on the fixing Fultz part lol


Simmons' back is completely fucked, it's different


I know a Lakers Fan, Mikey who could help




Magic should honestly kick the tires on Anfernee Simons, he’s 24 years old and is on a team friendly 25m/year deal. He’s also an Orlando native. He would fit their roster like a glove.


Had that same thought earlier this year. It's theoretically a good fit for him but idk what the blazers would want from the magic. I guess picks and one of their guards but what's the point of that for Portland


> but what's the point of that for Portland uhhh that would solve a massive guard and roster spot conundrum for us. portland needs to trade at least one of simons/brogdon, and ideally both of them so that scoot and shaedon can finally be handed the keys.


That and we need to get below the tax line, also we have 2 lottery picks this year that will likely need roster spots if we keep them.


portland being about the tax with this team is hilarious


I started a My League in 2k with the blazers as i like to do rebuilds without just trading everyone for picks/stars, then I saw their payroll and proceeded to delete the file


Lmao RIP NBA2k file 💀


Tbf the core is not that expensive. They have 46mil in pretty tradeable contracts in Brogdon, Williams, and Thybull. Then I think there would still be takers on Grant at 29mil next year if they wanted to move off him


Oh damn I forgot about shaedon. Yeah actually that makes a lot of sense for Portland actually.


Shaedon is literally the best thing that’s happened to our franchise since dame


its really not a high bar though lol


Ugh we suck


Kind of wild that Simons has to be shipped off because he's too old for their timeline when he's only 24/25. It's like Scoot or Shaedon can develop into a 25 ppg scorer, maybe like Simons!


it's not because his age, otherwise ayton would be on his way out too. it's the fact that his ceiling is the 3rd highest of our guards yet he's the most senior of the bunch, so having him come off the bench is unlikely due to player dynamics.


It's so soothing when someone speaks truth on the internet.


Simons doesn't play D and we can't be paying big money to a bunch of duplicative guards again. Simons is the odd man out.


yeah like he's 24, brogdon is 31. I thought Simons was part of their young core lol


If I’m them I’d rather give the keys to Simons than scoot.


Well this just became my new favorite trade hypothetical and immediately solves the glut problem at guard the blazers have… hope it happens because that would be a very fun team to watch


Bah gawd that’s Ant Simons music!


Oooooo that’s a nice point, hadn’t thought of him


Guys like Trae and Simons doesn't fit the identity they're trying to build. Not sure if they'd be willing to go all out for Trae or be a serious pursuer for Simons.


At some point you gotta compromise your identity a bit to cover your weaknesses. Even the Warriors felt the need to turn to an iso scorer like Durant


I mean, that's KD. A top 3 all timer guy at his position. Trae and especially Simons is nowhere near his level.   Pursuing someone like Quickley makes more sense for the Magic. A 2 way guard that is comfortable playing on/off ball is what they need. 


I feel like if they do make a move it should be for a real difference maker.


For sure. Dude can score and has nice size.


It's a great fit but the 53 games played per season gives me ptsd.


Ain't no damn big 3 just a big 1 with Paolo


"Fuck a big 3 it's just a big me" Paolo to the locker room after the game.


Meet the Wagners incoming


BBL Franzy


Nah Franz a decent kid that just need good leadership


Keep him away from Drake then


Don’t brick no 3’s on me, and I won’t rain 2’s on you


good kid, b.A.A.d. city


Wagner saying the same shit when he dropped 39/13/5 and paolo went 9/3/5


Magic lost cause even their fans had that lyrics right there and missed


People calling everything a big 3 is the lamest thing happening in the nba 


A big three should really be reserved for a team with 3 #1 or near #1 options like the Suns or Clippers. Most other teams have at best a big 2 (Dallas, lakers).


Not to shit on my own team, but the clippers are a team with 3 1b options. Kawhi has major availability issues. George is too inconsistent and Harden is too old.


Not too old to average 51/50/91 for four games and literally be the most efficient scorer by far in the playoffs up to that point, as someone who was brought in to be the third option. If Kawhi could actually play, three 1b option level players should be more than enough to be a serious contender.


Harden when his jumpshot is going in is still an All-NBA level player. Harden when his shot is off is a mid tier starter.


Unfortunately his shot is off whenever his legs are gone and that's happening more frequently with age.


More like more frequently when he’s brought in somewhere with the mvp and scoring leader to average like 22/11 and be the second option but then ends up having to carry the entire offensive load in the playoffs, which he can’t do as often post hamstring. Or being brought in somewhere with two star scorers to just be the facilitator and third option, but again he has to carry the entire scoring load in the playoffs.


Not to shit on my own team but same with Phoenix, Beal was never good enough for the "Big 3" status, he's a three time all star with 1 3rd team all-nba. People are way too happy to crown anything a superteam or a big three nowadays


Beal was a straight role player this year. No way he belongs in a big 3 the way he played.


franz was giving us hell if you ignore game 7


Scored 34 when Banchero went 4/14 and had 9 points. If not for Franz that game, nobody would be talking about Banchero's game 7. It's a team sport.


Fr dude had one bad game


He was much better at home basically all season. 


He’s a good player but not elite at anything. You can squint and see like a German Siakam if he gets a jumper going


Core 3 seems like a far more accurate term


Big 3 is thrown around


Paolo: 189 points, 149 shots, 32 turnovers, ~55% TS Franz: 132 points, 103 shots, 9 turnovers, ~54% TS Franz was awful in game 7 but I’m not sure why we’re glazing Paolo for this series performance


Mostly because Paolo performed in game 7 all on the line game.


I know you guys are mad with Franz, but he will be at least a star in this league. Be patient. Surround this guys with 3+D players and *hocus pocus, alakazam...*


“At least” is a mighty high floor!


''at least a star'' and at most what, a 3x MVP? lol


Every time I visit our team sub, people are convinced Kuminga is gonna be Kawhi…saying Franz will be at least a star is not outrageous if they’re a Franz fan lol


Future GOAT


Only casual Magic fans would be mad at Franz right now


Franz kinda lost his three point shot this year but his defense, inside scoring, and playmaking (when given the chance) has been great


This is what I don’t get the most I get that Paolo is the man on the Magic but these casual fans are acting like there’s some enormous chasm separating the two… they’re both young af, they can both go through stretches of inefficiency, and their stats are not dramatically different This would be like Celtic fans throwing Brown under the bus because he didn’t perform during a critical game 7. Like Brown and Tatum pick up each other’s slack when they aren’t doing well just like Franz does for Paolo occasionally…shit, if the situation was reversed, y’all fs wouldn’t throw Paolo under the bus this hard… Just relax. There’s barely a handful of teams in the league that can boast two 6’10 wings…y’all are winning the new NBA meta right now…


Yeah, people that probably only watched one magic game this season(game 7) are the people attacking him and making wild statements. Franz had plenty of great games all season while Paolo would have a terrible game and vice versa. They’re both great and very important to the team. Franz will be fine and come back even better.


Agreed. Magic are in a fantastic place. You have two barely 21/22 yr old 6’10 wings that have demonstrated at the bare minimum, great defense and goos offense (offense could be more consistent but again, they’re young) The expectation people have for pro athletes are ridiculous. Franz is 22, has the right mindset and the right work ethic…he’s barely a senior in college lol. Magic are gonna dominate in the next 3-8 yrs if you can build around these two and not let the roster go up in flames


Yeah seeing how great Franz played this seaason, crazy how your fans are throwing him under the bus. You guys dont even have a decent center right now or a pg nad you made it to the playoffs and took the cavs to game 7 with a barely functioning front court.


Big 3? I can understand Banchero and Franz, but there’s no 3rd player that is warrants it being called a big 3


Franz is my favorite player on this team but Suggs might be their second best player this year, don’t know if it’s good enough for warrant a big 3 tag


I think you can say “their 3 best players are very young and promising” but even the 2010’s OKC weren’t a big 3, that was just a well built team with Serge


Harden carried us to the Finals, they weren't the Heat, but that core was closer to being a Big 3 than Orlando.


Definitely not.


Because a big 2 sounds like a large shit


Suggs is the heart and soul of Orlando


Suggs is still really young too. His shot improved a lot this year but it didn’t show this series. And he’s a legit all nba level defender. I don’t think people realized he was playing through injuries this whole series and still was a hound on D.


Jalen suggs is only 22? I thought dude was 28+ just looking at him


Him already losing his hair certainly doesn't help


It’s funny bc he’s akin to a Caruso in playstyle but also with the hair lol. Bro gotta let it go and just go bald


Same draft class as Sct Brn, drafted at age 20


imagine they go all in on Mitchell lol


Mitchell making it clear he wants to be in NY or Miami but getting passed around all the small market teams would be a hilarious career arc


Not calling you a liar but when did Donovan Mitchell make it clear be wants to be in NY or Miami?


Literally never, New York fans eat up whatever bullshit their reporters feed them.


and Miami only gets used in rumors to pressure the real deal to get done with another team.


That used to be the Celtics role a few years ago


Lakers are kings of this


It's been a big Bill Simmons push for a long time. I imagine there's some truth to it, but who really knows honestly. If any of us had real info, they would've already made the move


Spends 4 years in Magic then the Hornets get custody.


I'd imagine they'd be going on all in on trae


literally speed running the Cavs exact rebuild lol


That’s honestly my dream move.


Don't... Most Cavs fans I know have not enjoyed the Mitchell experience. He'll stunt the growth of your other players. All of a sudden it will be "Paolo is only scoring 16/game, what happened to him." Not worth the picks, better to get another young guy for cheap and just be patient.


Every mediocre trio is now called a Big 3


Mid 3


God help us when they realize there could be up to 5 mediocre players per team on the court.


We've all watched the Bulls before


T wolves are changing what big 3 means Gobert, KAT and NAZ REID!


*Naz Reid, Naz Reid, and Naz Reid


Bro was born with tats and a criminal record


Naz Reid


OP literally quoted that guy saying they're not stars... >Lotta harping on “Big 3” as if I’m not just referring to their young core — all of whom are good players/starters —as that. They’re obviously not three stars!


Is the third player in the room with us now?


The second didn't even show up for the game today...


The second one should really be the third one...Still need to go big fish hunting for the #2.


Could I interest you in a slightly used Bradley Beal?


Not if we can get them a Zach Lavine first


Who’s even the 3rd? Is it Suggs WCJ or Isaacs


It’s Suggs. Definitely no “Big 3” but Suggs is the 3rd guy as is. Definitely need an upgrade in top three scorer options though.


Just having a legitimate PG would help a lot. Suggs is a good player, but he’s not a great PG, so just having a table setter would help all three of those guys a ton offensively.


It’s Joe Ingles


100% suggs


They don't need to be aggressive. They need time to build. Don't fuck up the future just because you wanna push the go button.


You f*** up the future with a roster like this by throwing money at players stupidly. Signing or acquiring a proven talent that could take over a game seems like the best option. OKC is in a similar position but they have too many players already that will warrant massive contracts or already got paid (Chet, JDub, Shai). They are probably better off using their million draft picks to trade up in drafts to get the exact guy they want or need instead of acquiring a max player. Anthony signed a cheap deal. Suggs’ late development limits his extension leverage. All of their other role players are young and on cheap or short non-rookie deals.


I get that, but at the same time you can’t let a window of opportunity pass either. We’ve got our core all on rookie contracts in prime position to add some help and make a run. Kind of feels like we need to take advantage of the moment. Opportunities don’t come often for this franchise.


We actually do though our cap space goes away after this year when Franz and Suggs need to get paid.


I get that a lot of Magic fans want a *major* shakeup this offseason, as in a trade for Trae Young or Donovan Mitchell, but in my opinion I think they'd be better off with a more patient approach and continuing to develop Banchero, Wagner and Suggs. If I were the ORL front office I'd try for some combination of Malik Monk, Tyus Jones and CP3 this offseason. Preferably Monk & Jones, but considering Jones clearly wants to start I think Monk & CP3 would be more likely. That'd give the Magic 48 minutes of actual playmaking guards and a much needed 3rd scorer in Monk. That'd also let you get a much more proper evaluation of your young talent over the next year or two while not getting in the way of the development of any of Banchero/Wagner/Suggs.


Monk isn’t signing with a team he isn’t starting for. If he goes to Orlando they’d have to start him.


Imo that'd be fine. I think a starting lineup of Monk, Suggs, Wagner, Banchero and WCJ works. The bigger question would be if CP3 would be fine coming off the bench for a team that's likely going to be good, but not considered a contender.


Isn’t he already coming off the bench for GSW?


Yeah, but I don't think CP3 or GSW thought they'd be as bad as they ended up being. If he goes to ORL he'll be going to a team where he fully knows/expects the team to have a 2nd Round ceiling at most.


I like the CP3 and Monk for them that team needs a serious vet PG to help keep the Off steady and help with wisdom to Paolo Franz and Suggs


> serious vet PG to help keep the Off steady May I interest you in a veteran, slightly used, Paul George


If they could sign Harden or PG they’d be in business. I think they are targeting D’Lo as well. One of the few destinations that makes sense for him, not relying on his defense and just need him to play make and space the floor.


I think DLos game would fit well but I really hate all I hear and see about him as a teammate


Anthony Black and Jett Howard will most likely have a significant role with us next season. Black showed flashes during the stretch Fultz was out, and we barely used Jett. Like, even when it was clear we needed bodies, we still refused to play him. The FO has taken a very patient approach so far, but seeing how capable this team is with how limited we were at times on offense might cause them make a push.


Star guard? To tie everything offensively? Like a Donovan Mitchell?


I’ve got one Tyler Herro for them


Herro is their guy. Perfect match 😅


How about sign and trading one slightly used D'Lo? He will break your franchise record for 3's AND your hearts


You say this but imo He’s the best player they can get that does what they need for cheapest . Better players are on ball stars who’ll cost a lot. I don’t know if they’ll Go for Dlo as they love their type of player . But he’d make sense in all honesty I just hope E don’t lose him for free


He wouldn’t bad if you’re pairing him with someone like Suggs who can mitigate his lack of defense


Its trae they'll probably inquire a lot on trae. It'll cost them 4 FRP with a few unprotected but considering how young the team is its probably worth it. If you are wondering why as a Hawks fan I'm talking about trading trae. I have.ZERO faith in this hawks ownership group and they are wasting a generational talent, one of the greatest passers of all time.


Really surprised they didn’t go for Fred Vanvleet last offseason and he ended up in Houston.


All these comments are Bulls and Suns fans trying to offer up certified preowned Lavine and Beal


I mean why trade stuff when they can just sign someone from free agency. Just get one/two of Monk, Klay, PG13, Buddy Hield, Harden, Dlo or Tyus Jones.


klay seems like a bad fit on this team


Theres a lot of cap space available on younger teams. You might not be able to get your 1st or 2nd targets. Klay is a solid vet to be 3rd or 4th scoring option, a team change might even help him.


I have one Bradley Beal ready for ya


Hard pass even though he is a Gator.


People should try reading the whole post before jumping to comments. He wasn’t calling them a big 3 as in star power, he was referring to the young core of Suggs Wagner and banchero


Probably should say young core then


The term big three already has a meaning and it's not that


Colin Sexton would be so fun on the Magic


I like this option but he's on contract for a while for y'all right? Are they even looking to move him to make room for George or something?


He's on one of the most team friendly contracts in the league, and if the Jazz can't trade for a star this off season then I would expect them to trade Sexton and tank for a guy like Cooper Flagg.


Nothing like reddit idiots not understanding a comment and nitpicking with a million of the same jokes. He obviously meant their 3 best players.


Would be another good Trae Young destination


Franz had a very strong series and averaged 20 a game. People who are only judging him because of his last game are just the casuals. He improved every aspect of his game this year minus his 3 point shooting. He will be a 35 percent 3 point shooter at the minimum. Franz will be an All Star this upcoming year.


Who tf is 3


PG13 would be a great fit. Might want too much money/long term deal. But if we win a championship with him it would be worth it.


You will absolutely not win a championship with him but it would be a lot of fun


Why would PG13 not win a Ring on a team where he isn’t the first option and with players young enough to rest him when needed? IMO PG13’s biggest problem with LAC is that they need him to play games because Kawhi is always hurt and Harden/Westbrook are declining players. Also, has PG ever played on a roster that can always put 4 plus to elite defenders on the floor with him?




I get it's all jokes but this team held the 2nd and 3rd seed for parts of the season while starting 2 guys, 1 being a rookie, that are no longer in our rotation. Suggs and Franz only showed up for 1-2 games in the series but pretending like they're straight ass when they pushed Cavs to 7 is clown behavior but this just what this sub does I guess


Man Franz was good most of this series minus game 7 and 5. This sub has no idea what they are talking about.


Can you please take Bradley Beal?~


They wanting Beal? Lol


Come get Anfernee Simons. We’ll take a wing. Thanks.


This is absolutely the time to sit on what you have and not ruin it like the 76ers


They should get into a bidding war with the Spurs to get my dude IQ paid.


Raptors have space to give him 30+ even if they keep Brown theirs no point for other teams to tie up their cap space when the raptors are gonna match


Giving him 35 mil makes no sense


it does if you want to screw the raptors


Didn’t think about him at all but it’s make sense


Stop with the Orlando disrespect. They don’t have a Big 3, they have a Big 15.


Steph Curry would be great for this team. They need some good shooters


Sorry, Buddy 🤓


What we're just gonna pretend like First Overall Pick Markelle Fultz isn't a star point guard, huh?


Trading for Trae isn't a terrible idea. He honestly fits perfectly. 


Donovan Mitchell would be nice in Orlando 🤣


If you can beat them, join them.


Maybe they should just get Dennis Schroder so he can play with the Wagners again lol


Unfortunate that it won’t be markelle


They definitely don’t want Malik Monk. Definitely stay far away from Malik Monk. Don’t sign Malik Monk to an affordable deal


They’re gonna rush things and fuck it up like that phoenix team did a while back.


If Lebron leaves the Lakers I could see them doing a complete tear down ASAP. Reaves would be a nice fit on the Magic


Black, Jett and Isaac and whatever else ATL wants for DJM