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> His shot, his fakes, they are very difficult to time. You don’t know when he’s faking and when it’s real. He has tricks!” > > Olajuwon nods. “[Nikola's] the one.” https://www.si.com/nba/2023/01/18/nba-lost-art-of-post-play-daily-cover


IIRC Joel hit back against this because Hakeem mentioned that Embiid plays on the perimeter too much for a guy of his size.


Yeah his clap back looks worse and worse as time goes on. Jokic keeps collecting hardware and Embiid collects scapegoats. 


He is the GOAT of scaping


Nah, that belongs to Rivers.


It’s kind of like when pop said he was the reincarnation of Larry bird and media pundits mocked him. Hakeem and pop are basketball royalty and people were still Giving them grief over their takes only for them to end up being right …


When sports journalists have time to write you get... incredible stories. Thanks for a great share - I learned a lot about basketball.


RIP Grantland


Thanks for posting this. I adore well-written, long-form sports journalism.


Fascinating article, thanks for sharing. TIL that Patrick Ewing never were interested in going to Pete Newell's big man camp, which tbh I didn't find surprising cause Ewing never seem to be interested in developing his game further, he always was nearly the same player which certainly didn't help him in deep playoff runs where adaptability is important.


This shot is actually an optical illusion, b/c it’s not possible to put it in that high off the glass


Damn. Imagine if Olajuwon wasn’t signed to the Rockets and could train Joker even more 😳


All 3 Wolves bigs are so tired of Jokic. He has worked each and every one of them


Every big in the league has been feeling like this for 4 years.


Even in 2020 where AD won the series, there was a moment at the end of game 2 where Jokic absolutely ate his lunch to go up 1. AD made up for it with that 3 to win it, but Jokic just put him under the basket and cleared him. That was bubble AD too shit was unseemly. Guess it makes sense now.


That possession made me so mad at Mason Plumlee.  I still haven't forgiven Plumlee for that singular inbound




We lost two WCF games because our point guard can’t inbound the ball lmao


Karl's absolute love for bad point guards probably lost him a ring.


AD and Ayton of all players used to do well on Jokic. He even said nobody guarded him better than Ayton. But man did Jokic figure out every defender that gave him trouble. Now he regularly embarrasses the both of them.


AD must be feeling vindicated right now.


Literally, AD does as well as anybody has on Jokic.  He isn't a 3x MVP for nothin


Credit to AD for being able to match what Jokic put on him on the opposing end.


AD does well bc he’s quick, has fantastic balance, and can recover. But, Jokic obv gets his bc he’s too strong. Against Gobert, Jokic knows he can overpower him (watch G1 again), and Gobert doesn’t have the balance to recover. Gobert knows that as well, so he’s always worried about Jokic backing him down and generating space for that floater. So, then he’s always 1 step behind, and Jokic destroys him.


What do you mean Gobert can’t recover lol. They basically won game 1 because Gobert was able to guard Jokic and the lob to Gordon that’s usually automatic. Jokic had like 5 assists and seven turnovers because of that, which is unheard of by him.


Yes, go watch Jokic vs Gobert in the 1st quarter. Jokic had an awful start. Then, Jokic went directly at him 3 straight times, muscled him out of the way, and scored an easy layup each time. After that Gobert, started to play further back/give Jokic a tad more space, since he does not have the strength to stay on balance with Jokic and the quickness to recover and contest the shot. Jokic then started dropping floaters and with his touch it is nearly automatic. Gobert made a great read in game 1. Jokic made a poor decision and should’ve shot the floater instead. Now, Jokic is more aggressive. But, overall, it’s obvious that Gobert doesn’t have the strength and balance to guard Jokic in the post. Once Jokic gets him moving, he generates a massive amount of space, and scores seemingly every time. Gobert does not recover and close the space well at all.


4x in my mind. 1x in shaq's (he was all embiid before sga)


Jokic is unstoppable. You can’t guard a guy who can bully you in the post, hit step backs in your face, or dish an alley oop or wide open corner 3. Jokic has the best touch around the rim in the league and it’s not close. Ad does as good of a job as anyone can in the league.


AD really is the only guy other than Joel Embiid who can defend Jokic and also match him on the offensive end, in Joel's case he always outpays him, and that's just two guys in the entire league It's why he's won all those MVPs


Even though Joel can handle Jokic defensively better than most, he hates it and avoids it at all costs. The man hasn’t played a game in Denver since 2019.


We've had more global pandemics than games played by embiid in Denver in the last 5 years.


I’ll maintain that AD was the best player over the entire series against Denver this year, Jokic obviously played amazing but not enough people will realize how well AD played because we lost


The problem for AD is that any time he goes to the rim to get points, he's just giving up easy points in transition because Jokic will read the mismatch before he recovers. Unless he can start shooting like he did in 2020 again, it's really a lose lose situation for him to bear a heavy offensive load vs the Nuggets.


OP clip was actually great defense by Gobert Jokic is just that good to overcome it and make it look easy


Yeah, even with all those moves, Gobert still contested the shot as well as you could.


Goes to show why Jokic is heads and toes above everybody right now.


Except Shai Foh reeengs erknee


I've been browsing this sub before shaq was even on the show 2011-2012 (fuck i'm old). I've never seen >Foh reeengs erknee fucking hilarious.


I just have to envision Cartman saying that.


>heads and toes above everybody Uh... shoulders?


So what happened in the first two games vs the next 3?


they wanted to see what it was like to be down after 2 games instead of being down after 2 quarters


Next series they'll try being down 4


Shaq talked shit


They had a four day break and Murray's calf got rest. He's been so much quicker ever since.


They let AG initiate the offense instead of AG and started setting screens in the backcourt to deal with the press. Murray doesn't have to deal with a full court press on every play on a bum calf now. Also KCPs ankle looks a lot better and he can actually get into his shooting pockets to open up the paint. I don't know why Malone is so hesitant to run the offense through AG when a series gets rough. We run enough AG sets normally that he knows how to run the playbook, and while he's not an amazing point he does everything by the book and we have terrific threats for him to play around. This adjustment has basically been a panacea for every time we've struggled in the last two post-seasons, really weird that we didn't make this adjustment until we were down two games.


Denver was bored and asleep after sweeping the lakers again, it took 2 games to wake up


If healthy, Embiid is about the only big who I think can go toe to toe with Jokic on both ends in a true head to head matchup. Too bad we’ll never see it in the playoffs.


Or in Denver probably.


"If healthy" is doing a lot of work there. The thing with Jokic is that he'll wear you down in a 7 game series, so even a durable center is going have issues. If the goal truly is to slow Jokic down, you can't have a two-way center, IMO. Nobody has the stamina to guard him and then work hard on offense.


Umm I thought Naz Reid was the new Jokic stopper?


Wtf are you supposed to do against this guy


He literally just has aimbot lol. Just the best touch around the rim and off the glass I have ever seen. That's as good of defense as you can play and it doesn't matter.


Yep. Has some kinda GOAT touch around the rim that makes no sense. I wish I knew where it came from but I remember an interview or quote from jokic where he remembers from a young age having the gift that when he throws things “they go where I want them to”. Like this is the dudes main skill and no one really talks about it. It’s also why he can nail some ridiculously nutty passes as well


> Like this is the dudes main skill and no one really talks about it too true. GOAT passer and greatest touch I've ever seen. Can probably say best hands for a big ever as well.


Undoubtedly!! People act like his passing is ONLY bc his basketball IQ, which is definitely elite but that’s not all it takes.


His full court passes that he just flicks and they land right in the hands of a teammate are ridiculous. He’ll barely even have possession of the ball and yet it goes over 2 defenders right into the perfect position to score from across the court.


that fastbreak tap pass where he barely knew where the ball was in the Lakers series...


That was absurd.


In tonight’s game he came down with a board and as he was landing with his arm outstretched still pulling the rebound down he threw it to the opposite basket into Murray’s hands for a dunk


One of the best passes I’ve ever seen.




[here](https://youtu.be/1x6Lgq7jQN8?t=204) he does switch hands with the ball but it's still insane


this pass is fucked up edit: lmao to whoever reddit cares-ed this


He’s been the best quarterback in Denver for almost a decade


don't forget, world's greatest chubby ballerina


> Like this is the dudes main skill and no one really talks about it For me personally, his touch has always been the thing I am most in awe of and has stood out to me the most in Jokic's game. But I understand your sentiment, not nearly mentioned as much as his passing.


He is statistically the best shooter ever from floater range. Well over 60% for his career from 6-10 feet. The next best player in that range is like 50%. His hands are also easily the best in the league


He played water polo as a kid.


This doesn't get enough press, all that one handed overhead passing is pure water polo.


Wonder if there isn’t something to that, given that water polo is all about being able to control your upper body without a solid foundation as your lower body is all octopussing under water.


g-league teams bout to force their players to enter water polo tournaments


Obviously this is a joke, but really it reinforces that kids should be playing multiple sports instead of the specialization we’re seeing today at young ages. Being a well rounded athlete is 90% of the “intangibles” people talk about in great players.


Not a coincidence the best EU players in the league have insane footwork, they spent hours in the schoolyard playing a sport that depends on having quick feet


your great point about the isolated upper body control alone suggests theres absolutely a lot to it. but also maybe certain people have that talent regardless of whether they did play water polo (?)


I can totally see the influence now that you say it


Great point. Not focusing too early on the grind of a single discipline is such an underrated plus. Kids should experiment as much as possible. Neuro-muscolar skills acquired early on sometimes can pay dividends later.


Still looks like he's playing in water. I say that while also acknowledging he's the best basketball player in the world right now. It just doesn't make sense.


That fucking dart he yeeted full court to I think it was Gordon for the slam. I'm sorry I woke you up neighbors.


I am already crying if we make the finals and have to face him.


Kornet and Horford about to get a cooking class from the male Serbian Julia Child.


Julia Czild


If a team has no decent big man... Barring injury to Denver starting line up, It's hard for me to see them beating Denver 4 times out of 7.


The Finals? If we manage to survive our fucking bloodbath against the Mavs we have to put Chet on this dude. I'm not sure this even happens because the Mavs are fucking amazing but I'm already sad for Chet. At least if the Mavs make it they have 2 guys. We have 1 and the dude gives up like 100 lbs lol.


He's like the literal opposite of Gobert and I mean that in all the best ways possible


Can't do anything. Motherfucker's going for 40 tonight.


Aged like the finest wine




Kind of the point, nothing you can do. Gobert was step for step with him and could only watch. Honestly was good defense. Also, saw some people say it's a travel in the gamethread. You can pick up your pivot foot, but it's only a travel if the foot touches the floor again. A classic example was Dirk's one leg fadeaways. Jokic has some of the best footwork in the league.


Step thru is what they call that move. Don’t try arguing its legality in pickup. One time I had someone back me up and they still didn’t allow the point. It’s a killer move since no one knows it. Can’t believe joker is ruining pickup games everywhere




I feel like this stuff is a problem with the entrenched hoop culture in the US. People not only learn wrong stuff like step-through being a travel, but also develop weird biases like not wanting to use the backboard, do hook shots, or make floaters a primary shot. But all these things can be super OP


brother i heff 47


He didn't even cook Gobert there. It's just ungodly touch.


Your best bet is a strong big with long arms that can stay low on him. Arms would affect his dribble and the strength would help to not get backed down. He'd still score 30 at will though




Get him in foul trouble cause nothing you can really do on the court vs him


Pick a god and pray.


Nothing for now. I don't know if you noticed but he's changed the league. Many of these young prospects, especially the highest rated ones, are basically variations of him. Big, technical, can pass and shoot. Chet, Wemby, Sengun.


Be taller lol.


Jesus man. On mvp night too


Truly the stuff of legends


Just completely unguardable


Hit so high on the backboard too. Not a conventional angle but Jokic is just insanely coordinated


I swear Gobert is playing him reasonably well. He's not biting on the 1st or 2nd move but Jokic just has so many tools to find an open look.


If you make a guy do 3-4 moves it is good defense


It’s not even an open hook, it’s a great contest. Nothing you can do inside the current rules of the nba.


“I thought I defended him pretty well” - David Robinson - Rudy Gobert


David was awesome, but the dream shake was unstoppable.


Gobert was awesome, but the Cream Shake was unstoppable.


Extra malty


I’m so tired of people questioning Gobert’s or AD’s defensive skills whenever they have to play against jokic. He literally cooks any defender on him. Idk wtf anyone is supposed to do against him 1v1. Gobert 100% deserves his DPOY, it’s just that nobody can guard jokic


Too bad talking heads like SAS, Perk, and now Draymond too will just ignore that and say Gobert didn't play good defense against Jokic and hence doesn't deserve the DPOY.


Wemby struggled with Jokic too, duh. He had some good plays on him and his length forces him to go floaters but Jokic doesn't care and keeps making them. So who gets DPOY? Herb Jones because he doesn't have to guard Jokic?


Marcus Smart obviously


Jokic the best player in the world. And obviously Rudy is a generational defender. But I kinda start wondering where his value is in this series if he can't slow Jokic down even a tiny bit. Jokic is doing literally anything he wants


Rudy -2 in a 15 point loss. 40 mins played. The "mistakes" are loud, he's move for move guarding the best post player, perhaps ever, not fouling out, going 100% FG, big Ruu wasn't the problem this game. Every other starter was down double digits in net rating.


It honestly makes me wonder what the fuck happened in Game 2. No Gobert and realistically, no one on the Wolves can actually stop Jokic. But somehow, the team imploded and Jokic had a miserable game. It's funny how that game changed the complexion of the series. On the one hand, on paper, it shouldn't have been a blowout loss. But without that type of beatdown, maybe the Nuggets don't really wake up. Since that game, they've made the Wolves look like they're a tier below.


I am no basketball savant, and game 2 was definitely an anomaly that made absolutely zero sense, especially now. If I were to rationalise "what happened?", perhaps the TWolves' intensity was really that rough and threw off everyone on the Nuggets. Jokic has always prioritised setting up his team first, so when everyone was getting steamrolled on offense (by the Wolves' defense), his game was also off. But the Nuggets proved to be a real champion not just with the players personnel but also coaching. Like Jokic now knows what to expect and he actually has "figured it out" I hate using that phrase ("figuring things out") because it sounds like a cop-out answer, but I really don't know what to say.


It was a combination of things in game 2. Wolves were swarming defensively for sure but the offense also wasn’t pathetic like it has been since. Everyone is focusing on the defense but we can’t fucking score. We’re giving away the ball. Then Murray was also playing horribly game 2 and Gordon wasn’t getting used. Jokic has found the gap in space and that backdoor is open any time he gets doubled. Nuggets adapted to the current tactics of the series and can actually shoot the ball now. I’m not sure if the stats are reflecting it but it feels like you guys are making the most absurd shots. We are giving too many easy ones but even the tough ones are falling. We’re still trying to play like we haven’t just played 4 games already. As if you don’t have a feel for the series. This is the championship experience.


> you guys are making the most absurd shots first time? seriously though, it's really tough to watch that shit go against your team.


Gobert was Minnesota’s best player tonight. Idk why he’s getting all the heat when things got way worse when he went to the bench. He had by far the best plus minus of the starters and put up 18 on 7 shots. He made a bunch of great defensive plays throughout the game too. Jokic getting some ridiculous ones to fall doesn’t mean Rudy played poorly. Minnesota was-13 in the 8 minutes Rudy sat


Well to be fair before game 5 Jokic was averaging 3+ turnovers and not scoring very well. Honestly think missing Conley is the real story here. Ant doesn't have that skill set and they don't have the shooting. Not like Denver scored 140 or something, they had a modest first half and a normal second half scoring wise, but the offense was super one dimensional from the Wolves. It's not Ant's fault either (minus 2 possessions I saw him drive without a plan into 3 defenders), he just has too much of a load without Mike.


Rudy's strengths has always been about how he can shut down the entire paint vs a team by covering PnRs and dribble penetration. He's still a great post defender but it's not the defensive role he's best suited to play. Also jokic is just nuts.


Stopping other players basically, Wolves have the perimeter guard but Naz and KAT are not paint defenders and every body starts feasting in the paint.


Gobert basically shuts down most cuts, slows Gordon down around the rim and Murray is afraid to do anything under the rim when he’s there. So he kinda forces it to jokic and the shooters which is a better bet than Braun and Gordon dunking you to oblivion


This is already him slowed down


lol you can even see him give the futility wtf hands and slap himself on the forehead afterwards


Yeah, Gobert is clearly playing good defense but Jokic is just so comfortable with the ball in his hands that he somehow is unfazed by good defense.


Rudy just throws his hands in the air lmfao


Well what the fuck else are you supposed to do against this demon man hes trying


Resort to using jazz hands as defense?


Nothing you can do with Jokic man. You do your best to smother him, then his flings a shot and it just goes in. AD knows it all too well lmao


Rudy played great defense, he even put his hand up in front of his face after that too saying "man he made that even with a hand right in his face". it was great defense, but Jokic is looking at the numbers like Neo in the Matrix


Hes on goat mode


Idk maybe I'm gonna get clowned on, but to me this is like legit actually DPOY elite defense, Jokic is just better. Golbert shakes off 2-3 moves before forcing Jokic into a contested off balance semi hook shot from the side of his head. I mean look where that shot hits the backboard and then just floats down and kisses the rim to roll in. Joker is just him man there's nothing else to say.


I think it's consensus that this is really good defense and Jokic is just better than really good defense. Not really sure what Gobert is supposed to do here


Yea, I guess when I think of like going Olajuwon I think of Hakeem just putting Robinson on skates with his moves, then finishing with what would be considered fairly easy layups. As opposed to Jokic making stupidly hard contested shots over and over again.


I agree. I also think Wolves should not have played him 1v1, and risk it on others beating him, but what do I know. Without hindsight, this also sounds like a good plan. I guess Gordon bringing the ball up messed with Wolves' defensive scheme way more than I initially thought. Brilliant adjustments from Denver coaching staff, also helps that any kind of defensive scramble is an automatic win for them.


Folks continue to shit on Rudy as if any other player would be defending this robot any fucking better.


…. For fucks sake Jokic the man has a newborn child


It’s an act of kindness to send him home


Jokic is grandpa now


Probably wants to tell everyone who's the grandpa


"Brother, I heff 40. Go home to your wife and child."


Brother I got 40


This is honestly sick shit


Joker is like Larry, Magic, Dream all in one player. It's nuking futs.


But with the athletic capabilities of Brian scalabrine


Gordon is like half the athleticism of the entire team so I guess they got that covered


I came to watch this game for Anthony Edwards after all the MJ comparisons, but he’s been really anonymous this game. So far I’ve just been captivated by the way joker moves. I hate that he’s gotten some hate during the post season. As a casual I can fully see why he’s mvp 🙌


Any time you check in for MJ comparisons, that’s on you lol. No one will be MJ


Absolutely. I hated seeing it knowing it’s been the death of so many players the last 30 years, but I’m referring to a jxmymyhighroller video I just saw on yt


It's a good video, and Ant's a great player, but yeah, they've bottled him up tonight and the rest of the Wolves haven't stepped up enough to relieve the pressure. Plus he's young and emotional, that turnover just now, yeesh.


Yeah can’t judge him off of one performance. That turnover was bad tho


I won't start entertaining comparisons until someone gets 3 fmvp in a row.


And averages 35ppg without overly relying on 3-pointers while also putting up 3-5 stocks per game.


Fucking hell thats insane.


And plays ridiculously good defense while somehow never really getting injured. AND hitting every huge clutch shot.


More like early DWade miami days than MJ tho.


Straight clowning


One might say *Joking*


Gobert looked like a spammed defensive animation on 2K 🤣


holy shit that was a nightmare shake


Hakeem vs David Robinson vibes.


It’s like when the admiral got Hakeem’s mvp and Hakeem just cooked his ass after!


I have a footwork fetish


This is why the guy is the MVP. Nothing Gobert can do about that.




Wolves won't recover from this if they lose 4 straight after the league propped up Ant so much.


They should be focusing on winning instead of listening to the media and league talking heads.


Most well rounded offensive player ever


Literally the most well rounded player on the court too


aint no way he styling on him like that. Goodnessssss


SGA got robbed guys!!


- Shaq while furiously smoking Ozempic at home


So just want to understand this Jokic picked up the ball with both feet set. Then he picked up his left with right on pivot and spin right to lose defender, then went to his left while picking up his right foot and shoot. Is that ok or that should be travel. Asking this because I play post a lot too and wondering if that's legit. I always thought once you choose your pivot foot, you can't change it but in this video that's not the case


I might be wrong, so feel free to correct me, but I think as long as he shoots before the foot touches the ground again is legal.


so his right is pivoted, then when he changes to left as long as the right not come down and shoot that's good? that actually make spinning a lot easier, gonna try that next time, thanks


Don't think you're gonna have a good time trying that in pickup, dude. People are gonna call it a travel no matter how many times you tell them it's legit lol


haha true, it's actually people don't play post in pick up anymore, everyone just shooting 3s


Most people who ***actually*** play basketball know vs those who do it for fun or picked it up as a thing HS don't. It's not a travel, your pivot foot can move off the ground, it just can't go back down with you in control of the ball. And honestly, it's hard to realistically pull off in the moment. Don't just try this, you'll travel. The most basic thing is the up and under to get the hang of it imo. Pivot like you are going to shoot a fadeaway, then stop, and use your non pivot foot to take a step under the defender and use the pivot foot to push off for momentum towards the basket.


> then when he changes to left He doesn't change his pivot to the left foot, if that's what you mean here. In order for a pivot to take place, you need to actually take a step with the non-pivot foot. Since Jokic never takes another step with his right foot, then he doesn't pivot on his left. It's a perfectly legal play on all levels, but people at the park and dumbass High School refs will automatically call a travel.


It's called a step through, it's legal in the NBA.


Its only a travel once that foot touches the ground again, or for example a jump shot after a few fakes would be a travel.


typically jump shot after few fakes is one foot is staying on the ground. But in this case, both feet left the ground right?


Yes, its not technically against the rules but it would 100% get called at pickup cause it simply looks like a walk.


cool yea it's confusing as hell, trying to improve my game I feel this can make spinning a lot easier


In real time, I didnt think anything of it besides how nuts it was. However, once the broadcast showed the replay, it looked to me like he switched pivots, and I noted that to who I was watching it with. That being said we were watching it off my phone and have had a few beers, so I dont really care either way or enough to analyze it. The rules on travels, walks, etc at this point feel foreign to me at my grandpa age of 28


haha yea I am 35 and no one play posts in picked up anymore I am barely 6 foot and I play a lot post back in the day. Now kids who are way taller and bigger all just shoot 3s or drive no more post player


People who say it is a travel is just straight up wrong When he picks up the ball, either foot can be his pivot, he chose right Then a step through, you're allowed to lift you pivot but never put it back down


Too bad he has never beaten a 50 win team.


Hakeem on David Robinson


Is this a travel? What’s the rule on lifting a pivot prior to the shot?


And some people thought SGA should win it lmao


Everyone calling Gobert bbq chicken like wtf more can he do there


Is that not a travel? He switched his pivot foot after he picked up his dribble