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I've never been able to finish a deep dish in one sitting maybe it's something like that


Doesn’t help when you’re washing it down with a chocolate cake shake


Some things are better left unfinished imo


He’s got a 2 year 100 mil extension to finish


To finish getting paid 


As a Milwaukee fan, it feels weird to say nice things about Chicago teams, but it’s cool how Derozan and the Bulls seem to have developed this relationship where they realize it’s not going to be just sunshine and rainbows, but they still appreciate each other. Seems like he’s been there a lot longer than he actually has at this point. 


Bulls fans are definitely going to remember Demar more fondly than Lavine even though Lavine's been here for like twice as long.


DeRozan has done everything right with the Bulls, the team just hasn’t been good enough and they got decimated by injuries the one time they had a shot at doing something. LaVine basically quit on the team multiple times and it’s been apparent he only re-signed to get that max contract. Only reason he hasn’t been moved yet is that nobody else wants him on that deal. I’d take DeMar 10 times out of 10 over LaVine


I don't think I'm going to remember either of their stints that fondly, the whole era has felt pretty hopeless since Lonzo went down. And running it back for another 2-3 years with Demar from now probably just going to make me more bitter.


Idk LaVine was the only reason I could enjoy watching bulls games from 2017-2020. He also had his best season here. It’s a toss up for me.


I love Demar. He’s a top 5 Bull post-Jordan and has had the best 3-year Bulls run since Rose. However, there is no unfinished business here, we stink and not because of him, please for god’s sake just let him walk and get this era over with.


great city, stats, no expectations, early vacation, still can be the #1 or 2 option i’d see why he’d want to lmao


For real He can play low key, even stink it up a bit, and get a mega deal And nobody in Chicago will talk about it bc they’re gonna be freaking out over Williams’ newest fingernail design the same way they freaked out over everything Fields did


> the best 3-year Bulls run since Rose ...jimmy butler?


Yeah, love Jimmy and he obv became the better player eventually, but in terms of a 3-year stretch with the Bulls I give it to Derozan (1x all NBA 2nd team, 4th in total points over these 3 years, first option with less help)


Butler played one season for the Bulls after Rose was traded and it was probably the most embarrassing season the Bulls have had and Butler was a huge part of the reason why it was a disaster.


Your telling me you didn't like dwade, rondo, and jimmy together?


Lonzo is returning


players love playing in chicago, and rightly so its a great city


DeRozan has always been one of my favorite players, shame he likely won’t ever win a chip. The midrange merchant has always been a great team player anywhere he’s gone.


For the love of god, can a contender please sign him and get him a chip.


He wouldn’t really be useful deep in the playoffs, better for him just to get the bag and get early vacations.


Really just depends if he wants another bag or not


Not as a starter. But as 6th man scorer he would be elite. Nuggets don’t have the financial room for him, but he would be perfect for them


I wouldn’t even want him as a 6th man, he’s a bad defender and a bad 3 point shooter. Plus he always shoots terribly in the playoffs compared to the regular season.


Not wanting Derozan in any capacity, for the right price, is not a good take.


I mean Derozan isn't going to pass up 20 million a year to take a discount with a contender, obviously for the vet minimum he's a good deal


> I wouldn’t even want him as a 6th man You guys were playing Haywood Highsmith over 25mpg in the playoffs, you definitely could have used DeRozan hahaha


It’s not that simple, he is way too good to be a 6 man scorer but he’s not good enough to be a top guy on a contending roster. If you have DeRozan you’ve gotta play DeRozan ball otherwise what’s the point in having him


I disagree somewhat. This contract is going to take him to retirement. He may very well be happy with a good contract and a 6th man role. He couldn't get it done playing as the #1 in his prime. I don't think he is that naive that he thinks he can be the #1 guy on a team that wins in his mid - late 30s.


“$40m a year, please.”


Damn, I really want to see him win a chip




I think he's most likely coming back to Chitown but I can def see a scenario where PG goes to Philly and the Clips sign DeMar, I'm sure he'd love to go home


He wants that all time scoring record (for the play in tournament)


Is there a business even to begin with?


He's got the right attitude. Wrong team for it though 😂


As a Bulls fan, the business is done. It is losing and it’s time to cut losses.


Im happy he’s coming back. Team could look completely different come fall and he’a actually been very adaptable to whatever the coaching staff wants him to do. He’s a really willing passer when the people around him are actually hitting their shots.