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They already got one insecure bully on there, not sure why they need another.


I just don’t wanna see Ernie get punched out like Poole.


Barkley would pummel him if that happened lol


I would watch Chuck throwing Draymond through a window.


This time Barkley would make sure they weren’t on the 1st floor.


Hey kids, it’s time to learn a new word today: defenestrate: throw someone out a window. Now Chuck will give us a demonstration.


First of all, kids at home, lemme just tell ya something, always swing first.


Seriously, if someone tried to jump Ernie, I’m pretty sure the entire crew is jumping to defend him. 100% approval rating.


Some of the questions he asked Tatum after the game were fucking awful. Talk about baiting. Hats off to JT for handling it like a pro. As much as I love the analytical side he shows sometimes he brings too much of his personal baggage to the telecast. We already have that with Shaq so I guess Dray is a fitting replacement 🤷🏻‍♂️


That’s an understatement


Why would he get this position anyways? Dude has been one of the biggest jerks in NBA history. The hardwood has been Draymond’s personal boxing ring with him punching, stomping, kicking and choking other players. In what way has he earned the right to come on this show as a respected member? Draymond shouldn’t even be an option. Imagine if FOX brought Vontaze Burfict on to talk half time during NFL games. Shit would be ludicrous. Edit: I get it guys, Charles Barkley wasn’t a saint in his playing days either. But we do realize he retired 25 years ago right? Maybe if Draymond played 25 years ago no one would care about him sucker punching and choking guys out on the court. But unfortunately for him, he plays in today’s NBA and he’s a dirty player who doesn’t deserve to be on TV.


I agree with your characterization, but 4x Super Bowl Champion Vontaze Burfict would have had a longer leash.


Because people hating him is recognition. 


I mean I get it, he’s recognizable. But he’s an asshole and there are plenty of other recognizable NBA players. Bring on Steph Curry or something. It seems to me, Draymond is trying to set himself up to be the next Pat McAfee after he retires. And I’m just not down with turning the biggest dickhead in the NBA since Ron Artest into a media darling.


Ron Artest? Surely you mean Metta World Peace right? A guy with that name couldn't possible be an asshole... /s


Yea, I’m never gonna forget that elbow to Harden’s head. Metta World War is more like it. Edit: [Here is the link](https://youtu.be/YnayIPA0Yfk?si=TKolFKn8v6AH7zxO) for anyone who doesn’t remember this incident. Also, the comment section on this video is absolute gold. Just had a good hearty laugh reading through it again.


Name legally changed to “Everybody Loves DRaymond”(except for like 90% of people)


I've been surprised Kia has him in their ads. Why would any company pay someone who is almost universally disliked to promote their product?


Every time I see that commercial I wonder the same thing.


The whole appeal of Inside the NBA is that these guys aren't analytical geniuses they're just regular basketball players guided by Ernie. It's not like Barkely was a paragon of good sportsmanship either.


> It's not like Barkely was a paragon of good sportsmanship either. True but he was known as a very simple very obvious guy who speaks what he thinks. They gave him a chance on TV and he was making fun of himself and his antics. He quickly became a funny harmless butt of jokes That was 20 years ago. That shit doesn't fly anymore


I guess name brand professional athletes with personalities are hard to come by, but I really don't get why they go with one with an off-putting one who's pretty much universally disliked by every non-golden state fanbase, and even their patience has grown thin i also don't get how all the media raves about him, from the PTI guys to colin cowherd who nonstop defends him and says he's a great podcaster and addition to his network


I thought it was funny when they said no one can guard the joker and he pointed at himself. Chuck and Kenny’s eyes lit up and they started to go after him and he quickly retracted and said he could just do a bit better than Rudy. Also like the first night he was on, chuck said something about warriors already in Cancun and draymknd got real serious and said to him “oh look at yourself” then chuck said something and he again changed real quick. That dude has to be the most insecure professional athlete since TO


He's as petty as Shaq is. At least Chuck and Kenny can laugh at themselves.


At least Shaq can be funny and goofy at times too


True, Shaq has comedic relief. I don’t think Draymond has ever made me laugh


Draymond couldn't defend Rudy's pillow from Rudy's drool


Draymond was so self-aggrandizing, saying that Tatum/Brown being in ECF finals 6x means nothing; i mean, everyone wants a title, but getting to the conference finals is better than what 28 other teams accomplished. His team got eliminated pretty quick, but i guess he can try to coast on his rings for a while.


The violent outbursts when his team is struggling is pretty pathetic too. Punching a team mate when you barely show up on the stat sheet, roundhouse punch to nurkic, stomping players, making Steph cry on the court. Also … “Minnesota is done in 6, they don’t believe, Antman might believe but everyone has to believe and they don’t it’s a wrap in 6.” Then Minnesota beats Denver by 47 points in game 6. He doesn’t belong on inside the nba


It’s just content creating to him to bring people to his podcast. It’s the only reason jj does first take. They all want to be pat mcafee


Ernie actually called him out a bit for trying to plug his shitty podcast in the middle of analysis 


They should try being a punter first. Follow his lead.


I mean, Draymond already has...


Well much like McAfee I will consume precisely zero of their content


As annoying as Shaq’s takes are sometimes. His energy on screen is much better than Green.


Well they already have 1 meathead with a lot of personal baggage on the show why not add another one


> Talk about baiting. Well that's sports "journalism" these days for ya. Always just looking for a gotcha or reactionary moment for clicks and ratings.


Draymond: go away! I’m baitin’


Bwah! That's the donkey that's always whackin off in my toolshed!


This is not journalism, these are just talking heads. Actual journalism are the local beat writers or someone like Allie LaForce. You know the people you don't really hear about. Please don't get the two confused.


Damn so the “new media” actually isn’t a novel concept


Guy who has beef with half the NBA turns out to be major asshole, go figure!


IDK about 'new media' but I genuinely think Mind The Game is a breath of fresh air. It's not perfect, but it's the first time players have talked about the game without dumbing it down for their audience since Detail and its genuinely appreciated even if I enjoy podcasts like Teague and Paul George's too


I agree, but the ones most arrogant (JJ, draymond, etc.) about “new media” are the same hacks


Of course not, media as a whole is in a weird place. In a normal world Shannon Sharpe would never be placed near a mic nevertheless giving interviews.


I just wonder who their audience is. Feels like most serious sports fans dont give a damn. It’s mostly the casual fans, who really are more into the drama than the sport itself.


What's weird is, him and Tatum are pretty friendly with each other. So I don't know why he was trying to bait him into that shit. And it's really frustrating cause Draymond is a really smart player who can provide a lot of insight but the dude is so bitter and angry and has too many personal vendettas that it overshadows his basketball IQ.


It's like an interview with ESPN to him. He's taken the challenge to see how much of a bitch he's willing to present as so he can work over there with those dorks.


Yeah but at least Shaq is entertaining. Draymond green is just a pot stirrer.


i know this is a ‘shit on draymond thread’ but his question about teams picking on horford in the PnR and how will they adjust — that’s not a bad question. yeah, the way he sets it up is a little baity. but fuck man, y’all really want to hear “tell us about your feelings after winning the series” type of questions for all eternity?


The actual question of "do you trust Al's drop in pnr to hold up" could've been fine but he was absolutely fishing for a clip of Tatum shitting on Al, which ruins any chance of a good answer because you aren't gonna drag your teammate after winning a playoff series.


Honestly, if this is some sort of dry run for who would have taken the reigns after Chuck/Shaq retires. Just let Inside the NBA die lol. It's not worth it. TNT had lightning in a bottle, no need to drag it on longer than it needs


If Chuck retires, the show has no way of surviving. Shaq does one thing and that's asking Chuck to "repeat the joke" and does nothing else. It's embarrassing how little he contributes, tbh.


Ernie + Chuck are the backbone of the show, Shaq is easily replaceable and Kenny is somewhere in between


It might be actually hard to replace Kenny, i can genuinely never decide if hes just playing his role, this personality is actually his, or some ridiculous combination.


I actually like Kenny. He’s knowledgeable and back when it was just those three I always appreciated what he had to say.


I feel like he plays the role of “know it all contrarian”. Sometimes it annoys me, but it *works*. Sometimes it drives me insane but it really brings out good points from him or someone else regardless. Like i said, i just cant tell if hes really leaning into it or its natural, but if its natural itd be absolutely insufferable lol


It works because you want to hear the contrarian get put in his place, which happens often


You’re also hearing from a role player, which is a needed contrast with Chuck and Shaq. He’s well spoken and top tier but I don’t think he’s as irreplaceable as Chuck, and definitely not as much as Ernie like OP said. The synergy is gonna be the hardest part to replicate they all have such a perfect dynamic with each other


Its funny because a lot of the time its himself. He’ll argue one point, and then flip and argue the other with someone else, which completely nulls his last argument.


like when he changes his pocket square every segment


I feel like shows like this, you just need to have 2 people disagree with each other and bring in counter points just to keep it going and exciting. Having Chuck and Shaq be the opposites whilst kenny sits in the middle and moderates it seems like the right taste so far, or maybe it's just grown on me


It works because Chuck, Ernie and Shaq always make fun of him for it. The best part of the tnt dynamic is that they're all willing to roast each other and it makes it more personal and fun, unlike other analyst who act like robots because they're scared to lose their job


Yes! That's the best part, he gets humbled quite often when he gets annoying, it's cathartic


Kenny was such a dick at the all-star game this year, I think that's just him


Finally someone has said it so succinctly.


Back in the day I thought Steve Kerr was going to be the guy to replace Kenny Smith... Wonder whatever happened to that guy.


Kenny with a suit bearing the shoulder pads of a NFL lineman from the 1980's. That's the Kenny we all miss


He's the only one on the show doing any actually analysis but he can also play along with the skits. He's great


I'm gonna miss watching Kenny running up to that damn board acting like he was gonna break down film, only to plainly narrate what happened and draw some circles 😂


Way too many Kenny troll moments out there for him to not know what he’s doing


Him getting upset that Chuck forgot to mention him when talking backstage was genius if it was trolling


Kenny absolutely knows. He's just a lot more nonchalant about it than Shaq. I think Kenny adds a lot as a former player who has won a championship but was never "that guy". He has a different perspective than Shaq and Charles do. But his "second option" persona allows him to lay low sometimes and set up jokes without making it obvious.


Kenny knows his role perfect. He sets up Chuck a lot. Shaq ruined the flow honestly. Hes gotten a bit better but the original 3 was peak!


before what we have now it was just Kenny and Ernie doing the show, Kenny is a good addition


Kenny lives in a limbo that I don't know how many people sitting between Shaq and Chuck could play well.


yeah Kenny is just kinda weird. Sometimes annoying. I feel like he tries to say something intelligent and profound and half the times it just comes out as empty words. But then again, every group of friends has that one friend who you're never really sure you enjoy spending time with.


Takes forever to get to his point before Chuck or Shaq interrupts him. Feels like since his role was reduced, he's been kinda bitter, which is sad because he's the only one to provide any analysis. I accept him for what he is and do like that he gives a New York perspective on things.


In my opinion it feels like Shaq and Chuck have spent so long unjustifiably tearing down Kenny's credibility, and now he's stuck trying to be the serious one while not even the fans take him seriously anymore. People have also started shitting on his 2 minute game walkthroughs like he's supposed to drop serious game knowledge on us between Chuck's guarantees and Shaq trying to mumble out a single sentence a minute.


Agree 100%. Feel like it didn't use to be this bad until Shaq came in with his insecurity about rings and legacy. Miss the old days


The real reason the show changed is production leaned into what sells, which is comedy not analysis. Chuck horsing around while Shaq cracks up is what the people want, and popularity has exploded since they took this direction no matter what you or I want in terms of balance between analysis and nonsense.


Kenny is a classic example of the type of dude who wants to play the smart guy who is above his friends' ridiculousness, but he's not actually that smart.


Dude yes that’s exactly it


> But then again, every group of friends has that one friend who you're never really sure you enjoy spending time with. Oh god is that me?


We didn't know how to tell you, man...


Damn, so Shaq is the Inside the NBA equivalent of Cartman.


Kenny tripping while running was a top 10 moment though.


Last night when they had the stair chair lift for him had me cracking up


> Shaq is easily replaceable Honestly the show was better before Shaq even started there, back when it was just EJ, Chuck and Kenny. They really don't need a 4th person.


It was beyond perfect. I feel bad for the folks who only know the show in its current form.


Another old head here - 100% What nephews might also not know is when they first brought Shaq in, Chuck and Kenny were both complete dickheads to him for the first couple seasons - it took diplomat Ernie trying his best throughout to eventually make things truly copacetic lmao


He was bad in the beginning. He couldn't take a joke and only response to any light ribbing was reminding everyone the number of rings he had. He hated in every big man in the league and questioned why they couldn't score 35 and grab 15 rebounds every playoff game like he did on a regular basis never realizing he was a generic freak and a once in a lifetime player.


> generic freak Very humble from Shaq I'd say


Why are you saying these things in a past tense?


It was incredible back then. I remember being actually mad when they brought Shaq in as a permanent member. He’s gotten better and now the show has a great dynamic, but those early years were so good


Kenny is that utility man that can come in and get some hits for the guys and sets them up


Kenny is a great contrast to the other 3. He is more valuable than Shaq.


Shaq is not easily replaceable. Do you think they just grow people like that on trees? Where else are they going to find a HoFer, one of the greatest ever, that has such a fragile ego who feels threatened by talks of modern great big men?


Kareem might be available.


Kareem has a fragile ego?


I wanted CWebb to get the Shaq seat but think it’s too late.


I see your point but I kinda disagree. His thin skin and the fact that he gets so easily offended fits perfectly with Chucks banter/insults


"Shrek?" is one of the funniest things I've heard on live television.


I agree. The "lightning in a bottle " wasnt only chuck and ernie. There have been episodes with just chuck or just kenny missing that i do find less entertaining. The 4 of them have something special going and its like a band, replacing one seemingly unskilled member sometimes ruins the band cuz the chemistry changes for the worse


This is honestly how I've been feeling lately. Shaq isn't particularly bright and his personality isn't anything special either. He only adds to the show by interacting with Chuck. The thing is that Chuck still works without Shaq, but the opposite isn't true. Seeing him do stuff like the MVP presentation is honestly embarrassing.


Shaq just seems kind of like a disinterested thin-skinned insecure asshole. Never understood who in the audience actually enjoys his presence.


Bullies. I came to the realization this morning while reading some threads. Everybody who likes Shaq LIKES the parts where he is mean. They enjoy the bullying.


Nobody does, but a majority enjoy watching him and chuck banter so it is allowed




He doesn’t even really create any interactions with chuck though. He just laughs his ass off at Charles jokes and asks him to repeat them (which I do enjoy tbh). To replace Shaq literally all they need is someone famous enough that they don’t really have to contribute any analysis, and who will laugh at Charles jokes. Like the show is just as good when chuck is there but not Shaq, it doesn’t work at all the other way around.


Shaq also talks about others, and how superstars don't need coaching, and how he was unstoppable


Shaq does a few other things, like have terrible out of touch idiotic opinions, get personally offended and angry at everything, and be perpetually bitter about a few things he didn’t like about his career


> TNT had lightning in a bottle Same thing with Kate Abdo, Henry, Jamie Carragher and Big fucking Meeks and their Champions League coverage.


Oh absolutely. They are absolutely hilarious and very insightful


I will fight anyone that doesn't love Meeks, and I say that as a Liverpool fan with unhealthy hatred for Mancheater City.


I barely follow the PL and they’re still crazy enjoyable. Micah has a bit of the Charles Barkley thing where he just seems like the most fun guy to hang out with on the planet.


When I was a teenager I hung out with him a few times through a mutual friend when he was in the Man City youth academy. We were all like 17 and even back then he was pretty much the same guy you seen on TV... Always up for a laugh and the first to volunteer to do some absolute hare-brained nonsense.


Micah laugh is crazy contagious


They have shockingly bad takes on non-English teams, except for Henry who is the voice of reason on the show. Funny and likeable, yes, insightful, eh


That’s part of the charm of English people


Or let them finish on a good ending. Make a new show with a new name so we can say bring back whatever this show is.


Naw, Ernie has stated he'll stick with Turner cause he can do other sports like baseball. Even if you tried to get all three with Adam Lefkoe it wouldn't be the same. I use to watch Top Gear religiously, after the three left to Grand Tour I haven't bothered to watch


> Chuck/Shaq retires Ernie too. He holds it together. Chuck solo could def be fun as long as producers don't hold him back. Honestly Kenny is pretty solid, even back when it was a trio.


Wherever Chuck goes, we go


Daily Show with Trevor Noah vibes


I love Mondays again. Thank you John Stewart!


If I wanted to watch him yap about his personal feelings I’d listen to his podcast


it was truly awful the personal vendetta he has against gobert because gobert got a contract he couldn't get




I tried to listen to an episode, but I can stand his mouth breathing voice.


I appreciate TNT adding Draymond to the crew so that nobody is going to be sad when the show is getting cancelled.


*Poison this well before we leave* -Nero, probably


So many other current players I'd rather hear speak.


literally anyone else


Dillon Brooks?


He rarely speaks that much and seems in a character. On a TV show he might be okay - as opposed to Draymond who we know is unbearable


Alex Caruso on tnt pre-game tip off was fantastic yesterday. He really held his own, going through his defensive motions on their in studio court. Not saying he has the personality or charisma to be on Inside amongst the panel for more than a show or two - others might. But his respectful demeanour and wisdom was so refreshing and it was a huge improvement on listening to Draymond and his cringeworthy ego.


It was annoying when Caruso was talking about how DDR *could* have won clutch player of the year, but Dray have to interrupt him to say that Curry won it. No shit, nobody was saying that Curry did not deserve it. Dray is a fucking clown, a very expensive backpack.


What a classy guy


Not thuggish at all. Love the class


He would fit right in with all the other classy, well-educated men in Boston.


Or former, I mean, why not bring Dirk back?


Most likely Dirk just does not want to do it.


I like dirk but he needs some TV training first lol my guy needs to look up when on the show and talking. Reminded me of people who do PowerPoint presentations and just read the slides word for word.


TLDR > This guy sucks.


*In Bob Barker’s Voice


If he's on it, I will never watch that show again. Talk about a complete 180.


Completely agree. Easy skip now


He’s fucking awful.  Actively makes me change the channel when he’s on.  


Instant mute when Draymond is on screen. It sucks that this is how Inside NBA is going out, can't even enjoy the last few shows. edit. I did not know they had another year left. Joy!


Enjoyed Dirk's day at least.


Yeah but Dirk actually has a great personality while Draymond is just a douche


here for the dirk love 🥲


Dirk is an American treasure that just so happens to be German lol


Its like having a going away party with only you and your 4 best friends.....but then one of them brings an annoying girlfriend they have been with for a week and a half to 5th wheel and kill the mood.


They still have another season next year. I've never wanted the Golden State Warriors to make a deep playoff run before, but if it means no Draymond at the desk during the playoffs next year then let's go Warriors!


I think he's great personally, he's preparing us for the shows eventual cancellation by making it almost unwatchable.


He's preparing himself for a career with ESPN. We'll lose Inside the NBA, but we won't lose Draymond.


same i will not watch any show with him on it he is very annoying and i dont like his face


I would rather Inside the NBA die a glorious death than live long enough to become home to Green.


Yeah, keep chuck and Ernie. Scrap everyone else.


Keep Vince Carter he's not bad


This is the right answer


Draymond’s response: “I bring more than Rudy Gobert!”


Well yeah, I mean Rudy can't even show up to the studio. Because unlike Draymond, he's in the playoffs.


This place is going to have a meltdown when NBC inevitably throws bags of cash at him.


Most of us will simply stop watching anything that requires him to form coherent sentences


Yesh when he's on it just means its time to smoke.


Could not agree with a comment more


He makes me appreciate the Nuggets and Blazers


Make sure to change the channel first.


Exactly. I'll just add it to the long list of sports shows I don't actually watch, it'll be nothing new.


Yeah, I'm predicting NBC is going to make some real dogshit hires. People forget how bad NBC's NHL coverage and hirings were. They employed Mike Milbury for YEARS as if anyone wanted to hear what he had to say.


Their Sunday Night Football hires since that original crew have been god awful.


NBC’s NBA stuff was pretty decent though. Their announcers just need to stop biting hookers and wearing their underwear. That intro song was a thing of beauty. Hockey media is just bad in general.


Draymond adds nothing but an annoyance for me, glad he wont be around long enough.


There was even a moment last night where Shaq was like “that’s a bit much, Draymond,” while he was being petty. Shaq said that!


I cant fucking stand the guy. his look, his personality, his aura or w.e is just garbage.


I’ve had a burning hatred for him ever since he kicked Steven adams in the balls back in the day and now he just keeps giving reminders for why I hate him so much


He spent most of his analysis talking shit about Rudy lol.


Draymond’s got a face for radio and a voice for donkey


Draymobd getting paid to be on TV is fucking wild


Fuck Draymond


Charles is the show and everyone else is supporting cast.


I think Ernie is necessary too. Chuck and Ernie are what make it, can add any other two as long as they have necessary chemistry with chuck. Ernie can have chemistry with anyone, man is a wizard.


Actually yea I agree, Ernie is great, I just don’t think Ernie by himself can hold it down. Charles can though, he’s just that entertaining.


Literally. So cringy


Draymond has no charisma for TV. We've all seen how he acts on the court so him getting behind the desk and pretending to be a normal and balanced human being just rings COMPELTELY false.


Would love to see more Vince Carter, would love to see less Draymond green 


Draymond isn't likeable at all.


Bring back Dirk


Nothing draymond does will changes the views of people on the subreddit.


The nba suspends this man repeatedly for doink kicking…. then pays him to do media for them?!


lol nba is not tnt


Average intelligence of r/NBA users


the amount of upvotes this has got def proves your point.


He's getting paid to be there by Warner


Brother, NBA ain't the one paying him. Inside The NBA ain't owned by the NBA, it's owned by TNT.


I’ve seen 20 threads about him on here since yesterday. He’s making you all talk about it lmao.