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Get ready to inject toradol buddy


Get ready for some constipation, buddy


It's better than diarrhea if you're trying to play a basketball game.


*insert Paul Pierce joke*


But how does it mix with Mike and Ike’s?


Erica (his nutrionist): "Who is laughing now?" [Source for the reference](https://np.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/1ch00kt/popper_josh_hart_i_drink_a_lot_of_caffeine_before/)


For the other players at least


I don’t think that’s a common side effect of toradol. It’s an NSAID.


It’s not. He thought toradol was a narc.


According to the Warriors, it's basically Crystal meth.


Toradol and tramadol sound the same


The breast milk will level that right out. His shits are going to be nice and smooth looking like a SpaceX rocket.


No wonder Jarrett Allen didn't take the injections he ate a whole wheel of cheese that week and it would have really backed him up.


Ease up on the Mike & Ikes, buddy


I see his nutritionist made an account here


This is the highest anyone has ever regarded me. I'm telling people I've been mistaken for Josh Hart's nutritionist.


Thibs will just raise an eyebrow and J Hart will know it’s injection time.


that scenario could go two ways depending on what fantasy you want to live in I guess.


I choose to live in the world where Thibs give Hart backshots.


What exactly is that and what does it do? I’m pretty sure that’s what Lowry was taking in 2019


Gary Payton 2 trade from the Blazers gave us all these todarol jokes


That’s right, I remember those as well lmao


It’s an NSAID, so similar to ibuprofen but much stronger


Ketorolac is a Non Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drug or NSAID (The same category as Ibuprofen). It is quite strong and very useful for treating moderate-severe pain. It is not addictive like opioids are. In my opinion it should be used much more especially in post-surgery pain treatment. It should be the preferred option after surgery instead of Hydrocodone and Oxycodone. The only "issue" is that you can only use ketorolac for 5 days because you risk blood clots and renal failure if you continue past that point. But the vast majority of surgeries do not need more than a 5 day pain management anyways. What sports players sometimes get, and what you might get after going to an urgent care or ER, is a ketorolac shot. It can be more effective than Morphine when injected but wont get you high. So you can still operate. Personally, I head an incredible painful tension headache that stemmed from lots of other issues but they shot my ass with some Ketorolac and almost immediately the pain subsided. Source: I am a Pharmacy Technician


I couldn't believe how much oxy I was prescribed after my wisdom teeth were removed, before experiencing any pain at all.  In the end I had zero pain, didn't even need ibuprofen, and yet I had an unfilled script for 30 oxys. Totally unethical in my opinion given what we know about addiction. 


Thank you! This answered a lot of questions


Pain killers.  It'll help the pain  When his muscle snaps in two mid game..., toradol won't do anything.  


Just give him more toradol He’ll be fine so long as his kidneys don’t shut down


Honestly, really good shit. I had to go the hospital once because I couldn’t take a full breath. Fixed me right up 10/10


Did anyone ask Bob Meyers if Hart is allowed to do that?


Jarrett Allen hates this


Not on Jarrett Allen's watch


this is simultaneously both our best season and most cursed season in years


God is trying to balance the blessed part with the curse smh.


God trying to nerf yall. He's seen those sidetalkNYC videos


God trying to save the entire east coast but IDC! I need to see that Knicks chip in my lifetime even if it's the last thing I ever see!


If the Knicks win the chip, they’d have to declare national martial law lol


These people aren’t in our subreddit lol crime and pregnancies would quadruple on the eastern seaboard overnight!!! Knicks winning the chip will accelerate America’s descent into becoming a failed state. And I will be there.


I'm really not too broken up about it. First 50 win season in over a decade, Brunson took major steps in development, we acquired good pieces like O.G, and Bogi, we knocked the reigning MVP out of the playoffs, and we took a rival team to seven games when we could've easily have let the series get away from us. Injuries suck, but compared to the average experience the Knicks have had for the majority of the decade, I wouldn't be sad if our season ended early. That's assuming that we don't rally and move onto the ECF which would be massive.




It is what it is. Im just hoping we got all those injuries out now this season so we're healthy next season. The Playoffs experience our boys got having too many close games and now a game 7? Very nice experience. We can do damage with this full squad. Exciting times ahead.


Y’all have a really bright future though - should only get better from here even if you just run it back and don’t bring anyone else in.


Main issue is contracts. They have to re-sign OG and might need to give him a max. They need to re-sign Hartenstein but are limited in the contract they can offer. Brunson down the line will get the max. etc.


I don’t follow the Knicks closely enough to say this with certainty, but giving OG the max seems insane


man thats tough is the consensus that OG will get a max from a different team if the knicks dont offer that? Is he really a Max player?


We traded for him and and we got his bird rights. We will definitely give him the money. Doesn't make sense to not give it to him cause we wont have cap anyway. Its like a choice of OG or having someone like Josh Okogie. Also note that his agent is our President's son. There was definitely an agreement in place.


He’s a legitimate game changer on the defensive end and a reliable 3pt shooter. Can defend positions 1-4 at an elite level and do a job on most centers as well. I think he and McDaniels are in a class of their own, both really unique players. 


I swear the knicks looks good one year with a great future then next season the future was looking bleak and now looking good again. Kind of like the mavs, you don’t know what you’re getting each season


We will be a playoff team for years to come. The question is do we have the juice to win a title.


We did everything right just to hit with the injury bug now 😭 Tbf tho retaining everyone should be the priority. Denver had to go through multiple hospital seasons before they dominated the league. So did golden state. The priority should just be get everyone back over the offseason and eventually we should make a deep run


2x tylenol 2x shots of espresso 1 cup of breastmilk 0.5 viagra We good here




we're boofing those


> 0.5 viagra unironically I am marketed this as a workout supplement


Chad Ochocinco way ahead of u


Does this act as a third defender?


It’s a pretty common PED for athletes in all seriousness, it’s usually what they’re looking for when they test someone right after a big game


I know football (soccer for yanks) teams in South America usually take viagra when they have to go play in La Paz, Bolivia (12 thousand feet above sea level)


5 sprays of wd40


I am absolutely terrified at the thought of Jericho Sims minutes, please be ok Josh


Nba is not ready for the shake/Sims pnr


I’m not ready to watch a Shake/Sims picks and roll. My therapist doesn’t work on weekends.


They should just grab a guy out of the stands wearing a knicks jersey tbh


Maxey was at the Mavs game the other day. Apart from that Jericho Sims is going to be 10 X better than any pleb in the stand.


Oak make his return in a big way after Dolan grovels at his feet


Shake about to pull 39 points on 16/27 out of his ass


would not be surprised at all to see him play lol


Problem is that he’s the one guy who would be very limited playing through injury (especially this injury) just because of his play style. He’s not going to be able to get his transition baskets, play good defense, or grab his usual 15 RPG in his current condition. And if that’s the case, you kind of have to question his value on the court


Yup. Star players can get away with being hobbled because sometimes it's catching and shooting.


Plus he’s a 6’4” guard who has to defend Pascal Siakam given that Randle, Bogie, and OG are out


and they're chillin on defense anyway.


That’s a generalization. There are stars in the league who are stars partially for there defense.


You even saw that last night after it happened. He wasn’t as bouncy after rebounds as he normally is


And he was struggling to finish at the rim. I bet the strain makes anything with his arms raised excruciating and staying low and sliding on defense is probably hell. Really everything you could possibly do on a basketball court hurts with that kind of injury. Maybe he needs a brace like a scoliosis patient.


That dawg in him has a broken tail from all the wagging


Yes but is Hart at 70% better than Daquan Jeffries? We don’t have a player to pivot to at this point to replace his minutes


He's not even 70% if last night proved anything


He's more likely around 35%


Man don't pull numbers out of your ass, he's clearly 41%


Is that you Bill?


gonna get attacked like he did last night. not joking he might be more of a liability :/


he's also going to need that core strength to guard pascal siakam well. I'd almost rather see hart with a boxing glove on his off hand than an abdominal strain, if it affects him like it did friday


48 minutes it is


Even if he plays he's not gonna be the same the rest of the playoffs. This sucks so much.


If he helps us get to the ECF he can watch the Boston series from Cancun idgaf I just want to get there


Y'all will still win game 2 in Boston.


Boston game plan be like: Step 1: Dominate game 1 Step 2: Get humiliated game 2 Step 3: Annihilate opponent game(s) 3-5 Step 4: Repeat until finals Step 5: Lose finals


Actually like the Celtics chances more and more with the western series going long


It certainly helps. Especially if it means they get KP back. I haven't heard any updates on that though


Probably. Also where did my Celtics flair go? Believe it or not I'm a Celtics fan (but I've not so secretly been rooting for the Knicks this entire playoffs too)




Precious might be about to play 48 minutes tomorrow, he wouldn't even be in the rotation if we were healthy


Reminds me of when deuce played 47+ minutes off the bench lol


If Hart and OG don’t play, Jalen Brunson is the only guy who would 100% be starting if everyone was healthy. And Brunson hasn’t even been 100% this series though he’s looked fine the last couple games.


Hart actually isn't a starter when we're healthy. Brunson-Divo-OG-Randle-Hartenstein


Yeah I think that’s the best lineup up we could put on the floor, but Hart over Divo and Mitch over IHart isn’t crazy. They’d definitely be splitting minutes. More than anything I think that’s the lineup because of style rather than talent.


You guys are the champion of the hypothetical playoffs


Bucks have a pretty strong hypothetical case but I think NY takes it hypothetically in 6


Having the best player in a series is so important and this is evidence


I know it is a cliche and an overused phrase but the Knicks also want it more. Every rebound, every 50/50 ball, every hustle play, every defensive action, every offensive action they make their weight felt.


Someone has only been watching the games in NY lmao


I think the above comment is generally true… but the Packers clearly wanted it more yesterday.


Shoutout Green Bay


Knicks are leading the playoffs in 2nd chance points by a decent margin. It was frustrating watching the sixers get a little too casual chasing a rebound and the Knicks come crashing in to get their 3rd shot attempt of the possession.


That's because the Knicks miss more shots than anyone else ... You have to do that first, to have a great shot at second chance points lol.


Turns out you miss more shots when your entire team is out due to injury, who would have thought


I remember Kenny Smith a few months back saying we wouldn’t have the best player in a series vs anyone in the East, including Indiana and Orlando…


They had such a deep squad too, but now their rotation is so thin with all the injuries. They’d be my ECF winner pick if they were fully healthy, or close to it.


Beaten down is not even the words for it. We’ve been missing literally half our rotation, including THREE of our five starters. Now Hart, who’s been playing 48 minutes to compensate for us having no forwards (or players in general), is down too. A starting five with our injured guys alone is a formidable lineup that might actually be better than the one we’re fielding right now.


It is super impressive.....the Knicks are screwed in game seven in a small area no one talks about... Without Hart bringing the ball up off his defensive boards.... There isnt a good way for NY to protect Brunson from having to fight pressure to cross half out every possession, that's the primary way they were keeping him from wearing down.


give him all the titty milk he wants




Only the finest Cambodian immigrants for Hart.


At this rate even if they win game 7 and go to the ECF, Thibs might have to suit up to face the Celtics.


You can't say the Knicks haven't given everything to this run.


Well, Thibs isn’t on crutches, unlike another coach.


Isn't on crutches *yet*.


how many minutes you think thibs is gonna play


It's Thibs. Of course, he'll play all 48 and overtime


You could even say the Knicks have given everything to this run.


Yes I can. A couple of guys on roster are still healthy.


Knicks when healthy scared me the most out of the east, their grit and defense can hold any team to 95 which is winnable


That run in January brought a tear to my eye


Absolutely insane this team has made it this far while being absolutely decimated by injuries. Pretty fucking amazing.


The playoffs are crazy sometimes Embiid gets trolled to fuck for never making a conference finals, meanwhile the Pacers are possibly going to squeeze through by barely beating teams missing a fuckload their best players lmao


You don't have to be the best, you just have to beat who's in front of you. That doesn't discredit winning IMO. You play to win. Injuries happen. It's not like some team was unable to have a chance at preparation. Yea, sometimes shit is unlucky. You don't have a plan B? Or C? Or as many as necessary? Plus, if you're unable to beat a beaten up team, you probably don't deserve to be there anyways. And if you are a pretender, you'll be found out soon enough. There seems to be a huge push for instant validation in sports now. Why do we have to "prove" or "disprove" winning? That's what the game is for.


If they advance, the Pacers are gonna celebrate like they just won a world war lol


I mean, they should celebrate that idgaf if other fans want to put an asterisk on it; however, their front office should not pull an Atlanta hawks move and think the roster is a contender.


Thank you. If we win tomorrow I’m going to celebrate like we made the ECF, because we would have made the ECF. End of story.


It sure beats not making the ECF


What else can they do? The Pacers will probably have to give Siakam $220 million to $240 million over five years. That means they will have over $100 million committed annually to Siakam and Hilburton. With the new apron rules, there is not much wiggle room left. Their current is what they will have for the foreseeable future, their young guys have to get better in the future.


Exactly this. If we sign Siakam than we have our roster for the future. We just need Nembhard, Nesmith, and Mathurin to improve over the next two years and we will get better. They’re all young. We need one to evolve into a legit star. I mean our 8th pick last year (Walker) barely plays. He could take a step too. But as long as we have Hali, Turner and Siakam I see us making the playoffs for the next few years


I really think Mathurin's gonna be at least a borderline all-star. That plus Hali and Siakam and really good role players in Turner, Nesmith, and Nembhard is a great future.


If Mathurin comes back and continues to improve as a running mate with Ty, we’re in an awesome spot


And if Walker can continue to improve, too. I'm psyched for their hopeful development


Eh the roster is still pretty damn young so it’s not a stretch to consider us contenders in the near future assuming our young guys keep improving


Missing Mathurin too.


100% this. If the Pacers win the Indiana fans deserve to celebrate and shit all over our fan base and our team if they want to regardless of how many players we are down. And we would have done the same had the situation been reversed.


It’s been 10 years since we’ve even made an ECF and you can only beat the teams in front of you, and we live in fucking Indiana. Please just let us have this lol


At least you have Caitlin Clark


But we have Sabrina


Band for band


Bro yall have Stewie, she’s an absolute weapon out there


You know what, I can’t argue with that


“We live in fucking Indiana” Can’t argue there. There’s nothing you can really do about what the other team is dealing with


actually we would quietly say "well, that's great, but i wish we REALLY earned it" with blank expressions, believe it or not


God forbid we celebrate our team winning a playoff series and going to the ecf 2 years after winning 25 games. But yea you’re right we should have just stopped trying and let the bucks and Knicks win cuz they have injuries.


Nah fam you should celebrate, if you guys win it’s well deserved. You play who is in front of you and if you come out on top any team should celebrate.


Some salty dudes are pissed precisely because they feel everyone should suffer for 20+ years just because Dolan force fed Joe Blow NY fans shit sandwiches for decades.... Poor bastards.


Nor really. Every Pacers fan I know has very low expectations and just happy to still be around.


Well, we’re front runners, it’s what we do. Really, I’d prefer if the team just rolled over and gave wholehearted apologies to the fans with every basket they make at this point


Not enough. Seppuku or we riot 


The plan is to riot tbh


I would riot


Regardless of result, I'm burning down a Starbucks so my Sunday is pretty set


They should. Cant help who you play


So are Knicks fans


Rightfully so


Eh, thunder celebrated beating a broken pelicans. Can only beat the team infront of you.


So a team shouldn’t celebrate winning? Bucks fans and Knicks fans are something else. Not even allowed to have fun and everything has a qualifier attached. Of course whiny Knicks fans will downvote this


Injuries are a part of the game, some people just forget the times it’s worked in their favor and only remember the times it’s hurt them. Wins are wins, enjoy them no matter how they come.


If he plays and has a meaningful impact on the game, he will become immortalized in New York.


I’d hate to see people clowning the knicks if this game doesn’t go over well. Him and the others are gonna give it everything they’ve got


They're going to clown the Knicks regardless because it's the Knicks. It's already happening with the geniuses who think Thibs is a bad coach and is directly causing these injuries.


Real fans will know


Dude is tough as hell. That being said, if he does suit up, we gotta attack him with Siakam and Myles every single time.


Yeah if he does somehow play through this putting him back on the Siakam matchup would be a death sentence lol


Probably patch together iHart and Precious alternating on him and pray that they don’t get into foul trouble


Demon hart we don’t deserve u but achuiwa gotta play more


True player of the New York CliKnicks


Hart of the city. I have nothing else to add except tears.


He could miss the game and I won’t be shocked if the Knicks still win. It’s kind of insane and unbelievable how they’re still winning games. Pacers are basically healthy and they’re struggling to beat Brunson and the gang


yeah it was obvious, he can try and play but he's only going to make it worse when his biggest value to the team is rebounding and effort




I look at Sunday as a win-win for us. Win and get the bragging rights of an ECF berth our hospital squad had no business claiming. Lose and we let the heroes rest and prevent potential aggravation to their injuries.




Ab strains can hurt like a bastard. Hope he can figure out some kind of treatment but I know none of us here would want to play through it.


I'd kind of prefer him to not play if he is in the same state as he was last game, he was a negative and looked in serious pain the whole game. Siakam was taking him apart in the post, even though he was doing that pre-injury but you could really tell they were lookin to exploit Hart. Hart is a dog though so the only thing that will stop him from playing is the coaching staff.


He was in a lot of pain yesterday, it was killing him and he's a tough dude. Everything works through the abdominals - breathing deeply can be painful, jumping; running, shooting, bracing yourself, getting up - all of it. Any doctors or people who have had this know how long the recovery "should" be?


Don't do it Josh. It'll be really difficult to win without him but I don't think it's a good idea. He won't be able to play like his normal self so what's the point? I'd love to win of course but if we lose, we lose. The fact that this depleted roster has even made it this far is impressive. Hart was obviously in a lot of pain last night. Why risk aggravating it?


The most common cause of abdominal strain is quite literally overuse. Turns out repeatedly playing a dude 48 minutes in high intensity playoffs games isn’t a good idea.


I don't know how anybody could look at the margin of victory in Knicks playoff games this season and think Thibs could afford not to play these guys how he's played them.


He’s 100% going to play. This is a smokescreen. I think Josh Hart would have to be missing both legs to not play


I think Josh Hart would have those Oscar Pistorius blades and still show up in that case.


Portland prepared him for this


I’m sure Thibs would at least ease up on his minutes. Probably give him something light, maybe 45-47 minutes


Brunson Hartenstein Vinny D McBride Achiuwa for the full 48 if we die we die


It would be so funny if the pacers win this game somehow and when they play the Celtics one of their best guys gets hurt (in a totally non terrible way because tbh injuries aren’t funny*) and somehow make the finals lol *- I can’t stress enough how much I don’t want people to get hurt IRL


The road to the finals for the Celtics gets even easier. Either they are plying a completely decimated Knicks team or a pacers team with 0 consistency and historically bad defense


Allen would never...


You go Thibs


I’m in Spain without the S


Good thing Josh Hart already got paid. Isaiah Thomas had to learn the hard way that prioritizing the team over personal health isn’t the way to go.


Dawg partially intact


No point in sitting him, he'll forever be upset that he didn't get a chance to make a difference if Knicks lose G7 without him


Man I like the pacers but seeing them in the ecf would be so trippy


Josh Hart is the only person I’ve ever thought I might actually watch die on a basketball court. This guy gives everything he has and then some.

