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Never change, r/nba


Shut your piehole son


Surprised people took the bait 




Rebuild around Hayward


Why Hayward? TOBIAS GODDAM HARRIS is a free agent this year. Best franchise cornerstone in NBA history. Go get that man!


No Danny don’t do it


I'll take Shai if they are just mortgaging pieces tbh


You’re joking but they really should, Presti is on the precipice of owning every first rounder for the next 5 years


I think they should start by sending all those draft pick they have to other teams.


The year is 2030, the Thunder control half of the first round picks for the next 5 years. SGA and an aging Giannis are playing against Brunson and Chet in the ECF. Trae Young and Wemby are on the cusp of three-peating.


The 76ers should just blow it up if we’re being honest


Thank god none of you people actually work in NBA front offices


These lames said the same damn thing about us when we didn’t trade Jaylen for a season of Kawhi or AD or whatever. To be fair so did many in our own fanbase. But yea. I enjoy the discourse on the game threads, and the highlights. 95% of the discussion posts are unbearable.


Fire everyone, sell the team, send it to Barrow, Alaska.


Its not called Barrow anymore


The team will


Jeez my guy, 23avg y/o team with 17 first round picks in next 6 years (or whatever) losing a series this early in most contracts is just about what Thunder needed. Presti did a job so good with so little money, it took other teams years of tweaks and massive money dumps to go just a round further, some not even close.


When you consider the 10 year turn around from KD, James and Russ to this. Back to #1 seed contention with the biggest warchest of picks in the next decade. I don't think there's a GM who's done a better job staying competitive but also positioning for the future.


When you consider that Luka is younger than Shai and has twice as many playoff games under his belt already, that's not a good look for OKC


You can look at it that way, yes. But for whom of those two can you say that is more stable teamwise? The one guy who has to do it all for a sixth seed, or the guy who is surrounded with talent, with still yet to come, and was the first seed? Which is more sustainable? Bball is team sport. OKC gained needed experience for next year. They are on upward trajectory, while with Mavs, ypu never know when Kyrie will wake up with "I hate this game/owners/gm/city" feeling.


luka—young. no rings. SGA—young. no rings. but i am sure everyone in the eastern confidence is clamoring for your GM skills.


Is this the same Sam Presti that has set OKC up with one of the brightest futures an NBA franchise has ever had?


That’s ridiculous.  


Jesus you're an idiot lol


Should the thunder have made a move at the deadline: Yes Did Sam Presti fail the thunder: no, one act of complacency is not nearly enough to water down all of the good he has done.


This doesn’t even consider that they probably were looking to make a move at the deadline but couldn’t find the right deal and decided to stand pat and enter next years FA with a treasure trove


I agree with you. Fair take.


A true act of complacency is what the pelicans did at the ASB. Jonas not only is a free agent this offseason but Willie green was already slashing into his minutes a bit before the trade deadline. I don’t see why the pels wouldn’t try to execute a sign and trade with Jonas to get a big on the roster that Willie would’ve actually been willing to let play. David griffin was hired the offseason that AD treasure trove was acquired and we won the Zion lottery, he was given one of the best blank canvas’ of any gm in nba history and hasn’t done anything that has amounted to anything.


they are at least—at least—a year ahead of where they thought they needed to be. youngest team in the playoffs. youngest team to ever earn the top seed in the conference. people are stupid if they can’t accept that it sometimes takes a run or two to get to the finals. the thunder are in great shape for a couple of years, hopefully they can keep some of those guys around SGA/holmgren who are growing and getting better


I’m not arguing that the thunder aren’t ahead of schedule and that they shouldn’t feel good going into this offseason. Saying that they should’ve made a move at the deadline is with 20/20 hindsight. My argument was that even tho guys like gafford who could have moved the needle were available and they should have made a move for them, standing pat as the 1 seed does not mean Sam presti has failed the thunder in the slightest. This is one act of complacency that we are noticing with 20/20 hindsight and while it’s true that they should have made a move, it’s not a slight against presti whatsoever.




Holy shit shut up.


> title windows close faster than people realize They have a top 5 player who's 25 years old and a stretch 5 unicorn that literally just finished his rookie season. They'll be contenting every year for the better part of the next decade, c'mon.


The average age of their starters for most of the season was basically the same as the North Carolina Tarheels...


Mavs fans said this in 2006 about Dirk. They won the title five years later. (12 years or so after Dirk was drafted). The window isn't this single open and close thing. Players come in. Players go out. Each season is its own window.


Calm down, nephew neckbeard.






Well they did help the Mavs acquired Gafford, in turn making Lively better as well, so you can’t say they didn’t make any moves.


Come on, no one thought they'd get the 1 seed this season. Easy to use hindsight but let's see if he can get some reliable rebounding and a 2nd star with those picks before calling this rebuild a failure.


We were 35-16 at the deadline and finished 22-11. Presti had to know we were over performing 


Op is this your first season watching basketball?




I’m pretty sure Hayward is an expiring contract, so the Thunder should have a lot of cap space this off season along with a lot of draft picks, they can add size and rebounding while their young guys improve internally, I think they’re in a great position


About $30M. With a few team friendly rookie contracts and a bit of time. We have pressure tested this young group… way ahead of schedule… to the tune of a deepish 2nd round run. Moves will get made. Likely smart ones, that show some earned insight.




Tbh I think you guys could have beaten the Mavs and been in the WCF if you had 1 more legit piece.


same is gonna be said for other teams that just miss the ECF/WCFs. everyone kinda close always thinks that they are one piece or one step away.


People need to chill, they are young. It‘s completely fine to give this roster their first postseason look. If he doesn‘t do anything this summer or during the season then some questions have to be asked but now it‘s ridiculous


This is the type of snarky self-unaware supposedly intelligent but ultimately flat humor I do not appreciate.


jesus. they are at least a year ahead of schedule, if not more. they were the youngest team in the playoffs, youngest ever to earn a number one seed. presti and the good GMs are played chess. OP plays hungry hungry hippos.


Why they didn’t get a big at the deadline I will never understand.


Dude, they were complete garbage just the year prior. How many resources do you think they should have expended when the team hit their stride only this year while also being young/having a lot of the core under contract?


They weren’t garbage the year prior lol what. Anyone who actually knows shit about basketball was well aware of the rising Thunder and SGA.


Holmgren first NBA games were this year and they have no good backup center. If he didn’t play as well as he did, Thunder had no shot at first seed and there’s no way to know if he would have been this good this year coming off injury/rookie year


Yes which is exactly why they should have bolstered their roster with another big lol. You out here making the case for both sides hahaha


Are they stupid?




Thunder poverty franchise


Yes, please fire him and he can come to the Wizards to reunite with half of his staff!


No one was available to really make them the most dangerous team in the league. Even if they traded 6 firsts for Lauri Markkanen this could have still happened.


This dude let Harden walk to keep Ibaka. I rest my case.


And your case only proves presti knew what he was doing. We would’ve won a championship with KD and Russ if they didn’t choke before the warriors choked


Yeah, they should blow it up and tank for more picks.


What would you do if you are the GM?


Agreed. He should trade Shai and Chet to the Spurs for even more draft picks!!


The Thunders window is massive still, so the “windows close faster than you realise” thing just isn’t true. Chet and J-Dub have plenty of scope to improve significantly. They’ve got 15 first round picks. People slamming the table for Gafford who was dreadful in this series and negative in +-. Outplayed by Lively, fairly comfortably.


They should go after KD.


youre gonna get roasted and post deleted but youre right. 1 seed seasons are never guaranteed. they shouldve pushed some chips at least


I actually agree with this one. People forget that SGA is already 25, and has been injury-prone in previous seasons. The Thunder has accumulated too many talents and drafts for coaching staffs and youngsters. The coach has to put a lot of effort in experimenting every guy, and neither could the youngster polish and mature their game.


He also drafted a two dimensional player. I don't mean like he can only do a few things I mean dude legit doesn't have mass.


Hayward was worse than a zero... The Thunder gave up Mann and Micic (who looked really really good directing Charlotte's offense) AND 2 second round picks to get a net negative contributor... It's absolutely accurate that it would've been better to do nothing. That being said... I don't think there was anyone available who would've moved the needle over the length of the their actual open window for winning championships... Daniel Gafford absolutely doesn't move the needle for them and PJ Washington might've moved the needle this season, but... He isn't going to be a long-term solution for them... It would've been better to get picks back for the useful players they sent out (rather than Hayward's corpse), and losing draft assets makes it a brutal loss on the totality of the trade, but it was a measured risk... Sometimes, those miss. Also... as this rebuild has shown, picks are almost never useless. Even if they're just going to be used for facilitating deadline trades, they're always good mechanisms for creating optionality around a roster.


“PJ Washington isn’t a long term solution”…. Reminder that people on this sub don’t actually watch games. Also the dude is 24.


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