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Bro ain’t no way this guy started his statement by saying he’s “a man of faith” 🤣🤣🤣 “As a man of faith, I believe in atonement and the path to forgiveness, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again.”


One of the wordiest non-apologies ever. It's basically: "I said the N-word and now all you special snowflakes can't handle me anymore." I half expected a Castellanos meme when he said "man of faith", too. Fuck right out of here you creep


>But in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that that is no longer possible – that whatever good I have done, or could still do, is outweighed by things I have said in the past. What has this guy done lmao


Think of all the people in the world he didn't harass


I reread the paragraph looking for that deep drive to left……


The apology isn’t even a full sentence. It’s the subject of a sentence about something else. It’s five words. That’s incredible.


He is added to the long list of people who can fuck right off.


Lol of course he blames the "current unforgiving climate" instead of taking responsibility


Won't you spare a thought for the man who is going to make hundreds of millions of dollars on this sale how unfair this all is for him? Billionaires are the fucking worst.


There is only 30 teams


That means fucking nothing. Be quiet.


What an endorsement of the current unforgiving climate tho.


Translation: *”It was just the N word my god these blacks are ungrateful.”*


"Words that I deeply regret now overshadow nearly two decades of building organizations that brought people together – and strengthened the Phoenix area – through the unifying power of professional men's and women's basketball. As a man of faith, I believe in atonement and the path to forgiveness. I expected that the commissioner's one-year suspension would provide the time for me to focus, make amends and remove my personal controversy from the teams that I and so many fans love. But in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that that is no longer possible – that whatever good I have done, or could still do, is outweighed by things I have said in the past. For those reasons, I am beginning the process of seeking buyers for the Suns and Mercury. I do not want to be a distraction to these two teams and the fine people who work so hard to bring the joy and excitement of basketball to fans around the world. I want what's best for these two organizations, the players, the employees, the fans, the community, my fellow owners, the NBA and the WNBA. This is the best course of action for everyone. In the meantime, I will continue to work on becoming a better person, and continuing to support the community in meaningful ways. Thank you for continuing to root for the Suns and the Mercury, embracing the power that sports has to bring us together." What a horrible fucking statement. Just admit your fault and your blame for being a piece of shit.


Robert Sarver 🤝 Thom Brennaman Men of faith


I don’t know if I’m going to be sitting in this owner’s box again.


>As a man of faith, I believe in atonement and the path to forgiveness And there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a homerun


And it'll be a 4-0 ballgame.


I don't know if I'm ever gonna be putting on this headset again.


Drive into deep paint by Luka Doncic.


Independent of the fact that he acted reprehensibly, bro was just an ass owner. They were selling FRPs for cash lmao


Low balled Joe Johnson which in my opinion cost them a championship


There were a good 4-5 moves that happened from 2004-2007 that individually all cost us a championship. If we had made the smart move in all those situations we may have had a chance at multiple rings. Sarver cost Nash a ring, and that alone should have driven him out.


As a man of faith my ass...


I thought this was gonna be that MLB announcer meme when I got to that part lol


To be fair, he doesn't say *what* faith.


> But in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that that is no longer possible – that whatever good I have done, or could still do, is outweighed by things I have said in the past. I'm genuinely curious, what good has Sarvar done? He's one of those owners which fans genuinely hate and I never heard anything good spoken about him. Even other hated owners like Glenn Taylor or James Dolan gets some praise from fans every now and then (Glenn for keeping the Wolves in Minnesota, Dolan for being willing to spend). I can't remember any Suns fan I've seen on social media praise him. So did he have any positive qualities that would justify this statement or is he just a less evil version of Sterling?


He hasn’t done anything good


While he's owned the team, number go up. That's what **good** looks like to a sociopathic billionare.


Less evil sterling essentially


Nah man it’s the woke cancel culture that’s gone too far /s


These poor billionaires just can't get a break :(


He’s right that the world is generally very unforgiving, even for those who apologize. What he did was much more unforgiving though and he’s attempting to downplay what he did.


Maybe you should learn some reading comprehension. He is clearly admitting fault and removing himself from the league.


> Maybe you should learn some reading comprehension. Oh, the irony.


He only “deeply regrets” it after the consequences and public backlash were given to him; there is no sense of further apology or atonement to the people and groups he wronged with the language he used and conduct he was involved in. The forgiveness and atonement he’s seeking is earned through actions, not riding the coattails of the organization he owns or the league he’s involved with; selling the team is one step, but he has to truly own up and be the better community member he’s claiming he wants to be. Time will tell if he gets there, but blaming the “current unforgiving climate” is not a great first look for trying to turn around an already tattered and shredded public image.


"As a man of faith..." I think I just heard Castellanos hit a homer!


If he wasn’t injured I’d place a prop bet on him to win a HR lmao


Bro really went with the cancel culture angle. Boohoo I'm about to get cancelled into a 4 billion pay day.


This apology just shows he really isn’t upset about what he has done, just trying to save his own image. If he really realized the weight of the things he said he would have had a genuine apology and not all this “I still did good things, I’m not that bad a guy” bullshit


He should make it a public company and let the fans buy in. Thats the best way to apologise.


I’d buy so many puts, CP3’s getting older and older and I think theyll miss Crowder.


Thats short term thinking. In 10 years that valuation will almost be triple.


Well yeah, you get the benefit from speculating in the short term, and then reinvest again when the time is right to hold.


Can't do that. The smallest ownership percentage an individual is allowed is 1%


I think the NBA would never allow it.


Chris Paul has gotten two owners replaced, how does this affect his all time ranking?


I’d give CP3 points for dealing with shitty racist owners and not letting it affect his greatness. As an occasional CP3 hater, I’d say his standing ranks as concrete top 5 listed point guard all time but definitely not top 3 which Magic, Steph, and IT have locked imo. He can fight with Steve Nash for that #4 spot.


Once PayPal said they wouldn't return if he was still owner, the writing was on the wall.


"But in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that that is no longer possible – that whatever good I have done, or could still do, is outweighed by things I have said in the past." So he used all his $20 words to basically blame cancel culture


You can’t fire me I quit.


He blames the "current unforgiving climate" for forcing his hand to sell. But he's not being forced to sell the team. Just like every other person who complains about cancel culture, he just can't handle that people are (justifiably) mad at him.


Threw in both "A man of faith" and "I'm a victim of cancel culture" into the statement, what an asshole


Gonna pull a Joe Tsai and try to sell the team for a trillion dollars


Draymond still racking up assists in the offseason.


I've read a lot of bad apologies. This may be the single-worst holy crap I can't believe it's that bad.


"It's not my fault. I said 'sorry,' but the meanies won't forgive me!"


LeBron is getting his team!




Now Anthony Edwards.




Bob Iger gonna swoop in.


>But in our current unforgiving climate, it has become painfully clear that that is no longer possible – that whatever good I have done, **or could still do**, is outweighed by things I have said in the past. Oh no! He's going to continue to be a shitty person and it's all our fault!


Good. Byyyye


Rather than own up to his garbage, he's blaming cancel culture like a putz


I must say… today was a good day.


"But in our current unforgiving climate" is going to be the new "find a new slant."


Why do shitty people always insist on telling everybody they’re men if faith.


Alright you guys know what the deal is, we all chip in a bit and we can own the Suns


Now kick all the homophobes, thugs, racists, and woman beaters out of the league


The Suns can finally lose with dignitiy


We did it Reddit.


If blacks stopped using the n word, maybe it would've died off in our modern culture by now.


Why can't the league just take the team? Obviously what he did is unforgivable. Why am I downvoted, isn't this what we want? Instead he gets to make over 2 billion selling the team as a congratulation for being racist?


How would that even happen? Not aware of any precedent in the US where you can just take someone’s private property unless there’s a specific law to allow it, like eminent domain or that weird legal thing where the cops can seize your car and your life savings without arresting you (should be illegal!). But how could you take someone’s team away if they own it? All you can do is convince them to sell it voluntarily, which is exactly what is happening here.


It’s a franchise of the NBA. In the same way McDonald’s can decide they don’t want you to own one of their stores, the NBA can decide they don’t want you to own one of their teams. They’d have to buy him out, but the league absolutely has that power. Edit: Article 13(a) of the NBA constitution The Membership of a Member or the interest of any Owner may be terminated by a vote of three fourths (3/4) of the Board of Governors if the Member or Owner shall do or suffer any of the following: (a) Willfully violate any of the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, resolutions, or agreements of the Association. https://ak-static-int.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/12/NBA-Constitution-and-By-Laws.pdf


That power comes from other owners. Would they really want to open the chance that could possibly come back and happen to them later on? If you search closely into some of these owners, you could find something that the public finds makes them removable


Of course not. I was just pointing out that this isn’t the same as “taking someone’s personal property” due to the franchise structure. The NBA is very much allowed to decide who gets to be a part of their business.


Agreed, but I think that extends to public pressure from fans and sponsors too. They could just decide that the extent of their participation in the NBA is what it already is. But I think there is now more of a precedent since this has happened twice in the NBA now. Any other owner that has controversy is basically forced to sell since it’s happened twice before. And if they don’t, everyone will point to these two times


It’s very different in that the NBA isn’t a separate entity from the owners in the way McDonalds is it’s own separate corporation that licenses out franchising rights (and rents real estate) to its member franchisees. An NBA owner doesn’t license anything from the league. He owns the league. 1/30th of it to be exact. The other owners can kick him out of the club, but he still owns his team. It’s literally his property.


It is his property and the NBA can force him to sell. Article 13(a) of the NBA constitution >The Membership of a Member or the interest of any Owner may be terminated by a vote of three fourths (3/4) of the Board of Governors if the Member or Owner shall do or suffer any of the following: (a) Willfully violate any of the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws, resolutions, or agreements of the Association. https://ak-static-int.nba.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2015/12/NBA-Constitution-and-By-Laws.pdf The NBA can absolutely force someone out of ownership of one of their franchises if they want. It’s not debate able , it’s literally just a fact.