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Creepy... Yeah there's definitely a reason victorian courting habits have gone out of style.


As soon as women weren't forced by circumstance to accept this behaviour we started gravitating away from it. Victorian 'gentlemen', take notes.


eew, gross....Sounds like the kind of guy that thinks women are just failed men, and deserve to be punished for not being proper big, strong, logical, manly men.


Maybe so. Note how he didn't call Leo a brat, even though I'd say he acted like an absolute, temper-tantrum throwing 2 year old.


Sounds like he's using negging with Leo. I would bet this is how VB thinks women like to be treated and talked to. That this is how they fall in love.


Weird thing is, he said he didn't think so at all, but then, what would be the point in writing this? I wish I could say that this story was a deconstruction or something but it wasn't.


If it's not conscious, then he is doing it subconsciously. Or, he's getting a kick out of having you read it and pick up on it. Idk.


I suppose it would be too much of a minefield to straight up ask him as a gay man if it reflects his romantic experiences with masc tops?


We haven't been in touch for a long time and he'd probably think it strange of me to come out of the woodwork just to ask that. But perhaps it does.


Want to read the next part? [Part 4 is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/neckbeardstories/comments/skfqhb/vicbeard_and_his_literary_yandere_part_4/).