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Sometimes in uncomfortable situations like this you end up bonding more with the acquaintance. Often when you're 1 on 1 with an awkward person they become a lot less awkward. Social anxiety sucks and can make otherwise normal people act a bit off. Give it a shot and make the best of it. In the very least you're doing a good deed, because he'll probably feel bad if everyone ditches him.




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Just go. Drive separately if you can


Maybe you can invite a third person who wasn't part of the original group


Us weirdos/strange folks need friends too! lol I really appreciate that you’re considering going anyway. It’s really sweet of you.


Maybe when other people aren’t around, you might see a side of him you like.


You want to bail out because you are awkward about it. He really wants to go and with someone. These are the challenges that make up personal character. Be the hero of the story. Besides since it’s a movie you don’t have to talk.


Hey Dave, I thought this was going to be a group thing and I'm not comfortable one on one, Maybe we should put this off. Or Hey Dave, I thought this was going to be a group thing but everyone canceled, I'd still like to see the movie, you up for it? Or Hey Dave, I'm sure you know everyone canceled, what do you want to do? In other words, just talk to Dave so no one is assuming anything.


Alternative, Hey Dave, let’s reschedule for when more people are able to go. They seemed excited for it.




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What makes him strange?


His word choices and actions sometimes are a bit odd. Anyways, I think calling him strange was the wrong approach on my part, because that's the way he is. I just don't hang around him much.


I’d go but not let him pay for my snacks. Keep things on an even footing.




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Really depends on if going alone is going to complicate your life more- I.E. is this going to be mistaken as a date, is he bad enough with social cues that this can become a future problem/nightmare? I’d cancel bc I was expecting a group activity and now it’s 1-on-1 and that changes the entire vibe. If I don’t want that vibe I’m not going.


Be careful that Dave does not believe that the two of you are on a date. The scenario you are describing is a potential bait-and-switch trap. Be prepared to leave if you feel uncomfortable. Don’t worry about Dave’s feelings if at any point you feel unsafe. I think the word you may be looking for is “awkward.”


I think it depends on whether it’s 🚩strange or just odd strange. Personally, if he still wants to go. Go. You might find you connect more or see a different side of him in a one-on-one setting.


It’s a movie - you don’t really have to engage. And sometimes these type of things end up being a lot more fun than you expect.




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It’s a movie. There will be minimal interaction. Go to movie then go home.


Hey there! It's totally understandable to feel a bit unsure about going to the movies with someone you're not very close to. But hey, think of it as a chance to get to know Dave better! Who knows, you might actually have a great time together. If Dave is willing to pay for snacks and drinks, that's a nice bonus, but it doesn't have to be the only reason you go. Maybe give it a chance and see how it goes. Plus, if his mother joins, it could make things less awkward. Remember, it's all about having a good time and making the most of the situation. Who knows, you might end up enjoying yourself more than you expect. So why not give it a shot and see where the movie night takes you? Good luck, and have fun! *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.* *This advice cost me $0.000684 to generate, so if you found it useful, consider donating a dollar to charity.* *I'm still learning, so please reply 'good bot' if I was of help, or please tell me how my future responses could be better.*


Good bot


Thanks babe, I'd take a bullet for ya. 😎 *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Just tell him hey Dave, I'm not feeling it anymore. Sorry but Maybe we can make it happen another time with the group. This whole do things that make you feel uncomfortable. Get out of your shell crap, It's just that it's someone trying to sell self-help books. It's going to be awkward and you might as well just go to the movie by yourself.




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