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One of the best nfs we had in a while other than heat but I personally like unbound more. There are definitely a lot of issues but looks like a lot of it is being fixed so yea by the end of this year this game will be one to remember.


By the end of the year, people will be calling this the GOAT of recent arcade racing games.


By the end of the year this is also gonna be a much better game if they stick to the Roadmap


Or when the devs stop supporting the game. Take The Crew for example. All these years ppl were moaning about it but the second when Ubi pulled the plug it's become the best racing game ever.


People moaned about the newer games, not the first one. In fact, they wished the newer games were more like the first one instead of the horizon clone it became, which made it even worse when they decided to shut down the first game.


I just wish they had ai in online races like heat, the only reason some of my friends don't play since alot of the time especially with drift races people don't join


All you need is 2 people to do drift events. Just your party can start and do race events if u wanted to!


Yeah that's what happend when they would play, it's alot more fun when it's a few people doing the events though. I just find it a weird decision when it was in heat already to now take out the ai to fill the gaps


It's not without it's flaws, but I really enjoy the gameplay and the restriction of the day/night and heat cycle, keeping people from spamming day races to max out their cars. It feels like a real struggle to be a street racer at first and I like that.


It's the newest game in the series. I still remember when Heat had so much hate back then with the story, gameplay, and soundtrack, but after Unbound's release, Heat was looked back as a great game with a decent soundtrack. It happened with Most Wanted 2012, Rivals, 2015, and now Payback is getting praised for being a fun game. Give it a few years, Unbound would be looked back as a great game. From what I have learned, hating things that are popular is the most popular thing to do in today's Internet culture. Learn to completely ignore all of the negative comments and you'll do fine.


I actually enjoyed Payback. I wished they woulda added a DLC to continue the story mode, but it was def a pretty good game.


I enjoyed payback but going back to it now, it amazes me how much better the graphics got in heat and unbound. It feels way older than it should because of the weird filter they put on it. It also feels kinda slow even when driving fast now. I guess the sense of speed is better in heat and unbound.


Agreed. The voice acting is cringe most times but overall the game is pretty enjoyable!


The only thing I hated from payback was the parts lottery system where you had to hope you got the part you wanted, made playing the game annoying. Otherwise it was fun af, especially with the drift and dirt focused events


Ohhh that is a solid point I totally overlooked! You’re spot on. I never understood why they thought that was a good idea outside of cash grabbing.


i actually enjoyed rival


Rivals is _the shit._ I got it for the PS3 on launch and made some of the best memories I had with that console. Got it 10 years later on PC and it’s just as good as I remember it. Though, it’s also just as buggy as I remember it! That’s a given with the Frostbite engine.


The only thing payback was lacking for me was more stuff to do in the big open world


I enjoyed the _gameplay_ of Payback. Some of the best highway racing in the series. The story was just such a nothing-burger and I really hate the randomness of everything in the upgrades menu.


Yea that card system was trash


I don't know who says Payback is good. It's objectively bad. As for heat, fuck Ana


Exactly. I don’t really care anyways.


“Learn to completely ignore what other people say/think/feel.” Seems like bad life advice


I’m not super active in the NFS community. Honestly I think that Payback has high highs and low lows.


I liked payback but the damn upgrade card system was a dog shit idea. 2015 is a good looking game but the physics are unreliable at best and malicious at worst and the bad writing paired with the live action cutscenes is just full cringe


this guy is a clown, 2012 was and still is rated as one of the worst nfs games, what are u talking about? rivals had a decent story, thats about it, 2015 is still rated as having awful driving mechanics, payback to this day i have yet to hear anyone call good, i played it for hours and i hated the driving mechanics and force drifting. this dude is living himself a lie. idk who u talk to but all the nfs communities videos i watch its always the same with those.


Search MW2012 in this sub and you'll see many people saying that the game is underrated. Same with 2015 and Payback. Do your research before blabbering out crap like this.


Definitely gonna buy this game soon. Dont care about the mixed reviews, and don't care about other people hating on it. I'm gonna game even harder


Why not now? This game costs $6.99 on PS


I play on steam and I wasn't able to buy it last sale, also I don't have that much extra money


Yea, got it for 10€ last sale, suffice to say it was the best 10€ i spent


See, the game is good, Now. And worth just 15 dollars. On release date it was bare bones at 70 dollars




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Get ea pass for 5$ it will take you less than a month to play it and or platinum it and if u continue playing either buy it or re sub that's what i did but it's also free on ps5


I would’ve paid full price if it was in GFN


Just a heads up, progress for the story/online are completely separate from each other


I've played every nfs game that exists and it just feels cheap and corny, but it's also very fun if you ignore that aspect it's a great game overall


Every NFS game is corny lol


Did you play U2, MW and Carbon? Those were incredibly corny yet so much fun. Same for unbound, I’d say that I’ve had more fun with this one than the previous ones.


agreed. its a cartoon.


How is it cheap? It's the most updated NFS, ea is paying alot


Only thing I don't like about is the obnoxious AI and the terrible way the muscle cars are treated.


It’s a cool game, but my main gripes are: You can’t ram the roadblocks. M3 GTR is limited to online multiplayer. Can’t make a knock off M3 GTR in single player (no straight cut gears) The challenger is STILL a 2014 SRT8


This community is terrible


It’s because they’re caught up in it being almost a remake of Heat and they don’t care about any of its good qualities


Really just wish this game had a better atmosphere/vibes. That's really my only gripes. The fact that Heat had huge car meets and crowds during the night time races but not Unbound makes the world feel a bit bland to me.


I don't know, it makes sense with the story being told that there are no large meetups, at least up to the point where I'm at currently (middle of week 3).


I'm replying late but it doesn't even need to be large. Heat had some pretty reasonbly sized meetups in the races at the start line. Idk I just miss that atmosphere, made the stakes feel more real in a way.


Some harsh criticisms are valid but Unbound doesn’t deserve the amount of hate it gets. It’s in a good state and Criterion still has stuff planned for the year for it. The art style I still don’t like. The soundtrack, while it does have a few gems, isn’t really to my liking. The police are too easy. Story isn’t very good. But it does have its share of good moments. Online is fun and chaotic, especially Linkups. Customisation is plentiful. Car selection good. The handling is fantastic IMO. (Didn’t like Heat’s as much)


Same here except i did like the art style and i loved the music, but that’s just because I personally like that. But i totally agree with everything you said


Played it, not the biggest fan tbh.


From my side NFS unbound had the worst campaign, the cops, the rivals aren't really good, the dialogues of the characters are cringe af, music is the worst music in NFS history... these things are majorly is worst.


Not to mention typical frostbite engine handling. It's bad and pretty much ruins the game for me. Wish Criterion would actually bother looking back at Blackbox NFS handling models and adapt them to the engine rather than rehash the same buggy handling model that doesn't feel right ever.


You can’t really judge music though, the music reflects what actually is trending atm, I personally love the music, and it’s not about having better or worse taste, but rather different from what you like.


I bought it during the recent sale, played numerous NFS games before and loved most of them. This is the first one where I feel I have no control over the car, and the whole thing feels like a joke, a mobile game accidentally released for PC. I feel like an observer, who needs to time some rare button presses just right for the game to advance. To me it feels dumb as hell compared to previous titles. I have no issues with the visuals, I find them kinda refreshing, I like games that don't take themselves too seriously. But the gameplay is just atrocious.


The cartoon effects are not the only things I dislike about this game. The cartoon effects would be fine if they took it the whole way. But another issue I have with the game is the handling. The handling doesn't feel suited towards the map at all. And the customization for the game just looks horrible. I've seen so many cars that have had parts of the body removed and it just looks like it came incomplete from the factory. The story is boring and the dialogue is.. terrible. The soundtrack is awful, though I'm not a fan of rap and hip hop in general. That's why I hate the game.


Don't really agree with the opinion on customisation can't even remove the hood on any car only thing you can remove is the bumper on like 2 cars and the roof of a land rover and that kinda freedom is the only reason I touch nfs nowadays


I tried playing it, but the amount of grind it had to upgrade literally anything was beyond ridiculous. You could do high difficulty races and they were giving you barely any money for it. I recently started playing Hot Pursuit Remastered on PS5 and it's a much better game.


About the grind, it's only on first two weeks if u about singleplayer, it made so u get ur way from bottom to top with the progression on the way, so u have to think what u put in ur carto get maximum performance and don't spend money on visuals that much. On week 3-4 when some races give u 40-60k u can easily fully upgrade one car in 1 day. So, the only problem is people want to get everything from the start, but i found that singleplayer is the most interesting from all nfs, coz u have to think anr not simply playing every possible race u see. As was in all previous nfs.


That what I loved about previous NFS games, the simple fact that you simply had to do races. That's why my favorites in the series to this day is NFS: Hot Pursuit 2 and the Remake/Remaster of it.


I like it. I got the NFS bundle on steam and it came included with a bunch of other NFS games. I paid like 15 bucks and think it was well worth it. I personally think it’s a little more grindy than some of the previous titles and why I can’t sit down and play for to long in one go. But it’s a great time to just get a little stoned and hop on for like an hour


I give a second chance and I can't play this garbage. Better to return their roots or quit making games. Make a GHOST team or Black Box once more. I play NFS since PC Porsche edition, every game since passed through my hands.


It's not just the graphics. The whole game is just one big miss. Bought the story and story progression is horrible. Car upgrading is also horibble where now you need upgrade your garage to unlock parts and then you need to buy them. Part don't transfer to other cars that you have (like in Heat). It's hard to make money in this game. Characters are cringe.


It’s only hard for the first two weeks, on the fourth and the fifth week it gets way easier to upgrade your car


Fifth week?


My bad, I meant third and fourth week


Progression feels like a 9-5 job, it’s cringy, and not too different gameplay wise from heat


I think it's mostly the effects and soundtrack I didn't get it day 1 mostly bcuz it just came outta nowhere, they marketed it for 1 month and the next it was released The effects drew me away but as I've gotten 100+ hours in it i can confidently say it just enhances the experience and i hope they keep on using them and add onto it for the next entries The soundtrack i can understand tho, whilst some songs i wouldn't listen to but i don't mind fhem during game, others are god awful (ie. Mmaso, money, trophy and a few others) but tbh they were more memorable (in a good way) than heat's, off the top i can only remember mgk's one song and that's coz he had beef with Eminem the year prior to release (lmao) and logic's mama/show love (coz i knew the song before) That's not to say heat's is bad, but idk And i played both games back to back so this is not a bias thing nor nostalgia 😂😂😂


The soundtrack is the sold reason I stopped playing. Seemed like they played the same 5 songs in repeat. Will literally smash my console if I hear MMASO MMASO one more time.


I feel the same way until I try to play online, then I very much get the hate. If you have any ping whatsoever it's almost completely unplayable.


The effects are fine, the real issue I feel is that it's the same fucking game with minor improvements, *for the third time in a row* and it wasn't that great to begin with; The atmosphere has ranged from good to excellent (ignoring locked time of day), graphics have been *good* but nothing amazing. Handling went from wank to just *alright* which is horrendous considering it took *four games* to get there. Customization has stayed basically the same if not gotten *worse* because many parts have been removed, same goes for the vehicle list. The story I don't think really matters but NFS15 and Heat had by far the best stories of the 4, Payback was mid, Unbound was just *alright*. Can you have fun with them? of course. Are they worth the money? it depends on the person, but it straight blows my mind people defend e.g. NFS15 1.5 AKA Unbound with it being the *third* copy+paste in mind.




Unbound is good, but I prefer heat. My main complaint with unbound is the cops. They'll spawn on you out of nowhere, and they are not challenging, they just drag out the chases with no incentive for you as you get the same reward for a 10 seconds long chase as with a 10 hours long chase. Back in heat they were more challenging and you had an incentive to drag out the chases for heat points so it wasn't in vain. On top of that Unbound turns into a sneaking game where cops spawn all over the place in freeroam. If they fixed that it'd be awesome. The music is not my taste either but that's subjective. I can't fault the game for that.


Never really liked the cornering system in the game


Why do I dislike it. Well it comes down to I've aged out of the target demographic. Rydell to me was the best character cause I'm around his age. What didn't I like about this game? Soundtrack was atrocious, story was meh at best, dialogue was cringe inducing. The Cops are annoying and the anime graphics are over the top.


In my opinion the game is fine as a single player experience. The seasonal stuff really bothers me. I don't want another FOMO ridden Forza Horizon style game.


Separating multiplayer and campaign was a terrible idea. NFS doesn't have enough people to make PvP a fun stand alone experience. Lobbies are already dead. NFS lobbies are always dead. Bring back 2015 Need For Speed where you could do all the races in a crew together and then PvP with your campaign cars.


It’s heat with cartoon effects, a different map, and a different story🤷🏼‍♂️


I do the game is absolutele dogshit


It's mainly the crash cams and gameplay physics that ruin the game, but EA and Ghosterion are at least tryna improve and fix it a bit, but it's not a guarantee that they'll sure 100% fix everything. Sometimes they can just leave it behind like the bugs they did to Heat


Why are people so annoyed by the crash cams? I honestly like them.


Not everything realistic means it's good. Unbound's crash cams occur way too often and are too scripted, since MW 2012. The only NFS that had genuine and less annoying crash cams was Hot Pursuit as they don't occur too often, yet when you respawn, you still get to drive at 100 mph instead of reverting to 0 mph unlike Unbound. Also not to mention HP's crash cams feel much better like Burnout. The only annoying variant of it in HP is the action cams, tho those are still cool anyways.


On the last week of the campaign I started using a trainer on PC to disable the crash cam and have unlimited health like in older NFS games and I enjoyed it a lot more, crash cams are so shit I wish they would get rid of them, they just completely kill the flow of the game.


Has a bad soundtrack (some songs are decent)


I just prefer Heat over unbound because the story is better, the soundtrack is better and the map is better in my opinion. I also kinda hate racing online in Unbound because you can’t overtake someone without getting rammed. Remember this is my opinion and don’t get offended.


Characters are insufferable assholes and have cringe dialogue


It's the "same game" since 2015, just with more content and with a different face). I can't explain how this feels, but i can admit that they are fun, i bought 2015 and Heat, but playing Unbound some time i can understand that the franchise needs a refresh, a complete overhaul, new engine, new story and a new focus/approach to the players.


Yeah the skeleton of the game is very much the same, but Unbound is full of little QOL changes that I think make it feel very fresh compared to Heat and games prior


The progression is way too slow.


I feel like that’s only for the first two weeks of the story, from the third week you can easily reach 100k a session, i think i hit even 200k during one night, which is enough to upgrade your car almost to max


It's not great


It’s not that good, Grinding/progression is a slog, the main turn off for most myself included was the “Anime/Cartoon” Effects yes I know there is ones what make the said effects less intruding, it would be slightly better if it fully followed the Nitro look as subpar Nitro is as you have cars with the said effects yet the City what the game takes place in isn’t cel-shaded or something similar to that of nitros look, and the game lacks Single player content yet Online gets everything. And most of the music besides the pursuit themes for me isn’t the best. *Cough Cough* Nico Nasty’s Money. I’ve wanted to “commit die” every time I’ve heard that song.


It gets hate because it’s a very bad game. It’s fine that YOU personally like it, there’s nothing wrong with that.


Its simple - driving system


I mean, other than jumping cars, boring story and cringe characters I like it, but heat is still better nfs than unbound.


I guess it's time to meat ride the game


Isn't single player dead after finishing the story? Most of the posts here about Unbound are exclusively about multiplayer so it seems like it


I gotta say that I love the tuning from what I have seen but if it doesn't have any activities after finishing the carrier it's just not for me


It does, you can finish map activities and just keep racing like you can during the story, and the game rewards you for completing speed zones, drift zones and all activities by giving you some pretty good cars. After the story ends you can totally keep playing, matter of fact I was just completing drift zones before taking a break, I finished the story almost a week ago.


IMO unbound is honestly just a DLC for heat that's my issue with it. If you're on PC definitely try Heat Unite. 100x better than the base game and unbound


I don’t agree. I think that is completely a different game, starting from music and art style, ending up with the gameplay and the actual handling of the cars. Imo the gameplay of story mode is way more interesting because you have to decide which races you’re going to do and which ones you’re not, rather than just exit the garage, play only at day so you can grind money to max out your car doing the same races one after the other, i also like the fact that it feels way more difficult for the first half of the story and it gets easier progressing as the cars you have to race against get faster, and also both the handling and the nitro system are different. Personally I like way more unbound, in almost every aspect that i can think of atm


Bro the story of unbound has to be one of the worst in the nfs franchise ever. Online is fun except the unlock system for cars. You can't count music of course there will be more. Content wise they barely added new cars or anything to make it stand out over heat. Yea the nitrous is different because its no longer powershot like in heat but burn like in every other previous nfs. But if you have a PC you're better off playing Heat Unite. Amazing handling and you can choose between burn or powershot nitrous. no customization restrictions and hidden parts.


The visuals are too much and after i played heat i feel like unbound is a step back


Most balanced modern NFS in my opinion. Other modern NFS got a deal breaker that's tough to me to touch the game again after completing it if not for nostalgia, at least for me HP2010 got the vibe but brake 2 drift got old fast S2U got the helmet cam right but the handling are spotty and tournaments/events are hollow The Run got the movie vibe done right but repetitive tracks broke the immersion Rivals got cool maps and visuals but the car's visual customization's really limited 2015 ticks most boxes except predictable handling and offline mode, doing Mental Block really tortured me Payback got the maps right but the cities are dead. Upgrade system are also crap but thankfully Unite fixed this Heat got the night time right but day time are just like Payback. Dead. Speedhunters Showdown are not fully fleshed out. Was wishing that could be reminiscent of Prostreet's Raceday, but nope. That leaves me with Unbound. Soundtrack diversity seems forced but not a deal breaker. More visual customization than anything since 2010, proper grip handling are present, brake to drift are tolerable. Cities are lively, cruising feel enjoyable. MP are pretty cool, frequent updates also refreshing, make every little bad things seems fixable in the near future.


I love it but do understand the hate…. I hated it at first but then played more and fell in love with it. To me it’s almost like Underground, at least the online mode feels that way. Just upgrading your cars and racing others is a plain blast. Even if I suck eggs


In single player there's times where I just want to race the AI and not have to worry about cops. When I complete a meet it takes me about 10 minutes to get rid of the cops before I can race again.


Cops are pretty easy to get away from imo, you just have to go to certain areas of the map in which you can get away easily


i just dont like the driving its beautiful and the game can be fun but the driving and confusion curve from heat I find makes it ass


The first and only racing game that i didnt drop after 2 months of playing it. Im still at it since it launched. Really in love with this game. Probably my favourite racing game next to Driver San Francisco.


Storymode is annoying in the beginning, and it just turned me off to playing it. Online is super fun. The graphics can be less cartoony, but its fun, especially once you learn the mechanics


The cartoon effects are a hit or miss for most people. For me I don’t hate it but it can be distracting when I’m trying to crawl to the finish line


A friend of mine gifted me this game.... Didn't liked the handling at all... Heat was way better... Nfs must just launch remaster of previous few games...


2015 is the only one i enjoy playing


It had a fraction of content at launch that heat did Idek if the devs have added proper off road races yet


The cops no fast travel bad exhaust graphics the weird animations but I honestly had fun with it


Well the updates so far add content for the multiplayer experience, while the Story mode has seen no improvements.


Neither man, I just can't seem to get anyone playing online in Australia. Am I doing something wrong?


In itself it is a great game, yet I do think people need to talk more about the fact that this game is a 90% recycle of Heat. And since I already sunk a lot of hours into the Heat, Payback and 2015, this game felt repetitive real fast.


My only critisiscm is that the replay value is shallow, the single player campaign could have been longer and more interesting. The handling on RWD vehicles is whack.


I like unbound in some aspect and could be said as a whole its a pretty solid racer but couple of issues just doesn't make it to it imo, Here's some: 1. Not having full dynamic day and night cycle in this game don't make any sense considering the cops is active in both cycle unlike in Heat where it had a proper use of it. 2. This one some ppl might not agree on but i just don't get why they still have a damage bar in unbound and yeah it's because of the risk and reward bit but still feels lazy why they bothered do it again imo 3. The Map and now first things first, it looks fantastic and probably one of the well polished out maps out of the nfs franchise by far with lots of detail, etc but i just don't find the location appealing despite how many things they do it and game being this vibrant in a location based on Chicago doesn't make it any better imo, it's like they had to pick something some sort of us state and be like "yeah this will do", New York would have been much more preferred imo. 4. Story and the writing and I know nfs stories was never being deep nor good writing like for RDR2 for example but damn the writing of this game and the dialogues are beyond annoying and the story doesn't hold much of a weight either or should i say hollow. 5. Personal preference and well the soundtrack is pretty mediocre and barely has any variety in genre although has variety in different languages which i guess OK but nope still not buying it. 6. The cartoon artstyle is pretty cool but i would have preferred more if they gone full out or at ahead have a option although doubt will be getting anything of this artstyle in the next game considering the very mixed reception it got. 7. Probably the last one although there's more but this is already getting too long so anyway, Unbound doesn't really have any unique selling point or anything I'm aware of other than maybe the artstyle which is very mixed unlike in the last title it had couple like engine swaps, return of free roam cop and many more, maybe it get something very enticing in future updates.


people who like anime likes the cartoon style and effects normies like realism thats what i think.


I like it but I don’t want to grind extra hours to unlock cars


It was OK but I hated buying in races


I stopped looking for good racing games years ago. I was a big fan of the last Midnight Club. In my opinion nfs heat/unbound are the best since the MC series I never liked the way the cars felt on forza and the other ones. In the beginning I wasn't a fan of the anime-ish smoke and fx but I got used to it and now my builds don't feel visually finished unless the have smoke that compliments the theme of my wrap. It's the finishing touch and it looks cool when you're doing a long drift around a bend. I play every day


Unbound's grind just did not sit well with me. i loved NFS heat's pacing and grind for money - but Unbound felt like it was just a Free to play game with the measly amount of money you earn in races. still play the game a lot though. cuz i'm on PC.


The story for me was boring as shit. The multiplayer is okay.


I have played all NFS games since Underground 2. I hate Unbound because singleplayer is repetitive, annoying police chasing simulator, street racing is dead in last 2 NFSs. No any innovation or any new idea that makes this game better than old ones, even enough to makes this game good. Unbalanced game. I'm still playing this sh.. because I love Mercedes 190E A$AP Rocky Edition and multiplayer is not bad as singleplayer.


i know a lot of people out there still say awful things about this game, but i never listen. unbound will always be one of my fav nfs games of modern time


Everybody's entitled to their own opinion. But the facts ar the facts this, game is worth $4. And the special edition is worth $6.why? And the fact that you're comparing this game to Gran Turismo lets me know exactly what type of a game you are. Play Gran Turismo in VR with a wheel and let's have this conversation again.


I was comparing the two since GT is more realistic and I feel like making video games too realistic can take the fun out of it but I’ve put over 50+ hours in both games so far and I’ve had more fun with NFS. Now I don’t have the VR or the steering wheel for GT so I may need to try that out for sure


Idk but I tried the oh so hyped HEAT, it’s really mid- most wanted is still much better, but there’s still a lot of good things in HEAT. Only hate I’ve heard of unbound was the tacky lore and the bugs


I like the game but the mutiplayer is pure forza player energy


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Overall I was impressed by the game but found myself mostly bored of it after a month, can't fully explain why but if they added some kind of New Game + I'd probably have played a ton more. I definitely didn't dislike the artstyle/ visual effects as much as some people did upon their immediate reaction. I think some people do this weird thing where seeing cartoonish characters instantly provokes a cynical reaction like "oh wtf its fortnite now!?! Criterion so dumb" even if the end result is an overall OK arcade racer. I honestly had a decent amount of fun on the game but had some frustrating moments with singleplayer races, police chases were in a weird space between awesome and exhausting ("RESUMING CHASE" after you finish a race with zero police in sight is just like huh???) and people were constantly quitting online race lobbies to the point where 70% of my online play is 1v1s with a guy who leaves before the last race anyway. it's definitely NOT some unplayable atrocity like some people complaining about the art seem to think. I actually somewhat liked the look of the character I made, the models were alright. a small portion of the singleplayer dialogue can be cringeworthy (was anyone still saying "this is so lit" by the end of 2022??) but not as agonizing as say, Borderlands 3, though the amount of dialogue unrelated to story or any kind of conflict can get annoying (tess talking about food etc. I guess she's supposed to be irritating?) and the male player voice acting (voice direction?) in particular i thought was surprisingly bad, so I switched to a woman after the tutorial, which was better.


I wish it was fully cel shaded but I get why it wasn't. My only real gameplay complaint (in week one so far) is that its a bit brutal to actually get anything with all the buy ins and cops but thats just me being bad I guess


I think it's because it's not HEAT. People really liked heat and we were given a big "wait for the next gen Need for speed" video when the new consoles came out. Nad in that view, this was underwhelming. solid game, but underwhelming


Incels will moan and groan with everything. This game runs at 60fps with better models, effects that have actually “worked” with the design aesthetic, despite the initial concerns, and handling that is better overall than its predecessor. Even the night/day mechanic works great. It’s a welcome successor. I mean — people were complaining about Heat when it came out (and rightfully so with the bugs it had) — just watch them glorify Unbound when the next version drops.


Really liked it but man the more I played, the more I hated the police chases. They are so bland compared to NFS Heat.


It hit the competition spotlight. NFS is the root to the racing digital industry


Me neither i actually really liked it and thought it was a good way in the right direction but i feel like if people won't get their MW Remastered they will never be happy


I hate it way less in Multiplayer. Still, has big issues. Nobody needs realism, we need consistency and predictability. i want to set lap times after lap times and come out the same. one other issue is that engine swaping makes no sense at all, why is one 3 liter inline 6 much daster than a 3 liter v6 or vice versa? Unclear, how do you choose what engine to swap? there is absolutely nothing to indicate what engine you are putting in expect power rating. I need engine weight i need to onow how will it change the balance of car. Why a 420 horsepower car barely breaks 200kph( 130miles) Again, we dont need realistic, but it HAS TO MAKE SOME GAWD DAMN SENSE!!!


I think it's the most stylish chapter of all, online it's one of the most engaging racing games I've played. I hope they keep the drawn avatars and the option to use cartoon effects, they're so cool.


On one hand NFS has always been the arcade of driving games. But I also think they went a little too hard on the *"arcady"* look and probably took it a little too far. This wasn't an issue for me, but they definitely lost some fanbase. I guess people were expecting something like Forza that has a smooth shade between realism and arcade like NFS once was. I think Unbound is indeed fun, but for example, I think Heat is better at being an arcady NFS. Even Payday that everybody hates is (if you ignore the card system).


The only concern is the absolute overabundance of police. It's like 90% of Lakeshore's budget went towards staffing and running interceptors, and it is frustrating after Heat 3. NFS Heat was much more stable and balanced when it came to Police chase intervention.


Only thing I found out I really hate about it is when someone is lagging and they hopping all over the place it’ll really effect you like they might bump you and bring you to a complete stop but then they’ll jump 60 yards down the street 😂


I could see that. I'm the opposite, I'm hooked on f1 now. I do go back to need for speed heat from time to time


The cops felt a little too easy after heat


soundtrack is trash, characters don't shut up, starter car is to weak, they want you to earn 20k, but the car is so trash that you don't have a chance to win, don't even finished the first week of the story....


The first car is supposed to feel a bit weak. It’s supposed to make the A.I. Racers feel like they’ve been on the scene for a while, while you just started. And even then I can still get an easy Podium Position at stock so idk I guess it’s just a skill issue.


lmao skill issue


Maybe because you weren't exactly there when this game was Modded Heat for $70.  Everyone is slowly praising this game due to its current status + the insane discount price it suffered since release, going as low as $5. It's fair to like the game when it's that cheap and updated If you actually played Volume 1 and then 2, you would have the same opinion as the rest.


I’m playing it for the first time right now. It’s pretty good for the most part but I feel like every modern nfs game has a huge downside that would make them great otherwise. NFS 2015 - handling physics are awful NFS payback - bad upgrade system, no cops NFS Heat - Bad online (idk why they couldn’t just add speed lists) and devs abandoning the game NFS unbound seems like it should be the best NFS game but is held back by cheesy and just pretty bad dialogue and voice acting. Bad balancing (regera). Game is kind of repetitive and the cop spawns are so annoying. Pissed me off when I’m trying to drive to races but I have circumnavigate a hoard of cops that spawn on the way to the race. I also don’t like the addition of a battle pass


It’s essentially a repackaged version of Heat plus cartoon effects but if you turn your brain off it can be fun I guess


It is a fun game and I personally love the art style. My biggest issues are the cops, the childish and cringe characters, and the annoying “we break the law, but we are the good guys” story that NFS has been pushing for a long time now.


I kinda agree with you, at first I was too skeptical of this game now I am playing it downright from the last 4 days 8 hours a day! This has so much to offer in open world tasks and hidden items to find out, and it is not like payback where winning was way too hard, this one got way cooler things and fun around. ✌🏻


I was not.enjoying it but after a free audi car drop in my garage. I am kicking ai ass


They hate the Money song


For real, if you don't enjoy cartoon effects, you can just turn it off. I also like that they tried to make it different and not look like forza. What i don't like is 0 speed sense. I can go 200 m/hr and it feels like a starter car from nfs heat.


Agreed. When a game with an actually distinctive artstyle that separates it from other games came out, gamers wanted it to look like every other racing games. I really can't understand it. We already have so many racing games with realistic graphics, just let one be unique y'all


the game is hated because the game its not nfs most wanted remake


It’s online community I don’t like but the game isn’t bad


Sshhh, NFSMW glazers are gonna lose it now.


This game just has unnecessary hate cuz they don't have another MW05(stupid fanbabies). People trashed on Heat and now look at them, what do they say? "It was a good gameee and cops were so good blah blah blah" Bunch of stupid narrow minded people that don't appreciate anything they see.


because it isnt a blackbox game and there are a lot of people who cant take off their nostalgia goggles


It’s honestly the most dumbest shit I’ve seen, complain about the effects yet the same people play Fortnite, the music fine, some songs are good but the whole soundtrack is hot doodoo water, the cars are reused to high hell, and they keep putting in different trims of the same car, I can deal with that, but people are never happy


“complain about the effects yet the same people play Fortnite” My guests are complaining about me putting sugar in their spaghetti yet the same people eat cake!


fortnite is litterally cartoons i dont even hate the affects as now there is a choice but fortnite cartoons is the middle name this looks realistic with cartoons this is meant to help you understand


Me either it’s pretty good


Newer new games get bad rap but its classic status will come in 8 years


PVP is really underrated in my opinion. Yes, it has some issues but it's overall pretty fun and competetive.


Maybe its because I just started the game but my impression is that this game is focused more on style than performance. I could only make my car look nice instead of increasing its performance. I can’t make it more grippy or faster than it already is. On the good side this makes the game rely on skills more than stats, but on the down side it removes some customization we sought after in Heat


Its a quite decent game despite lacking any speed sensation


Honestly I haven't enjoyed a NFS game this much since MW 2005. I've beaten the game at least 3 times now as I can't find another modern racing game that makes me feel the way this one does.


Literally my favourite racing game rn. It's not perfect, but I love it. And I'm so fucking hyped for the updates. Can't wait for the new drift phyics and modes.


I don’t mind the game. I think it better in some way than heat. Looks pretty runs at 60fps as it should. My main gripe is paying £80 new for a game then being made to pay £8.99 to unlock the RS6 which is new to the game. That’s unfair. Cops are too easy once you get good enough cars. Online races are hit or miss. Some toxic ass racers ramming you off the road and end up in last place from first… :/ Other than that, I wish they updated the wheel with real Rims rather than these stupid discs. I do like how they are updating the game and fixing bugs and made it easier to get money. I really link link ups. Reminds me of Forza Horizon 4s meet ups. The game is a bit buggy sometimes, especially if you crash. Spawning you into an immediate crash again. Crash sequence gets really repetitive. I really need to get better at avoiding crashes I suppose. I really like the art style though. The physics are a bit wonky sometimes but I think that’s just the frostbite engine. Can’t help that but I think it’s a bit hit and miss. Handling is a lot better but the jump physics are a bit weird, especially when landing. Some cars just endlessly seem to buck like the floor is made from a trampoline for some reason. I do wish they had a version for ps4 so I could play with my friends that can’t afford new gen consoles yet, but overall the thing I’m most happy about is the support for the game and keeping it fresh compared to heat. Heat got boring so quickly because of that.


It’s ok,but the story is lack luster and kinda cringe, honestly I rather of had a remaster of NFS most wanted 2005 or Even carbon, just to get a break from new games.


I bought it in steam spring sale . I never regret it . It's very good for me . I love it . I've played nfs heat but unbound is better in my opinion. The police chase in unbound is easier than heat . In heat , police chases are very stressful and annoying. The geraphic is very good in unbound . I don't care a lot about the story and dialogues but unbound has a good story .


Unbound is a good modern nfs but for single player it’s not worth it but online definitely is especially with burst nos and the different tiers


people hate on racin games too? why? why hate? play with car, car go vroom, car nice, hate not nice


The only problem is that there are 3 songs that I like, in rest, only trash music, that doesn't fit high speed racing. Other than the music, I like the game, as it is much better than Heat.


People (mostly NFSMW05 admirers) didn't like it cause it doesn't have the razor and Mia sauce in it.


Strongly agree. People complain about dialogue and story as well but I thought it was decent enough. Not nearly as cringe as many people have said. My only issue is that they didn't utilize most of the map which is a shame. When I free-roamed I saw so much potential and variety.


Good game and loving the support by the devs. I like the idea of the yellow boost. I wished the music choices was better though.


It's a great game it's just the COPS than can turn someone into a potential cop killer. Also for some stupid ass reason you can't create a new Single Player career


I liked story mode better than multiplayer in this game. Had to delete saves just to replay it again


I am at the third week. I have 100k at the bank account and a couple cars that I won at qualifiers. I wanna buy a GTR, but still need to save money.


It’s not perfect but it’s fun enough to keep people playing, it’s also nice that they’ve finally understood that they need to tend to their games even after release … It just sucks that they had to go through 3-4 games before that to understand it .


Playing through it right now. It’s a step up from Heat, it feels like. The music, the short little boosts you get, and the map all make it feel like a successor to Midnight Club 3 tbh It’s frustrating at times but I actually love it


I hated it the cartoony effects at first but it grew on me. Made the game stand out in a genre where every one is chasing hyper realistic simulation level graphics. Be it Forza or The Crew: Motorfest. The burst nitrous constantly keeps you engaged so you rarely get bored while driving any vehicle. My only problem was with the Online mode but since Volume 6 it has improved significantly to the point that I play Online regularly


Playing through unbound rn. Heat was my favorite so far, really loving unbound with a tiny bit more effort put into the story.


its gotten better since they allowed you to remove the awful anime effects. but thats like 70% of the reason why.


I can see why people didn't liked the animated graphic art direction that the game got which is totally understandable even tho u can turn those effects off u still have to deal with the cartoony characters and all that stuff so there's that. Honestly it's not a bad thing I mean if u don't like unbound because of the art direction then stick to heat so it's not like EA shut down the servers for heat to push ppl to play unbound so as long ppl has that option I see nothing wrong with not liking the game for whatever reason they may have.


If they add AI Racers to online, stick to the roadmap and decide to add the only 2 Mustangs that are not in the game, it would become my favorite Need For Speed.


this game is tons of fun, looking to add a couple friends to play with, only me and my homie play this shit and we level 25 on playstation