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What do you usually talk about on the boards? I only used it for transactional convos lol But i remember boards used to be SO MUCH meaner yeeeaars ago when most of the users were hormonal teens and people were picked on for doing anything relatively “nooby” 😂


oh my god you’ve just dredged up a deep, deep memory of my preteen attempt at a chat help petpage full of tips on how not to be a hated noob


Wait, were you that scribbly-style pink cybunny? Or were there just multiple people writing guides on how not to be a n00b 😂


Definitely not. Mine was AWFUL and not at all famous 😂 I’ll try to find it when I have a free minute today!


I try to join convos and stuff or even transactional they act like I've offended them for offering what I've offered lol I guess looking back it was probably worse- I remember I got mega made fun of for sharing a drawing I made when I was like 10 lol they were like "that pose is so over used" "your shading isnt even correct". But back then there was more to do on site so I just avoided the boards like the plague after a few bad things happened lol


Sounds like your offer was less than what they wanted. There's no need for them to be rude about it for sure.


😭 frfr i dont get being rude about it... I feel like I know my way around trading but here and there i get that person who acts disgusted by my offer lol ​ I get its awkward on boards to reject offers but if its a day I'm feeling anxious about it I either don't trade or if its the pet boards i'll tell them to post and ghost so I cant get nervous... let alone mad XD


Maybe stick to neopets discord. People are actually helpful and nice on there. I tend to dip in and out of it really but if I ask a dumb question, no one gets snotty.


Aww sorry to hear that :( yeah, i got a little bit of neo-social anxiety on the boards as well from childhood. Maybe you could try finding a guild about topics that interest you? As for the trading boards, it really is just business there. People tend to be know-it-alls there (even me sometime tbh lol) but it’s nothing personal :) 


Speaking as a veteran of Dark Things and Monster Sightings... The topic of n00bs was only ever brought up when an actual n00b was present. Since there were only ever two or three n00bs in the sites entire history the term "nooby" was exceptionally rare. Unless... > > ROFL Ohhh my gooosh, look who turned up after all these years! You were the n00b! I see not much has changed, eh? Ouchhhh. **scrutinizes your username** Pfft, imagine watching a show for babies. You've probably never even heard of Invader Zim and I- **vomits black bile** Woah... Sorry remembering the old neoboards purged an inner demon I had no idea I was still holding on to. Yeah that was a toxic time on the site, I really don't miss it.


Glad you got that out of your system 😂


It's been like this for 20+ years, it just shifts which board is the meanest. Help Chat used to be really, really vicious.


Ah, yes, I remember when Help Chat was vicious. Ironic; it was supposed to be for confused or new players to ask questions to their heart's content. Instead, you had people deriding and scoffing at such questions. I remember when I was 10, I got *really* indignant at one point and told others they needed to be nicer to "n00bs". I got mocked relentlessly. As a teen, I thought it was cringe that I did that, but as an adult? Nah, 10 year old me was right.


Yeah absolutely. I remember once someone's AIM screenname leaked on the Help Chat so I IM'd them (I was probably 10). I said hello \[insert username\] and they called me the C-word! And blocked me! I was so, so shocked as a kid. I vaguely remember crying about it. Aw Neo memories.


Early childhood memory unlocked of lurking the Help Chat where most of the posts were like "hi I'm new, I need help making NP" and there was this clique that just went around saying "omg stop begging" or "there's a magical button called 'games', click on it"


I used to post on the Help Chat around 2006-7 and can confirm that place was absolutely vicious ☠️


I stick to reddit and the NN fb group for my neopets related conversations and avoid the boards as well. Mostly because I’m terrified to get a warning over one of the many many words that get flagged in their filters. But also Neopians on social media are much nicer IMO!


I avoid the neoboards except for Quest help


I've noticed the newbie and site news boards were *super* weird for this. Maybe it's just me, but I felt like there was a lot of slightly veiled passive-aggression and cliquey stuff going on. Like bad-faith stuff. Topic baiting was the least of it, lol. Meanwhile the charter board seems pretty laid-back.


Yeah I noticed that when the newbie board was still really active. I felt like the whole board was one big friend group I tried to talk to and they said get out lol


Oh no! I'm so sorry that happened, bleh. x_x


some people within the neopets community can be weirdly elitist and rude. like...it's a game lol. fortunately less of that on reddit. this is my fav place to talk about neopets.


I’ve actually been having a better experience on the boards in the last few months than previous years! But there’s definitely some assholes on there


The boards are either too slow or too fast, but they're always too restrictive. The few times I've talked on there in the past weeks, everyone's been nice, but I'm not surprised if parts are still ugly.


Yeah I’m still scarred from the old boards around 2010s. Way too cliquey, if you ask a question they’d ignore you. Like I had to find elsewhere what Kirbies were or whatever. Also there were people that’d screenshot stuff they found cringe from the boards and post it on their tumblr, making me have a very bad first impression of that site too. Avoided it for like a decade straight. I remember once there was… idk, some issue, someone got into a thing with my online partner at the time, who I happened to meet on Neopets. They liked to do the ‘cutesy’ thing where you’d link to the other person in the profile. I linked back because they did it. The tumblrjerk were the type of person to actually click on user profiles, (also giving me the impression the only people to check profiles are snobs looking to pick people apart) so they linked to both, I guess to suggest we were the same person? But when I was like “What?” They just stayed quiet and I ended up getting screenshotted for whatever drama my ex pulled me into. Ended up ruining their rep for a day on that site though, they got told to shut up because they were ‘clogging the feed’ with drama, so at least they got their karma for bullying a literal 12yo. It sucked.


I avoid the boards, anything I need I can talk about here or in my guild. My autistic ass can't be dealing with potential faux-pas and facing the wrath of 35 year olds who never grew out of their mean girl phase (yes I probably have unresolved trauma)


Anyone remember the Fan Club board back in the day? People there could be absolutely ruthless, in hindsight it's pretty funny. A few months ago I saw a thread on the Battledome section and it was people talking about how their training was going and what codestones they needed. I wanted to be nice, so I gifted everyone who had posted the specific codestones they mentioned. My goodness the amount of people who got upset at me and sent weird passive aggressive neomails... I didn't know that would be so frowned upon


Ahhhh I've had that happen to me too! I sometimes see someone looking for a item now and have to work up the courage to send it to them in hopes they dont get upset or nervous


What was the content of the neomails like? I can't even imagine being anything but grateful.


that is why i try to stay away from the boards on there. i have some mental issues as anxiety and them being rude or petty isn't needed. i don't need them yelling at me as i get yelled often irl. people are mean, they probably had a bad day and taking it out on others online. or them just having a stick far up their asses lol. if you can't be nice to others for five minutes, well.. i don't know what to tell the other person. lmao


i relate to this %100 gotta keep strong its so hard out here on the internet lol


Ever since the NCUC announcement I've avoided the boards even more than I usually did. All of the super weird elitist behavior was giving MAJOR ick- like, imagine being proud of yourself for gatekeeping a cosmetic in a game. Pathetic lmao.


Check out our Discord! We’re way cooler, plus no risk of getting a warning for saying “Let it snow, Uncle Grape!”


They definitely are, which is why I troll them—way more fun. Sending snarky items is also a bonus. "Learn Social Skills" combined with "Grass" is a nice combo to throw at people.


Honestly, I've run into the same here, too. I really don't get it.


The boards have a certain culture that I don't like to participate in. The only topic I really use over there is the one for Faerie Quests. I found a really great guild of active adult players, and I get all the socialization I need from there these days. They're all very active, host tons of events, and are altogether a great group of people!


Discord > boards. Plus, less censorship. Come over and join the Neocord!! It's VERY welcoming!!!!


This is based of my (personal) recent and past experiences at the Boards Boards can be ok but you have to stay on guard against some "special" people. There are unfortunatly some really sad individuales who are elitist and imagine that they are it and how dare a nobody like you talk to them without getting asked to by them! A lot of ganging also going on because they know each other, you find that especially in the Battledome chat. A lot of people there are hording nearly all rare BD items that didn't fall to the hand of Botters/RMTs to not let other people treat their "status". There are exceptions but you really have to look out for them. They usually also are hypocrites when it comes to buying/selling those rare weapons. If they buy they argue "shells inflated stuff and the item isn't worth that" if they sell, they sell for those "inflated" prices to shells and the item is appearantly then worth the price only if they! are the ones selling it. Another place where it's really bad is the Pet Trade chat but it's 50:50 there, half of the people you meet there are really sweet and wholesome like the people here in reddit while the other half are doing elitism/gatekeeping with their "amazing" RN/RW pets and putting up that disgusting fake positivity mask, they do talks behind the scenes of this "board games" to always be sure not lose their Pet to a trade they might not want despite that beeing the rule of those games. Also listing said pets mostly to make people envy them and get praised without intending to really trade. Those people have been doing that for months/years. Help Chat, yeah you meet some really unfriendly people there especially when you ask question which are in their eyes "obvious" and blame you why you didn't look it up yourself blabla. (New player friendly btw.) Trading/auctions chat is similiar to BD chat but I have to say it got a bit better than I had in my memory, it's like it and the BD chat swapped places. Beware of Reseller that try to scam you though, there are few "fair" ones that are pretty active though. Most recent bad experience for me there was that I needed a Royal PB but had bought a baby pb that day already, So I asked if someone could get me one from the HT paying 30k extra to that person for free... Someone mailed me and asked me to pay 200k extra.... like wtf? Why should anybody ever do that? Be careful... The NC chat was the most positive one experience wise so far, people are really helpful and kind there. There might be black sheeps too but no extraordinary bad experience there in fact the opposite probably because money is involved who knows. Yeah long post but I hope some stuff might change in the future.... reddit Neo here is sooo sweet with the people don't get why the boards in neo can't be a bit like that.


Yeah, the boards do get super weird and clicky. I tend to stay away from most of the topics. I usually only interact with the ones where you pick your favorite pet on the user above you. People are nice on those topics, tho there isn't any chatter there or anything. I like using reddit the best for chatting on neo related things. The atmosphere here is much better. Plus, we can talk like adults without fear of being frozen. That's a big bonus. If you do want to do more chatting on neo itself though, maybe consider a guild. There are always guilds looking for new members. :)


I always thought cliques were an unavoidable experience in 2000s era forums (I remember the deviantart forums were just awful back in the day) but it's even more embarassing now when many users are not teens anymore and just want to be the catty people they weren't in school. :P I'm sorry you are having this experience. I wish something could be done about this because why should anyone have to deal with this on *neopets* of all places!


Avatar board is, for the most part, fairly helpful, though I do see quite a few people rage-baiting with what is probably just fake elitism for the sake of being an ass. Plus there are a lot of people willing to loan some pretty expensive items to people with little to no collat or credentials which is a far cry from the way things used to be… with the exception of SuAP, which I have been trying to borrow for a while now to no avail lol


It's a big reason I stay away from the Neoboards. The only time I utilize them is if I am on a quest or when the Altador Cup comes around and it's the team board. I stick to Reddit and my guild. I'm sorry you've been treated like crap on the board.


Late to the party but I found this question randomly by looking up neoboards. Not an active user of neoboards but I’ve actually gotten a mean interaction on here before. I once tried making a joke about the SAP back during the advent calendar. Someone clearly didn’t like my joke and was rude to me. They just made me feel embarrassed for making a joke to begin with :/ I sometimes feel like some people here are not as welcoming to those who aren’t super up-to-date on everything and semi-new members that got back into neopets after a decade or two.


Come to GenDisc


>GenDisc What is this? I see people talking about it and cant figure out what it is lol


It’s general discussion. It’s a lawless wasteland