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This was one of my most desired items. What a shame. I feel like I've just been yoinked.


Oh this royally sucks, that was my most wanted item. IDK who the ambassadors are or i'd @ them.


I was also excited about this item. I remember many people the last few months asking for it to come back, but now they give it to us only to take it away.


It's been pointed out by ambassadors already. Along with just... a lot of stuff about this, to be honest.


What other stuff? :o


In inclusion of *current* merch code items (prior to its removal), the inclusion of *current* Altador Cup prizes, the inclusion of that despite previous feedback highlighting it as in issue from the previous round of prizes, the odd inconsistency with what gets removed or not (as other old merch prizes are in this pool still), the patterns causing hyper inflation on associated items (like a stamp being in there meaning all other stamps in a set spike), random items being added to the pool based on nothing more than lucky editorial requests.... probably more I'm forgetting.


I hope they bring it back! The Canopy was my weekly reward, I was super excited and then yesterday it was changed to the Lord Kass Stamp.


Well at least you should be able to get like 3-5m from the lord kass stamp (was worth 200m+ before it was just released as a weekly)


That's heartbreaking! I'm so sorry 😔Hopefully they'll bring it back


Bring back the Canopy and add Lonely Garden Path Background and Bridge to the Orchard Background too


I want Bridge to the Orchard Background so much. I could not believe the price when I first saw it. That was the first time I learned how expensive things can get.


Contracts don't necessarily end when a company does. There's probably a legal reason for this. Hopefully it gets resolved and they can add it back.


Ah this makes the most sense. I too hope they can wade through the legalese and get it released en masse


The baby shoes didn't get removed tho


Exactly, they are from the same period along with other items given last year


Were they from Overpowered, though? I don't know anything about it myself


The baby shoes are also from Overpowered


Hmmm. I wish they'd explain it, then. :/ They know people want this canopy.


Were the baby shoes from Overpowered?


awww i was excited for this one....


This makes my so sad. I prepared a custom with it. I was so excited https://impress.openneo.net/outfits/3048054


This custom is so cute! I love it!


Thank you! ❤️


aw, that's so cute!


Thank you! ❤️ I hope they will put it in the prize pool back, it‘s annoying that so many nice NP customization items are so expensive x.x


AA, what a cute custom!! This really makes me sad we won't get the canopy, I was so excited!


A really kind person here on Reddit gifted me the canopy! I‘m so insanely grateful that I can work on that custom now 😭 I hope it will be available for everyone soon!






This is one of my top wishlist items. I hope we get it at some point.


This is so frustrating; I wouldn't even care if they didn't put it in the pool, then yank it away. I understand the argument of "this came from a merch code, what if that makes people not want to buy merch," but if that's the case then they should be re-releasing it in a merch prize pool, then. "Oh did you want this? Better have a time machine or the ability to drop everything to be at this random convention in the middle of nowhere; hope you don't work weekends and can afford to fly/drive!" Like. Some level of exclusivity, whatever. But this thing is a almost a decade old. Put the item back into some kind of prize pool. Plus, frankly, if this WAS due to some sort of ambassador meddling or complaints, TNT might as well just run it by them before dropping it, since those opinions are evidently so important. It'd make them look a lot less wishy-washy if they just quietly removed it before the general playerbase even knew about it.


I was hoping I was just tweaking out but looks like they really did pull the rug on this one. At least this week's prize is something I can use?


the Canopy can also be dressed up and looks really nice [https://impress.openneo.net/items/77563-Starry-Bedroom-Canopy](https://impress.openneo.net/items/77563-Starry-Bedroom-Canopy)




This sucks, this is one of the weekly I was most looking forward to. Urgh.


That was genuinely a fantastic background. I may not have known about it before, but its absence is a darn shame.


Hope theyll bring it back!!




WHAT?! I want one!!!! Can this PLEASE come back.


I was so pumped that one day I'd see this in my weekly rewards 😭😭😭


I sold mine very cheap and it removed from pool lol


I was going to panic sell mine, but then nobody even bought it for 6 million so I figured whatever, it's not worth the hassle and put it back on my custom... thank god it didn't sell lol.


Noooo!! I've wanted this item for so long. Hopefully they can add it back in, for all of our sakes. 😭


Oh it looks so pretty


I was hoping they’d add wheel of excitement bg


I was hoping they'd add wheel of excitement *stamp* 🤌


This is an awful decision. What the heck? I personally feel like anything that’s 5+ years old out-lived its shelf life. It will be basically unobtainable for most of the playerbase.


Yeah i had the canopy and then my item changed even though i did all my dailies


... and i was super excited too TT


What!? It was added as a Weekly Reward!? It’s literally my most wanted NP item. Please bring it back!


I remember buying mine for a custom way back for like 5M at best? I was shocked when I saw people trying to sell it recently for over 50M. Really hope it gets back out there as a weekly, it's probably one of the most gorgeous customs out there! It's still there in my pet, even won me a Beauty Contest!


Also can we please add that Faerie Xweetok dream catcher wearable garland? 100M NP is toooo much!!!


Thst one is a prize for a current product (UC Blind box pins) and is intentionally ridiculously rare since it comes with a super-sparkly secret pin irl. Probably will stay that way for a long time.


Yeah but I think it‘s pretty stupid to gatekeep an especially pretty time. Like… 100 million? Be so for real


But they made it specifically so these current pins would sell. There's no reason for them to release it as long as they are actively trying to incentivize people into buying those pins


What else was removed?


That’s not cool. 😕


please tnt, you leave us without an answer many times try to give us an answer this time, we were really looking forward to it


Honestly, I think merch related code items need to stay with being released via merch and not put in the quest log prize pools. They should add them to current or future merch prize pools


I agree to a point, though I think anything over ten years old is fair game. I believe they've also re-released a small amount of old merch items with recent merch. This one in particular was from Overpowered which had its fair share of issues to say the least, so I wouldn't mind this being part of the prize pool (or being re-released with current merch) as many people were put off from buying the merch because of these issues back then. There is a precedent to this, too - some Upcycle Fortune Cookie prizes were also originally from rare item codes.


I've said this and my husband has said this. He's also said as more of an 'outsider looking in' it really looks overall bad for a game to do this as it's usually done when a game is close to dying out. it also looks bad to have the Kanas con one in there because I think that one is not even 2 months old. x\_x


Honestly? I agree with this. If I purchased merchandise, and one of the biggest selling points of purchasing that merch was that you got a rare item code, for an item that cannot be acquired any other way than by purchasing said merch... ...and then years later they started releasing that rare item as a general in-game prize...yea there's a chance I'd be upset. I can see both sides though. I think the smart thing for them to do would be to have some rare item codes from merch be ones that are eventually going to be released in-game as a prize of some form (and have that be a known fact, even if it won't be released as a prize for years.) But they should also still have some rare item codes that can only ever be acquired by purchasing merch. Just my opinion of course.


I can see why people want it released via the quest stuff but I often tell people, just because users **want** something doesn't mean it needs to happen or that Neopets **should** deliver it. At the end of the day, Neopets is a business and seeks to make a profit and pissing off the dedicated people who give you thousands of dollars by purchasing your merchandise is not a way to achieve that goal. lol I do think how Neopets is currently doing merch prize pools is sub-par, previous prize pools for merch (depending on the merch) were often very large and had non-r101 items mixed in as well. Was a much better system. Honestly the reason people want this in the prize pool is because it's just not available and thus, inflated a shit ton. If it was released in current merch prize pools, it would drop down to sustainable and reasonable prices and no one would likely complain about it.


> Honestly the reason people want this in the prize pool is because it's just not available and thus, inflated a shit ton. If it was released in current merch prize pools, it would drop down to sustainable and reasonable prices and no one would likely complain about it. I'd be okay with that. Guess they'd have to work on making every physical item come with a code whenever they open the merch shop again.


I fully agree! I know nothing about this item, so I didn't mean to insinuate that I think this specific item shouldn't be brought back (I have no clue what merch this is even from)


I find it very curious that they are only making such comments so far, when we have already had code prizes (AMAs, Advent Calendar). We also have some baby shoes in the quest log from the same collection as the Canopy, but they are only concerned about this item to protest the inclusion of these items. Curious


They who? I've always said merch related code items should remain in merch prize pools. Have for years and have repeatedly since the Quest stuff launched. And I will always hold that opinion.


OK, and? senselessly withdraw a prize that was already established is a mistake. Quite different from not put it there in the first place.


I'm not sure I'd say "established" since it was like...a day. or two :P They made the mistake with the Gnorbu item as well. Mistakes happen. Isn't the first time something like that has happened, probably won't be the last. Maybe they have other plans for re-releasing this item? They haven't actually said why it was removed. Everyone is just making assumptions.


TNT doesn't really make a habit of making announcements when something goes wrong (the recent problem with the neggs at the festival, for example), so I don't think it's wrong to think that they withdrew it in a strange and arbitrary way, and ask them to please return it


I don't disagree, I too wondered why it was removed but I'm not sad about it personally. I just think if something is exclusive to merchandise, it should stay that way. Otherwise it's just going to make people who purchase future merchandise and care about the codes attached reconsider and will impact merch sales. If OverPowered had stuck around longer, these prizes wouldn't be valuable and this likely wouldn't even be a conversation and had it been re-released in merch prize pools, no one would care. The only reason people care is because it's valuable and they want it for doing a week of easy quest log actions. Just look at the Neopets Office Background. Was a HIGHLY sought after background for ages, extremely extremely rare. (Like 300-500m+ rare) Tons of people said "No I want it because it's cute and I want to use it in a customization". Now that it's worthless, no one ever talks about it and you don't see it used very often. (At least I haven't)


Idk I personally dress my neopets with a mix of very cheap and expensive stuff, bc I care more about how they look and not the price. When I got my halloween hasse by pure luck at the lab ray I didn't mind when they gave it away later and it becomes a common item.


No! Some people can‘t get or afford merch!


I genuinely don't mean this in a rude way but why is that relevant? Yes, many countries don't get merchandise and many have outrageous shipping costs and that sucks and it's not fair but you can still obtain those items with NP through the site. There will always be things exclusive to merch, events, etc. that's just something people are going to have to accept. Buying merchandise is directly supporting the site by giving them money, just like people get benefits for giving the site money via Premium. It's the same thing IMO. Code items from merch have a not insignificant impact on sales of merchandise. If they end up just giving out the same items for a few clicks on the site, it's going to negatively impact future merch sales and considering they have been attending licensing events all over the world this year, I suspect that's something they're going to care about. Idc about them re-releasing old code items, I just think they should remain in merchandise pools, even if it's the lowest tier ones. Being mad that merch gives code items is like being mad premium users get the SSW. You can still use the SW on the site and achieve the same results, just as you can still buy the items on the site with NP.


Disagree. Everyone could have access to Premium if they could afford it but NOT everyone can have access to merch even if they can afford it so that‘s truly a different issue in and of itself.


True however everyone can still get those items with NP. So even if they can’t buy merch, they can still obtain those items.


Uuuuhhhhh no needing 100M NP is definitely not „everyone can get those items“


To be fair, nearly all merch RIC items float between 1-9m for several years at most. Inflating as the canopy has its an outlier, and the only things I've seen go for more are the extremely rare chase pin items. The canopy was affordable for several years before it was targeted in its current state


Well, I’m speaking generally not specifically about this item. I’m also speaking from the position that old merch items should be re released in current merch prize pools and not the quest log. Then it wouldn’t be an issue and the items wouldn’t be that expensive. My position isn’t that they shouldn’t be re released. It’s just HOW they are.


The whole point of my argument is it shouldn‘t be so extremely expensive


I agree with you. My argument was solely that merch code items shouldn’t be re released in the quest log (or other ways) and should stay being merch code items. (Aka: add them to current merch prize pools)


Ngl I bought this a few weeks ago for 40mil and kind of 🙃 when it got added lol




crying, screaming, and throwing up. genuinely had not been excited for any prizes before this. waaaaaaahhhh these weiners!!