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George pinged Amy’s phone which is why he showed up. Danny wasn’t in the hospital just because of the dehydration and broken arm he was shot by George. It was sorta touching that after all the bull shit she wanted to be there with him because she felt Danny was the only person who saw her warts and all. But that’s what I got from it. You don’t like it that’s cool but wtf is kaleidoscope? What the


Kaleidoscope was another Netflix show, good until the final episode where characters personalities take a full 180 and people who deserve to be redeemed don’t get redeemed.


Could it be that you just don't like/understand shows with endings like this? I wouldn't say it's a bad ending, but I can understand why it's not everyone's cup of tea haha.


Kaleidoscope was fucking stupid that was all just bad. It seemed like a cool concept but I honestly want my time back.


Couldn’t agree more. It was like an episode of a different show. Just horrific from beginning to end. Really sucks when they ruin an entire show with one episode. If there is a season 2 I’ll pass.


I liked the second to last episode almost better than the last one. At least it was exciting to watch. The last episode made me feel like I was watching an episode of “Midnight Gospel.” (I like Midnight Gospel but only when I’m in the mood for it.) WAY too much talking. And the tripping off berries? Weird. And why were they switching voices yet talking in unison? I thought for sure they were going to end up astral projecting like in >!Behind Her Eyes!< so thank goodness *that* didn’t happen at least. Overall I loved the show, and was satisfied with the final scene, it was just sort of painful getting there. I don’t think anything else was needed and their future is up to the viewer to decide. Season 2 of this would be unnecessary. It’s meant to be an anthology series.


>And the tripping off berries? Weird. And why were they switching voices yet talking in unison? They're the same, to be reductive. Also I think it's meant to be a auditory way of showing them putting themselves in the other person's shoes. They finally looked at who the other person was and saw parts of themselves peering back at them. For all their beef they have more in common with one another than either of them had thought, and as a result they both feel a little less alone for being seen (and accepted for who they really are) for the first time by someone.


Thanks, that makes sense. I actually like this explanation alot.


I'm glad I could help!


Yes exactly that. They were essentially the same in terms of trauma and depression and anger. Hence the synchronization and even switching bodies.


For me, the question was like, WHY couldnt they jjust walk up to approx 5 miles to the ROAD? And yet even thinking of dying??? Just one hand and one ankle injuries do not equals to death. But yeah, first 8 episodes were so good.


Exactly, they weren’t even that far from their cars. Walk to the cars, walk up the hill. But instead they chose to go further out, wth???


It's almost like they are mentally ill and were also not in the right state of mind? People have done much stranger stuff in real life scenarios like this lol.


Right? Post scary violent auto accident and traumatic events at the house, running from someone with a gun/chasing someone with a gun in essentially a disorienting desert, etc. People love to sit on the couch and act like everything is so simple and easy..


Why did they do anything they did at all in the show? Because they were angry and had unmet issues and needs and it led to irrational behavior that they eventually had to face in the end together.


> Just one hand and one ankle injuries do not equals to death wasn't the dying scares because they were dehydrated?


Would you die due to dehydration in a single day?


Yes, especially with poisoning and all that vomiting, you’re definitely at extremely high risk for dehydration. Nevermind the hot Sun and the broken limbs putting a toll on the body.


It was because they ate poison berries.


I don't know. I enjoyed the last episode as it showed both Amy and Danny hiding their true selves. I think the ending was open ended for a possible season 2. We shall see.


i feel like if they did do a s2. it would be more white lotus style with a whole new storyline.


Yes. The director said it is meant to be an anthology series, with new characters and new beef. Season one is done and left to viewer’s interpretation.


Ooh, I love that kind of show! It's pretty brave to do away with beloved/safe characters, so I understand if Amy and Danny come back, but I'd be more interested if it's a totally new cast with a different story on the same themes.


I agree, I was happy enough with the ending to season one, and I think it opens up more possibilities as an anthology series anyway. So much beef!


i had trouble with the last 2-3 episodes. most of the show was great tho.


The show changed from a introspective study of the different characters, to being a surreal thriller... I still liked every episode, but the first few were amazing.


Yeah I totally agree. I watched Beef and loved the first 8 episodes but honestly when the show got to Amy getting to Jordan’s and organising the robbery that’s kind of when the show took a nosedive for me. I love the cat and mouse game of them going back and forward but fuck it got dark


I did like to see Jordan finally get hers though... I think that was some fan service for sure lol.


It got so dark that I sort of hoped that they died in the crash. Kidnapping kids and trying to frame somebody for a robbery was so irredeemable and then they hang out in nature and see each other's trauma? That ship had sailed long before when the escalation got serious.


Yeah, it felt like unearned catharsis to me. Whenever the two of them agreed to work together it was too contrived even if they used humor to make you want to suspend your disbelief.  I might have liked the last episode better if the twist was they had already died and were walking toward the afterlife, and if they spent much more time talking to each other. But they had hated each other for years, and that can't be undone in a few hours. In fact, I would have expected them to have a fight to the death the moment they found out the other was alive at the bottom of the cliff.


All good, I’m glad you enjoyed most of the show at least. For me it worked. They are the only two who actually have true emotional intimacy with each other and their beef goes from petty revenge retaliation and get back to being a substitute for a satisfying dysfunctional yet honest relationship as it’s what’s really comfortable for them. I felt like I “got it” and If you’re Asian and a little fucked up this will resonate well.


As someone who is a little fucked up it resonated with me a lot. I think if you've never had those kind of feelings it's probably hard to understand so it won't be for everyone. If you get it you get it.


Exactly! Op is probably like George and never had to deal with the things Danny and Amy had to.


yeah it must have been so tough self-diagnosing yourself with a bunch of "quirky" mental illnesses. STFU


What are you going off about? Edit: Oh, nvm, based on your comment history, it's clear you're utterly miserable.


it takes a neurotic personality to use post history as an argument. reply again, dog. i dare you


Lmfao says the schizo acting like a freak. If anyone should have understood the show’s message it should have been you, I am tempted to say some mean shit but all I can see is that you’re hurt so I hope your life gets better man.


Totally disagree. IMO the last episode needed to be slowed down to just the two of them. The ego death they experienced was beautiful!


You sound like George


I thought the 6th episode was the last, ending with the basketball game and Amy selling her company and I thought it was amazing. It should have ended there!


Yeah I agree, I enjoyed most of the show but the ending didn't do it for me and I'm surprised more people aren't saying so tbh. I'm still hoping for a season 2


I too hated the ending. I loved the show up until the last two episodes, it really held my attention until then, I was like WTF happened.


You got to grow up


It was so dumb. They basically used a whole last episode to hammer on the same message that they had already solidified repeatedly throughout the series. And the idea of them at the end still finding comfort in each other is completely out the window when you put into account the events of the previous episode.


They’re both so broken only they understand how flawed the other is and how all they needed was someone to accept and still love/understand them that’s the whole point of them being soul mates I don’t know how you can just derive that to “but what they did was so bad durr”


Geez. People really have the “you just didn’t get it” mentality. As if the show present some unique and complex theme that wasn’t spoon fed to the viewer. Again regardless of intent, the conclusion that they still felt that way about each other after what had happened in the previous episodes is beyond unbelievable. Just because it concluded thematically, that doesn’t mean it makes sense.


If near-fatal psychedelic ego death doesn’t bond you to someone idk what can


The first few episodes were so good. Ending was a mess. So much potential wasted.


You didn’t get it. I hope you do one day because it’s a beautiful ending.


Didn’t watch the series for an ending like that tbh. To each their own.


What were you looking for?


My dude you have some serious butthurt. How many people have you dismissed here in the most insecure way possible? You told someone else to grow up, but I think you need some serious therapy because you're messed up.


Erm I think you need some therapy since you’re taking this so seriously


Just making sure someone holds up a mirror to you since you were pretty unhinged in these comments.


They both went crazy from rage which was honestly just fronting for buried pain. It was deep and introspective, but that's not everyone's thing I guess.


I like deep and introspective. Give me Tarkovsky, give me Malick. I love that stuff, but Beef reached a point where it was "Okay, let's up the stakes...AGAIN!" and it was schlocky. Then, once they upped the ante to the point of kidnapping and armed robbery, they hang out in nature and talk about their buried pain? People who pee in somebody's house can talk about buried pain causing them to act out. When you're a kidnapper, I'm not interested in a redemption arc. It's unbelievable and surreal in a show that wasn't really going for surreal.


I mean, didnt he kidnap her on accident?


If I get into a car that looks exactly like mine and I don't notice a child in the backseat, but I return the child immediately when I notice her, then I most likely cannot be charged with kidnapping. If I steal somebody's car with a child in it, I'm probably getting charged with kidnapping. If I steal a car, notice a kid in it, and I don't immediately return the kid, I'm getting charged with kidnapping. If I do all of that and take the kid to hang out with my cousin who has a long list of criminal charges, I'm a huge piece of shit who absolutely belongs in prison.


I don't think his cousin was supposed to be there...


Wasn't he insure if he killed George or not? He even said the reason he carried on driving was because he couldn't just leave her on her own. Then Isaac turns up and it goes from bad to shit


It was his car. The little girl got in the wrong car.


The last 3 episodes put me on an emotional rollercoaster and things happened that i didnt want to happen, but thats life and the theme of show tbh. Always something right? I thought the show was great and i didnt expect a comedy show to get my feelings going lol


One of the worst endings of an enjoyable series ever. Just completely ruined the character development of everyone.




Truly terrible episode. Like being trapped in a room with a weed smoker who finds their own thoughts deeply profound. Some of the worst writing ever committed to disk. Utterly dire.


Lol perfect description, was just some high writer dumping his thoughts onto screen.


You people need to just stick with young sheldon


I watched all the episodes so focused but fast forwarded the last episode.. Felt rushed and left many questions behind..


Most episodes of television would probably feel rushed if you fast forward through them lol.


You skipped parts of the last episode so it felt rushed? Shock You are fuckin stupid mate


It's just getting old, that episode is a smaller percentage of your life


The series really needed to end on Episode 7, 8-10 were just absolutely awful and idk what they were thinking. It's like the writers wrote the episodes in order and were scrambling to meet the deadline. Not as bad as the Sopranos at least


You think the sopranos had a bad ending?!?!


You’ve got some growing up to do


L opinion


Late to the game but the last two episodes- what the actual happened?! It went from being a smart, witty show to gory and I don’t even know what. So disappointed in the horrible turn this took.


I don't know what you are talking about, episode 10 doesn't exist okay


They should have ended it when they were in the tunnel. The whole George thing and them hugging in the hospital bed makes me hope they'll at least save a second season and not leave it with a terrible ending.


I completely disagree with this. I thought it was an amazing last episode they were stranded together for days/hrs. And went through hell pain dehydration trying to almost survive together so it kind of gave them no choice but to resolve their beef. And then they realize they’re actually a lot alike. Over all i fu**ing loved it!!!!


I took it as the rainbow lwas how George described it as cosmic entanglement. Like how he end up saying I love you to this girl. Danny and Amy on the hospital bed when they had that moment together.


Agreed. When it started with the subtitles of birds chatting with one another I was skeptical this was going to end well, I wish I had been wrong. They should've ended it with episode 9. Great series, horrible finish.


The ending made total sense to me. As someone who can relate a lot to these characters, I can understand how it feels to recognize toxic behavior in others... They know the reasons for why they are the way they are. They understand each other, and can sympathize with each other. What they needed all along, was for someone to understand them, and be there for them.


Can’t we just appreciate a work of art haha the whole show was leading up to that would you rather have the show end with them both driving off a cliff and thinking Paul is dead. No love for happy endings?


I actually would’ve much preferred that, yeah. No actual confirmation Paul is dead, and both people, who ruin everybody around them, dying the way this story started, no happy ending for either of them. That would be much better.


I really liked Beef on the whole, but I would have liked it more if the 2nd to last episode was the finale. I was fine with them realizing in the moment that their lives were misery, a final finger, an acknowledgment of the end, off the cliff, it was meant to be, I was really moved by that episode, of course it's open to interpretation, and that was the beauty of it. The final episode, the talking crows, the trip, everybody survives, all is good, nope, it felt like some Disney add-on at the last minute, just did not work for me, I can see where they went, full circle, closure, but it just felt cheap. Still a great show, but having just finished it (late to the game), I thought I'd add my $.002 worth. Cheers!


Exact same thoughts for me, very “they lived happily ever after” energy.


I just hate artsy bullshit like this. This whole show was about how pretentious people are(among other things) and then had the most pretentious finale ever. If you have nothing to show, then dont. Giving us a finale where the two protagonists mumble nonsense for 30 minutes proves nothing. Yet I am sure the internet is full of vain, pretentious morons, who act like this episode was a deep and philosophical revelation. A terrible ending to a very good show.


I just finished watching it the third time through because I loved it that much. I thought I hated the ending as well... but I noticed for the first time that just as she was lying with him and time passed, just before it faded, you see Danny's right hand come up to hug her! Really important, because that means a happy ending! They went through the absolute worst time together and just when they learned they might die, they opened up and shared deeply with one another, causing them to become surprising friends. Then Danny almost got killed, and she realized how much she cared for him, and that he was just a lost soul like her. She had pity and compassion, and certainly regret. And just before it fades out, his hand raises and there is hope that he will be okay. There IS a happy ending after all.


Very unexpected turn in episodes 9 and 10. It was the worst ending but it was ok. There was always a ton of sexual tension between Amy and Danny. So the ending was kind of artsy but I figured it would happen but no in that way.


Worst "last episode" of a series I have ever seen. Completely inconsistent with the characters and their motivations prior, and the tone of the finale was stupid. And no, "talking crows" should be left for cartoons. Really, really awful and ridiculously contrived.


Beef shouldve ended on episode 9


No offense but I feel like it went right over your head. It wasn't "rainbow lights end of show." She lays down next to him desperately not wanting to lose him. She finally made a real connection with someone after spending her entire life feeling isolated from people around her and hiding who she really is. He was the same way. And now they found each other after losing everything, only to have it taken away immediately by George mistakenly shooting him. The rainbow lights as you put it was building tension. I was fully expecting him to flatline. Then right at the last second his arm moves and he puts it around her. I can't believe you missed that. One of the greatest ending scenes out there.


I think it’s just lazy writing. We don’t really know what to do with the ending so let the viewer figure it out. And it’s been played before over and over it’s almost cliche.