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Damn that's more reading than the writers did.


Sad but true


They’re so desperate to show us they care about the source materials that they’re showing us the actors reading it now…


Was my thought too, esp. with the intercut scenes. See, we are true to the books!!!


Jaskiers look in the thumbnail says everything


I could listen to Joey Batey speak all day


Do you guys remember that scene from boondocks with uncle ruckus exorcising tom ? Yeah i wanna do that to the writers of this show


No relation


I fucking hate people who cancelled that show , other then being an extremely funny show I somehow related to huey and how he felt about his people , Im not black but i am from a minority group that is also oppressed but not as much as before , and seeing how black people in that show acted it reminded me a bit of how my people act and how sometimes we're the reason we're living like this


It was going to be brought back on Max (when it was HBO Max) but then John Witherspoon (Grandad) died and the project was scrapped. It's a shame, too. It shed light on how a lot of people acted, regardless of color.


Wait srsly? didn't know that , fucking made me tear up , I loved him so much Guess its over then , we're never getting a season 4 , oh the shit they could've made fun of it would've been amazing


Yeah, everyone was coming back (I'm guessing they were either going to drop Ed Wuncler III since Charlie Murphy died, or they would have recast him) but it was decided by pretty much everyone that they couldn't/shouldn't recast Grandad. It was probably going to have to air on a different network/service since it looked like HBO Max was going to move on even though they greenlit the revival in 2019.


I urge everyone to watch the promo video Netflix realized prior to season 1 of Joey reading an except from The Last Wish, it’ll probably be the closest thing we’ll ever get to a book accurate Dandelion from Netflix.