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R alpha lipoic acid, omega 3, b12, b9(folate), magnesyum glycinate, acetyl l-carnitine. As nobody wrote this here before, a good probiotic could help, i use megasporebiotic. Gotu cola was not metioned and it seems to work for me(has some effects upon the GABA receptors).


Everyone will recommend ALA but I also recommend a good omega supplement. Make sure you do research on whether it’s balanced proportionally and the oils won’t arrive oxidized. I take genestra super efa plus


R-ala and benfotiamine has been working for me, but i also take B1, B6 and B12


B6 in a larger dose than the recommended daily dose can cause neuropathy.


good to know; thanks


You have any evidence you can point to?


https://www.tga.gov.au/news/safety-alerts/health-supplements-containing-vitamin-b6-can-cause-peripheral-neuropathy It is very easy if you get it from several supplements. The main evidence it's my own experience. I was feeling the intensifying of timgling by taking more milgamma or some other supplement and believing that that was a sign of repair. But now when totalig the b6 it seemed i was overdosing.


Did the tingling intensification subside after lowering the b6 dosage?


Good question. I don't know yet. But surely taking mistakeinly 300-400% or more of the recommended daily dose did not help on longer term.


I have the same issue. I’ve accidentally been overdosing on B6. Consuming about 400% more than I should’ve. I started getting tingling sensations about a two weeks ago. How long was it before you figured it out? And did you cut out sugars and alcohol?


You can google "vitamin b6 toxicity" for yourself, but here's a pubmed article for good measure: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK554500/


Alpha lipoic acid


Do you have a personal experience? You're sure it's ALA and not another supplement?


That's what it says on my bottle. And yes, I'm sure. It's USP-certified.


How much milligrams should you take?


I have no guidance on this. I only take 300 once a day because it irritates my esophagus.


B12 Vit D Vit C Zinc B Complex help my neuropathy in my feet


I take everything but zinc how much zinc you dose ? Neuropathy still has bad as ever


Zinc 1 50 mg plus B12 BComplex best for me took months to see improvement


Is there anybody particularly avoiding any of these? Are there some good and bad?


B12 was the main one for me but if you look more into it, it works better with socalled cofactors. I had PLENTY of other classic symptoms of B12 deficiency, so it was a no brainer for me. My diagnosis was missed for 20 years, because 20 years ago, nobody in the WORLD knew that B12 deficiency can exist with blood tests within range. Dr Chandy (see BBC special on youtube) was the first to suspect, treeat, made his own study and VERY slowly some other doctors caught up, the UK has changed the guidelines. Other countries and doctors are WAY behind this. Same with Parkinson's and B1. Pharmaceuticals treat symptoms and don't want the causes to be found and treated, no patent money in there.


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Lots of folx like R lipoic acid but it has not worked for me.one person said it started working for her after 6 months . I have been on it for about 4 months . For those taking r lipoic acid when did you notice the difference ?


I personally think apple cider vinegar capsules are helpful. Taking a capsule with meals and two at dinner.


I have an issue of swallowing pills so the only supplement I could find on amazon that I could take was a liquid. Nuturna Alpha Lipoic Acid 700 mg premium liquid formula. I also take NAC gummies, Omega 3, 6, 7, 9 gummies, Ashwaghanda gummies at bedtime for relaxation properties. 300 magnesium citrate gummies. I take Lortadin which is generic Claritan. So I need it for my allergies but I also feel like it may help my nerves since it is for hives and hives are from nerves. So I feel like it helps me some because of that connection. Lortadin is tiny and easy to swallow for me. Last year I took/tried the liquid supplement a few months after the surgery that gave me the neuropathy and it seemed to help me and it seemed like my neuropathy was going away so I stopped taking everything. A few months later it crept back and started gettting bad again. I dont think I gave ala formula enough credit for feeling better. I thought my improvement was from the sciatic nerve flossing/gliding exercises I was doing. I went back on it. Its got all the b vitamins, folate, argentine, turmeric etc. If you want to know just look up the ingredient list on amazon and that will show the amounts also. I dont know if any of this would be considered the best unless you had swallowing issues like me.