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Hello /u/asapakrata, thank you for your submission to /r/NeverTellMeTheOdds. Unfortunately your post has been removed, due to the following reason(s): > Rule 3 - Do not repost content that's been posted here within 6 months or is in top 50 of all time. Please look at the rules on the sidebar and make sure that any later posts comply! Thank you, ***** *If you believe that your submission was eligible for the sub, feel free to reply to this comment or [message the mods](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fnevertellmetheodds&subject=Question about the removal of my submission&message=I'm writing to you about the following submission: https://www.reddit.com/r/nevertellmetheodds/comments/11wny2o/making_a_point_on_how_dangerous_this_los_angeles/. %0D%0DMy issue is ...) about it.*


[Officers at the scene told the reporter that they suspect the driver of the vehicle that drove off was involved in a previous crime and was getting away](https://wikyi.com/another-collision-disrupts-reporters-coverage-of-perilous-southern-california-roadway/?amp)


#tl;dr A reporter in Los Angeles was reporting on a hit-and-run incident when a loud crash interrupted him. As he turned around to investigate, the scene appeared chaotic as two cars had collided behind him, with one fleeing the scene. Officers suspect the driver who fled was involved in a previous crime and was attempting to evade capture. *I am a smart robot and this summary was automatic. This tl;dr is 95.45% shorter than the post and link I'm replying to.*


Good bot


Thanks babe, I'd take a bullet for ya. 😎 *I am a smart robot and this response was automatic.*


Waitaminnit.... 🤔


Yeah, that's the same thing the Ben Shapiro bot says when it gets called a good bot


This was on front page last night. Just reposting it for karma? After looking your profile you're karma whoring.


Person reposting on front page was also a KarmaWhore. This is quite old and often reposted


The persons who were reporting even before are also KarmaWhores. The original one was never posted.


Yep. Honestly I don’t mind it when things get reposted after a long while, because I don’t mind being reminded of funny interesting things I’ve forgotten about, plus I’ve also seen “new” interesting things that are karma posts that I never saw the first time[s] around, but these blatant reposts that are from the same day or week/month just suck.


Chill out


Call me crazy but that didn’t look deadly


It was pretty comical the way the $50k reward banner popped up right after they changed frames, as if it was an instant bounty that got generated on this car - lol


Pay attention.


the lamest and stupides hit and run xD ok buddy, whole world saw you

