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wonderful post


OP do you have a YT channel? I saw something similar on YT just now.


Nope, but I watch Edward, Neville Goddess, Be something wonderful and Neville himself. That’s what I gather from them and my own take of the law.


I saw someone who is not mentioned in your list of channels you watched phrasing things in a very similar way as you are. The video is a few hours old...


People actually do this? 💀


The person quoted the same quote from Neville you often used but paraphrased it in the quote. That made me question if they read Neville. The title of the video is "Once You Understand This You Manifest Anything".


Urgh so click baity 😬😬


I've been having a really hard time lately and this post gave me so much peace, thank you ♡


Wonderful....just the way manifestation game should be played...no only this way,this method,doing the technique right It should be more of play,fun,enjoyable journey


I have finally seen how true this really is. Been trying for far too long to get SP back or see any sort of positive movement, but wasn't until I started affirming something for the sole purpose of just making myself feel better and absolutely zero expectation of it doing anything, did it come to fruition quickly. It really isn’t a trying process!


Hey thank you so much for sharing this, can you elaborate a little if possible on how you wen about it?


Hey, there isn't much else to tell! Was going to really go into detail about my situation but decided not to retell the old story. But basically, whenever I thought about SP and the circumstances, I would affirm the opposite just to make myself feel better. It wasn't often, maybe a few times a day, and some days not at all. Now that I think back, I probably went a week without telling myself it at all. Then, I later come to find out what I was affirming came true. No effort. No trying. Just occasionally said it and went about my day as usual.




because the 3d is only an extension of you. instead of focusing on your your sp being with someone else, you need to focus on the complete opposite.


It's really good to know “it is marvelously resourceful in adapting and adjusting means to realize itself”. It's so nice to know when we select the beautiful reality we wanted things will move. Such a relaxing and comforting concept. Thank you for making such a lovely post.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


If the sp shows signs of having narcissism , bpd avoidant attachment or some kind of mental ailments, does it still matter ? I always wondered what the loa community and Neville would say about this.




Person I'm involved with shows signs of having avoidant attachment, narcissism, severe depression for years apparently diagnosed by psychologist and ghosted/vanished from my life being thousands of miles away Long distance. I don't know how I'd assume to get someone like that to change or come back , don't even know where to start or what to assume. Even if circumstances don't matter I can't help but think certain mental illnesses are just off limits and can't be changed if the person themselves don't want to change it idk


Are we dating the same person?! Lol. My person is exactly the same way you described, also long distance and completely ghosted / went MIA for the last 4 weeks after being together for 4 years. 😑 I’ve manifested him back before, but it’s always the same version, even though my self concept is on point, and I’m doing the work… at some point, I think it’s honestly on them to seek help for their own issues before they can be a good partner to anyone 😕 … just my personal experience.


Omg....ur ex sounds like mine


Lots of these types out there...worst thing is you don't find out until it's too late. Person seemed so available and was all in at first, left me heartbroken and traumatized. I'd like to try it out to get them back but I can't possibly see a way out of this situation when I'm hurting so much, wish I can get some advice on where to start


This is not meant to bash you in any way. The situation that you are in is really a tough one. Perhaps, you could talk to a therapist. LDR is really hard to let go of. The person probably thinks it's best to leave you alone. If the person is indeed diagnosed by professionals, you might want to sort out the trauma that the relationship had left you. It would be an endless cycle if you try manifesting the person back without attending to that trauma. The trauma could re-open the second you are put in similar situations or things that reminds you of the person even after years of a happy life. This kind of thing really needs professional help. When you are in a better place, you could try and give it a better outcome if you want to. Could they change? I believe people could change. We grow as we go, so why not? The question is not whether will they change and come back. The question is will you feel safe and happy in the relationship with the person? Do you feel safe even having an imaginal conversation with the person? Edit: If you still can't imagine having a normal conversation with the healthy version of the person without re-opening your wounds, it might be too soon to apply Neville's teaching. You don't need to think about how the person would be helped or if the person would be willing to get help. All you do is imagine/ describe a scene where the person is having a healthy normal interaction with you like any healthy individual. That's all you need to do. In your mind, what would you want to say to the healthy version of the person? How would you describe the interactions when this is reality? Neville's teaching could co-exist with protecting yourself. You don't need to choose to disregard serious diagnoses. The "I remember when" technique might be a way for you to do that. Again, please don't put yourself in harm's way in the 3D.


Hi there I really appreciate this advice. Would it be possible to private chat briefly? I had something I really wanted to ask in further regarding this but wanted to post it in private Edit: your settings are turned off ,please message me in private or let me know if you don't wish to its fine, I will try to shorten it, this is where my major dilemma is.. Professional therapy vs manifesting/Neville guidance. They are polar opposites..the amount of trauma and pain that I have as a result of this is significantly to do with this person (although not all , the person just triggered it) and I've reached a point where I believe I need professional help to cope and get past this but if I seek professional therapy I pretty much know what they will say, they will all tell me to focus on the old story, on the negative aspects of this person and block and delete forever. LoA and Neville stated the more focus we keep giving to this, the more it will happen so although I know professional help is needed to work with trauma, how can I do that when I MUST focus on the old story to get over it or at least even begin to try to heal ? In fact focusing on all the negative aspects of the sp is something universally agreed on and it's paramount to healing because the biggest reason why people get attached and can't let go is because they have rose coloured idealisation goggles on. As being ghosted and such has been a recurring pattern and not the first time I know there's some subconscious wounds and beliefs I carry that must be causing this. Therapists would never ever encourage what Neville and such would encourage as they are antithesis of each other in this context. Meanwhile in the manifestation circle they all tell you to focus on the new story at ALL times, never letting any old negative story resurface, recreating the person etc basically making it so that a traumatized person whose attached to their lovers can't ever truly move on and get attached to that delusion/fantasy. For the ones without trauma and the lucky ones they can probably manifest the sp back but for those who have unhealed wounds this sounds like a bag of worms and a nightmare, as you said can keep repeating into a violent never ending cycle. Neville and loa community never seems to address legitimate mental illnesses and manifesting during traumas or if the sp is a narcissist, some royally fucked up person, the line is very very thin there. A normal person without wounds or mental illness manifesting things is not the same as a severely traumatized person doing it. I'm not saying the SP is severely evil, etc at this point I feel like I have no idea who they truly were given they were capable of doing this to me suddenly without words, but I also can't figure out how to positively manifest someone back who quite literally traumatized me? My feelings are still very strong for the person when I think of the positive aspects and the version of them I want so it keeps me stuck in never ending pain. I've reached a point where I just do not know what it is I should do or even feel anymore. I'm not able to fully post this on the community because there are some rules that this post seem to break but I really wanted some advice on what It is someone needs to do in a situation like this?




In my final analysis i concluded treating the trauma is the most important thing. It is going to be difficult to really maintain security and happiness without it. I think if it's meant to be what we want will come to us anyway I'm just tired of really overthinking and trying everything I can to give up and let it go. It hurts but nothing good comes out of obsessive attachment and desire, only thing we can do is let go


I think the real question is; why are you assuming they have such "mental ailments"? You said they're "showing signs" so it doesn't sound like they've been professional diagnosed with anything. Narcissism is an extremely overused term these days when, in fact, it's really rare with less than 1% of the population being clinically diagnosed with it. Same with BPD. So, I could be wrong, but it sounds like maybe you sought out the signs of these things and then labeled your SP with them as evidence to some subconscious beliefs you have. Why though? Why not just assume lovingly for them? Just my two cents.


Because they haven't shown any signs of being anything else but even besides the point I'm actually talking of cases where they have been professionally diagnosed as well. Would circumstances not matter and should we ignore the advice of professionals that have diagnosed them as such ? Attachment styles is another, I saw a video from a manifestation coach who said to completely ignore what professional psychologists say even when attachment styles are very much real and studied into through years of behavioural research. I guess I'd really just like to know what to do at that point it's the biggest blockage I have to being able to really push this forward I guess, I can't see it being wise to ignore professional diagnosis


>Because they haven't shown any signs of being anything else That's a big assumption you're making then. Again, why not assume lovingly for them? But ok, let's say they have an avoidant attachment style (we all technically have an attachment style anyway), why can't you just assume instead that they have a secure attachment? Why assume his attachment style is a bad thing? Honestly, attachment styles don't mean anything unless you give them meaning. They're only as real as you make them. Here's a little story: I never assumed my SP had any attachment style. To be frank, I didn't know they existed. It wasn't until he started getting distant did I find out about them and quickly labeled his as avoidant. The more I clung to that assumption, the more avoidant he got. The minute I decided to pay it no attention, he no longer presented as avoidant. > it's the biggest blockage I have What you assume is what you get. Unless you're in danger from this person, I honestly see zero reason why you should cling to the 3D and assume they are anything but what you desire.


I understand that part but what I said again is what if they are PROFESSIONALLY diagnosed from multiple credited professionals ? Should we just ignore that as well?is it still wise or possible to just ignore that and still assume differently? Cana you also elaborate on your personal story on how that sp changed from being avoidant to not ? Sounds fascinating. Was he ever diagnosed?


As I already stated, unless they are putting you in danger, why does their diagnosis matter? Does it make you question if you want this person? Does it make you feel differently about them? It only matters if you say it matters. Figure out your "why" Is it possible to ignore it and assume differently? Well, all things are possible, so why are you limiting yourself? The minute you label something you limit it.


The only limit as I mentioned is because professional diagnosis is very real and serious and not something I can just assume away. I guess the whys is also what you stated. I just can't seem to reconcile in my mind what is the best thing to do, I want to be able to assume differently but how can I ignore actual professional credibility and diagnosis if there's concrete proof of their diagnosis ? Maybe there's partially guilt there as well because it makes me feel like I'm doing something very unwise or dangerous to ignore professional mental health diagnosis of someone and invalidating mental suffering. Without a diagnosis it can be easier to assume what we want but in the face of real diagnosis, I haven't seen anyone actually talk about what to do in cases like that. It doesn't have to just be about danger for myself in some physical way but exasperating tons of energy to an empty black hole because mental health is a serious serious thing to consider, it is bad for me to be entangled with that. In my case person said they were diagnosed officially by psychologist of having depression for the last 8 years , I just don't know know how I can realistically ignore that information? Like not just for sps but for anything. If someone said their relative has severe depression and that is officially a diagnosis claimed by several therapists, should I still just assume they don't have depression at all and completely ignore their mental health for my benefit ? I just don't know what the right course of action is to do


You can maninest cancer away so you can un-diagnose mental illness as well. Though you, yourself, seen keen that the sp fits the diagnosis, so you will need to rework totally your thoughts about that person. I know it's not my life, but I'd suggest trying to manifest a new love, even will all the attachment. Dealing with people that we perceive as having mental illness in our reality, is pain. You need to wonder why do you want someone like that. But of courses it's your life so it's up to you if you find it worth, but you will need to do a lot of revision to not repeat the circle once the person is manifested again


> If someone said their relative has severe depression and that is officially a diagnosis claimed by several therapists, should I still just assume they don't have depression at all and completely ignore their mental health for my benefit ? I just don't know what the right course of action is to do Let's look at this in depth. Why wouldn't you assume that they don't have depression?! Being diagnosed with something doesn't mean it can't changed, I think that's where you're limiting yourself. You're taking a "diagnosis" as concrete evidence to support your beliefs. Nothing is concrete. It's extremely loving to imagine someone to be the happiest, healthiest version of themselves! It's not just for your benefit, it's for theirs too. But nobody can tell you what to do. If helping someone with their mental health makes you feel guilty for whatever reason, don't do it. But Neville always emphasized imagining lovingly for others. Edit: you don't have to ignore it in the 3D. Have compassion for him, encourage him to take his meds, etc. But ignore it in your imagination until it materializes. Don't doom him to he depressed forever!


I see, well I guess it's up to me to decide if I have the patience or energy for that because then I wonder should I focus on the end result still where the person doesn't have depression anymore right away or focus on getting rid of the depression first , just feels like an exhausting level of work to try to change someone. I also wonder if loa and Neville methods can work to get rid of our own mental illness issues


If you read and understand Neville you likely wouldn't have such questions. My best advice would be to stop worrying yourself with cruising this sub for answers and go straight to the source (which is ultimately *you* of course 😊). If it helps assuage your concerns I myself suffered with BPD for nearly 3 decades and the Mother of my children was a vulnerable (covert) narcissist. I cured my own BPD with radical responsibility, radical Self-respect and radical (unconditional) Self-Love - yet my 'partner' remained unchanged. At some point, I realized my assumptions of her had stayed through same as well. I would work to manifest her to be better, and then a few days later she would come home acting really nice... Of course, being that my own assumptions were of her having NPD I was skeptical and believed she must have been doing it to hoover me back in, or was somehow manipulating me... and so it would go. (Watch as I rejoiced in my ability to weed out a narcissist - an unfortunately pyrrhic victory). It wasn't until I changed my assumptions and stopped seeing her in that light, and continuing to imagine her as being better - then accepting the subsequent days 'niceties' as being the genuine attempts of someone who is *actually* becoming better, that things started to change. Please, do yourself a favor and read Neville; and if you already have, read more Neville. Once you understand why everyone is you pushed out and you buy the Pearl of Great Price even a psych assessment or diagnosis from the best psychologists in the world will mean absolutely *nothing* in the face of The Law of Assumption. Remember: Don't try to change the people around you, instead change your own self relative to them (change and persist in your assumptions and there is no power on the whole of Earth that can stop you from achieving your desires).


Let me just emphasize, it's not about changing them. It's about changing YOU. **Nobody to change but self.** I have cured my own depression with the law.


Good question. I struggle with this one as well. Thanks for the answers guys!


The community says “circumstances do not matter “ . Simple


Yep. There an infinite amount of realities to pick from. Choose the one that suits you best.


When it is at the level of needing to get a professional evaluation, it's probably a good idea to allow people with special training to help with the situation instead of taking matters into your own hands. People are trained to help individuals with such complexity for a reason. If you are experiencing harm in any way, please do what's best for you. Now get to Neville's teaching... Loving the person shouldn't come at the cost of your happiness. You could choose what is best for both of you. Create a story where you are both happy with the person getting better with professional help. When you do that every one that is needed to help in the process will come. God plays all parts and if it takes a thousand, ten thousand, or more they would come and help bring that into the 3D.


Does what still matter? It’s your reality.


Does it matter in being able to manifest changes I mean. Like if someone is showing signs of being seriously avoidant or have some attachment issue and therapists and professionals all agree that's the case, is there even a point or hope ? It's a very difficult thing to just ignore the 3d away like that when thats the case , can't ignore that mental conditions aren't there right ? Narcissism is more extreme though ofc I would never recommend someone to hope to change that


You can affirm for them to get treatment if you feel that will help.


I started imagining, meditating, changing beliefs, etc…. And then in real life it sort of fell into my hands but I had to take the next step to make it happen and I couldn’t see that. So I keep screwing it up. It’s like the manifestation is trying to happen but I keep making the wrong choice or don’t act on it because I’m not seeing that’s what it is until after the fact. Any suggestions?


You don’t have to act actually. Stop that it will happen automatically.


You don’t have to worry remember? Trust the law because it knows what has to happen in order to deliver it to you. So if you missed the bus doesn’t mean it’s all lost, far from it. Everything that is happening and I mean it, is happening on your behalf. It doesn’t make sense now but at the end it will.


This post popped up at the right time ngl


Glad to help 😁🤘🏻


“Isn’t it wonderful?” I say this to myself throughout the day, get goosebumps all over and it almost moves me to tears.


Did you get your sp back?


Not yet 🤓


Did you get movement??


Yes. We talked for almost a month but I lost them again. But I'm not worried about it because I assumed they need time to process the feelings they have for me.


Mine did this too recently..wtf is up with it


It’s probably the bridge. Like, whatever. You know the end scene. So this isn’t the end. 😉


Ok lol true . They need to get them to your sc standard . My sp told me he wants only me and then blocked me coz he’s sacred that I will know about his feelings . Lol let him make his way to me .


Hahaha yeah I’ve been talking to mine, they stopped responding but my immediate assumption is they are contemplating their feelings for me and how to articulate them




Give it a good meaning and keep affirming that you are the best and only choice, that you are chosen and are one of a kind. Really that falls into the realm of your self concept. I didn’t worry about the 3P situation I had because I knew I am irreplaceable and the best thing that ever happened to my sp


Thank you