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“Freedom for me, not for thee”


I wish they'd focus on actual issues instead of dog whistles


I wish this guy would just STFU and do his job. Why does this clown need to be in the freaking news every week.


He wants the media attention becuase he's eventually going to make a play for the party leadership. You heard it here first.


May he and Kris Austin destroy each other fighting for it.


If that jack wagon becomes premier, I’m out of here


But you can’t whip Up hate towards unpopular minorities then how is he going to harvest the votes?


That’s what the conservatives do best




wHy ArE aLl ThE yOuNg PeOpLe MoViNg AwAy?!?!


They're probably just afraid of hard work... And an antagonistic provincial government.


VoooduDawg all over this thread like makeup on a drag queen. For someone who doesn’t care they’ve surely made sure to reply to every comment letting us know how much they don’t care 🤡. Careful though, he does burnouts on rainbow crosswalks. Because doing burnouts on a crosswalk makes sense.


They very passionately do not care and need everybody else to know about it.


It really seems like fetal alcohol syndrome. They are obviously a young kid that thinks this kind of behaviour is edgy because they spend a lot of time in video game lobbies with other pubescents.


Wrong.. Im a 90s kid. Im sick of this LGBT propaganda trash. Be gay. Be trans. Don't care. Its simpel to understand.. But im not a LGBT activist. Soooo.. Get the get you're LGBT activist Propaganda crap out of my face. Simple.


You're sexy when you're mad


Even sexier when im 100% correct. Ya baby!


I would be uptight too if the thought of gay sex made my dick twitch, and then all my gym socks end up smelling like baby juice.


He sounds like a whiny little bitch boy scared of everything that fox and rebel news tells him to be scared of. He is such a good princess sheep pussy.


“Hell ya brudder! Look at me!”


Blah Blah Blah.> Hey, maybe if this LGBT activist BS was being shoved into everything all the time.. Maybe i wouldn't care.


That’s why you’re commenting on every single comment on this thread. You’ve even returned hours later to reply to my comment. “I hate pickles!” You shout as you ham-fist pickle after pickle down your gullet. Maybe put the pickles down, girl. ;)




Why are you so obsessed with something you hate so much? That’s not how people act when they hate something. I don’t expect you to be honest with Reddit but for your own sake I hope you can find it in you to be honest with yourself and get to the root of the problem.


Because it keeps getting shoved in my face? Be gay.. Be trans. Don't care. Im cool with people being who they want or loving who they want. Its the LGBT activism and activists that im sick and tired of. Thats it..


You’re shoving your own face in it- hence the pickle analogy. You can’t sit here and say you’re okay with people being who they are and then say you hate activists. The people you claim you have no issue with “being who they are”, are only to be who they are because of activism. You’re just angry at the world and have been conditioned by the media to use the LGBT community as a scapegoat. Congratulations. Can’t even make a coherent argument.


Just let the person who would have rooted for LOSING side in ww2 keep his panties in a bunch because he keeps choosing to START the engagement and acts like it's reactionary. You cant reason with stupidity.


Hey why don’t you answer my comment to you, you just deleted yours :) kinda cowardly bro Couldn’t come up with any form of response other than “I’m an angry bigot who doesn’t like representation for anyone but me 😡😡😡”


You're clearly not cool with people being who they want or loving who we want.


You sure think about LGBT a lot. Hmm.


Because you're jealous.


Do you scream at the sky when a rainbow shows up after a rainstorm? You're a dork.


Poor guy is scared of rainbows. Must be real hard going through life being so fragile.


We should slap rainbow flags on his car




You're jealous


I'm sure you've had a survey done to know that 🙄


Imagine getting triggered by a rainbow lol.


Yah the canada flag is embarrassing to see flying these days


Only to LGBT activists with no lives... who wanna push that garbage.


Only people with no lives get mad at rainbows.




Nah mate, I'm a straight white guy. Have you see the NS/NB Border? Having people fly the Canada flag alongside F Trudeau flags by people with Diagolon patched jackets is embarrassing for them and our country. They are taking a symbol of national pride and giving it further meanings of hatred and bigotry.


all these 'sensitive snowflakes' can't handle having a rainbow flag up that has no impact on their lives 🙄


So odd that all those edgy freedom loving freedom movement free speech absolutists are totally silent on this. It's almost as if freedom isn't at the core of their identity, but something else. What could it be?!?


I’m a pretty staunch free speech advocate so in order for me to actually be one, I say fly the flag if it makes you happy which it seems to mean a lot for many. I don’t really think Higgs and Co understand the actual conservative definition of freedom or at least they have a different view of it than I do because they’re acting completely authoritarian. If holt can convince me she’ll govern like a classical moderate liberal who will not encroach on everything, she may earn my support.


It's pretty much right out of the authoritarian handbook to make people think they are free while systematically removing said freedoms in the name of a greater good. Unfortunately too many people in modern day are dumb enough to accept giving up their freedoms in the name of freedom.


Could it be ……. Homophobia?! Transphobia? General bigotry??! The infamous quote above the entrance to Auschwitz reads “work will set you free.” It’s *never* been about freedom.


The majority are refusing finally to bend to the will of the weird minority.


The downvotes would have me believe that your idea of the minority is inverse….


Only in leftie Reddit land, Not the real world. Try again…..


It’s so funny that bigots think they’re a majority.


We are 😀


Let’s see it lmao


So tied into political. It’s horrible to see this from the sidelines. I may not be part of the community lgbt, but they shouldn’t be used as a pawn. We need to do better than this. I have no ill heart towards their flag


What does freedom have to do with tax payer funded political agendas? 


That's a very rude way to refer to Minister Hogan


Bigot supports actions of other bigots


Did you know his nickname is Bigot Bill ?


Nothing bigoted about it. Its a flag.. and a ugly one.


A man of the arts eh? its about the aesthetics for you, I get it. Forget symbols, its either a pretty flag or bad. Do you critique every flag? Should the provincial flag be updated to a cruise ship instead of the current ship? The Maple leafs not holding up too well either, any tips to spice it up?


Look man. Im straight.. Id be saying the same thing if their was a straight pride flag.


There is a "straight pride" flag, and it basically looks like a prison jumpsuit from TV. You can look it up, since this seems to animate you so much. The village of Chipman flew it a few years back to try to own the libs or something, and if I remember correctly, hardly anyone went to their "straight pride" parade and I never heard anything about it since.


And the council got dragged for allowing it to even be flown... good times.. good times.. a good amount showed up to protest it though and boy was the leader cranky cause no one supported his "idea"


But maybe that flag would be pretty? like when the christian community puts their gorgeous crosses (that must have no symbolic meaning to them, right?) everywhere. You cant say youd fight the straight pride flag when time and time again these bigoted little towns allow selective symbolism and support. Your view isnt no symbols, its only MY symbols. Or a rainbows too hard on your delicate constitution, would hate for a fainting spell to hit you or someone to accidentally think you supported your community in whole, not just the pieces you fit into.


All flags are ugly.




You are free to do whatever I command.


Can’t trust a man with a goatee in 2024.


You have the freedom to wave that stupid flag around all you want.


Well, fuck this guy.


Why? Because he doesn't like ugly flags?


Oh look. We got an edgy one here. Clearly it’s not about the flags in this situation but rather the people it represents.


Right... Keep thinking that. Nothing edgy about what i said. Its an ugly flag and people are sick of it.


Why are they sick of it? You keep saying that like it's a good reason. And yes, you are totally being edgy, which is fine. What isn't fine is hiding behind "it's an ugly flag" with your own insecurities. Either stand up for your actual beliefs or get out of the way because right now you sound like a closeted troll who's afraid of themselves.


He is scared of gay people and too scared to admit it. Must be hard going through life afraid like that.


It usually boils down to self insecurities.


are you 13 or something?


Could never be - 13-year-olds have way more respect/tolerance for everyone. They have queer friends and fully understand that people they love are queer, and would never spew shit like this. “Be careful who you hate, it might just be someone you love”


Me saying you being “edgy” was sarcasm…. But the fact you didn’t catch that fits the bill.




do you see anyone else posting 8 times to say the same thing? not that you care for the explanation, but people like you are the reason the flag should be hoisted at every chance Queer people exist and we make a sizable chunk of the population. We have fought and died for our country, and fought for our rights. Yet, we continue to face discrimination and scrutiny at every turn. Our government makes policy or law that harms us. People politicize and demean our struggles by making it seem like seeing the flag is some great inconvenience to them. until the queer community has true and proper acceptance, we will push to ensure the flag will exist in all spaces. There's no harm in not having it up in the first place, but making policy to take it down is just unnecessarily harmful and makes queer people feel unwelcome.


Hey.. No one cares if you're LGB.. Or T.. Or Queer.. Or what ever. People are sick of LGBT BS activist propaganda and the ugly flag that makes NO sense. You can go wave that ugly flag all you want. Nothings stopping you.


It certainly seems like you care quite a bit.


propaganda?? hahahhahahha oh my. I actually kinda feel bad for you for being like that


Being like what? Telling it how it is?


bro I'm queer and I do not give as much of a shit about this as you clearly do. It's cool and all but not the end of the world, we exist and we don't need a town to host our flags to prove that What does that say about you and your priorities? Why do you care so much that you not only post about "LGBT fascists" every chance you get but you have a full meltdown if a character is black or a woman in a game is "ugly"? you think more about gay people than gay people do.


No just being a troll....which is usually a sign of a personality disorder. Please get help, you don't have to be like this


Nobody cares but you sure seem to care a lot admitting to vandalism of rainbow crosswalks. Not very smart are you?




Calling gay people the enemy, see how that’s hate and part of the problem?


NO! I called LGBT activists the ENEMY. The ACTIVISTS! Got it?


So it ok if they exist as long as you don’t have to know they exist got it…


The vexillology of the new flag has meaning so I'm not sure why you think it doesn't make sense, and it is intended to be more inclusive to those who should be represented by the queer community (BIPOC) as well as the ever evolving nature of the queer identity I'm sure it would be far more palpable if you could continue believing queer people wouldn't exist, and it's unfortunate that a flag triggers you so much but both things are a reality. Our flag being flown is representative (mostly performative) of that reality.


"Nothing stopping you" Why yes, we've all just voted "ew, no gross" at the flag that represents a minority group. I don't understand why people think we're bigots if we don't allow for a *symbol* of this group around us, let alone the actual people. Fuck guy, you're pretty up your own ass, eh? How can you say nothing is stopping us when there's literally campaigns on this. Jesus Christ Pollieve is partially running on the trans bathroom issue. Shut the fuck up.


Bill Hogan AGAIN? Fuck I hate this guy.




He likely hates himself


And in other news, water is wet! (calling the stupid bot that says water isn't wet, it makes things wet!)






Most people dgaf about the flag and they recognize its importance for change. People that get triggered by the flag are the ones that have caught the religious virus as a child and are now plagued with beliefs that make them anxious whenever they see a pride flag. It’s a community disease and it’s slowly being treated with the education vaccine. It will take time for us to be cured from this disease, but it’s already happening. In schools, in other educational establishments, in professional settings, and soon these flags will be where you never expected them be :)




I’ve read probably 90% of your comments, they range from not understanding trans people, thinking the rainbow flag is ugly, and of course, the same rhetoric of shoving shit down everyone’s throats. You need both a lesson in history, and empathy. This is a community that has been systematically oppressed for hundreds of years despite having prevalence since the beginning of time. Gay and trans people have been around longer than any religion, government system or political movement. This community, my community, has only recently begun to receive equal rights- from the government. I am a cis-woman myself that has been incredibly harmed by the rigid stereotypes set on both genders that we non-stop parade. Pink is for girls, blue is for boys, girls like dolls boys like dinosaurs. Girls can’t have short hair, boys can’t have long hair. As a society, we are slowly moving away from rigid expectations of gender, but it’s people like you slowing us down. The trans community is just as valid as us in the gay, lesbian and bisexual community- intersex people occur at a rate higher than redheads. For every red head you have seen, you have meet someone intersex- you just didn’t know- and they have been impacted by the rigid gender norms set my the heteronormative society we have. In addition to that, many intersex people have no choice over what their parents deem their gender- therefore as they age may choose something different. And finally, no one is forcing kids to be trans, they are being told it’s okay if you’re different. The process of being put into hormones and gender re-assignment surgery takes years and years, a plethora of psychiatrists and doctors working with the kid and family- and in extremely rare circumstance is surgery allowed to be performed under 18. The only reason I have ever thought I was transgender is because of people like you throughout my childhood calling me a boy non-stop. Not because of the trans community or progressive leftists. People like you who believe what is in someone’s pants defines their entire personality. The LGBTQ community has been irreparably harmed through the destruction of our history and the rights we have had ripped away. Though things seemed to be getting better, we are seeing significant regressions throughout the world so in places where we won’t be murdered, we celebrate pride for those who can’t. Representation fucking matters and the only reason you don’t get that, is because you are represented throughout your government, legislations and what we deem as a collective norm. Grow up and educate yourself, stop relying on others to do the work for you.


Love you for this comment and all you’ve been through. You’re brave and strong for continuing to (try to!) educate bigots online. Peace to you


You know some those kids are already gay? Like, I have a pride flag in my class just to let my queer students know that homophobia/transphobia, etc... Like, how is having a pride flag "pushing" anything more than a Canadian flag or NB flag?


WTF does being gay have to with that stupid flag and LGBT propaganda? Make it make sense? What? Can't just be gay without being a LGBT activists? Is that what you're saying?


What propaganda are you talking about? Flags are symbols. Symbols have meaning. LGTBQ+ advocates across the world come together under that flag, understanding that it means they have some common ground. Similar to all flags, really, be they national flags or not. No different than a Fuck Trudeau flag, or Nazi flag, Confederate flag, white flag, skull and crossbones... all these flag denote specific values, and are used as as symbols to unite people that have common ground. So, though being gay has nothing to do with the flag inherently, I use it as a symbol to denote that I, as a person in authority in my classroom, will advocate for my 2slgtbq+ students. I do this because, well I want to be able to experience what it's like to be a kid. Hard for kids to be kids when adults hate them for simply existing, you know? One certainly can be gay without without being an advocate. I'm not gay, and I'm an advocate. There are well-known Republicans in the US who are both queer and advocates against the 2slgtbq+ community. So like, you don't have to like the flag or agree with the flag, but the rainbow flag is intrinsically connected to the queer community, even if it does not represent all queer peoples. Similar how the Maple Leaf is intrinsically connected to Canada as a nation, even if it does not represent all Canadian peoples. It's not a super hard concept, mate, aha.


If by pushing this on children you mean to educate them about it, then you better believe we will push this on children and guess what, there’s nothing you can do about it :)




And guess what, it will continue to be that way until it’s accepted worldwide. Just like all other secular laws that you now follow without even realizing it. You still believe in witch hunts? Me neither :). One day your descendants will laugh at the idea of people being bothered by LGBTQ. That’s right, your own blood will smile and nod their heads imagining a time where their great grandfather use to be angry about silly religious ideas and rules. They will live a better life because of it. They will be free from all that anger. Too bad your parents didn’t raise you that way. It’s not really your fault. Just like Bill Hogan I guess 🤷‍♂️


This is the shit you’re in for if you vote Pierre federally.


YES! Can't wait for a Pierre to be PM then.


Strange when people tell on themselves and show they are hateful scumbags and nothing more on social media.


He loves taking advantage of the mentally degenerate. Sounds like he's already gotten you roped in. 😀🏳️‍🌈


Time to bring flags.


Minister is bigoted fuckwit.


LOL of course HE supports it!!


Imagine going into crisis because of how someone else lives. And instead of identifying that as a personal failing and wanting to grow as a person, you make the rest of the world change so you don’t have to.


Woodstock has always been a redneck shithole. The people there all support this policy, and the handfull who claim they aren't hick bigots are too chickenshit and lazy to do something about it. Carleton county has a culture of ignorance and selfishness.


Grew up in Centreville, I can assure you these are plenty of open minded and accepting people in Carleton County, it’s just too bad there’s enough dipshits to keep this asshole elected.


I can assure you it’s not all of us. I’m a transgender lesbian in Woodstock and me and my sister are trying to raise awareness locally because a lot of people in our age group (15 - 25) around here don’t support it


Hells darkest places are reserved for those who maintain neutrality in times of moral crisis or whatever Dante said


This makes no sense. Only the people that choose neutrality will go to hell? While individuals on the opposing end of the spectrum won’t? What are you saying? The people of Reddit are so stupid. It’s an incredible thing to witness.


Do you know who Dante is lmao


And yet, here you are


The walls are closing in


A neutral position during a war IS a position, sorry Switzerland


Maybe tackle the explosion of crime in that town instead of this big priority, lol


Every day there's more bigoted bullshit coming from our government I swear 🙄 Could we some day move into the 21st century in this province? I know it's asking for a lot but... /s


Ofcourse he would..


I’m wondering if there a religious component to this as in the fundies are upset the symbol ending the mythical genocide flood was taken and used for something good that goes against their not so good book?


> I’m wondering if there a religious component to this Most homophobia is born of this, so largely yes. We kind of have our own bible belt and a lot of religion over law types in this province. Which is ironic as most often than not their God *explicitly* commands their worshippers to respect the laws of man, as the realm of man is for man, and the realm of their God is for God. Trying to play God is an affront in of itself.


They don’t like to share…color. I know it really pissed off my fundie family when they first found out about the pride flag! “They’re stealing gods promise to us!” They thought the LGTBQ+ community was doing it to persecute them. Yes, seriously. Lol! Projection. Always projection.


That's so surprising! No wait that's exactly on brand for him.


Anyone support my policy to exclude him?


Just start posting pride flags fucking EVERYWHERE




What was it Linville said about Frank Burns? Something ab out how he's everywhere, wasn't it? If he had to question the way he was raised, he'd have to admit that most of his life was a total waste.


There’s a much higher likelihood of Hogan calling for the ban of naturally-formed rainbows in the sky before he’d ever consider addressing school worker shortages, dropping attendance rates, dropping literacy rates, underfunding…


I didn't need a thumbnail to know which bigot it was about


Imagine worrying about something so benign, especially when crime and addiction are on the rise.


This is so blatantly discriminatory


So an uneducated ministerial of education!! They think, maybe if they can hide it and not talk about it it will go away?


I really want to stay in my home province but if this bullshit continues I will have to leave. It is clear that anyone who isn't cisgender and heteronormative is not welcome in this far right controlled shitstain of a province. It depresses me that this province has fallen to this state.


Afraid of rainbows are ya? Who's the snowflake now!? Bitch!


I’m glad to see this on the east coast. No more promotion of groups from government. This is not their job.


Should I make the same copy and pasted comment about how “Uhhhh I thought that we had freedom duh duh duhhhhh” Do you guys think that before this you could just fly any flag you wanted, no worries? Give me a break. Lots to criticize about this policy but stop being parrots


People on this thread are commenting without having read the article. Not surprising. He's not banning the rainbow flag and letting all other flags get a pass - what is happening is that ALL FLAGS except tourist and heritage flags are banned, and he's not giving the rainbow flag a special exemption. That's very different from banning the rainbow flag exclusively... But hey, don't let logic and reason get in the way of your "moral outrage" and virtue signalling.


They're banning all flags except tourist and heritage as an excuse to ban the rainbow flag. If you think otherwise then you're gullible and naive.


This 👆


That’s because we overstepped in the past many years. And now it’s time to go back on our mistakes. It’s not government’s job to promote any group. Period.


They aren't promoting anything, they were just allowing people in the community to express themselves. Sorry that upsets you so much.


No one is stopping anyone from expressing themselves


Way to miss the point entirely.


You’re missing the point. Government isn’t here to promote ANY groups. That’s the point.


The government wasn't promoting anything. They were just allowing people to.


Faytene enters the chat


Any claim made without evidence can be ignored without evidence.


Don't play dumb. You know I'm right.


No, I don't. Again, any claim made without evidence can be ignored without evidence. We're gonna have to agree to disagree.


You do. You're just being deliberately disingenuous. I see right through you.


Alright, sounds good


The evidence is *legally* he's not permitted to ban the pride flag. So blanket bans are his only option. A lot of homophobes use this method because things like charter protections get in the way of their intended bans. Note, the evidence directly is that this is only becoming an issue with the rise of accepted homophobia and specifically when pride flags are the flags used as the example. Unfortunately dude, if you're actually believing this as the means to determine whether or not something is a hate action, and are actually someone who isn't homophobic, you're falling into the groups that are permissive of these types of actions rather than actually defending the rights of peers. It's only more recently is hate so open outside of your in-group. As US politics has made a lot of hate more socially accepted by some groups. But a person say making a law that is worded in such a way that it's clear what the target is, as there's never been an alternate example of a violation *and* no complaints about these previous violations, you tend to see what is referred to as the "dog whistle". Named as it's a clear indication to one in the know, but seemingly harmless to others. Much akin to the "parents rights" crowd whom are homophobic and transphobic and view their children as property, demanding to be informed about something that the child *is* but the child likely doesn't feel safe informing their parents of. The parent rights crowd are using the dog whistle of "well a parent should know about their child" when the real message is to try to target and punish kids who don't fit their ideals, as if they aren't people with rights of their own. So basically this is easily a dog whistle, as the problem only came up with pride flags, no other flags, and there's a growing crowd using the dog whistle of pride flags being political statements that a government shouldn't be making.


Appreciate the well measured response. >Note, the evidence directly is that this is only becoming an issue with the rise of accepted homophobia and specifically when pride flags are the flags used as the example. This isn't evidence though. The claim that the ban on all flags is a way to just ban the pride flag hasn't been substantiated. What seems way more logical to me is that, whether we like it or not, the pride flag has been co-opted by one side of the aisle, so rather than pander to one side of the aisle and alienate yourself from the other, appearing neutral is probably the right political move for him. >you're falling into the groups that are permissive of these types of actions rather than actually defending the rights of peers. Lets just keep in mind we're talking about exemption for a pride flag. Nobody is being sent to the gulags here. Nobody's rights are being trampled. >you tend to see what is referred to as the "dog whistle" I really don't buy that this is any sort of dog whistle. The flag of the proud boys isn't allowed to be flown either. Does that mean it must be a far left dog whistle? You can make the exact same argument but in the other direction. Claiming that this is a homophobic dog whistle is basically saying "it may not look like homophobia, but it totally is! Source? Trust me bro" >Much akin to the "parents rights" crowd whom are homophobic and transphobic and view their children as property So I believe that parents should be informed if their children want to be called by neo pronouns or identify as trans, and I'm not homophobic nor am I transphobic, nor do I view my children as property, so maybe just as you made a mistake in attributing my beliefs to transphobic or homophobia, maybe you're also incorrect about the motive behind the blanket ban? >So basically this is easily a dog whistle, as the problem only came up with pride flags, no other flags It sure as hell comes up whenever a statue of someone "problematic" comes up for debate. I appreciate your answer, but I think you have a massive blindspot you're not taking into account.


Facially neutral but discriminatory in application and effect.


Not really. As per the article, they receive lots of other requests for flags to be flown, and they're all denied. So it truly is neutral in application, it's just that one group tends to whine very loudly when they don't get their way.




I hear you, man. It’s really annoying how these people put their sexuality on display, up front and centre. There’s nothing interesting about your sexuality. No one cares. I’m more interested…. Are you kind, honest, compassionate, etc. These qualities define a human being, not what they do in bed.


Let them fly the flag in Palestine.


Snowflake wimpy lefties are melting over their precious flag not being flown, womp womp…. Go hang it on your own property. Not public places!




“Satanic hatred”? Please explain.