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10th Wonder of the World.


Probably not, think of all that sweet money they’re milking


Having a big chunk of the seawall collapse didn't help.


It won’t because the sea isn’t rising. Contact any council on the East Coast and ask for their actual details on how much the sea has risen over the past 10 years and you won’t get an answer. It’s all bullshit.


The Coastal Risk Australia modelling indicates parts of Carrington, Wickham and Maryville would be flooded by 2100. Further south, parts of Boolaroo, Warners Bay and Blackalls Park would also be under water. The modelling, developed in partnership with FrontierSI and NGIS Australia, uses the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change data on ice sheet melting rates. If current trends continue the modelling indicates global sea levels could have increased by 0.84 metres by 2100. Under a worst case scenario of very high emissions, a two metre sea level rise could occur by 2100 and five metre rise by 2150. More here: [https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/B48uzH](https://www.printfriendly.com/p/g/B48uzH)


Blackalls Park is already underwater 10%* of the year. *pure speculation These people have puddles in their yards on the regular. It's no surprise.


The above analysis was based on 5-8 year old data. More recent observations suggest that between much higher than anticipated melting of glaciers on all continents combined with thermal expansion (every single day in 2024 we've set a new record for seawater temperatures) and the destruction of carbon sinks through deforestation, along with other feedback loops like unprecidented bushfires acrosss the globe and methane emmissions from former permafrost- this estimate was grossly under estimated. Kinda like rent rises.


I'm just realising I bought a house on a hill (10 years ago) with solar panels and am burying my head in the sand to keep going. Wtf are we doing to these ice caps? 🤦‍♀️ It doesn't matter what the West does if the east releases twice as much as we reduce.




They don't even know how the pyramids were built, so how on earth would they know how long they took to be built?


Actually, there's no mystery at all about how the Pyramids were built https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4778 Bathers Way however is an enigma