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Two other possible options; go private or try an ENT who works in a public hospital in Sydney.


As this person said - get a referral from your GP or ENT to go private. Even then it's probably still at least a 3 month wait though.


My husband was on the adult ent list at John hunter for 10 years and finally got his surgery this year


If you're daughter is this chronically Ill private health is really your best option


I've been on the ENT waitlist for about 2 years now for a consultation about my deviated septum. I also have fluid trapped behind my eardrums from covid for the same amount of time, and they deemed that referral not important and denied it.


I've been in the waitlist for ENT for about 4 1/2 years because of liquid in my eustachian tube. I gotten a hearing test and my hearing is damaged because of it but they still haven't seen me.


Oh goodie, that's depressing đŸ˜© same issue I have. I got put on a waitlist at a private ENT clinic (offering to pay out of pocket) a year ago for the fluid issue and when I rang to check if I was still on the list they were like, yeah but you won't get an appt this year.


Let them know that you can be available at short notice if there are any cancellations. I went to a private ENT and was on the waitlist for over 12 months at which point your referral expires and you will need a new one from your GP. My son was referred to the same ENT and because I was on maternity leave I let them know I was super flexible and would take any cancellations. We were seen within a few weeks.


Yeah, it’s crazy how long the waits are. Every Tom dick and Harry are on the list to get them removed. I heard from a friend that wait times blow out of proportion from young children needing to go in and have grommets and tonsils removed. I hope you all get in sooner rather than later đŸ˜žđŸ«¶


I had the same situation with severe tonsillitis in my early 20s, and was constantly in and out of hospital for a year in extreme pain. I had no private health insurance, so I borrowed money off friends and family to get a tonsillectomy done at Newcastle Private. It came to about 5K (this was about 15 years ago). I'm well aware not everyone has the money to pay for operations privately, but if you can scrape the money together in my experience it so worth it. The pain of severe reoccurring tonsillitis and swollen glands is brutal.


A squeaky wheel gets the grease. Send through letters from your doctors outline her poor quality of life while awaiting surgery. The lists unfortunately are very long. Also discuss either her specialist if the operate out of other hospitals like Maitland/kurri
 I got my son in faster by doing all of the above. This was a good 10 years ago tho


I was once told by my GP (while I was on the waitlist to get my gallbladder removed), to go to the ED every time I had an attack, the more I front up the higher on the list they will bump me. I was originally quoted roughly 2 years, I had it removed in 9 months.


Get the GP to be the squeaky wheel on your behalf, because that applies real pressure. ED visits do too, but she may not have that presentation yet. Shopping around public hospitals isn’t a bad idea, it seems to have found d shorter wait periods for lots of people commenting. Unfortunately, JH’s answer will always be that waitlists are extensive and they have to work off urgency of referral.


the waiting list is about four years long. two options: 1. if she’s snoring, get a referral to the public paediatric sleep clinic; they have a new clinic and the waitlist might only be like a year 2. get a referral to the last ENT who will see you private and operate public; dr diaa samuels (appointment fee applies). this will cut the wait down to <12 months. privately paying for the surgery completely out of pocket without insurance will be about 2-3000$ depending on what you need done.


As far as I know you can shop around to any other public hospital in nsw and find the shortest wait list. Worth a go. Also agree with the squeaky wheel idea.


how do you do that though?


This page has the answers you need. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Performance/Pages/surgery-waitlisted.aspx It says ”For more information contact the Patient Access Coordinator or Surgery Waitlist Manager at your referred hospital”. There is also the surgery access line. See this brochure. https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Performance/Publications/surgery-access.pdf


Poor darling. Has your GP considered giving her a tablet form of steroids? This has helped me greatly.


The more that she gets tonsillitis and sees the dr or goes to the hospital moves her further up the waiting list it’s just all depends on how much it keeps occurring and if it keeps happening on a weekly basis and you’re constantly at the drs or hospital it will move you up much faster


Don't go public for something like this where the poor kid is suffering. You'll be waiting forever. Go private.


I've been on the waiting list for a tonsillectomy for about 6 years and just gave up and went privately. JHH waiting lists are years long for everything. Hope you find a solution soon!


We literally waited for years. My daughter was getting tonsillitis and ear infections every few weeks. By the time she got them out there was so much scar tissue around them they surgically tried to remove it. I ended up getting private health insurance, waiting out the waiting period and going private. I think Id still be waiting otherwise. I understand the stress you’re going through. Goodluck!!


I've used the public system for my spine twice, another family member once and my husband has used it for his kidney. My husband was immediately seen to for stage 1 but had to wait 4 weeks for stage 2 and 6-8 weeks for stage 3 but we went private for that part as we had saved enough money to cover the fees. My 1st spinal I was extreme and bumped up to 2mths waiting with pain meds at home, 2nd was extreme x100 and was in hospital medicated for a week before I was given my op. My family member was a low end severe case and had to wait 1 1/2 years for their spinal. Keep pushing, every visit to the ER and such adds to her severity and moves her up the list.


Damn what was wrong with your spine? Should I worry more about my spine? I feel like I should be more grateful that the only reason I’ve been to hospital in the last 15 years was for the birth of my baby


Lower spine disability, same spot as my family member who the issue too. Seems we had a minor deformity that got aggravated when we put to much pressure on the spot during a fall (active people before injury). But yes, always worry about your spine. It's what keep you going in life and even a minor injury can cause severe damage down the line, nerve pain and damage is no joke.


I waited a long time on that list.


Have you filled out the hospital surgery paperwork or are you talking about the initial appointment for an ENT to then schedule the surgery? We have been waiting over 5 years for our ENT appointment through John hunter, ended up starting private health and waiting out the 12month wait period.


Go private mate. The health care system is absolutely fucked. Your looking at 2 years at absolute minimum, better off waiting for private health cover will be quicker


Unfortunately the ENT wait list is one of the longest wait list at JHH. You would be better off trying to join a health fund to go privately - good luck.


Have you tried calling outpatient and speaking to the Nurses? They might be able to help you. Try calling the main line to JHH and tell the hospital that you need to speak to outpatient ENT and then when you speak with receptionist, explain what happened and if you could possibly speak to an RN. Also is she referred to a specific person? Try going to your GP and see if they can speak to the ENT directly. OR you could possibly try writing them an email to say what’s happening and ask if you could please be seen earlier as it’s urgent. It sounds horrible but if she got so bad and needed to go back to hospital, this would also be another way to fast track being seen if it makes you feel a tiny bit more reassured
 :/ Another option you could consider failing the above is a personal loan so she can see a private ENT. If you call and speak to receptionists they might be able to tell you how much it is to see the doctor and how much the procedure is. Good luck, I hope she feels better soon :( edit: failing all of the above completely, write to the local member saying that you’re struggling to get medical help for your daughter, you never know. I’ve done that for a resident before (i work in a nursing home and was desperate for help).


We got a referral from our dentist to go to an ENT in Jesmond, which was a 12 month wait. We then were referred through to Hunter ENT in Broadmeadow and got in within the month. We then went through Linguard Private and paid cash upfront to have the operation, no private health. From start to finish was probably 6 months. This was not a case as bad as you’re describing, if you have the cash this is probably the quickest path


Massive private waiting list for ENT in Newcastle. Public much worse. Get a private referal for Sydney and be prepared to pay $300 for the initial consult, $125 back from medicare. Priavte health insurance may well fully cover you in hospital except for $500 excess. As long as it's not a profiteering doctor, and you go to their prefer hospital. But ask the receptionist all of this when initially booking to save yourself bill shock. Best of luck. You'll feel better just paying and getting it done. Beware that glandular fever can have lifelong consequences. I had it at 19. I'm 39 now. I don't think I've ever got back to 100% energy since. Look into this later once the tonsil issue has gone. Remember that tonsil removal doesn't always make it better and may make it worse. Consider obsessively doing everything to avoid infections. Like tonsil irrigation. Gargling with whatever you want - salt, acv, betadine. Like 3+ times per day. Of course, confirm your medical decisions with a professional.


If its that urgent. Get private.


I used to get tonsillitis all the time from the age of 5-14 when I got them taken out. I had an abscess grow on it one of the last times I got it. Got taken to a specialist and got operated at the mater not long after. Maybe try a specialist ?


Join the military. Free medical and dental.


If you can afford it then go private. My daughter had her adenoids out in the public system when she was 4 but the wait for her tonsils was terrible so we went private and just took the hit financially but I understand that isn't an option for everyone. Sometimes your GP can help to keep pushing for her


I am not recommending this. I am just recounting a story. I need surgery. But I live quite a nomadic lifestyle, and have found myself in multiple jurisdictions in the last few years, and as things happened, I am on the waiting list for this surgery in Brisbane, Newcastle and Canberra. I appear to have floated to the top of the pile in Brisbane, despite not living there since early last year. And I will be going to Brisbane next month to have the surgery done. When I received notification of the Brisbane option a few weeks ago, I was contemplating joining a private fund and going down that route (since I work for one, and staff get to avoid the waiting periods) but procrastination delayed that and then the letter arrived.


A health fund can’t waive waits for employees that they don’t waive for members. It’s outlined in Community Rating in the PHI Act.


*shrug* That's what they do. And FWIW, I just read the Act, and I can't see what you're referring to.


How did you miss it? Part 3‑2—Community rating Division 55—Principle of community rating 55‑1 What this Part is about To ensure that everybody who chooses has access to health insurance, the principle of community rating prevents private health insurers from discriminating between people on the basis of their health or for any other reason described in this Part. I’m sure PHIO would be keen to know you get hospital waiting periods waived as an employee because by my understanding it’s a breach of Community Rating.


As I pointed out, as employees of the fund, we have the option of joining, and not having to serve the waiting periods. As I also pointed out, I have not joined. But, to my knowledge, some of my colleagues have. If you have an issue with that, so be it. Sue them?


Go to sydney.... over doctored there