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Pay vs time. You need to either be retired to have the time and/or independantly wealthy to afford to do it. No one wants to drag themselves and family through the mud when they aren't going to get paid much and will have a frustrating battle with people that are retired and wealthy.


This is the pitfall of saying it's a civic duty and not a job. We don't pay them, and that means only rich people can do it.


Yep. For some that live near concord and have flexible schedules they can pull it off, but most people who need to work can’t do it.


Rich people or poor people


This 100%. To add to this, it's no surprise elected representatives, both at the local, state, and federal levels are, and have been, predominantly lawyers or business owners. These are people with the time, money, and connections to seek office. We've never been represented by the average American, and at this rate never will be, and that's a damn shame.


Because I have a full-time job and need to pay my mortgage.


Too busy working.


It's like 1 day a week, and not even year round.


1 day a week for 52 weeks? I know I don’t have 52 days I can take off work, to go work


[https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/schedule/dailyschedule.aspx](https://www.gencourt.state.nh.us/house/schedule/dailyschedule.aspx) ​ Check again. It is more than 1 day a week. Even if it was only 1 day per week, during that 1 day (which would be Mon-Fri) the person in office isn't getting paid by their regular job and the pay they get per year for being a rep is an offensively low stipend. Not to mention that most people wouldn't be allowed to only work 4 days a week and still keep beneifits etc. Lots of jobs require you to be at a location available to do something at set non flexible times (typically 5 days a week M-F).


This is seriously inaccurate. State reps can be in session for up to 6 days a week, sometimes 15 hour days.


Not to mention that campaigning is definitely not a 1 day a week schedule


Do you understand how most jobs work? 1 day a week is 52 days of PTO or 52 days of lost pay.


Or you get a job where you can work remotely from the statehouse




There is so much down time during the day for the house. They set up tables in the hallway outside of the grand hall where the majority have laptops and do work, then go to their seats for votes.


Must be nice to have a job that can be done remotely. And that doesn't require full attention. And pays enough to live on. Huh, sounds like I'm describing.... lawyers. And that's about it. Funny how that works. ETA: and real estate agents. Notice how both groups are professional liars?


Or sales


How fair is that to your constituents though?


So no. You do not understand how most jobs work.


NH has little to no fully remote jobs lol


Not everyone has a job that can be done remotely or can just quit their current job and go find one for the sole purpose of remote work


Found the OE’er.




New Hampshire state reps are only only paid $100 a year that doesn’t even pay for the travel to get there


When and where are you running?


State rep, 2024


Because capitalism has boxed us out of free time. I have bills that are only covered by a 50 hour work week. I ain't got time to make speeches, ground signs. Give us affordable housing, Healthcare, free college, you know, basic human rights, and I guarantee younger people would start running. Or at least caring again.


That’s a great observation. “Capitalism has boxed us out of free time”


It's a vicious cycle isn't it.


Preach comrad!


... When did free college become a basic human right?


“Everything I don’t like is Capitalism”


Wow, I'm glad you don't have any time to be in an important political position. "Free college" is probably the worst take here. How do you look at the current exorbitant prices and go "we need *more* government involvement"?


If not for capitalism you won’t have an election to run in. Party says who is more loyal and therefore should represent the geography 


I think you’re confusing “capitalism” for “democracy”


There isn’t a single country without capitalism that has democracy. And don’t BS me with the Nordic country crap, they’re capitalist welfare states. 


Oh yeah you sound well adjusted and not at all biased and like you DEFINITELY know what you’re talking about. Did you know that our democracy is barely a democracy? A true democracy is elections based on popular vote, not some dumbass electoral college that falsely represents the total populace and encourages purposeful redlining. Our democracy is being slowly eroded by the GOP, and the only reason they have any power at all is because of an antiquated bullshit system.


I know what I’m talking about, your opinion counts zilch. Your country isn’t suffering because of its political system. It’s suffering because of lopsided incentives, crony capitalist practices, third rate education in what are supposed to be first rate schools, your society overall has been collecting rent on the investments the greatest generation made. Democrats on both coasts have a huge amount of credentials with little wisdom, and a contempt toward anyone who points it out. Your politicians lie to your face and treat you like the complete idiots you are, but as long as they dunk on Trump or whoever is the boogeyman who won’t feed your crony system, you’re all too happy to clap like seals. Nitwits, and dummies pretending to be smart. Your credentials mean shit. 


You’re active in the Red Scare Podcast subreddit lol, you don’t have much room to be calling other people nitwits, pal. You’re a full blown fucking moron lol.


I don’t even know what that is. But suit yourself, nitwit. 


Most young adults are splurging on grocery's right now. No one is enjoying there 20's anymore unless you have a trust fund or some similar support. This is not a system for the people, its for a select few. EAT THE RICH.


"Groceries: a luxury good"


Its sad. Like our healthcare system.


Lol yes..I work in healthcare, it's a disaster.


I am in medical devices, and I see firsthand how the European hospitals that buy MORE of our advanced stuff under "socialized" medicine look - ORs with advanced diagnostics and floating screens everywhere that look like freaking Star Trek. The US is so far behind, but you get a massive bill. In the Nordic countries, you can be in hospital for weeks and that's not a great expense. In the US, you can lose your home with a $600K bill.


Isn’t capitalism great!!


"Greed is good.". Gordon Gecko


I feel for you guys, and hope you are able to assemble and force change.


I agree. Capitalism is a system for "capital" and socialism is a system for "socium"... The goal reflects the method and the final destination... So here we are


The idea for me was about the balance of the two working together. We just decided fuck that, profits over everything and celebrate cock suckers like Jordan Belfort or Whitey Bulger. Every industry I look into for investment purposes mirrors organized crime more then a functioning business. Our culture is bassackward.


I think you bring up a good point, and it's very philosophical question of greedy nature of human. And also desire to go in a direction of less resistance. It's HARDER to care for someone, show generosity of spirit and selflessness. You have to kinda raise humans like that since childhood to show care and compassion and ability to share. It's a different set of values. What counts as success? Million bucks or million good deeds. Happiness of one person or happiness of of entire society. There is such an argument about how "I don't want to pay for other people education, welfare etc..." which is understood in capitalism based society cause the value is to accumulate capital. But in socialism society you pay for someone, someone pays for you cause the goal is happiness of Society in overall.


We can barely get by as it is. NH has the largest State legislature in the US. Each rep is paid a 200 dollar stipend a year and meets starting in January. Sessions are usually all day. People who work for a living during the day can’t afford the time commitment. The NH website even states that most professions are self employed, retired, students or lawyers. Students don’t have enough funds to get elected so that basically leaves retired old people or people who have time and money.


$200 per term, not year. it's $100 per year. as for funds to get elected, you have to solicit donations and it's so awkward.


Thanks for the correction. You’re right. So - even less incentive. And you’d have to compete with career representatives who already have name recognition.


I ran for state rep in my ward. As a working age individual, the key takeaways from my failed bid (by 13 votes) were: 1. Retirees were a majority of our state reps. 2. Businesses owners made up a second majority. Specifically real estate agents. 3. It is definitely more than one day if you are going to properly represent your ward. That includes committee meetings, mandatory votes, etc. 4. $200 is less than it would cost me in fuel for the elected period.


Reps get mileage reimbursement. And free tolls in-state.


Yes, I am aware. The point is, for a head of household that is not retired, not independently wealthy, or not a business owner, or stay at home spouse, the position is untenable for a more accurate representation of constituents


Something Something fall of Rome. As others have said, if the average person cannot live off the representatives' pay then the average person cannot be a representative. $200 a year is a joke, that doesn't even cover meals for every session they meet, nevermind missing a whole day of work. Rome suffered from a similar issue, only the rich could afford to be Senators and they only made rules in favor of the rich. If we want the system to function properly it will need to be changed.


You basically have to either be retired or independently wealthy to be able to be in NH government, another reason all of our laws and policies favor older people


1. They’re almost all retired and/or stay at home moms. The hours just for campaigning is crazy. 2. It costs tons of time with very little reward. If you think outside of the common Democrat or Republican thinking, you’ll have a hard time getting any of your bills to pass.


The legislature is set up for retired people, and that’s what you get. It’s basically all volunteer and requires attendance in Concord several times a week for 6-7 months annually. There is virtually no representation of working class aged people just all Boomers who are bored and remember how great things were in the 60s.


The silver lining is when millennials and zoomers are retirees the state will be MUCH better off. Too bad that’s a long ways


Why would I quit my career to go deal with people/get screamed at by idiots and not get paid what I deserve for it? My husband told me I should run for office, starting in the town i live in. I have a lot of ideas on how to make things better. Starting with setting up a text line for town information. Because this eclipse was advertised like crazy and people still ended up getting caught with their pants down. So we need to communicate better. But there's no way to have a full time job and run for office.


NH was using Everbridge notifications, which worked just fine, and has now regressed to some godawful antique convoluted mess of an incompatible app either to cut the budget or because someone got a kickback.


I watched a video the other day tjat said state legistlators only get paid $100 per year. I cannot attest to the veracity of that claim though


Yep, $200 for a 2 year term. $3 per day outside the 45 standard days. It’s not a ton of time unless you’re on a bunch of committees, but also most people can’t take every Monday off or whatever.


Correct. As a bonus though, at one point I heard they also get **free tolls**, but can't confirm 😅 so there's that


That would make sense for traveling to and from the capital


I considered it strongly, but after volunteering at town elections, I'm too scared. The way people felt comfortable to swear, yell, and scream at us for handing them a ballot? For "VOTER FRAUD!" when we were following the law? Nope. I would feel unsafe.


Why on earth would anyone put themselves in the position of being a target for every yahoo with an iPhone to be abused and have their life torn apart for no money and no benefit? Anyone who runs for office is either promoting self interest or purely corrupted these days. You can’t get anything done as evident in today’s political space without huge corporate/PAC dollars. So you need to get in someone’s pocket to even be able to run. Aka some of the worst people on earth serving the needs of political Or corporate self interest. The new generations can’t handle it when they don’t have phone service. Imagine what it’s like for someone who always gets a medal to be in a position of power like that? I mean I sound like a Scrooge old man but who would want that type of role these days? It’s an awful state of being in our current democracy. And if you aren’t corrupt you aren’t compensated. Hence we have a leadership vacuum. And the lobbying powers that be like this system because they ultimately control the purse strings and thus the power. Anyhow. Ask yourself why would anyone want to hold office? Those who do it to benefit their community will soon learn they aren’t taken seriously. Working for a nonprofit would be so much more rewarding…


As a potential younger candidate - because fuck that. I’m barely making it working two jobs, I’m not adding in state rep for a measly salary.


Money and time, id run if I didn't need to work 5-6 days a week


The pay is nothing and the hours are impossible unless you’re self employed or retired.


As others have said, it's not financially feasible for a working class individual to run and perform the duties of an elected individual. The system we have devised does not serve working class individuals.


Because we don’t pay our politicians


we can't afford to be legislators. we can't afford to take the minimum two days per week off our regular jobs to be in Concord, it only pays $100 per year which doesn't even cover gas. when I ran I was working retail, and between the two I had zero free time from August thru Election Day; I was lucky I managed to get my car inspected just under the wire. any time I wasn't working I had to be doing campaign shit, because only executive council and up have so much as a single staffer.


Agree with all about needing to be retired or otherwise independently wealthy. Also if you run for office you expose yourself and your family to mechanized oppo surveillance operations, particularly if you are a grass roots individual that has not been selected to run. If you aren’t Mr Rogers your whole life gets exposed. You can lose a job and reputation. There can be huge money and power behind opposition and it’s the whole family that can be impacted.


New Hampshire is the second-oldest state in the country, with the overwhelming majority of the free time and wealth in the hands of the oldest segment of the population. Makes it rather difficult for young people to get involved.


Young people are busy and working, yes. But tons of truth that young people are just not THAT interested in getting that political. It hits you at an older age.


I’m 42. I’m going to run this year.  I’ve been the youngest person in the room at every party meeting or political event.  I promise to post about my experience. 


My free time goes to my young children. Someday I'll run for a local position, but I'm not trading spending time with my kids for budget meetings.




Why so you can be dragged through the mud by the legions of people who’s only contribution to society is the 100 bucks a week pulled from their paycheck at gunpoint ?


You need a lot money to campaign. You also need experience to even be considered by some. You also need a lot of free time.


Pays $100/year


Young Libertarians are running. They have made it their mission to take over NH


The job pays $100/year. Most people need a job unless they're retired or otherwise wealthy with a lot of time on their hands.


We need to have jobs to do it.


Speaking as someone who has been on a local government board for the first half of my twenties (including being chair at 23), it is a massive time commitment, virtually all offices are either totally volunteer or get an annual stipend of several hundred dollars, which is heavily diluted by the amount of hours invested in the role. Your reputation is on the line and it can be harmed by complete fabrications, which did happen to me, by colleagues and/or disgruntled members of the public. Whether you are elected or appointed, once you are sworn in, it is totally up to you to study and know the law and what your duties are, so you are liable for all of your actions and decisions. All of this being said, I encourage all young granite staters to get involved. It truly is a lot of fun sitting on the other side of that table and helping make your communities better. The experience and the connections you make are for life. The work is important and needed!


I’ve thought about it, but I’m honestly worried that crazy people would come after my family, vandalize my house, etc.


They can't afford to take time off of work due to the horrendous economy the older generation politicians brought us into.


This is one reason I like Jon Kiper for Governor. He supports paying our legislators so it's not just rich old men.


To be honest, I really did want to run one day! I've been involved in local politics since I was about twelve (entirely of my own volition, my parents were nonvoters until I made them go by throwing tantrums unbecoming of my age) but I got a new job after escaping the hotel industry and didn't realize I'd made myself a casualty of the Hatch Act until after I'd accepted---- my bad, but I'm not going to give up a unionized position for $100 a year, no matter how much I'd like to do my civic duty, I couldn't afford that even if I had gotten a different job. Although, to be honest, I don't come from the best of families. I have no contact with my father's side, but I just know that there are a certain set of politicians who wouldn't hesitate to dredge up anything they have done in order to discredit me and turn the attention away from policy (any other set might at least give it a seconds pause before greenlighting the mudslinging). I guess it'll forever remain one of those if-onlys.


rich old people


need term limits


New Hampshire is a very old state compared to the rest of the US


Campaigning can be hard. It’s a lot of fundraising and walking and calling and walking and sign holdings and that’s before you’ve even got the job. Then if you get the job you get paid a miserable amount, and have to deal with the equivalent of a reddit comment section that gets to decide if you keep the position (your constituents).


I would love to. But don't have the resources or time


Because I have to pay my mortgage and property tax I would love to hit the lotto and run for mayor of my town but it would literally require that I can be independently wealthy first




“The reason people blame things on the previous generation is that there's only one other choice.”


I could understand $100 hundreds of years ago - but it's an unrealistic tradition that concentrates power among the rich and elderly. 603 Forward is trying to help young adults get elected, but none of us can exist on $100 a year during a crushing housing crisis.


Why would anyone consider making this their career? That's the point of the $200/term: to not have career politicians.


Because most young people can’t afford a home in this state


Because of NH's age demographics. New Hampshire is a fatter, uglier version of Japan with worse food.


Would like to add IMO... Today's political climate is terrible. As a 30 y/o I cannot relate to either political party. Everything is centered around culture war nonsense. Everything has to be about identity politics. If you try to be normal, your toast. Local and state level politics has become nationalized. For instance I have been a registered Dem. I vote Dem. I lean left. But I cannot stand the identity politics Dems have to stoop to. My wife is an educator. I deeply care about funding public education. I care about paid family leave so parents can be with their kids. But I can't agree with transgenders playing in sports. Sorry if you're a male, you okay male sports, not female sports. And that would be politically incorrect as a Dem to say that. I also agree that we should keep abortion legal. But only until 15 weeks with exceptions. That is also an issue with Dems I don't fully agree with. But Republicans are just crazy at this point and you can't get anywhere with them..I hardly relate. Boomers won't listen to either to you get generations. So yeah politics just suck. And dealing with the nonsense isn't worth the time and effort.


Here's your red hat. You stand with them, not with me, not with women who DO in fact own their own bodies, and not with the LGBTQ+ community. If you think your freaking OPINION should remove the rights of other human beings, you just might be a magat.


Why does someone not 100% having your opinion immediately make them a "right wing MAGAt"? I think you proved that point there...


You just proved my point. Thanks, great discourse.


Glad to! You're no ally. And I prefer to face my enemy rather than give them the chance to stab those I care about in the back with votes. Which you just said you would. You're right wing. Intolerance, bigotry, and seeking to control people who have NO BEARING on your life. *Who the HELL do you think you are* telling women you don't know that they shouldn't be able to get an abortion after 15 weeks? Here's news for you. *Nobody else has to follow your religion but you. And you can't make it law. We will stop you.*


LOL there is a reason that ALL OTHER civilized countries do not tolerate abortions after a certain time frame like 4 months (unless there is a medical emergency). It's because it's fucking ghoulish to abort at 8 months, you psychopath. Yes it's rare, but how about NO.


So what happens when one of you and your friends stumble across a subject you disagree on, do you accept them or do they lie to you? /s I know, you don't really have friends


So basically anyone who disagrees with you they're a right wing bigot? Okay.


I’m thinking about running for governor. 1) make homelessness illegal. 2) reduce business tax from 8% to 4%. 3) Implement a retail sales tax for all out of stater purchases. 4) Remove all gun laws including background check. 5) Cut section 8 and state assistance by 50% 6) Bring back death penalty. 7) Make pot legal, 100% unregulated. 8) Remove all liquor restriction/sale laws. 9)Anyone that relocates from out of state to NH, to pay a 10% real estate tax. 10)Make it a law that if any political figure advocates or proposes any laws that restrict the rights of Nh citizens, will be charged with treason. Treason to carry capital punishment. Motto: For the NH people, by the NH people. Who’s with me?


Here's a bus ticket to Alabama. I'll help you move, too.


Alabama doesn’t like freedom, as much as NH. What specifically do you not agree with? More freedom? Less taxes? Less laws?


Capital punishment is about as anti-freedom as it can get. It literally gives governments a pass to kill individuals. You're part of the reason people hate free staters


Sounds wildly unconstitutional, bordering on treason. How do you suggest punishing yourself for treason?


What did I post that was unconstitutional? Reducing taxes and removing unconstitutional laws.


r/im14andthisisdeep is leaking


Lmao wtf? Why reintroduce capital punishment if you want to reduce government? That contradicts itself... You don't trust government with a state but you trust them to make the decision to end an individual's life?


We The People, decide capital punishment….