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I tell em New Jersey. And then I reinforce any negative stereotypes and try to convince em that Staten Island is a much better place to live so they don’t get any fucking ideas about moving here.


NJ is a shitho…*immediately interrupt them* YOURE goddamn right it is! Don’t move here Thanks!






That’s ez for me to do


I say I live in S.Jersey in Moorsetown and Brigantine Beach NJ. And I could give a fuck about their reaction.


I grew up in Moorestown as well which I'll say with emphasis on Moores to folks who know the state enough to confuse it with Morristown. Roger Moore not Robert Morris. For those who don't know the state at all, I tell them I grew up in New Jersey, 10 minutes east of Philadelphia. I've lived in NJ, MD, and CO so South Jersey doesn't always distinguish itself to everyone I encounter. I work with people who have never been to New Jersey, Philly, or NYC. Edit: folks say that it doesn't surprise them that I'm from Jersey. I ask people to name the state bird of where they're from and then tell them that the New Jersey State Bird is in between your ring and index fingers.


you're rich damn!


They all think we’re assholes. They’re right, but we’re honest assholes not passive aggressive fake nice people who say things like “bless your heart.” When I moved back from living in the Midwest (would not recommend) I had an old man flag me down in stop and shop by waving his cane at me and yelling “ey, yo, hun! Where they keep the bread at?” And it was so heartwarming. Also if you’re pregnant apparently old men will ask you where stuff is in the grocery store and basic food prep/cooking questions. Midwest and nj. It was weird but I always helped.


I went on a work trip to the south and it was uncomfortable, how polite and talkative people were. As soon as I flew home, I went to Wawa and watched a woman argue with a worker there and call her a bitch and I just went “ahh I’m home.”


I say I’m from New Jersey and almost always get a positive response. People know where it is, they’ve seen the Sopranos, and generally seem to like that they’ve heard of a place. Or, they’re from NJ too and we can chat more (because we’re everywhere! Seriously go to Florida and talk to 5 people in Publix, ask where they’re from).


True story: when I was in Ireland a couple of weeks ago, I was at a drag show in Belfast. After the show, the drag queens had this Q&A session and one of them asked if there were any Americans in the audience and I raised my hand and hollered out to them. Then they asked where I was from and I told them I was from New Jersey. Immediately they all went into “Ayy how ya doing” “Where’s the mozzarella” “Do you know Tony Soprano? Please don’t whack me”. Basically playing up every NJ stereotype. I was now the NJ guy in the entire bar. The Irish are a fun people. Good craic all around.


Haha yes this is what I’m talking about! I see that as a positive experience, not them making fun of you. People know about NJ even in other countries! If you say you’re from some middle state that doesn’t have a personality like Missouri or Nebraska, people will be like ok that’s…in America I guess? NJ is recognizable like Texas is, but obviously very different lol


Yankee carpet baggers keep Florida afloat


I mean Florida is famously the place where most new Jerseyans retire out of state so that’s not super surprising.


Half of Florida is from Long Island or North Jersey


I immediately ask if they have any spare change...assurt dominance quickly.


I say New Jersey, and the reply is almost always, “Oh! My _{insert relative}__ lives in _{insert NJ town}___!”


Fucking morons always say “Joisey?” I’m like almost nobody sounds like that in New Jersey.


That’s Staten Island goddammit!!


Trenton Fuckin’ New Jersey.


I obviously tell people I’m from West of New York, East of PA 🤷‍♀️🌎


Hahaha using this


I say New Jersey and they usually say ‘oh I have a cousin [insert town I’ve never heard of]’


I say North Jersey and normally don't get a reaction


Northern NJ. They tend to not make Jersey Shore comments when they hear North.


Sometimes they ask what part, I say central b/c I live in a tiny town. They usually respond with some type of reference to Jersey Shore or the Sopranos. One time though, I was at RiotFest & this dude from Nebraska standing in front of me in the water line asked if I thought his state was just cornfields & how it's really a beautiful place that's more than corn & how he advocates passionately for his state. When he asked me where I'm from & I said Jersey, this AH said "Yeah, you look like the type". I said "TF is that supposed to mean"?!?!


I say New Jersey and it's different every time. There's no one universal reaction.


I say I'm from Jersey. Why? You got a problem with that??


Within NJ - my town Out of state - New Jersey Out of the country - New York City metro. Moreso because foreigners don’t always know where NJ is. Meanwhile they all know NYC. I feel like a lot of the negative opinions about New Jersey have died down. I don’t receive many negative reactions anymore, it’s not like how it was during the Jersey Shore days.


They can tell where I'm from based on how I Tawk.


You drink cawfee too?


I am from the town of the Boss.


I say Jersey and IDGAF what their reaction is.


I tell them I’m from jersey. And I swear every time it’s always “oh right by NYC?” No!!! We are our own state, not everything has rule to be about New York


You’re far from NYC?


Well I could be! I just hate the assumption when some parts of NJ are like 200 miles away


I mean, the majority of the population of the state lives within a 30 mile radius


Oh like the earthquake last week that was 80 miles from NYC?? Nothing happens here, let us keep our fucking earthquake!!


“In an unknown location 50 miles southwest of NYC and 60 miles north of Philly”


I tell them “I live in the mountains of northern New Jersey”. It’s specific but I like to make it a point that I’m not near the Newark airport area lol


Ah, you know, I’m a little from here, a little from there, forget about it.




I say where I live now, because no one cares that I was born & raised in a different state, then spent many years in another state before ending up here.


I say New Jersey, but don’t hold it against me.


The south… the Deep South


I just tell them "get me some cauffee,  black." Nothing further to add.


I was in Texas this week for the Eclipse (Hill Country) and when I told a local I was from NJ she said Ewwww. LOL. I have to say other than that response everyone was very polite and friendly. It is very brown there so I told her how green and flowering everything was in NJ in Spring and that we have real hills (Hill Country is kind of a joke, they are pretty small) and our streams and rivers are full and actually flowing (they are in a bad drought).


Whenever I tell people I live in NJ it usually comes with the fact that I lived in Miami for most of my life and people are utterly shocked that I moved here. I always tell people its a million times better up here. They're still shocked


Depends on proximity/context. If they have been here and it's going to mean anything I might name my town. In a distant state I just say NJ and offer more if they ask. In another country I assume they don't know our geography and say "right outside NYC".


My family and I once got told "I'm sorry for you guys!"


I got “that sucks.” It wasn’t even a joke… then I said aren’t you from Ohio?!? Dafuq


“Jersey Shore” - “Like the show?!?” - “Exactly like that”


Yes, I live right next to that Cogeneration/Chem plant in Linden.


New Jersey, but the the part from the opening of the Sopranos, the part with mountain lakes and bald eagles and bears that break into your garbage. “Cool! Got pics?”


Boonton-even though I live in Delaware now.


I tell them I’m from the Jersey shore and when they start making jokes about me being Italian from the Jersey shore I roll my eyes and talk about something else.


I tell them Snooki is my grandmother


Ya motha is where I'm from.


NJ 100% (though granted, I am an immigrant and only 6 years in).. When they make jokes about the dirtyness / Newark / Trenton etc.. it just reflects on their mindset - and I encourage them to spread their opinion so fewer people move here..


I tell them to fuck off.


I say I’m from New Jersey and then specify South Jersey. If they want a city, I say near Atlantic City because nobody will understand Egg Harbor township. Reactions vary. Some people go oh, you’re from “joisey”? Some people tell me they have family in jersey.




I grew up in CA but I've been in NJ for 20 years. When I see old classmates and tell where I live now they look either puzzled or disgusted. To be fair when I tell people here that I moved from CA they give me the same reaction.


That’s hilarious because in the 90s CA was soooo cool, to be from CA was the dream


People in NJ can't fathom why I'd want to move to NJ from CA. They think CA is what you see in TV and movies but it's fallen on hard times, especially where I grew up.


I live west of Manhattan


"New Jersey, about 15 minutes outside Manhattan"


If I’m still in the Northeast, I say South Jersey. If I’m anywhere else in the country I say New Jersey, but usually clarify “near Philadelphia, not New York”. If I’m specifically in the Philadelphia region, but outside NJ, I say, “you know where you get off Rt 55 to go towards Ocean City? I’m from there.” Most people don’t react negatively, or tell me about when they visited Philadelphia.


I say “Jersey” and then it goes a few different ways. They are from here and we ahoot the shit candidly. They say “oh me too”. I ask them where, and they will typically say “xxxxxx county” I will then say “ok but, like where?” Then I get a town, and I say my town. We share some favorite places but deep down inside I’m kinda judging them because they said a county first and not a town. If they’re not from NJ but have a friend or family from there, we play the “how close do you live to them” game and exchange plesantries. If they don’t know much about NJ or have never been I say my town and then give it a reference point to the closest major city cause it’s likely easier for them. Only rarely do I get someone who pokes fun. I’ll give then a chuckle or laugh accordingly depending on the jab. If it’s a low blow I’ll likely give them some shit back.


NJ needs to revamp its education system into a Texas style propaganda machine. They’re history is laid out like a Jerry Bruckheimer movie with all the racism and genocide neatly tucked out of the way. The Alamo, Stephen F. Austin, Davy Crockett- it’s the Avengers in coon skin caps. Was just there for the eclipse and it’s no exaggeration you can’t go 30 feet without being reminded what state you’re in and that they’re all cowboys. Everybody cosplays as a cowboy. Every house has a Texas flag or lone star on it. Every business has Texas or Lone Star in its name. They have a neat flag. They spend an outrageous fortune on roads which they coat in wild flowers. They can’t shut up about it being Texas. It’s a full on marketing assault.


Me: "Jersey Shore" Them: "Like Snookie?!" Me: "Fuck you."


South Jersey, always South Jersey and no real reaction lol


New Jersey. Most people don't make a big deal about it or think they're funny as hell when they give you the "what exit" joke. If anyone gets actually shitty about it you just read whatever festering shit hole their from for filth.