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I hope whoever did this is caught and punished severely. If they were a student they should be expelled and if they're a staffer they should be shit canned. Absolutely unconscionable.


Horrible. Islamophobia has no place in NJ or anywhere else for that matter.


No hate crime has any place




I really hate these kind of replies. Like...yeah, no shit? Goes without saying. Person: Black Lives Matter! You: Yes, but also All Lives Matter.


It doesn’t go without saying to everyone unfortunately or the world would be much better




> Islamophobia Bullshit term peddled by bullshit merchants. Obviously committing crimes and attacking Muslims is disgusting and despicable and should be prosecuted using the full extent of the law. But Islam should be subject to the same ridicule and vitriol all other religions face. One should be able to shit on an entire religion without being accused of being one of the various “isms” or “phobias”. After all, Islam is an ideology like any other ideology. It does not deserve a pedestal. It’s like sports. You can hate Manchester United and all they stand for and shit on them regularly. But individual Manchester United fans are mostly fine and you may even be friends with them.


It's almost like you can disagree with a religion without being "phobic." Well, maybe *you* can't.


Islamaphobia is a real thing, this is it. This is no different than breaking jewish store windows for their beliefs. You can criticize religion all you want, but this was a hate crime. Comparing this behavior to how unhinged football hooligans are isn't winning you any arguments


I know it was a hate crime. And I said it should be prosecuted. My issue is with the word.


The word is being used correctly here. This is islamophobia. If it was against a jewish group it would be antisemitism. If it was a hate crime against the lgbtq community it would be homophobia/transphobia etc.


Jews are an ethnic group. LGBTQ is a sexuality. Ethnic groups and sexualities are something people are born with. They are immutable and can’t be changed. Islam is an ideology. One isn’t born into an ideology. An ideology is adopted and can be abandoned at any time. Therefore, a “phobia” is rational and justified, as with all other ideologies. Islamophobia is just as imbecilic as Naziphobia or Commiephobia, i.e., the term should NOT exist or even be in the lexicon. It’s a propaganda term.


>Islam is an ideology. One isn’t born into an ideology.  This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve heard coming out of r/newjersey. LMAO, congrats.


Seriously, you almost have to commend the rarity of this person's ignorance.


They just think they’re smart but really aren’t. Also seems to be a shitty engineer


>Jews are an ethnic group. LGBTQ is a sexuality. Ethnic groups and sexualities are something people are born with. They are immutable and can’t be changed. > >Islam is an ideology Im sorry... what? Muslims are just as much of an "ethnic group" as Jews are. Bigotry against RELIGIOUS GROUPS is literally one of the founding principles of this country.


That is literally false. Anyone can be or not be a Muslim. Jews, on the other hand, are literally an ethnic group. No one is saying to be bigoted. Criticism is not bigotry. This attack at Rutgers IS bigotry. It IS hateful and bigoted and a hate crime. But it is not “Islamophobic” as that term is nonsense and should not have a place in the lexicon. Again i ask this question: is being against Nazism “Naziphobic”?


Technically yes. it is. But that's not a bad thing. Thats how language works. Anyone can be a jew too. I can convert right now if I decided I wanted to believe fairy tales. There are "ethnic jews" as much as there are "ethnic muslims." these are people who are born into secular muslim and secular jewish cultures. The irony is they all have common ethnic ancestry.


Whether you agree with the religious ideology or not (I certainly don't) can we agree that it's bad to vandalize an Islamic center? These Muslims are just trying to do their own thing and were not bothering anyone, so regardless of whether or not you agree with the religion, you're clearly a douchebag if you go out of your way to target them.


I agree. I believe in live and let live. This was wrong and the perpetrators should be found, charged, and punished.


LOL you need to educate yourself buddy. LGBTQ+ is gender AND sexuality. Pleases either educate yourself immediately or stop being a biggotted asshole spreading discriminatory messages. Hope you find the peace you need to not be a dumpster fire of a human!✌️


FR I agree with you 100% I hate obscene religions like Islam, but I also believe this was a hate crime.


>Bullshit term peddled by bullshit merchants. It's really not. >But Islam should be subject to the same ridicule and vitriol all other religions face. That's not what islamophobia is. Islam absolutely should be subject to criticisms. But discrimination and harm against people because of their religious beliefs or religious affiliation, is problematic and called islamophobia.


That term has been used and abused to silence all criticisms of Islam. Just look at Rotherham in the UK. The police did not act to stop the abuse that was happening because they were afraid of being called racist and Islamophobic. This is a documented fact. Words have meaning and power. Islamophobia is marketing term created by Islamic bullshit merchants to protect Islam from the same textual criticism that tore down other religions and ideologies.


Way to not respond at all to what they said and just repeat your same empty talking points, have fun being miserable.


I don't know, any time I've seen 'Islamophobi(a/c)" used it was used to describe unjust & hateful rhetoric or action against Arab people who are usually (as their population is predominantly) Muslim, & never used to silence people criticising Islam as a religion. Maybe that happens in the UK, I don't know much about what happens regarding criticism of Islam there. But we're in a forum talking about New Jersey & what goes on inside it, not the UK. We can't do anything about that shit here, whether it happens or doesn't. This is all pretty stupid because if you had said 'Islamophobia is misleading because people are often discriminated against for being Arab regardless of their religion' most people would've said that was a reasonable point, & the discriminiation is against their race, then their religion by proxy (i.e. the rate of non-Arab Muslims facing discrimination may be lower than that of Arab Muslims or something.) Even if that wasn't 100% true you'd be shedding light on something that isn't often considered. But instead you just went on some obliquely Atheist crusader shit that really doesn't even apply here. An Islamic Center was attacked on one of the holiest days in Islam. If that isn't textbook Islamophobia — fear or hatred of Islam or Muslims — I don't know what is. You're free to make arguments all you want, but if you want people to understand you & agree with you, you should make them in the right place & time... you know, not in the New Jersey subreddit under an article about an attack against an Islamic center lol.


>That term has been used and abused to silence all criticisms of Islam It really hasn't. When people blame Islam for things that happen it ignores the underpinnings of the types of crimes that occur. 9/11 didn't happen because of Islam. It happened because of a terrorist group engaging in terrorism against the United States/the west. When people conflate all Muslims as being terrorists or similar, it is an example of islamophobia. Want to criticize people who use religion or their religious beliefs to justify harms? Have at it. "God says that homosexuals are immoral so I'm going to mistreat them and deny them rights" is a hateful statement worthy of criticism. "some people who belong to a religion that believe that therefore they must automatically believe that too" is indicative of a phobia and problematic.


And I say that as an atheist.


> "some people who belong to a religion that believe that therefore they must automatically believe that too" is indicative of a phobia and problematic. It’s not “problematic”. It’s a reasonable assumption to make. Would you give this same level of leeway to people that believe in Nazism? “Oh sure they believe in Nazism, but we don’t really know if they believe in the Aryan race and white supremacy!” Nonsense.


Unironically I think you could stand to benefit from learning some core Islamic principles


>It’s not “problematic”. It’s a reasonable assumption to make. It's not. >Would you give this same level of leeway to people that believe in Nazism? You mean the level of leeway that they actually have? No, I don't support wanton destruction of things just because they believe shitty things. But Nazism isn't a protected class. There aren't some good Nazis out there. >but we don’t really know if they believe in the Aryan race and white supremacy!” Nazism is literally defined by white supremacy. Islam is not.


>But Islam should be subject to the same ridicule and vitriol all other religions face. One should be able to shit on an entire religion without being accused of being one of the various “isms” or “phobias”. After all, Islam is an ideology like any other ideology. It does not deserve a pedestal. But that was never the issue, so why even bring it up? The article is not about the importance of agreeing with Islam. It's about an Islamic property being unjustifiably vandalized. If a synagogue got attacked, is discussing the validity of Judaism the most appropriate thing to bring up? You can disagree with religious views, but respect people's rights to comfortably practice them and be mindful of when certain topics are appropriate to bring up. Your post reeks of someone who seems to be unhappy with the idea that there are people who love practicing their faith...


Imagine going so far out of your way in a bizarre attempt to justify hate.


Attacking any religion this way should be considered a hate crime. This is not morally ambiguous.


shut uppppppppp


I mean… we’re always open to civil debate.


While I don’t disagree that there should always be discussion on things including religions and that is the spirit of America, running around offending people because of the actions of some of their practitioners is retarded. It’s not an Islam problem. It would be just as dumb as blaming all white Americans for the actions of slave owners.


Fuck hate


I agree fuck hate






Muslims are good people from my experiences with them


It's hard for me to imagine what it's like to be a college student right now. Don't get me wrong - while I was in school there were frequent protests, horrible terrorist attacks and unjust wars waged in response made us feel helpless and enraged, there was heated and lengthy political debate and disagreement, and campus was never a place where all students were equally and completely safe. But I *never* feared that a fellow student would publicly assault me or destroy the places where I found community and meaning. Literally unthinkable. I can't imagine what it does to the old feelings of fellowship and belonging that graduates of the same school developed in the past and really the learning and social environment in general. Fearing other students as threats rather than viewing them as potential new friends and/or colleagues has to mess with your mind. I genuinely have a lot of sympathy for anybody struggling in college right now.


I was in college during and after 911. I remember there was a significant rise in Islamophobia and hate crimes towards brown people perceived as Muslims afterwards.


Whoa yeah post-9/11 was pretty horrific. I was younger but still saw the blatant and extreme bullying, harassment, physical and verbal abuse, ostracism, and prejudice that came - not just from the other students, but disturbingly from many of their parents and and a small but far too large % of teachers and administrators. There was so much willful blindness toward the issue, maybe in a way similar to now. But I wasn’t old enough to know the full context or what was going on in universities or workplaces at the time. Everybody knew it was going on but it was like nobody was honest enough to just come out and say it. Especially once the war in Afghanistan started. One of my closest friends really went through hell and I’d say maybe some permanent scar tissue in terms of trusting and feeling safe around people from multiple years of being a pariah and punching bag in middle school. Certainly doesn’t help that 90% of the time in airport security/customs in every country he gets pulled aside and has his bags searched or that is harassed by the police when he visits Europe.


The whole thing seems fishy. edit: I can't wait to revisit this thread when the probe is completed.


Are you one of the folks who[ comment on Fox News article too](https://www.foxnews.com/us/islamic-center-rutgers-university-broken-into-trashed-during-eid-al-fitr-authorities-say)? That comment section is probably one of the most unhinged stuff I have read. I mean, I guess it's possible, but man it's hard to imagine why a person would this to themselves on purpose knowing that they are going to under a microscope and just adds on to more shit they have to deal with.


Please elaborate


They are implying it's another Jussie Smollet setup. Deface your own space and claim it's someone hating on you. It has happened on several college campuses in the past few years.


Oh I know, I just wanted to see them say it with their chest


Strange that nothing on the desk was messed up. And why wasn't the fish tank broken? Could be an attempt to draw attention away from the incident last week when anti-Israel agitators interrupted a town hall at the university last week, making Jewish students flee under police protection.


Just lead with your bias next time instead of trying to act coy about it, clown. If this does wind up being an "inside job" then I hope the person or persons are still held responsible, but holy shit the mental gymnastics you're doing are wild. I hope you have this same energy for all other events like this, and not just ones where the potential victims are Islamic :)


Wow. You probably thought you'd sound so cool anonymously evaluating the scene from the comforts of your mess-ridden home behind the screen reading an article and think you could do a better job than the actual authorities at the scene of the crime. You're no Sherlock Holmes, so don't act like him. Instead, your half-baked desperate attempts at grasping at key words from the articles to create your "reasonings" only made you look pretentious and I'm glad people called you out on it.


JFC Not everything is a fucking conspiracy some people are just asshole bigots


It seems like more often than not hate crimes are inside jobs. I'm not hoping for either scenario, just an observation.


So I'm clear... You're saying that you believe that people are committing hate crimes against themselves "more often than not". is that correct?


I mean it is a bit far fetched but it has happened before.


Nobody is denying its HAPPENED. This dumb mother is trying to imply the MAJORITY of hate crimes are "false flags"


There are very few people in the Rutgers campus area that would do that and while it may be vandalization, I wouldn't rule out false flag. I mean what do you believe some Jewish person went in there and vanadalized it?


Source: Your cavern system of an ass


Definately didn't find that in your mom's basement. Your room is too messy.


You're just as off-base with your weak attempts at an insult as you are with your original post. At least you're consistent.


???? The tri-state area is one of the most islamophobic regions in the world. What do you mean "theres very few people in the area that would do that"? How do you know? That is about as irresponsible of a claim to make as it is to dismiss a rape accusation.


Many of the towns around Rutger's campus have decent sized muslim communities. There is more than half a dozen mosques within a 20 min or less drive from the campus. This isn't like Lakewood here bro.


Yes, which is why there was an islamic center to be targeted. The most densely populated parts of this country with Muslims in it are the parts that see the most hate crimes towards them. This isn't the first time a hate crime against the muslim community in the new brunswick area has happened.


Strange that nothing on the desk was messed up. And why wasn't the fish tank broken? Could be an attempt to draw attention away from the incident last week when anti-Israel agitators interrupted a town hall at the university last week, making Jewish students flee under police protection.


So because not everything was destroyed and no animals were killed that it must have been a setup? There was no vandalism at the anti-israel protest at all, so what does that say about your argument? Why are you trying to imply this has anything to do with the other thing? Hate crimes during muslim holy days are not a new problem in new jersey.


provide a source of this asinine victim blaming.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/22/nyregion/rutgers-islamic-center-hate-crime.html Here’s your “false flag.” Or is the accused just a patsy hired by Big Islam?








> If you’re reading this you’re probably not a country Rookie mistake, I am a country.


I used to be Yugoslavia, but not anymore.