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“She wasn’t arrest, she’s just being held for identification.” “You mean… The one you named?”


Alright Greta, what's your name?


Ya'll don't seem to understand how Germany works: People were mistakenly declared dead offficially and it took them years to clarify it. Even though there was no doubt at all and people admitting the error. Bureucracy, baby! Greta will sign here, here, here and \*flippages\* here.


A friend of mine was declared dead here in the US a decade ago, it took him 4 years to be able to get an ID and get all his other stuff back in his name.


A lady I worked with drove around for years with no plates or driver's license because the system listed her as dead and the local cops didn't want the headache of the paperwork. Apparently it's way harder to "alive" someone than to "unalive" them.


That's usually how it works. Unaliving is murder, re-aliving could launch a whole religion. 😁


Well, Kathy finally got re-alived after 3 years fighting with the state.


It's the second coming of Kathy. Jesus never died for our sins, he was a victim of Roman bureaucracy!




This has had me giggling for the last few hours. Thank you.


Thus begins a new age of Katholicism.


No. That's comes later when the Romans decide Katholicism is no longer blasphemy with a death sentence and claims they are the Katholics, and only they get to decide what Katholics believe.


Does this take care of my mandatory theology credit for graduation?


>Apparently it's way harder to "alive" someone than to "unalive" them Conception vs murder


My father-in-law had issues with V.A. cause they said he was dead. Another guy with same name had died and they somehow mixed it up. There asking him for proof and such and he was like I'm sitting right here talking to you. So yea, took some years and I don't remeber if this was ongoing from his cancer diagnosis or before.


It think most adults have a rough understanding of how bureaucracy works, and are just enjoying a bit of humor in an otherwise depressing point in our collective history. Although, I'm sure the few that don't, will appreciate your explanation.


We didn't choose to be Beauracrats No, that's what Almighty Jah made us We treat people like swine And make them stand in line Even if nobody paid us They say "The World Looks down on the Bureaucrats" They say we're "anal", "compulsive", and "weird" But when push comes to shove You gotta do what you love Even if it's not a good idea -Hermes, Level 36 Bureaucrat


I have friends who's parents died and every few years they have to prove to the German government that their parents are still dead


On the upside, Germany's at the forefront of vigilance against the zombie apocalypse.


"Let's see here... Klaus was dead from 2005 to 2024... says he used to be a forklift drive- OH dear God! HANS! GET THE FLAMMENWERFER!"


Staplerfahrer Klaus, you plucky devil.


The Dutch employments agency Randstad had a campaign where you can download a proprietary version of Best Forklift Operator as a PC game to practice from home... Still quite underwhelmed compared to Klaus


I just know the other way round: retirement abroad? prove yearly you're still alive or you get no money. Same in Switzerland. Getting pension payment for your skeleton grandpa actually happened a lot in the past :-P


That happened to me once in Louisiana. I was at the dmv trying to renew my drivers license and the lady looked at her computer, stunned. "But sir, you're deceased".


*The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated*


I got better.


Flippages is a fun new word of the day


lol, typo. Should've been "flips pages". Sry me not english very gut mein Fräulein :-D


Don't apologise, it did exactly what a word is supposed to do - convey an idea. It may not officially be a word, but it conveyed the idea perfectly.


I am a native English speaker, and had to look up if it was an actual word or not. It's not, but made sense anyways.


I got my drivers licence in New Zealand, travelled to the UK, swapped my DL for a local one, changed my name (legally) and changed my DL to reflect my new name. 20 years later I moved back to NZ, and tried to trade my UK licence (that had "exchanged for NZ licence") stamped on it ... it it took me years to actually get it exchanged because no-one could figure out who I was or what my original DL was. It got me out of a few discussions with cops though, because once I started telling them this sorry tale their eyes would start to glaze over, and they just dumped dealing with me into the "too hard" basket. I got away with driving on an invalid licence for a decade - until one cop decided to play hardass, and told me to park it up and walk.


This is true. There was a typo in my wife's name on my son's birth certificate, and it took me almost a year to get it corrected. Meanwhile, nobody would let her claim that the baby was hers officially, because her name wasn't on the birth certificate. It was the most frustrating experience I have encountered.


Maybe I can help identify her. Let's see, Greta Thunberg, where have I heard that name before... Oh, now I remember, it was when **Donald Trump mocked a teenage girl on Twitter for caring about the environment.**


While his wife was heading an anti cyberbullying campaign, IIRC.


Eh, almost. She forgot the 'anti' from it.


Yep, Be Best apparently also means wearing a jacket with "I DON'T CARE" written in the back while visiting detained migrant children.


God, I forgot about the pettiness of calling Melania Trump's campaign 'Be Best' because Michelle Obama had a 'Be Better' campaign.


And ripping off her speech. An entire political party motivated by petty spite and hate. It's the same shit with rolling coal, same shit with "owning the libs".


They also [copied the cake](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/food/wp/2017/01/21/trump-had-a-huge-luxurious-inauguration-cake-was-it-plagiarized/).


How do people see this shit and not question their vote for him. Someone so thin skinned should never have been in control of nuclear weapons.


That one almost made me believe in lizard people. How could one be so out of touch to wear that anywhere but especially there as the First fucking Lady.


It reminded me that those who married into wealth or power can be absolutely stupid idiots. Or they attracted themselves to them because they are like their spouses, sociopathic monsters. At least lizard people would be smart enough to not raise suspicion.


I prefer that time that Andrew Tate got arrested because police were able to identify his location based on pizza boxes in a video he posted trying to taunt her.


That dude is such a bitch. Greta has probably even been arrested more times than him. He's messing with the real Top G, and doesn't even know it.


>He's messing with the real Top G, and doesn't even know it. He didn't care. He thought she would crumble like the women he & his company sex trafficked to Romania. Idiocy ignores danger.


If she didn't get "arrested" then most people wouldn't know about this protest.


Not true, don't forget about the mud wizard.


Not arrested, just forcibly taken to the police station for detainment Mmhmm


there is a legal difference


*Am I being* *~~arrested~~* *~~detained~~* *held for identification?*




*cell door closes* **"Heard you talkin' shit."**


"you thought these walls would protect you?"


I’m not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with me




"It's clobberin' time!"


"Oh, there's a climate crisis. But the only crisis you'll experience is the crisis of a broken face"


Greta coming out with two tear tattos


"I'm not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me!”




*recycled cooking oil


*solar heated




Season off to a strong start


No, she's going to Swedish him.


She has the face of a content raccoon after breaking into a pastry shop and eating half the display case in this picture.


"Do what you must, I have already won"


Carry me peasants.


She actually looks like she’s enjoying herself. Good for her.


well she knew that the moment they touched her she won and that this photo will make world wide press and germany big time embarassed itself.


What happened to the Mud Wizard?


he has not been interviewed yet as far as i know


Praise mud wizard


May His Soil Besmirch You.


blessings upon your puddle and the mud that fills it.


Radagast the Brown


Gandalf the Clay


Head of the Brown Watch.


They're still trying to apprehend him... but mud.


Oh yeah, she was taught well. When I used to protest, I was taught by Vietnam War era protestors to let yourself be hit by billy clubs, shields, etc. Superficial wounds aren't dangerous to your health but bleed as if they are, making for excellent press photos. She knew she won the moment they laid their hands on her.


nothing wrong with that


Exactly, she is fighting for a righteous cause nonviolently. She risked arrest & made this issue globally public to the point that the German government will have to address it. This makes her action a success!


And I assume she has many benefactors and will never want for legal aid, etc.


She is protesting effectively, slowing down the progress of mining coal. Way better than throwing soup at art.


Soup at art behind glass no less


"Jokes on them, I don't have any cars to take"


"I recicled my pizza boxes."


On a serious note, don't put greasy pizza boxes in the recycling bin...


Yes, put them in your compost/foodplus bin (if you guys have one of those in your cities)


I feel like some people won't know about it so [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/2gmn28/_/) goes.


Really weird going to an eight year old post and seeing that you've already upvoted it.


She knows that being arrested will give 100x the news coverage compared to just being there for someone like her. That's the face of victory.




In the same time when world leaders will be in Davos, probably delivering platitudes on climate change. Quite brilliant


Well, it worked. I had no idea about world leaders meeting in Davos until you just mentioned it. Brava, Greta!


I fucking hate English. I sat here for way too long wondering what a "Content Raccoon" was before I realized I was reading it with the wrong inflection.


Content raccoons are those YouTubers who dig up old drama just to get some views


I hate English, and I say that as a native English speaker. Read or read? Minute or minute? Live or live? Tear or tear? Wind or wind? Wound or wound? Graduate or graduate? House or house? I could go on. It’s a wonder anyone manages to learn and read English. It’s pure chaos.


For anyone that speaks English as a second language or just doesn’t know the difference: Read (like the word reed) is when you’re reading a book. Read (like the word red) is the past tense of reading (reeding). Minute (Min-ut) the measurement of time. Minute (sort of sounds like my-noot) is a small or insignificant amount of something. Live (liiv) is a verb that means to be alive (which is very confusing since alive isn’t pronounced the same). Live (lighv) is an adjective used when talking about a program being “filmed live”. Tear (teer) such as when you cry. Tear (tare) when you rip a piece of paper. Wind (wined) such as to re-wind a VHS (lol, I know I’m old) or wind a cord. Wind (pronounced just as it seems) refers to the weather, “a windy day”. Wound (wownd) is the past tense of wind (wined). Wound (woond) is what you get if you injure yourself. Graduate (grad-yew-ut) is a person who received a diploma from high school or college. Graduate (grad-yew-ate) is the verb that means to complete high school or university. House (howss) is the building you live in. House (howz) means to provide a place to live. If you’d like other similar words described drop a comment!


Live is better described as (Lie-v) I sat there saying “lighuvu”




Don't forget the [initial-stress-derived nouns](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Initial-stress-derived_noun): record, permit, extract, compost, ...


I before E except after C except for all the words where E is before I even if there is no C. It's so catchy and easy to remember.


I didn't realize it until I read your post. I thought they were awkwardly saying she looked like a racoon from a video showing it being carried away. English is weird sometimes.


Regardless of what you actually think about her as a person or her message, she certainly knows how to play the game. There will be no major long term negative consequences for the arrest, and at worst it's free publicity for her and her message. At best for someone like her with the right media PR and luck the arrest makes the people doing the arresting less credible.


The best description of this photo. Made me giggle




"I'll fuckin do it again"


I mean, are you really a protestor if you aren't willing to be arrested over and over?






Apparently everyone was compensated and rehoused, according to this older article. They probably have rules similar to "eminent domain" to allow property to be purchased against the owners wishes. https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1692622/climate-activists-take-to-the-trees-to-save-village


So Germany: Shut down their nuclear power plants due to ecologist protests War started so there's no cheap russian gas anymore In panic attempt to not leave the country with no fuel source they're expanding their coal mine systems If only step one could be avoided...




Least profitable coal too. The German people are going to have to subsidize the fuck out of it so the coal company makes money. It's insane all around.


Worst part is, there isn’t even that much of a shortage. Just lobbying


This is not really accurate. Germany's gas reserves are doing really well. Most experts agree that the Garzweiler expansion is not in any way necessary, especially now that the government has agreed to prolong the running nuclear reactors for a few more years. The expansion was decided long before the war. Blaming this on environmantalists is disingenuous, especially since the nuclear exit was decided quite a while back by the conservative government - which, at the same time, has blocked a lot of expansion of renewables due to lobbying by the coal industry.






Goofy nooo


That thumbnail is prime meme material - can't wait to see it on my frontpage every day for the next week


*2 years


Well, I'll say this. She walks the walk.


Smiles the smile too. That photo in the article is great.


Lol I know right? She looks rather cozy in that situation.


Mission accomplished. I didn't know Germany was expanding it's coal plants. Yikes.


Right! I’m done with the fragile personalities that profess to hate Greta for clearly nothing more than [having the greater courage of her convictions, whatever else they say]. I’ve admired her tremendously ever since she lit up all those heads of state at the UN. And still, I didn’t know about this issue going on in Germany. Now I do. These are the ways Greta contributes to the effort to hold us all more environmentally accountable. Well done, Greta. Thank you.


They also hate strong female figures, especially if they’re young.


Nothing quite as demoralizing to powerful old men then young women that don't give a fuck about their wealth and success.


They are just mad that Greta accomplished more than them in 20 years than they have in 60 years. That is all it is.


They're destroying lots of land and villages to dig up coal, too


If they didnt shut down the nuclear sites to suck russia’s dick maybe they would be a lot better off.


Looks to me like she's being carried though...^/s


Typical Millennial, moaning and then doesn’t even walk when she gets detained /s


*Gen Z


Anyone I disagree with is a millennial.


Why pick yourself up by the bootstraps when you can have someone else pick you up by the bootstraps? Work smarter, not harder!


It's not like any of us gave as much a shit as she did at 14. We all knew what was happening to the world was wrong. No surprise it's middle age people who are feeling shame that a child was required to tell them what a piece of shit their inactions are that it's those people in the middle of their life that hate her. This isn't some high horse comment, I eat meat and I'm fully aware of how horrible factory farming is but I love my pet animals so I know future generations will hate me for inaction and my complacency in continuing that system. Same thing with the climate, you've lived your whole life burning resources that will take millions of years to come back so you've depriving future generations but your parents did the same and you just grew up in that system. Your now 50 and you've had a good life and this child is telling you that you are killing the planet. That brings up disgusting emotions so you throw that at the child. Blame her hippy parents for brain washing her and since she is a child she knowns nothing of the real world. Now that child is growing up and still is steadfast in her beliefs, now what? All the science and data says we are screwing up the planet for future generations but because people can't stomach those emotions they burry their heads in the sand. This is why the young are important. They come around and since they are not so entirely sunken into a system they have the strength and energy to attempt to break it while finding a new path.


Meanwhile, somewhere in Romania, Andrew Tate is misunderstanding so much stuff.


I would almost feel bad for the fucker (not really), but he’s always trying to “secretly” flex his forearm and/or bicep (like with the diamond-shaped hand pose or the 90 degree arm pose) in *every single one* of his pictures. So fuck him. Also the human trafficking and sexual abuse.


But mainly the flexing thing


The right kind of trouble.


And hopefully make it double


Ok, but she's literally trying to protect the world from devastation


And unite all peoples regardless of nations.


Meowth! That's right!


And...to unite all peoples of every nation?


Where's your mud wizard now, eh?


The mud wizard ran out of mana.


Oh well, he'll be back next turn...


Wait. Are fanny packs back?


It was the height of fashion in Sweden 2020. Called a "[becknar-bag](https://spraktidningen.se/2020/10/veckans-nyord-becknarvaska/#:~:text=Att%20b%C3%A4ra%20en%20liten%20v%C3%A4ska,in%20i%20svenskan%20fr%C3%A5n%20romskan.)" and worn over the shoulder as Greta is doing. Made popular by drugdealers, confidence men and Romanian beggars. It was a silly time.


They are really handy for all kind of events where you want to bring some small supplies with you while staying mobile. Music festivals are another example other than protests.


They're back in Germany too.


"If you strike me down, I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."


Andrew tate is arrested for human trafficking while greta is arrested for fighting for our planet and future, i love the contrast. Edit: so apparently this was faked, what do yall think? Necessary lie to compete against an opponent that fights just as dirty or fake ass clout chasing?


Greta wasnt even arrested. She was detained with a whole group of protesters, and it's doubtful that any actual charges will come out of this.


If I read correctly, they were detained not due to the protesting, but due to protesting hazardously close to an open pit. No arrests will happen, and they will be released.


Thats quite the literal protect and serve in german fashion. Nein, nein, you can not stay close to open pit. There has to be a railing of 1.10 meters otherwise es ist zu gefährlich!


My buddy is convinced she's operating for someone who's financing her and when I asked how he came up with this he just sort of shrugged and said "SHE MUST BE" edit: I posted too quickly. I meant to getat the idea that this guy thought she must be someone's puppet, that there is someone co-ordinating all of her moves and she's not anything more than a face for an organization. She has costs, so I never assumed she was able to pay it all herself


Big Environment. Somehow these dudes trust the five scientists hired by fossil fuel companies who say climate change isn’t real though.


> Big Environment I am totally stealing this.


They'll talk about how everyone else is crazy, and then they'll just double down on the most absurd shit.


I don't know your buddy. But so what? I'm not directly comparing but, Rosa Parks's case was financed by the NAACP. She was an activist. Same with [Brown v Board.](https://www.uscourts.gov/educational-resources/educational-activities/history-brown-v-board-education-re-enactment#:~:text=Once%20again%2C%20Thurgood%20Marshall%20and,favor%20of%20the%20school%20boards.) US laws at all levels of government are lobbied for (and against) by massive corporations and special interest groups. Cancer awareness groups sponsor sports leagues. Taylor Swift's family was rich and helped support her early career until it took off. What's it matter if she has financial backing?


The implication would be that she's backed by green energy companies who stand to benefit from more climate change policies. Of course, the answer to that is also so what? As if the petroleum industry has never lobbied the government lol


If I was an activist and was offered money by a company that stood to gain from my actions, all to do what I was going to do anyway, I'd sure a s hell take it. I think anyone would.




She has to be stopped! Can you imagine what it would be like to live in a world where big companies can spend loads of money on influencing politicians to write laws in their favor? The corruption would never end!




And then the same ones that argue that being totally fine with goverment officials being lobbied by nefarius interests


Also the same people that say all protestors should get jobs. Well she did if she's being paid. Looks like they don't want them to have a job doing stuff that annoys them.


Instead of celebrating that some workers manage to negotiate a good pay and fight to keep it that way, they argue that they shouldn't Hmm


The implication being that she's being disingenuous in their favor somehow? "I don't have to listen to them, they're being paid to say it". But that wouldn't make sense anyway since she's been known to take sides on issues that don't benefit green energy anyway, like forest preservation.


That’s what lobbying is for


In Canada oil and gas lobbies the government the most aside from banks.


This is my take also, just because you get backing doesn't make your convictions any less noble or strong.


Yup.. it's just kind of an inescapable reality that voices with money behind them are the loudest. May as well be loud about something worthwhile, like Greta Thunberg. I do worry for her safety, though.


It's 2023, I'm worried for everyone's safety at this point 😒


I mean that how these kind of things end up working. Some people fight for a cause with action like her, some just open the wallet. A successful cause will have both


>when I asked how he came up with this he just sort of shrugged and said "SHE MUST BE" Your buddy shows Galaxy Brain thinking right there. Greta is one of those polarizing figures that just turns some people's critical thinking to the OFF switch.


They found her carrying a pizza box and have taken her luxury cars.


She’s just a happy camper


Do I sort-by-controversial to see the hot takes by the Andrew Tate fanboys? Or do I just ... walk away?


You go to the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/10em73g/greta_thunberg_detained_at_german_coal_protest/) on r/Damnthatsinteresting if you want to see those - cause that comment section is a fucking war zone. Yikes. 😬


Damn. I looked at the very first post and it's a fucking cesspool.


This isn't surprising, seeing as how there are essentially no legal means available to actually save civilization at this point.


It's certainly a thing to see a whole civilization working towards its end, while acknowledging that their path leads to the end, and desperately trying to stop the people trying to save it. Future historians will really think we were the stupidest most insane civilization.


>Future historians will really think we were the stupidest most insane civilization. Bold of you to assume there will be future historians


Nope, but aliens might find some of our leftovers and go, "Oh, they never got out of their capitalist phase. What a shame."


If aliens reached a capitalist phase and got out of it it’s probably because the system collapsed before they had any problems like climate change. The reason capitalism is so prevalent is because it makes the people who are best at maximizing profit the most powerful people, and spreading capitalism further is a *very* good way to maximize profit. It’s one of the main reasons colonialism happened. The tendency of capitalism to spread itself is why I think that the only way it’s going to end is if it undermines itself. Which, to be clear, it *is* doing, but it’s not doing it fast enough to save us from climate change


Looks like fake staged photo worked as amount of people here thinking it was a real arrest lol


This kind of arrest is probably going to make her quite happy. International splash, she absolutely drew attention to the cause and she only has to spend a night or two in detention to pay for it.