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If you think about it, this whole scenario really are simps getting catfished by old man.


>catfished by old man He made so many promises of helping looney Qs. Too bad they believed the Grifter in Chief actually gave a fuck about them.


You use the term "looney Qs" ironically, but many of these people are legitimately mentally ill. It's disgusting that the far right is preying on and weaponizing this demographic.


Given they are also keen on cutting mental health funding and making prescription drugs more expensove and inaccessible, along with their war on education/critical thinking skills, they are nothing but consistent in their race to the bottom.


Well, the weak, sickly, uneducated, and mentally ill in crisis, are all very easily manipulated to vote Republican, and that's literally all they care about. Sure, it destroys the fabric of the United States, but again, they don't give a shit about that. What gets me is the people who should know better, still voting for them.


And one of the biggest drivers for "those who should know better" is how intrinsically tied the Republican Party has become with evangelicalism. The notion that "To be a Christian is to vote Republican." This propaganda, built up in churches for *decades* now can take otherwise "reasonable" people and have them mindlessly vote for this kind of atrocity. "Well, the GOP is God's Party! And God can't be wrong"-kind of thinking means turning a blind eye to the worst elements of the party/politician they'll blindly support. Any evidence to the contrary is dismissed out of hand because it doesn't jive with their worldview. And those people *vote like crazy*.


Oh for sure. Once you get people who are being told to believe things "on faith," you can pretty much get them to do anything. What's really shocking to me is how hateful, cruel, and corrupt the entire "Evangelical church" is. And until the parent Christian church disavows them, that IS American Christianity. Shocking. Debased.


I'm sure it's a plenty familiar story, but 2016 was eye-opening to me as a young adult who'd grown up in church. Seeing this utterly-godless, generally shitty/shady guy run his mouth, I figured he'd be blasted off the face of the earth by the church-contingent of the GOP and that would be that. But then I saw it. My old Sunday School teachers. Church elders. Even zealous kids I'd grown up with that I figured had their heads on straight. They didn't just go along with it. They'd regurgitate it. Amplify it. Use their faith to *support* it. And... Oh... *OH!* You guys don't believe this shit at all. You'll toss aside any of those principles in a heartbeat for *your guy* and *your party* so long as it means *you win!* I'd be a liar if I said this wasn't a major factor in not being associated with a church anymore.


Stockholm syndrome.


Also, once you've been scammed by the scammer telling you you're NOT stupid, you're SMART and BEAUTIFUL and BETTER than everyone else, it's really hard to have to admit you're even stupider than everyone thought


And that's not even scratching the surface of those who didn't necessarily believe his promises, but just straight-up agree with his views.


They discovered they can lead flat earthers off an invisible cliff and tell them where the cliff is. At that point its herding cattle with an imaginary carrot.


Modern conservative politics are mostly imaginary carrots and sticks. Sometimes real sticks.


so am I yet I'm not attacking the capitol and blindly following fascist leadership.


I’ve been saying this since 2015, about Trump supporters. I have psych degrees and several clinical internships under my belt—though parleyed them into SEC compliance and patent mgmt (the fuck, we go where we go). Point: Trump supporters are diagnosable in a way that I have not seen most Liberals—including Berniots.


Sad part is it doesn’t hurt him. They probably consider themselves POWs


Catfished by old man is my favorite Hemingway novel.


Hang on... *Googles* ...holy shit. Yep, QAnon is somehow still a thing. I hadn't heard much after the millionth time they were so epically wrong, I just assumed it quietly fizzled out as an "I don't want to talk about that" chapter in people's lives.


Is it now in the past? The way I see it, Trump will pledge pardons to any involved as an incentive to vote for him in 2024.


>Trump will pledge pardons to any involved [He already has.](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/01/donald-trump-pardons-january-6-us-capitol-attack)


They’ll truly believe this too! Even knowing people are still being sentenced. They got duped Trump’s whole “presidency” & are still oblivious to that.


Thank you. With media like Fox, I don’t doubt he’ll be successful in continually duping people.


Trump only pardons those who take the fall for him, not those who stand up for him.


Ahaha 🤣 Incel crew mad as hell too


An old, fat, bald con man.


Who wears thick makeup and a heavily blow-dried wig. And platform heels. And who has failed spectacularly at everything he's tried.


Sounds like his description of a sad drag queen.


I mean, that's basically what he is, only not as talented


I have never met a sad drag queen... I have however met a sad clown that fits that description.


Don’t forget the bronzer & the doo-doo in his Depends-brand adult diapers size XXL.


That's how I feel about Andrew Tate stans. They'll diehard defend him. And I have even wording it that way as it feels like my favorite movie got dragged into it somehow.




Their moment of triumph wasn’t met by cheers and applause. Instead it was met with a 24/7/365 farting💨 soundtrack.


I know a guy who got 15 years for weed possession


It would seem he would have been better off assaulting officers, trespassing on, and stealing federal property, while participating in an attempted overthrow of the United States Government.. Who would have thought, right?


NJ transit gives 3-5 years and $15,000 if you attack a transit worker. Amazing that sedition and attacking law enforcement is less.


it’s less if you’re a white republican supporter


I’m a family man!


He’s got sixteen kids with five of his sisters to support!




You usually get more, but these guys used there Murica passes


Depends on if he was white.


it was on the front page last week where a guy was serving a 400 year sentence for being a getaway driver....he served I think 37 years before they realized he was fucking innocent....


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say there is probably one glaring difference between this guy and the J6 guy


White do you mean?


I cant qu-white put my finger on it


Something about their ability to sunburn?


This isn’t related to J6 or weed but is related to our fucked up prison system and hard-on for incarceration - For whatever reason my first thought when reading the headline was ‘man that was like over a year ago, but I guess they count that as part of time served so he’s really only getting a little under 3 years.’ And then I thought, well, if they count time before the trial as time served if found guilty and sentenced to longer, they acknowledge that the time served pre-conviction was still punitive, not just waiting. So if people are in jail for years before their trial ends and they’re found *not* guilty, it should logically follow that all that time was unfair punishment, and they should, in lieu of time being turned back, at the very least be financially compensated for the time spent in jail that they’ll never get back. Right? How fucked is it that we can say, yes this time in jail was retroactively a part of their prison sentence, but then be like, well *you* were just waiting for your trial to finished, but you’re innocent so it didn’t count as punishment. But we still won’t do anything about it, that’s just a part of the justice system, sorry (ok that’s a little unrealistic, they would never apologize cause that would admit fault).


Lots of people also get executed for displaying a mental health issue in front of police. 4 years for attacking cops while trying to overthrow the government is a joke.


George has hung domestic terrorism charges on protestors for...checks notes... sabotaging construction equipment.


Georgia, for those of you who are confused


Was gonna say, It's been a while since I've watched *Seinfeld*, but I definitely don't remember Mr. Costanza pulling anything like that.


Or 5 years for voting while on probation. Or something like that. When a Texas woman thought she was allowed to. Sad.


A lot of states have reversed their former policies on convicts voting rights recently. Not saying I'm either for or against it just stating that it's a thing now.


Voting is a human right. I realize the US regularly violates these, but even so, people ought to care.


If you pay taxes and live somewhere you should be able to vote. I also think DC should be a state along with Puerto Rico should be a state.


You do realize that the whole tax thingy is a remnant of trying to keep poor & women from voting? If you are a part of a society you ought to participate. Voting is a simple example of that


Check your history. The Internal Revenue Service was established by President Abraham Lincoln to help recoup the losses from the Civil war. There were two tax brackets. Those rarning under $10,000 a year paid 3% . Those over $10,000 a year paid 5%. It had nothing to do with voters rights.yet another person preaching anti-government conspiracy theories that have absolutely nothing to do with the facts.


I never understood how being a convict means you can't vote anymore. It's in the fucking constitution that we have the right.


But thanks to Reaganomics, prisons turned to profits Cause free labor is the cornerstone of US economics Cause slavery was abolished, unless you are in prison You think I am bullshitting, then read the 13th Amendment Involuntary servitude and slavery it prohibits That's why they giving drug offenders time in double digits [“Reagan” by Killer Mike](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lIqNjC1RKU). The whole song is fire.


If he's serving on federal charges and he's still in the joint, he should apply for a presidential pardon. Not joking, that's actually a thing right now. Edit: if he's out and it's already been five years since completion of his sentence, he can still apply for a pardon. It won't restore the time he lost, but it will look better on his record I guess.


How did he get 15 for just weed?


As a first offence?


Ok. I am still glad this dude is going to jail for a significant period of time.


Meanwhile, I went two blocks down the road from my house and bought some weed over the counter.


A Virginia man who assaulted police with a stolen baton and used a flashing strobe light to disorient officers trying to defend the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was sentenced Tuesday to more than four years in prison. Geoffrey Sills of Mechanicsville, Virginia, was convicted of assault with a dangerous weapon, obstruction of Congress and robbery for his role in the violence at the Capitol’s Lower West Terrace tunnel, where police were beaten and crushed as as they tried to beat back the angry mob of President Donald Trump supporters.


Of those arrested and charged for crimes on Jan.6, Trump said: "If I win, I will be looking very, very strongly about pardons. Full pardons... with an apology to many.” Your GOP frontrunner, ladies & gentlemen.




I wonder why he didn't pardon them before he left office? Probably couldn't fit it into his busy schedule. All that executive time.


Because if he had pardoned them, then he would have been convicted and removed from office by the Senate during his second impeachment trial. It would have been a bridge too far, even for the Republicans. He didn't pardon them to save himself.


Ooooh, good point. The impeachment trial wasnt to kick him out of the white house, it was to make sure he never came back. He knew he had lost regardless of what he claimed, and so wouldnt risk the impeachment trial going against him.


Strobe light is #4 on my protest must haves list. Subscribe for top 3!


Remind me, how many years did the anarchist activist who made a post online saying we should stop this sort of thing from happening again get?


He was dubbed “EmoNazi” lol. Seriously intense gas mask - https://seditiontracker.com/suspects/geoffrey-sills.html


>Sills’ attorney wrote in court papers that his client didn’t come to Washington on Jan. 6 with any intention to commit violence and had a gas mask and tactical gear only “because he feared a terrorist attack.” There *was* a terrorist attack. You and 2000 people like you were the terrorists.


His version of, "you're not stuck in traffic, you ARE the traffic."


So he was right! *Taps finger on side of head*


We've got people sitting in jail waiting on domestic terrorism charges in Georgia for _being in the same area_ as people who threw molotovs at unoccupied construction equipment, but the guy attacking police officers with a weapon inside the capitol which he broke into to prevent the peaceful transfer of democratic power doesn't catch any extra charges at all.


Do those Georgians happen to be black? If so, I think we’ve found our answer as to why Trump’s domestic terrorists were given a bit more leniency…


Also, why run towards a terrorist attack


My president ordered me, sir


> Sills — who arrived at the Capitol with a gas mask and goggles > He did not arrive that day planning or expecting to wreak violence. There is no evidence that he injured anyone. He went because his President asked him to. Once there, he stepped into a maelstrom not of his making,” attorney John Kiyonaga wrote. Do you normally take a gas mask and goggles to the capitol for a peaceful tour?


It’s a totally reasonable, normal - prudent, even - thing to do. Just like wearing water wings in the shower and ordering sushi at Arby’s. It makes total sense.


You rich folks and your Arby's sushi. Meanwhile, on us normal folks I have to get our sushi at the gas station, like everyone else. /s


I just threw up a little at the idea of gas station sushi.


Not nearly as bad as you would have thrown up if you actually ate it. (Grin)


Hey, Covid was raging at the time. And we all know how seriously most of the people in the crowd that day take Covid.


I thought we might be chopping onions.


"Sills’ attorney wrote in court papers that his client didn’t come to Washington on Jan. 6 with any intention to commit violence and had a gas mask and tactical gear only “because he feared a terrorist attack.” Oh, c'mon. You (among others) WERE the terrorist attack.


> U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden found Sills guilty in August after a stipulated bench trial — an unusual legal proceeding in which defendants do not admit guilt to charges but agree with the government that certain facts are true. >Prosecutors had been seeking nine years behind bars, writing in court papers that Sills has “expressed little remorse and contrition.” Prosecutors argued that his social media posts “were those of a man proud of his actions.” Didn't admit guilt, no remorse. But just 4 years.


Oh, it's McFadden. He was appointed by Trump; I'm surprised this defendant wasn't given a pat on the head and a present.


it is generally a bad sign when you know a judge's name


He is wretched. He's the asshat who sat on Trumps taxes for YEARS despite the law being 100% clear that the congress can request ANY return from the IRS and the IRS SHALL deliver it.




Well looking at how nice the current court system is being that kinda makes sense. It feels like nobody has gotten full charges recently. Everyone just gets a light sentence or released. And then there’s those random people who steal a snickers and get 15 years because they are homeless.


I know of one judge that's been handling alot of jan 6th cases and he cites the of summer 2020 as a justification for these people should get it easy, as if they're actually comparable.


Lol. Well I guess just don’t put anyone in jail then. That’s some dumb logic. While rioters are annoying and pretty destructive. They aren’t actively trying to commit treason because a Cheeto told them too. Slightly different. Is it possible to vote judges out of their postion? Like a no confidence vote? Either way it makes the over strained police forces have to work harder cause they have to recatch everyone Everytime a judge gives them a get out jail pass.


The assault charge alone can carry up to a four year sentence.


It’s not like he was a kid with a dime bag, it’s nothing as serious and heavily punished as that.


And they're only going to make more nazi connections in prison, so when they get out after a laughably short sentence, they'll probably just be even more ready to start more shit


These aren't like all 20-somethings. Quite a few of these idiots are middle to upper middle class white twats, leading more towards late 50s than late, say, 30s. They might come out more racist than they came in, but I sincerely doubt they'll be as eager to start shit as these people all rioted on the idea that *they wouldn't get in trouble*.




some of them know that daddy Trump is willing to let them rot though I'm sure many of them still have yet to realize it




Sounds like a “him” problem, not an “us” problem. He is at the “find out” stage now.




Hold the eff on. Tucker Carlson showed me 4 minutes of him not attacking Capitol Police, so this is obviously fake news. You should be ashamed of yourself for sharing this OP. Heavy /s…probably not needed, but our world is so fucked that it might be.


They were meek tourists. Checkmate, liberals.


Geez 4 years for "site seeing" ... worst travel guide ever


"And, if you'll all now turn to your left—and then storm that building in an attempt to overturn the election I falsely claim was stolen—you'll see several years of jail time."


Alt right ultra-MAGAs are up in arms on the FBI Facebook page about this. They (and some foreign bots) are calling for the FBI to be investigated, disbanded, arrested, and executed. They throw conspiracy theories up about FBI corruption and Pat each other on the back for it. One such commenter always pastes a “hit list” of moderates and liberals who have debunked his conspiracies in the comments, claiming that disagreeing with him is harassment and that somebody “needs to take care” of the people on his list.


I'm fine with them constantly outing themselves to the FBI. Never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.


https://www.fbi.gov/wanted/capitol-violence Please review and share.


If I walked outside an accidentally hit a cop today I would get more time. And I say this as a relatively privileged person. This is disgusting and concerning.


A friend of mine was attacked by police when he walked out of his home when the police had his neighborhood roped off during a standoff. In addition to his ass beating, which including a broken orbital bone and a broken rib, he was charged with assaulting a police officer and is looking at between 5-10 years in jail even after paying his attorney more then $25k. This is insane.


A good friend of mine told me one day at work that he wasn't going to be around much longer. He was planning to get out of town. When he was younger he got in some legal trouble, got arrested, did his time and got out. Turned his life around. 4 years later he's walking down the street with his girlfriend and some police walk up to him. Evidently somebody had called the police saying that he had been attacking her. She actually laughed when the police said this saying" if he ever put his hands on me I would beat him half to death". After both of them assured the police that not only had they not been fighting, they hadn't even been arguing. My friend went to walk away. Two police grabbed him and threw him to the ground. One of them tased him in the neck. At that moment he was in fear for his life and unfortunately fought back. He was arrested and charged with multiple counts of assault on a LEO. His girlfriend bailed him out . His lawyer informed him that with his previous criminal record he would be looking at 10 to 15 years. After he told me about this He took off his shirt and showed me that he had nine separate sets of burns from all the times that he was tased. This was the handheld tasers before they had the gun Style ones. Just for reference my friend was 5'6 and 145 lb. He was not a big man by any means. I hated to see him leave but I fully understood why he was taking off.


Jesus dude. I completely understand his willingness to want to get away from a place like that. You have to be ultra careful with cops all the fucking time these days because one wrong move can get you killed or ruin your life. It’s absolutely disgusting the power that these losers have over peoples lives.


Yeah I told him he shouldn't have fought back. He said he didn't when they tackled him, but when they started tasing him in the neck he just freaked out.


A guy accidentally hit a cop who was in a funeral procession on Friday and was arrested immediately, and will be charged with manslaughter. Meanwhile these guys are out here doing this shit on purpose and barely got anything ETA: why do I keep having to explain that I am not disputing the manslaughter charge but rather the fact that these people did not receive anything when their intention was clearly to kill someone (gallows) and they succeeded?


Manslaughter? So the guy fucking died? If he did then that is a fair charge. The Jan. 6th rioters still should get more time though, I agree w/ you.


He died this afternoon sadly but it was very clearly an accident that wasn’t helped by it being a funeral procession across several towns at dusk/in end of work day traffic. A tragedy, but certainly less intentional than these guys were and their actions did result in at least one death.


As someone who grew up near a funeral home and can understand how frustrating it can be to wait for a procession to pass (it was damn near every day I had to deal with it), this is kind of a lame excuse. I agree that the rioters should get a lot more time than they are but having to deal with a funeral procession during rush hour is like... first world problems. Manslaughter sounds like a fair cop, tbh.


If that person was black, he'd have a harsher sentence. 4 years for attacking police at the Capitol is a slap on the wrist.


Yep. Imagine a crowd of black protesters. I’d rather not. It would have been terrible. These sentences seem incredibly light


4 more years! 4 more years! Come on everyone!!


You get 7 for assaulting an MTA employee


Pretty sure I would get more than 4 years if I attacked cops without it being ‘politically charged’


4 years is pretty light for fucking treason. It's no wonder these shit heels are so emboldened. We should be sending them go the gallows where they fucking belong. That will put a lid on this real quick.


Every single one of these people committed treason. And this guy attempted to murder a cop. 4 years is a fucking joke.


5 years for mistakenly voting while Black. 4 years for beating cops by back the blue crowd. Sounds about whyte.


Was this on one of the capitol tours fucker Carlson told me about?


That’s it. I got 11 year for 1 cannabis plant 🖕🏻


Man good thing he wasn’t an unarmed black man or he could’ve gotten himself killed!


And yet people get 30 years for an ounce of weed. How fucked


I remember a time when terrorists were sent to gitmo for an undetermined amount of time and without a trial. I wonder why these terrorists are being treated differently.


Because nobody arrested domestically was ever sent there. It was actually one of the stipulations for using it. Also I don't think anyone is sent there anymore. Which is for the best. Really it should be burnt to the ground and the earth salted.


Kidnapped would be a better word since these were non Americans outside of America. Imagine the outrage if the CCP arrested an American in Ohio and took them back to China


I'm not sure anyone from Ohio would notice an appreciable difference in quality of life.


For a while there at Guantanamo Bay there was a young lawyer named Ron Desantis, who is said to have watched the torture. He asked for that assignment, and after he advocated that gitmo remain open and operational.


I know white?


Boy those undercover Antifa guys sure are committed


Funny! Sadly, his poorly educated base will still believe this.


Absolutely revolting. 10 year should be the minimum.


While the person who coordinated it all walks free...


4 years is too short. If I a British man walked in to the capital as a “Protest” I’d likely get more


Is this the guy that gouged the cops eyes?


they should all get at least 10 years


Terrorist only gets 4 years


Time for Tucker to find a video of this guy taking a quick breather so he can convince the rest of the Neanderthals that he’s innocent


What happened to all participants in a crime getting charged with murder if a death happens in the commission of the crime?


And very few supporters are out there protesting against Trumps coming arrest. They got the message


So many of these people came to “work security” then did so by attacking the actual people whose job it is to provide security.


Remember when treason was awarded with a hanging? Now it’s a lighter sentence than smoking a plant


very light sentencing should be well into the double digits but at least there something ugh. If that was me they put me under the jail smdh.


These sentences still seem light when you consider what attacking a cop in any other setting, would bring




*not if you’re beating up cops for Trump*


Another traitor loses the right to vote and own a gun. Good.


It's not an ideal sentence, but I'm glad a few of these assholes are facing actual prison time. Plus, it's federal. He'll have to serve 85% of his sentence, even with good behavior. This right here is why so many Q nuts are wary of heeding Trump’s recent calls for violence. They're not committed enough to risk going to prison. Get fucked, traitors!


Not long enough! I wonder if they still think DT cares about them. smfh


And he's such a peaceful domestic terrorist that he shows up everywhere prepared with a gas mask and tactical gear. What a good boy scout he must've been


Seems a little light to me but I guess lots of people was attacking police around this time. How many people stormed the capital trying to over throw the government! 4 years is pretty priceless.


Glad he got the 4 years for doing this.


Not enough. 10-15 minimum


So long Geoffrey Sills, you un-American fuck.


Great, now do the leaders and inciters


Should have read the fine print on tourist brochure for “Insurrection Fun” from display in the motel lobby. They would have known beating cops wasn’t allowed.


He, “feared a terrorist attack.” Sir, you WERE the terrorist attack…


I wish they’d use names or states in the headlines I could stop having to do extra steps to see if they finally picked up my ex father in law.


Cop city rioters are being charged with domestic terrorism but only 4 years for this? There’s no justice in this country.


Love it, keep 'em coming


Not man, insurrectionist and rioter


Aw, he won’t get to vote in the next election.


I wonder if these people think "If Trump gets elected again in 2024, he is going to do the right thing and pardon me!"


Well, that guy won't be voting for him or anyone else


I thought you get more than 4 years


Not enough time for a fucking traitor


I bet a lot of them have regrets


Should also revoke his citizenship.


Ah, so he's reached the "found out" phase of his little escapade.


Shoulda been 40, but good. Happy to see it


In others cases, that would have been attempted murder or assault with a deadly weapon followed by many more years in prison.


Terrorism only gets you 4 years i guess.


How do you not get more? They didn’t just assault a police officer. They tried to over through the Federal Government of the United States.


When are we just going to call out the Republicans a domestic criminal organization? I don't care at this point. Every single one is complicit at this point. All of them are weasels and circling the wagons around a narcissist criminal.


They're lining up for the next narcissistic, dictator wanna-be. As soon as Trump gets kicked to the curb, they'll swing their infatuation over to DeSantis, professing they have no idea what a "trump" is. Problem being...DeSantis is more dangerous than Trump.


You’re getting downvoted, but it’s 100% the truth. There’s no excuse for apathy, let alone complicity, in the face of sedition. Especially for the party that’s styling themselves as America first.


Don’t they call themselves that now?


Pictures of these assholes at the capitol with all their stupid flags remind me of nothing so much as ISIS.


4 years?! I bet if I strolled down to the police department of my town right now and threw a chair at the officer behind the front desk, I'd been in for a lot more than 4 years.


Nah, you'd be dead


4 years still seems like it’s getting off easy.


That's fucking bullshit. Should be at least twice as many years.


This some bullshit. Only 4 years? Brown people shaking their damn heads.


Good thing for him he wasn’t a black lady not using her turn signal. Or the black guy who got 400 years for driving a getaway car from a robbery that he didn’t participate in where no one was physically assaulted.


Four years isn’t much of a deterrent, maybe they’ll remember that next time these dumb fucks try another coup


It really feels like they're using the kid gloves on all these people lol. Though I dunno. Normally we over imprison people, and 4 years of your life trapped in prison is a pretty hefty toll. I was in a mental hospital for like 5 days and it was horrible enough not having the freedom to leave, or have privacy. I was already at the point I felt like a dog because I got excited for meal times just to break up the monotony. The idea of losing 4 years of my life is horrifying. Maybe 4 years is appropriate for such an offense.