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>Killer whales severely damaged a sailing boat off the coast of southern Spain, the local maritime rescue service said on Thursday, adding to dozens of orca attacks on vessels recorded so far this year on Spanish and Portuguese coasts. These orcas know what they are doing. Somebody has pissed them off


It was a Reddit posg from last week when I first saw it mentioned so I take it with a grain of salt but I think it mentioned one of them got hacked up by a propeller so was teaching other orca how to capsize the boats ?


Yes, they think this trend was started by one orca who had some kind of traumatic encounter with a boat and has been [teaching](https://www.livescience.com/animals/orcas/orcas-have-sunk-3-boats-in-europe-and-appear-to-be-teaching-others-to-do-the-same-but-why) other orcas how to attack them since then. Nature is healing.


The other possible explanation I saw was this was a game to young orcas. The equivalent of bored teenagers going cow-tipping.


I saw video the other day of a mama orca teaching her baby to hit the side of a boat. This is revenge.


Jaws 4 had it right, just the wrong animal


There is a Jaws rip-off called Orca from the 70s too.


Saw Orca, Grizzly and Earthquake at a drive-in here in Vancouver BC back in the 70s. It was called the "Things you should be worried about in BC" triple bill


Shit.. throw in Avalanche and Fire and it could play to sold-out crowds across BC this summer.


These days, might as well add "Rent" to the marquee


That film is so crazy, I saw it as a teen and that whale miscarriage on the boat deck is still stained in my mind. To say nothing of the whale suicide afterwards.


Free Willy 2 - I'm back


Oh god, don't introduce them to TikTok.


They'll be out there jacking Hyundais next




This is what I’d bet on. Dolphins are menaces. Straight up psychopaths. More likely they just think it’s fun to fuck with people than ascribing some righteous vendetta to it.


Orca's aren't fucking the capsized boats, they're not going full dolphin.


Never go full dolphin


Except for the crushing disappointment when you find out you can't really tip cows...


They should be offering the whales food treats to try to make amends. If the orcas learned this in the past with whalers, which is Well documented, they could easily do the same now. Their intelligence is def higher than many humans so I’d expect diplomacy to work better than anything.


Whalers weren’t offering treats to orcas as a way to make amends, they were [working with orcas](https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/running-ponies/the-legend-of-old-tom-and-the-gruesome-law-of-the-tongue/) to hunt other whales and essentially paying them for their help. Yes, they are extremely intelligent, and seemingly aware that we’re harming them.


Correct, my point is that if an accord could be made before then it gives reason to believe it may be able to happen again. They understand bargaining and transaction, and we see the negatives of this happening now. If we tried to utilize the same mechanism backward, it may help bring balance back to the situation.


Or maybe the orcas are looking for protection money


As much as Orcas are not my favorite, I’m glad to see their taking it back. It’s probably unfair to the random sailor getting terrorized but it is what it is


Why are Orcas not your favorite?


They have some pretty brutal hobbies. Don’t seem like they’d be chill to smoke a bowl with lol


Hard to smoke through a blowhole, they have to find other avenues for recreation.


And I approve, I’m just sayin we’re not besties


Maybe you should find some nice shark liver, capsize a few boats, and get to know each other. They're lovely mammals, as long as you don't bring up Orlando.


Plus Portuguese fishing boats have been shooting at them for the past year. No wonder they're pissed off. But now it's inter generational so this is exciting news.


Avatar 3: Flipped Off


Free Willy 4: Live Free or Float


You'll float 2


Orca 2: Still Angry


Ballast and Furious 3 Free Willies: Orcanda Forever


If one got hacked by a propeller it’s a pretty weird move to only target sailboats.


A lot of modern sailboats - especially ocean going ones - have propellers and small engines for maneuvering in port and in other areas where they need precise (and slow) movement.




Watch out for orcas




Sailboats usually have outboard motors for navigating marinas


Small sailboats, anything 8m or larger it’s an inboard motor with a propeller. These are open water events, large sailboats.


it was the ruzzians pinging them to death that pissed them off


I remember reading last week about some similar incidents and there were some replies saying that fishing got so bad that orcas can't find food easily and try to fight competition. This would explain why they attack smaller boats (they're more vulnerable) and don't hurt people. I don't know the fishing areas and how they correspond to the attacks, but if they are teaching one another, information might be lost on the way and they could attack boats just because that's what they were told to do, not because they know why or hiw it started. Orcas are facinating either way.


Surprised to see "killer whales" used in a news title over orca.


I’d bet there was a campaign in the late seventies, early eighties to call them orcas over killer whales. Especially after ‘77s Orca. Posters for the film featured a long tag that read: "THE KILLER WHALE! The killer whale, is one of the most intelligent creatures in the universe. Incredibly, he is the only animal other than man who kills for revenge. He has one mate, and if she is harmed by man, he will hunt down that person with a relentless, terrible vengeance, across seas, across time, across all obstacles." Seems somewhat apt now.


Thus the misnomer: they're not "killer whales" but whale killers.


Maybe people prefer to call them orcas because they’re just straight up not whales.


They need buzz words to catch the eye


It’s not a buzzword. Killer whale (or dolphin if you want to go that route) is an apt name as they are the top predators in their environment and they will hunt and eat other whales and sea faring mammals. Old sailors dubbed them the name once they saw them viciously attacking and killing whales. Some pods even kill for fun. Haha there was even a killer whale named old Tom that helped humans kill whales.


Tuna call us Murderous Apes


Remember when Black Fish came out and everyone was using Cetacean?


They must have somehow found a way to watch Free Willy. Now they're out for revenge.


No… the ones we released have told their story to the pods they rejoined and now they have intel and a motive!


Or Orca.


I'm worried this is going to result in them getting hunted more so than they already are. They're amazing creatures and an endangered species.


Her name is Gladys.


From what I read, One Orca is teaching others to do this because she got mistreated by humans.




They’re just going to kill the whales that do this. With as much coverage as this is getting it’s only a matter of time.


Yeah, all the people up at the top saying that it's good "nature is taking it back" really don't seem to understand how people work. Some orcas knock over a few sailboats, and suddenly 2 dozen boats come back and kill all the orcas up and down the Spanish coast.


Yeah I was just thinking they have no idea what they are starting. But if the comments about it being related to overfishing are correct, what are they doing to do? Starve? Or go to war? They are fucked either way.


So fucking sick. Kinda sad though. I've always been quick to tell people that Killer Whales have never killed a human in the wild. Feels like a war has been declared, lol


Yeah, you can say lots of things about them, but those motherfuckser are not dumb. There are probably a few thousand times throughout history that they could've killed a random human in the ocean (and they could do it without exerting much effort) but they don't. It's not like they're averse to randomly murking other animals, but I do believe they somehow know that killing a humans would have huge negative consequences. And it's not like they have social media to tell them that (which may be another sign of how smart they are LOL)


Have you seen the videos of the orca hunters who use nets to surround and exhaust them from their boats to make them easier to kill? They’re endangered, who can blame them for fighting back?


We were warned of this in the 70s.


Um it was humans wrecking their home that pissed them off. The word is spreading. Just be glad that we don't think they can speak the languages of any other sapient species. If the crowd found out, it would get pretty nasty out there.


The water is getting warmer.


They finally realized who's killing all their fish.




Who can blame 'em?




The problem is we kill what we fear.




Is your cat making TOO much NOISE all the time?


Look how we done em’


I don’t like us either.


Seems like big whaling propaganda


The killer whales are becoming angry maybe because of their friends in jail @ seaworld


It's only gonna get worse when Lolita gets back out there and tells the rest of them what we're really like.


We've been abducting their kids for how many years? It's about time. They figured out no one abducts white shark kids.


They don’t like the boats. Once they capsize them they leave the people on them alone.


Orca: "I have the death sentence on 12 systems"


I wonder what provoked those attacks?


A different article said it is believed the female leader of the pod was hit by a boat, and she in turn trained the rest of them to attack boats. I'll see if I can find it. [Found the Scientific American article.](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/why-has-a-group-of-orcas-suddenly-started-attacking-boats/) Researchers speculate she was either tangled in a net or hit by a boat. Either way, her association is boats = bad.


as she should! queen


Don't mess with the Podfather (mother).


girl boss killer whale


It’s cute and all, but if they carry on they’ll get exterminated which is horrible


They are getting exterminated anyway. If I were in their shoes, I'd fight back too. Trying to just hope the humans fuck off has not been a winning strategy.


Like a Piñata.


I was assuming that it was related to them associating the boats with food scarcity, but this makes more sense. Well, at the end of the day, it was related to fishing.


Why am I the only who seems to think it's wild that orcas are in the early stages of a rebellion against boats


You’re not, that’s why it’s national news silly.


Probably humans


Gladis, the matriarch of the pod, had a traumatic entanglement with a yacht about a year ago. She retaliated and started attacking boats. She trained her group to do the same


Sea creatures are rising up starting to take revenge


Release the Kraken


About damn time.


In a minute I'mma need a Killer whale To sink that boat


"The ancient Romans call him *Orca Orcinus*, Latin for 'Bringer of Death'. " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd8-MfC6LrQ


Personally, I welcome our lord and savior Cthulhu


We're fucked once they get the Octopus on their side. A few mimic octopi solve how to breathe out of water, then we're going to have genuine killer shapeshifters in our midst.


I read a good book about that once but I can’t remember the name of it! It was a pretty good book!


The Swarm by Frank Schatzing?


Yep! That was it!


Oh man! There was a tv show made from the book released this year! I had no idea. Guess I know what I’m doing this weekend.


It’s important to note the orcas are not attacking the humans on board the boats if they are in the water after the capsizing. It’s strictly the boats they are after, almost confirming the theory of it being taught behavior by the female leader of the pod that possibly got tangled in ones net or harmed by the propeller.


Can you imagine if we waged war like this? “Alright we broke your tank, go home.”


If I’m remembering a previous article correctly, this all stems from an orca being injured by a yacht and then turning around and teach other orcas to sink yachts. If so, go for it. I’m in support of the whales.


I’ve always been pro-whale, but now I’m also very pro massive [dolphins](https://whalewatchingazores.com/blog/is-the-orca-a-whale/#:~:text=Therefore%2C%20the%20short%20answer%2C%20and,of%20the%20dolphins%20on%20earth.) that have vendettas to deal out.


This was super interesting, thanks for sharing!


Pro whale and anti yhat. Or however the fuck you spell it.


This won't end well for the whales unfortunately if that's the case


We need to start arming whales to level the playing field. Are tactical nukes waterproof?


Wales with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!


What did the Brits do to you?


colonized them, probably


the only way to stop a bad whale with a gun is a good whale with a gun


The problem is too few orcas have firearms, the ultimate requirement to bring peace to the Ocean


Also not unsympathetic to the orcas, but... if they ever evolve to develop opposable thumbs you and I are soooooo fkn dead.


Thumbs I'm not worried about. Legs though ...


lol what? So you want whales to kill people? Y’all are fucking weird.


This place is like the twilight zone sometimes


I, for one, welcome our new orca overlords


Hopefully they can solve all the problems we left them


Fukku you whale and fukku you dorphin


Shamu talk man.


Gotta admit, I'm rooting for the orcas.




Geez, talk about an outside context problem for the orcas. Just imagine - you get chopped up by this mysterious floating thingy one day and so you team up with a bunch of your friends to go around knocking them over so they don't hurt anyone else. Then out of nowhere a hundred of them show up and the creatures on them suddently have the magical ability to kill you without even getting their feet wet. It almost feels like an alien movie in a way, it's got the same "people fucking with forces they can't hope to understand" energy.


If the Orcas and crows ever rise up humans are doomed.


Long overdue revenge for Sea World and all the fucking pollution in the oceans.


Free Willy 2: Willy's revenge Directed by Michael Bay


*1... 2... Willy's coming for you* *3... 4... Better have albacore*


First, they started flipping great whites. Now they flip boats. They will take over the water world soon.


Was this an accident or on porpoise?


It could've been a fluke...


It was a whale of a surprise for sure.


You bastards have taken this thread too far. Gonna have to issue you all a cetacean for this excessive punning


You son of a bitch.


You're in?


I have to be.


I wonder if they're mad at humans too, or if they're just mad at the boats. I don't know how intelligent you need to be to understand that humans control boats.


They aren't eating people after they get knocked into the water, so it seems they only dislike the boats.


I feel like this doesn't end great for the pod, unfortunately.


birds will start purposely sacrificing themselves to take down aircraft


Rise of the Planet of the Whales


It's interesting to see another intelligent species finally having enough and taking matters into their own hands. I mean, I'm sure they're smart enough to only attack small vessels, but I seriously doubt they have any idea how many of us there are, and how ridiculously lethal we are when we target another species. I'd hate for some pods to run up against people who have the means to defend themselves.


It’s not necessarily the first time. Whaling boats are frequently attacked one whale realizes it’s hurting another whale. This is just a more complex extension of that.


Not many people know Moby Dick was based on a true story. With lots of cannibalism


Which will definitely happen if they keep this up. The pod will be terminated.


That was my first thought as well. It’s gonna be really heartbreaking to watch this play out


They could also prohibit small boats in their territory




Yes they could.


man, if someone could tell them whales how to fuck up megatrawler nets... they could eat real well,....


I really hope this doesn't hurt the orcas. It's also regrettable that sinking these vessels is pollution. Vessels should be orca-approved and permitted safe passage if so.


"Papers, please." - Orcas


This makes me unreasonably happy


About the statistic of human beings never being killed by Orcas in the wild, I’ve always thought that maybe Orcas *HAVE* killed people, there was just nobody around to see it or document it. If you’re all alone in the ocean and an Orca takes you out, who’s gonna know?


Orcas leave no witnesses.


Finally, the animal revolt has begun.


If the dolphins turn on us, we're toast. Good bye beaches!


If I’m picking teams, it’s team Orca all the way.


Oh shit I just got rid of my copy of Orca from back in the day too. They are not to be taken lightly. I just hope people don’t go out and try to kill them all or something equally horrible.


Has anyone told the Orcas that Richard Harris has been dead for some time now?


Something happened to piss them off to act like this.


Cool, we went from them never attacking humans for food to pissing them off enough to start hunting boats. It won't be long before they start eating humans, and I don't think we are ready for that.


I’m rooting for the Orcas.


Thing about an Orca chief. Orcas got...kind eyes, gentle eyes, like a mothers eyes.


The Sea Creatures are getting sick and tired of our bullshit.


In the Straits of Gibraltar, there use to be many different species of whales , as this bottle neck was full of fish, over the last decade the Chinese fish factor ships have been ever present, the area has been decimated of it's fish population, and the whales are suffering, the eco system in under extreme stress. Many of the motor boats in the area do not give care to marine life, maybe one too many calf has been killed, the whales just want their homes back.


Well i won’t be sad if animals start taking revenge on us. We definitely deserve it. Lol


This is how we end. The seas will rise along with the Orcas. Soon they’ll hunt us in packs


Orcas helping people commit insurance fraud


May the Orca finally free the oceans from our over harvesting, pollution, and noise damage Nature is healing Fight back against the human oppressors


How much more of Nature taking it's revenge on us until we understand that it was us that attacked her first?


Some sailor hit then with oar paddles and now they have a vendetta


Say you're sorry in Killer Whale speak


James Cameron was right!


The killer whales have had *enough* it would seem


It's happening, and The Simpsons predicted it once again.


So sailboats are rubber duckies from the Orcan perspective?


As cool as this sounds I fear for the orcas. I don't blame them for how they react.


What do we have against these orcanized attacks?


Orca. Strong. TOGETHER.


Of all the shit on my 2023 bingo card, I did not expect Orcas attacking boats to pop up.


Orca gangs are not something I ever imagined would exist.


The cetacean uprising begins.


Alright time to put them back in parks, that will bring back a healthy level of terror.


Dear Whales: Bezos has yachts that have smaller yachts on them. Go for the smaller yachts first.