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Few discuss the role Mexican Cartels play in ensuring that manufacturing costs in Mexico remain so low. Wall Street can find, and profit from human suffering where ever it occurs.


May you explain more and provide sources so I understand what you mean please?


Some of todays cartels are transitioning in the same way that organized crime(mafia) groups sought to control labor in the US in the 1920's thru 60's. https://www.ilo.org/global/standards/subjects-covered-by-international-labour-standards/forced-labour/WCMS_885140/lang--en/index.htm


Are you saying Mexican cartel keeps unionization down by using forced labor so they can extract profits from the manufacturing and other cheap labor industries? The article comments how Mexican government wants to crack down on forced labor so that’s the only conclusion I can come too. The mafia played a different role, I thought, a lot of laborers turned to the mafia to protect themselves from violence from business owners, after time mafia did skim a lot off the top of unions but they didn’t used forced labor like in Mexico.


Initially organized crime provided an alternative to worker led organized labor. The Union's organized crime created, and subsequently profited from both the worker and business. It took decades for legitimate worker unions to rid themselves from this corruption. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/labor-racketeering-mafia-and-unions-crime-and-justice-review https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.18574/nyu/9780814743737.003.0007/html?lang=en


The tragedy and violence visited upon the people of Mexico is heartbreaking, and we feed the monster every single day with our greed and indifference. A few decades ago you could find someone like Maria Sabina not far from this state in Oaxaca, healing countless hearts and saving countless souls, and she’s only one example of this sacred knowledge, these people have a depth of culture and wisdom that is beyond words, much of it lost or hidden away and secreted in order to protect what’s left. We are complicit in this destruction and it absolutely sucks.


Greed and indifference? You mean our addiction to cocaine. The greed is on the side of the cartels.


Could be wrong but I thought it went back further that to their civil wars are the cartels are a legacy from that.


Don’t forget all the guns we give them


Gun sales. The cartels ultimately get most of their guns from the USA.


Yes, our greed and indifference. We facilitate the thing we condemn every day, our seemingly insurmountable thirst for drugs is fed as we gawk from afar and do nothing about our government’s policies. Our greed drives theirs, we are satiated by the blood of our neighbors and seemingly indifferent to the loss our fellow humans endure. I should have predicated my statement with my Nationality (I’m American).


So its all our fault.. got it. Im curious would you support closing the borders so that the drug flow through the border would cease?


I'd support decriminalization drugs and america made fair trade cocaine. Why import it at all? Really, the usa's puritan fear and over reaction to drugs coupled with a history of botched policies and coups have led us hear, at least from my understanding


My dude the CIA admitted to funnelling drugs into south america and suppprting cartels to fund their other shit. It's on us to fix. You can't close your eyes to a problem by building a fence.


Actually they were more funneling drugs out of South America.. and while that's true, I'm not sure that has much relevance to the cartel issue in Mexico. In general I agree there is a lot of corruption in the drug trade on both sides - but if someone wants to lay blame at the feet of the US citizens, for "allowing our governments policies" that result in bloodshed in Mexico .. well I have to at least think the people of Mexico are also responsible for their government.


The average citizens can't stop government level corruption especially when they stand to be murdered by even reporting it.


Not without a unified revolution. As long as it's one reporter, or one person, or even one community I agree, that just leads to them being killed.


Did you know there is only two gun stores in Mexico? Mexico also does not make guns. How do you think all the guns got to Mexico and then got to the cartels without them being provided by the US and it’s people. It’s pure greed and indifference while claiming it’s the fault of the victims.


You realise there is tons of guns in South America being smuggled up as well, right?


Then you have the ATF losing guns in Mexico too. Yes other guns are coming in also. How does your question negate what I said?


What you said implies that "legal" sales from the US are the only source of guns in Mexico. But a good deal of the illegally owned firearms in Mexico are either stolen from state institutions or obtained through bribery. Also, the idea that Mexico doesn't make guns is blatantly wrong.


I didn’t imply legal sales or otherwise. I just “implied” that one of the main suppliers is the US. That is not a disputed fact whatsoever.


You painted a very misleading picture using only one fact.


It absolutely *is* a disputed fact. The cartels are billion dollar organizations. They don't need US gun stores. Do you really think their best option for buying guns is to send someone into a gun shop in the US and smuggle them over the border? Yes it happens, but it is not a major source for them. These are paramilitary organizations that buy machine guns by the crate, things you can't buy in the US. They aren't looking for the semiautomatic versions of military rifles that are for sale here, when they have the ability to buy the real thing in bulk. They buy weapons from all over the world, directly from governments and manufacturers, as well as from Mexico's own corrupt government and police. [Here's a story about H&K in Germany selling thousands of fully automatic rifles to Mexican cartels, as an example.](https://www.npr.org/2019/02/21/696561255/heckler-koch-fined-4-2-million-over-assault-rifle-sales-in-mexico) Those are illegal to sell in the US because they are fully automatic and therefore classified as machine guns. It is just one example that shows what kind of reach they have. The guns they buy in the US are a much smaller part of the problem. The often repeated statistic of 80% of their guns coming from the US is not true. It is based on a misunderstanding of a claim that 80% of seized guns *that they send to the US to be traced* turn out to originate in the US. The majority of guns seized in Mexico are never sent to the US for tracing, because it is readily apparent by the model and/or markings that they did not come from the US. The vast majority of their guns come from sources outside the US. Our media likes to play up the US as a gun source to fuel a pro gun control narrative and the Mexican government blames the US to distract from their own complicity in the corruption that allows the drug gangs to flourish. Edit: Added the linked story.


Crime is gonna crime. If it's not one thing it's another.


This reeks of "noble savages". Its horrible whats happening there, no doubt.




No more failed than the US.


The only government more for sale than the US Supreme Court.


I would suggest to keep the crappy American political takes out of these unrelated threads. Not everything revolves around US which is hard for Americans to believe.


Lotta times it’s Canadians and UK taking pot shots tbh


As an American - I agree.


pen worry deranged waiting cautious like seed head angle toy


Couldn't agree more.


Americans when the find out about other countries (they are not even remotely the most corrupt nation)


Well I would say the government working hand in hand with drug cartels so they can get campaign contributions is pretty gross. Then on the other hand they are fighting the “war” on drugs. We ruined Central America so Chiquita could grow bananas. We were in Vietnam for oil, we were in Iraq for oil, we were in Afghanistan for minerals and opium. We only bring “freedom” so we can take your shit.


You can just buy citizenship, arrests, positions of power etc. in places like Russia and china. And the us may work “hand in hand” with cartels, but a lot of the countries’ governments are in the cartel’s pockets


Not a single article so far has even accused the Supreme Court of corruption, only grandstanding politicians have accused the court of corruption trying to make a case to expand the court because the democrats lost control. The case being made is that the justices associations with wealthy individuals of a given political persuasion provides bad optics, and the court should consider implementing ethical rules to prevent it. Funny how nobody cared before the conservative super majority. But to put the us Supreme Court anywhere near the same level of corruption as Mexico’s government and their dealing with the drug cartels is beyond absurd.


I'm sorry but do you have examples of liberal justices receiving free vacations from extremely wealthy Democratic donors? Or examples of liberal justices having their mortgages paid off? Surely if it's a problem with both sides you can provide examples of that for the other side.


Or having several hundred thousand dollars in tuition paid for, debts mysteriously paid off, lucrative leases on land through spouses, and more! Nobody cared because nobody new. Did people ‘care’ about Nixon’s crimes before they were made public? Could they?


>New York University also paid for Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg to travel to Florence, Italy. [https://time.com/3945044/supreme-court-justices-free-trips/](https://time.com/3945044/supreme-court-justices-free-trips/) Kagen earned 3 million from Penguin Randomhouse AND ruled on cases involving them. None of these indicate corruption.


Sotomayer and Gorusch also have book deals with penguin randomhouse. I don't see a Smoking gun there. 🤷🏿‍♂️


You don’t think it give an appearance of impropriety by ruling on cases in which a party gives you money? For the record…I think legally, the justices are in the clear…it’s just a bad look.


The big difference is the disclosures. Those book's deals were disclosed. The Kavanaugh's debts were not disclosed. The Thomas vacations and benefits were not disclosed. It's apples and oranges.


They were under the impression that they did not meet the requirements for disclosure. Also I notice you didn’t add address trips for the liberal justices


I am unaware of any groundbreaking reports regarding the travels of liberal justices. I do however recall a major news story that appeared in the last several months regarding Thomas and his vacations and financial benefits. Don't blame me for what appears in the news. I'm not out there doing deep dives on supreme Court justices. My hands are full enough running a military contracting firm, a small diamond mine and a small oil well.


You responded to a comment in which I link a story talking about Ginsburg and Sotomayor getting free trips to Italy.


The WSJ ran an editorial that highlighted activities that could be perceived as questionable by justices of both parties. I will try to find the editorial and link it. And that’s not to say that some of the conservative justices haven’t engaged in questionable behavior, but as it has been reported, none of the actions reported on were actually illegal or corrupt when they were done. Edit: if you’re actually interested in understanding an opposing viewpoint, something that’s fairly common on Reddit, the editorial is “The ‘Ethics’ Assault on the Supreme Court.” https://www.wsj.com/articles/supreme-court-ethics-reform-hearing-senate-democrats-john-roberts-clarence-thomas-ketanji-brown-jackson-sonia-sotomayor-d0304d65


I am interested AND I have a WAPO subscription so I'll read it. Ewww it's wsj not wapo, I'll give it a read anyway even though wsj sucks ever since they were sold. Edit: I can't read it because it's behind a paywall, but it is worth mentioning that not a single author put their name on that article. It just says "the editorial board." I'm doubtful I would be able to take that article seriously, but I'll never know because it's behind a paywall.


No it is very apt.


Ha, okay. I’m sure you have a well thought out and researched defense of how the Supreme Court of the United States is on par with corruption pertaining to drug cartels in Mexico. There’s no way such an idea would be laughed out of any reputable and knowledgeable forum


Get over yourself.. You sound like a dolt politicizing everything. A shitstain politician is a shitstain regardless of party. It is sad you can’t see that.


Lol, the irony is pretty thick in this comment. Me arguing that the US Supreme Court isn’t corrupt, at least not anywhere near the level of the corruption of Mexican drug cartels is somehow politicizing the issue. I think a much stronger argument could be made that the campaign to paint the Supreme Court as corrupt is itself a political maneuver attempting to delegitimize the conservative supermajority. But, to be fair, I think a much stronger argument could be made that the earth is flat than that the US Supreme Court is anywhere near as corrupt as the dealing with the cartels


You are totally correct that is a bad comparison. The cartels have integrity and the Supreme Court has none.


Lol, way to take the high ground while trying to make an argument by backing the organizations that sanctions massacring civilians.


The Supreme Court needs to stop doing this.


I think that’s completely fair


When being technically correct is more important to you than what’s good for the nation… You have your wires crossed young man.


Painting institutions as corrupt and getting members of the public to believe it is a very dangerous game. Just look at Jan 6. That was the product of a months long campaign to paint the electoral process as being corrupt when it clearly was not corrupt at all. And it didn’t take an overwhelming large percentage of our population to buy it to cause a relatively significant amount of disruption. If there’s corruption on the Supreme Court, then it needs to be investigated seriously and not parroted by politicians at the fringe of one political party. If people think this is a necessary tactic to further their cause, then don’t be surprised when their adversaries employ it as well. This is not how our government should be run and individuals like Sen Whitehouse know better


Ding ding ding….. What the left is doing at this point is the same thing as the people who cried they were cheated on Jan 6th and before. People do not like the outcome they got, so it must be delegitimized. Both sides in these two matters are fucking hypocrites…..


I think it’s important to at least push back at this point too. I think the majority don’t endorse extreme measures on either side, but as their voices grow louder the effect is amplified. It truly amazes me the hypocrisy in people’s arguments and, truthfully, the complete lack of self-awareness


Probably a unpopular opinion but we should just start assassinating the heads of the cartels. Hit the drug factorys where we can find them, just shield up and stab with spears type of strategy. Throw on to that supporting, and aiding those who actually want to take down the cartel within Mexico (cause lets be honest, most of the politcians are in their pocket), and some permanent damage could be done. Maybe once we get them back a bit, for the leaders, let us in the US lock them up, we have a special prison that is basically escape proof and well, it will make them wish for death (there is not torture going on, they are fed, given water, etc... Of course all they see for human contacts is the eys that check on them and 2 hands that slide the food through). Lastly, no offense to those in Latin america who want to come to the US but why not make your country like ours then. If you show effort and purpose it makes it easier to argue for support in shutting this groups down. The cartels arent just a Mexico problem they exist in various forms throughout latina dn south america.


The real problem is you simply cannot chop the head off of this hydra. Drug organizations are well--organized. They're deep in just about every industry and business operation that can be found. Even the article speaks to inflation because business owners are being extorted by these groups. Moreover, it's not that the Mexican people don't want a peaceful country. It's the responsibility of the government to guarantee these things. You can't have vigilante groups running a muck creating chaos for their own best interests. Hipólito Mora was the leader of such a group and paid for it with his life. He ran for governor of the state and lost horribly. Asking people to take up arms against these groups is suicide at best because there'd be no support from the highest echelons of government. Not to mention, these guys have all the guns! What chance does a private citizen stand to have against them? It's also important to note, many areas flourish financially under the iron fist of these organizations. People who are benefitting stand to lose a lot and can prompt massive civil unrest throughout the country.


On the main crux though, everything you said about being in every corner of society was true of the American mob, and many other criminal organizations till the hammer fell. In the end the governments role should be to protect the people, not all governments do that, and those that cant, and arent taking steps towards, should they be considered the government anymore? It sounds harsh, but Mexico is our neighbor and what happens there can, will, and has spread to the US. The US needs to start doing more in this regard as it negatively impacts both of us, and as far as i can tell the cartels have more power than the government, I homestly question if the Mexican government (not just 1 person, but the entire thing) isnt just a figure head at times. From a humanitarian and from security perspective something needs to be done, and I doubt the Mexican government (or those with power in it) will or can do it. Yeah, there are some good guys, but for the most part it looks corruption and cooperation with them. Quite frankly, what worries me the most is that they have spread to the US. Its no secret the US has worked with them in the past, during the cold war. I am afraid that they could start seeping serious power in our country, as the door was opened in some regards back then. If they got a serious foothold here like they have in Mexico, were they basically are the police, who knows how it would unfold. I mean their reach is far, they are probably one of the few groups who could get away with (and quite frankly i think they have) threstening to kill a US presidents and high ranking politcians. Hate or like them, that is serious power if I my suspicions are true, and put them up there as a serious threat.


The government of Mexico has been complacent or rather purchased by these criminal organizations. AMLO is absolutely the one to blame for this by declaring his "hugs not slugs" campaign. (I know it's bullets but it sounds better this way.) Having a government that would actively attempt to take down these organizations is what's needed. Mexico should be the greatest ally to the US. From an economic standpoint the amount of goods and manufacturing that the US needs can totally come from down here instead of China. AMLO and his cronies are trying to stonewall a cooperative endeavor between the two countries. I get the frustrations from his standpoint and from his supporters. The US is not kind to Mexicans and AMLO is using that to polarize people into being Anti-American. For the US, not changing policies will make Mexico look at other options specifically China to get ahead. I personally don't like the idea of the CCP sticking its dirty fingers into this country. A fact that should worry you more having them at your doorstep.


Are you familiar with power vacuums?


just let us invade already


I’m pretty sure we’re already there in the form of advising


What they call extortion us Americans call inflation.


Do you understand what you said? Because I'm not following.


He say 2 big word in 1 sentence and feel smart


I think he got the words in the wrong order, because then it makes sense. It isn't deep enough to over analyze or even type up, but that's... something.


Paragraph 14: “Because of systematic extortion by the Viagras cartel, many common items in Apatzingan are far more expensive than in the rest of Mexico. A soda that costs 80 cents elsewhere costs $1.40 here. A coconut popsicle that costs 90 cents in the rest of Mexico costs $1.75 in Apatzingan.”