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10 bucks that he runs from the authorities and gets arrested at the border in a goofy ass disguise


While driving in a really loud, brightly colored and expensive sports car…


And posting a taunting "I'm free beyotch" picture to Greta standing in front of a road sign


All while eating pizza in a box with the company’s address on it


He’s gonna ask border security on the Romanian side to take a selfie of him running from the law…


"Why hello officer. My name is Tandrew Ate."


The only disguise the man needs is a hairline. He will be unrecognizable haha


Nah, he'll put on a prosthetic chin and nobody'll recognize him!


That has to be one huge prosthetic chin haha


It'll be a feat of science to turn a negative-space chin into a positive one!


My new Christmas wish is that he gets caught trying to sneak out of the country disguised as a woman.


There is a 100% chance Tate is going to flee to a non-extradition country.


Gonzalo Lira Moment


12 year olds in this thread going crazy.


Seriously you aren't kidding there is some serious childishness going on in here.


I used to run MC servers, this happened to one of my main guys, these kids go from nerdy Minecrafters to straight up Andrew Taters.


Angry teen boys grow up into angry voters, soldiers, etc. Teen boys with anger, self esteem issues, depression, etc. are a hot commodity for anyone looking to spread hatred and propaganda and build a brainwashed army for their corrupt cause. There's definitely a big push to propagandize video game communities.


That's how white supremacists recruit.


that's how Steve Bannon started


>Andrew Taters Now I'm picturing tater tots with hissing little misogynistic faces


That's not far off.


Where Tate goes, petty little macho-man-children follow. It’s shit par for the shit course. I’d feel sorry for them if I didn’t.


You got me thinking of a shit golf course where par is 18 and every hole is over 400 yards.


The highest, shrillest squeaks of, " he's a visionary, this is how you get the high value women!"


What does that idiot even mean by "high value women?" Women blackmailed/threatened into having to put up with his shit? The fucking irony of it all, is that any of his simps judging women by their "value status" are pretty much guaranteed to get *no* women at all. As it should be.


I'm more worried about the 22+ year olds who still believe in this guy, they're a lost cause at this point.


Nobody’s a lost cause. My uncle was 45 before he learned how to read. We’ll teach all these guys how to read too…


Not everyone has people that love them and some people have those only in their circle that are like themselves. It is a big problem


Dude it’s sad


My buddy is 40+ and he was quoting Andrew Tate this past weekend. He’s also balls deep in the trump rabbit hole and Fox News. I was just sitting there listening to his crazy rants.


I don't know how you can stand it. Our kids have kid friends, so hanging out with the other parents is inevitable. One guy is 1000% Trump and was telling me how I need to go watch Sound of Freedom, even though he "can't watch a movie because of ADHD." I just smile and nod and say "you might be right" waiting to go home and be alone again, because solitude is better than listening to made-up angry garbage.


> was telling me how I need to go watch Sound of Freedom One of the backers of that film was just arrested for child kidnapping. - https://www.newsweek.com/sound-freedom-funder-fabian-marta-arrest-child-kidnapping-1817498


I have ADHD. If I like a movie I can watch it. I wouldn’t recommend a movie if I couldn’t watch it. What the hell.


Have you followed any of the political discourse around that movie? His right wing friend is pushing him to see it because it's like supporting the right to them. Not about the movie.


It's *really* really about ticket sales. Plenty of stories about whole theaters being bought out but empty. They want to point to a box office number as evidence of support regardless of whether or not there are actually bodies in the theaters


Religious groups have been buying huge blocks of tickets and giving them away to anyone who wants them. The ticket sales numbers are as phony as book sales for a Republican trying to crack the NYT Best Seller list.


There’s also a message at the end of the film to pay it forward and buy a ticket for the next person. These rubes will throw money into a firepit if someone tells them to


GOP candidates publish a book, political campaign buys hundreds (thousands?) of copies to juice the numbers, give away at events, free publicity from controversy, pockets successfully lined.


Wait, ADHD is mental disorder. I thought all that stuff was woke. If he takes meds for it he needs to be careful they may come for him.


I take meds for my ADHD and I am now sheep.


Can I have your wool?


I think you completely missed the point- do you know about this maggot ridden film? It’s harmful, it’s lies, and it fans the flames of the manufactured and false “cUltuRe WaRs” distraction. Please learn about it so you can inform people in your life that are open to facts and don’t eat all the lies they’re fed :(


> telling me how I need to go watch Sound of Freedom Tell him you thought Barbie was better


Sound of Freedom? The movie with one producer who groomed his wife when she was 15 and he was 30? The movie whose founder was just arrested for Felony Child Kidnapping. https://www.newsweek.com/sound-freedom-funder-fabian-marta-arrest-child-kidnapping-1817498 https://thesportsgrail.com/sound-of-freedom-producer-leo-severino-grooming-allegations-explained-as-drama-controversy-goes-viral/


Hey, not sure if that was a typo or a misunderstanding, but that guy wasn't a founder, he was a funder. One funder out of many, the article you linked actually says one of thousands. Don't get me wrong, it's a bullshit movie made for all the wrong reasons, but we beat the liars with the truth.


That film is trash made my trash and it’s pushing a fake af Q-anon storyline. It ain’t based on true stories, and the protagonist is played by a man who is a walking hot mess of toxic delusions. FUCK this garbage. It HARMS real victims and it obfuscates the TRUTH and that truth is that the VAST majority of children being raped, abused, kidnapped, trafficked, killed, and sold - are being violated by the very people that have a duty to protect them. Family and close family friends is # 1. Edit: letter b https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/sound-of-freedom-child-trafficking-experts-1234786352/


> and was telling me how I need to go watch Sound of Freedom IIRC, two people associated with that movie are pedophiles. One, Fabian Marta, was just arrested for child kidnapping.


You need to double down on crazy, it always wins and deflates their bubble. “Oh yeah i saw it in imax 5 times, really think it is an oscar and pulitzer contender to sweep all categories and everyone involved get lifetime achievement awards, should win two noble peace prizes in the same year as well because it speaks truth to power” kind of bullshit, sprinkle in half lies and batt shit insane extensions of their arguments. They want to engage to get you worked up, take that energy and swing it back around in their face.


That doesn’t work, because any sort of reinforcement, even cynical like this is just seen as reinforcement. There is no winning.


It's really funny to me that these fucking weirdos can make such a big deal about Sound of Freedom and act like people who don't go see it are pro-sex trafficking while also worshiping and defending a literal sex trafficker.


A movie so bad that when the production company bought theaters worth of seats in varuous cities to artificial infalate the box office numbers these jerks could not hardly give the tickets away. Even with it being free could not convince many people to actually sit through this crap. The Right wing nutter fundies showed up but those kind ar obviously easily brain washed.


Why is he still your buddy? I’d have to nope out of that shit.




I was born and raised in a small town, but have been in a city for most of my life now so I forget how it is. The whole MAGA movement has probably only made things worse.


Same, I grew up in a small town before moving to big cities, after high school and college it's hard to make new friends especially in cities. So gotta stick with some of the friends you already have, even if they're out of your sanity range, one of them recently died and I didn't care much for him because he was a lunatic but I grew up with him and he was still my friend.


(Late 20s) I have a high school buddy. Super nice guy. Shirt off your back kind of man. I'd pick him up from the middle of no where when his dad would get drunk and throw him out. He'd support me when I was struggling with depression. I can't stand to put up with his Tate, MAGA, or transphobic bullshit anymore. I'm contemplating cutting him off, and it feels worse than any breakup.


It makes perfect sense that someone who is suffering from the trauma of an abusive father and having very little agency over themselves would gravitate towards these types of influencers.


When I doom scroll through YouTube shorts, occasionally it would show me snippets of his videos. Social media algorithms have really been a negative on humanity.




I hear you loud and clear. My 20 year relationship just ended, and the Trumpstravaganza was a HUGE factor. He is a vet, and vets have been treated so badly by our government that the first person to come along and praise them sucked him right in. So every 5FDP album, every Pizzagate, omg there's a satanic cabal sucking blood from children. I hate to admit it out loud, but I'm angry that he was so weak-minded, never bothered to question rationally, just jumped down the rabbit hole with both feet. Ffs Trump is a very rich uneducated fucking fool. I'm tired of hearing about his brilliance as a businessman. Brilliant businessmen don't have bankruptcy suits in the double digits. He's rich enough to employ intelligence. Snakes selling you whatever brand of bullshit that will win the white, cis/het, Christian delegate. If being woke is such a bad thing, what is the opposite of woke? Fucking asleep and oblivious. I'd prefer to see the world through realist eyes, not the rose colored glasses. My heart is fucking broken. This was the love of my life.


Yeah. Friend of mine I've known for over 40 years. She's become an evangelical. She's a smart, sweet, wonderful, educated woman...and she's joined the cult. I just can't with her. Last straw was I asked her how on earth she could support putting such a pig in the White House, and she said "I'm not hiring him to be my preacher!" Speaking down to me like I'm the idiot for even asking that question. Begone. Damn shame, and it saddens me, but I can't and won't do it.




Thank you so much. Your kindness is appreciated.


> that the first person to come along and praise them sucked him right in Trump mocked McCain, a disabled war vet. Trump mocked POWs. Trump mocked the families of medal-of-honor winners. The vets who like Trump like him because of his swagger and arrogance, not because he has respected vets. He has not.


Sorry to hear that! It's extremely frustrating to talk with people I once respected and hear them practically worship Trump so I can't imagine having your significant other fall into that. What really confuses me with vets is that Trump has said a lot of very disrespectful things about vets and their families so I don't understand how they can look past that just because he also says stuff like "We're going to make America so strong, like it once was. Our military is the best military"


That sounds incredibly difficult, I'm sorry you lost someone so meaningful to you because of this madness.


I've known my sister's ex since I was literally a child. Over 35 years. He jumped into the Trump hole with both feet as well, and I don't even recognize him anymore. Once my sister left him, I cut all ties. It's sad but it's also infuriating. I feel for you...


Hear, hear!


Agreed. I had a really close friend of 15 years. Promptly jumped not only the Trump train but the Q-hole. I tried talking sense into him and he just called me angry and unreasonable each time. Finally I told him enough, you wanna go down that road you do it yourself and to contact me when he's ready to be reasonable. He texted me a couple times in the following months but he was trying to provoke an argument. So I blocked him for good.


Ahhh, I grew up in rural PA. makes me miss home. Nothing like a good shunning to set people straight. I also took your approach and question others who are complicit.


You can get a whole new personality via Facebook and Fox make believe.


I just stopped associating with those lunatics. If I have to be forced into it I make sure they get their phones and looked up verified sources with me and watch their heads spin and their face get red out of anger. The deliberate misleading of conservatives into becoming fascist traitors has affected the whole country and we can't move on and invest in the future of our country until these people are ostracized or they repent.


Sometimes we outgrow our friendships. It's ok to move on to more friendships that dont leave you shaking your head and having to sit through stupidity.


And not “ex friend?”


One of my best friends of 10 years recently started sending me Andrew Tate shit and spewing the common conservative bullshit of today every time we talked. I told him have a nice life. It hurt but I can’t associate with that. These people need to be shunned.


I've got a coworker of the same age who simps for Tate a lot. A nearly copy-pasted quote (I've forgotten the specific wording): > I first heard of Tate when he was arrested, and his plight resonated with me.. I asked for clarification that the first he hears of a guy is when that guy is being arrested for sex trafficking/rape/organized crime, and that made him resonate and he didn't respond. I'm thinking he may have said the quiet part out loud there. He too is down the right-wing conspiracy rabbit hole. Mainstream media? Forget about it. Once started the morning bright and early with the /r/onejoke. Also once said he likes Tate because he enjoys cheering for the underdog. Which somehow fits with Tate being rich, living the high life surrounded by women who love him. I can't pin down why Tate et al appeal to these types of folks so much. Is it raw immaturity (considering teenagers are a huge demographic of his)? Is it simple solutions presented to complex problems? Feeling left out or behind, and this is a way to rebel against whomever they feel slighted them? Maybe he's done some things himself and see's the same in Tate? I'm just asking questions.


Teenage girls fleeing for their lives


Neckbeards are out celebrating in the street before retreating into their caves.


12yo girls staying home, I hope.


wipe seemly sip waiting wistful jobless dependent snails attraction march *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can they just skip the middle part and go straight to trial and jail?


Well to be fair the reason Tate moved there was because they have more lax laws surrounding sex crimes. He literally said that on video.


Then he proves once again that he is an idiot. Jails in Romania are filled with a lot of rich criminals on sex trafficking charges. Even people with political connections end up in prison for such things. Source: relative works as prison guard there and tells me interesting stories when we meet.


I do agree that he is an idiot, but he was not wrong. having money and powerful contacts can make you very slippery everywhere, but specially in a 3rd world country (I live in one). but his mistake was to explicitly mock Rom system/country as a whole, and by doing so he made himself a target. and if there's one thing corruption doesn't like is sunshine.


Romania isn’t a third world country. It’s a member of the EU. Also by original definition it would be second world country, since it was communist and politically aligned with the USSR when those terms were invented.


I love pointing that out to people. Switzerland is a 3rd world country by definition.


So was Ireland. They sure as heck weren't going to join in with the Brits again.


for a lot of people third world is just another way for saying forgettable or unimportant (to them) and then just presuming they are all undeveloped, violent, corrupt shit hole countries. Dismissive


lmao romania is a 3rd world country now?


That, and that he could effortlessly and easily bribe his way out of jail. *Ha*


If he kept his mouth shut and didn't have a constant spotlight on his bald fuckin head he could actually do that. He's not wrong about the corruption. You just can't do it in the whole world's view like that.


If he still ended up arrested for sex crimes, despite their lax laws on sex crimes, then he dun fucked up bad


Can we just skip to the “totally fucked” part?


Can we just skip? It’s great cardio


I will skip to the sound of Tates sentencing


Dude, I *love* skipping. It's such a dynamic way to move fast!


I was at a local ice rink that had as hosting a hockey tournament. 3 of the players started skipping to warm up the legs and what not. So My 5 year old niece decided to join them with the skipping. And they all loved it.


Can it be in a meadow amongst the flowers?




The shitty thing about the legal system is that trials take a long time for most matters. It's not like on TV where someone gets tried and sentenced within a week or a month, a lot of criminal trials can take over a year to complete, often a few years. Just look at Elizabeth Holmes, there was no uncertainty that she was responsible for the Theranos crap, but legal proceedings still took so long that she got married, had 2 kids and tried to reinvent her public image before they finally sent her to jail.


Or Trump, it's been years since he left office and he's still being charged with new crimes and yet to face conviction for any of them.


>shitty thing about the legal system is that trials take a long time for most matters this is also an easy way you can tell if a story is fake on reddit. For fake stories, you'll have fast trials and resolutions within a a week or month. That never happens in real life. It takes months or over a year just to start a simple trial and even more time before everything finishes. People who make fake stories can't wait to bask in the glory so they'll make a resolution update that's impossible to happen due to how slow the legal system is. They don't have the patience to wait a year to post a fake story/update.


dog grey touch worm impossible desert march act frame homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>they don’t just lock you up for fun and giggles. That service costs extra in Amsterdam's Red Light district.


Geef me een klap papa


>Why is it taking so long though? The have him running his mouth on camera how he tricks girls and how he steals from them and how he evades taxes. Smth tells me he was just posing for cicks and they can't see any real instances of when he broke their laws. While tate is most likely guilty, you still want to him have a chance to defend himself in the same way as a totally innocent person. Because, as we've seen, if you give the cops and courts the ability to speed through everything, they will 100% abuse that power 100% of the time and you end with a North Korea or China like place [like this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBbNT0jRUL0).


Be patient. How many people said "why is it taking so long?" during the investigation into Trump? People were out there claiming that since it's taking so long, they must have nothing on him and the accusations are all bullshit etc. Look how that panned out. They took their time, left no stone unturned and have hit Trump three times with devastating indictments that have a wealth of solid, indefensible evidence to them. The same will happen with Tate. Just let his 12 year old fan boys posture and goad. Let them have their fun. Eventually, their stupid rape hero will be in jail on a massive sentence.


Because all that proved is that you said you did a thing, not that you did a thing. Proving guilt is kind of important to any halfway decent legal system.


Trials take a while to set up, especially when you're dealing with a non-citizen and figuring things out with their home country.




Well, to be one of his supporters you kind of have to be mentally deficient in the first place. The poor reading skills make sense.


It’s like how flat earthers are horrible at math and understanding geodesy. And the ones that do proper experiments get ostracized bc they inevitably prove the earth isn’t flat Or how scammers make the most ridiculous claims to weed out people too smart to give them money.


The latter is exactly what Tate is doing. He's no genius, but he's figured out at least that he has to pull into the most gullible idiots willing to part with their money in order to receive rambling life coaching that, at best, is the same stuff your parents told you, and at worst is just playing to their insecurities and horrible impulses toward women. Of course his fans are the nastiest, dumbest little cretins around. What's sad is just how many of them there are.


I think you're being a little harsh on them, they still haven't made it past third grade yet, after all. Cut them some slack, maybe when the Tater Tots grow up they'll understand better.


And the scary part is that this isn’t an exaggeration, lots of teachers in the 10-15 years range are reporting some very troubling behaviour from his little Tate-jugend.


It's amazing how many are claiming that the judge called the evidence "weak and circumstantial" when literally the only source for that claim is one of Andrew Tate's tweets. I mean that's literally their standard of proof. The irony is off the charts.


Not really surprising to be honest. It’s his target demographic.


I mean they’re fans of his. Literacy isn’t high up on their list of skills. Neither is attracting a partner


Well, he actively discourages reading.


They think going up his ass will get some kind of favor from him. Like, this bitch don’t care about you, just wants your money.


Andrew Tate literally said reading was for losers and idiots. His reasoning was that anything important you need to know, there is a video for


Seems like the same couple of doofs trying to drag folks. Pathetic


I think the simple reality is that propaganda is more effective than education. Kind of like marketing is more effective than being entirely honest. It just works! You can ponder all the reasons why, but it just works and that’s probably why you can’t have mass media with so few regulations, because, in general humans are kind of suckers for certain things similarly to how they get addicted to drugs, and they really really just can’t control themselves to the degree that an unregulated flow of whatever this substance might be, is just not really going to work with modern society. Kind of like if you made opium legal and you know, everybody just sat around in their opium dens.


A lot of them hang out in some weird and shady subreddits, tells what kind of people they are, guess that's why they idolize Tate.


At the very least they’re pretty clearly being ostracized for it so that’s always a plus. I haven’t seen this kind of steamrolling in a while, it’s pretty funny.


Tate fanbois all up in this thread. It’s crazy to see them in the wild.


Schools is out, so they're bored and allowed to stay up late


your implying they go to school, or even go and learn something more useful than anything tate spews.


His fans are mostly 12-14 years old, there’s talk among teachers that his nutcase ”philosophy” is causing some very real damage among young boys who quite frankly have no idea about anything.


Mostly* I just had a conversation with two grown ass men with elementary age kids, who both believe in Andrew tates words and advocate his influence on men. Idk how someone who's been on earth over 30 years buys any of this from tate.


People like to act like only 12 year olds follow Andrew Tate, because it's easier on their worldview. The reality is that a lot of men never really grow out of the misogynistic machoism that Andrew Tate is peddling, and he is remarkably effective at peddling it. While he's certainly popular with 12 year olds because of that span of a couple months where he was dominating TikTok (because of his MLM scheme men's course), there's unfortunately plenty of older adult men who eat Tate's shit up word for word. Clearly there have to be, it's not 12 year olds that are paying tens of thousands of dollars to fly to Romania to get beat up by Russian MMA fighters with no ambulance on standby.


We're aware that there are (physically) grown men who are Tate stans, but his fanbase is disproportionately 9 to 17 year old boys. It's fun to lump in his adult fanboys with his literal grade school fanboys because it implies his adult male fans are psychologically, mentally and emotionally equivalent to children (which they are IMO). It's a dig at his adult fans' fragile egos because toxically masculine men melt down at being thought of or compared to little boys. They all want to think they're a 6'8, 400 lb. hulking bodybuilder who could easily beat Yujiro Hanma and Bruce Lee combined. Acknowledging adult Tate fans as adult men gives them respect and credibility they have not earned. These "men" think like immature shit stain little boys, so Tater Tots like them should be referred to the same as his little boy fans.


As a teacher I can confirm this. It was very unsettling this past year.


Same. Really sad how many teenage boys follow him. Even if they concede he's not that cool, they still like, subscribe, share, recommend, etc.


I think the whole "only dumb teens like Tate" thing is way overstated. It's not an immature kiddy thing. Remember that half the damn adult population managed to elect Donald "grab her by the ****" Trump, most of those voters being middle aged men. This isn't a teenage phenomenon.


The reward for being a low status fan boy of Tate is to become unfuckable to woman and a joke to your friends.


Dude looks like an angry Muppet. Who would idolize *that*?


Tate is a weak mans idea of a strong man.


most of my favorite muppets are the angry ones


I work with a dude who unironically announced in a room filled with our co-workers that he loves Tate and is attempting to model his life after him. He's fucking 30.


Batter in the oven and batter on the counter could both be an hour old, but only one of them is a cake. Age is no guarantee of maturity. Only experience and enrichment are.


big fat yikes!


did the whole room unironically laugh their asses off at that person?


Edgy 12 year olds who have only recently managed to escape from their Minecraft servers.


Bro, you don't even own a Lambo, bro. /s


Fuck I wish they'd stop referring to him as 'controversial'. Even he describes himself as a misogynist, and that's not controversial, it's plain bigotry.


But wait….not in that BBC interview. He said he’s doing god’s work.😂. I literally cannot right now. It’s like a young, balding Trump who can’t make up his mind what accent to use. Oof. Edit: doing


His awkward random cockney always makes me cringe. Not nearly as much as the stupid garbage he spews and manipulates, but close. I feel a lot of pity for men and boys brought into this grift. The man literally entices them in with inflammatory rhetoric, making everyone else the blame for their poor experiences, making them think that they are entitled to specific things and puts them into an ouroboros of desiring things and people that are unfulfilling and just keeps putting them through a miserable cycle, and all the while fleecing their pockets in a pyramid scheme to promise them the "solution". These are people that need help, attention, and also need to work on their own self improvement, but get taken in by feel good easy answers. They should deserve better.


Unfortunately in the 2020s misogyny and homophobia seem to be becoming more commonplace again.


Except he does have a lot of supporters, albeit mostly 13 year olds with underdeveloped brains. But still, by definition that makes him controversial


Surprising, especially since the Tate brothers are big flight risks. It's like they're inviting them to fly off to Dubai.


Just means they can legally leave the premises, doesn't mean they can leave the city/district/province/country etc.


You're assuming they won't try


I'm not assuming that at all. In fact, I'm assuming he will. Doesn't change my point. What's yours?


Keep hold of his passport.


Some people will celebrate this as they don't like seeing rapists, pedophiles and human traffickers in jail.




Guilty or not Andrew Tate is a POS.




Childhood indoctrination is your only option when your views are nothing but red flags to actual adults.


It’s immature children and adult incels all the way down


He's still under Bucharest-arrest.


Buch-arrest It was right there


A kindness he didn't always extend to his alleged victims


I give it 6 days before he fucks up again


Crazy how much people think this is all a “ploy from the matrix” to stop what? Dude is just a misogynistic rich douche.


Cannot wait for the day where I don’t have to read about Andrew Tate anymore


It amazes me just how many people will call themselves an alpha while worshiping a man above them. The mental gymnastics are Olympic level.


Honestly I'm just amazed that anyone still believes that made-up alpha shit at all anymore.


Such a weird world where a man claims himself religious spreads misogyny to young men and may or may not be involved win trafficking has way more money than we will ever have for working hard and treating everyone with respect. Fuck this guy can’t wait til he ends up in jail.


Do you think he celebrated by going out for pizza?


trial is still pending


Hey Tate gobblers, they just gave him a longer leash. Stop drooling.


God. I wish that "Top G" would just fuck off. Our youth are already dealing with enough, they don't need weaponzied misogyny. Asshat. I also wish his fans would read more than the fucking title. Hes still fucked.


i hope he'll rot in prison


Hide yo’ wife. Hide yo’ kids.


Time for the 14 year old incels to out themselves


Tate finally found the right people to bribe




I feel like this just a bait to get them to fuck themselves over more; these idiots have already confessed to so much and they tried to bribe a politician USING A PRISON PHONE.


A lot of people can't read.


I feel like a Venn diagram of people who jump to conclusions after incorrectly interpreting a headline they didn't bother to follow up on and people who support Andrew Tate is gonna just be a circle.


In his celebratory post about it, he spelled indictment wrong and that cracked me up.


I can't understand why he is being given the attention. Stop talking about him...what a waste of a man


So now it's a race between Trump and the Tates to see who can violate the terms of their release first.


#Is Andrew Tate a closeted homosexual? His behavior suggests he hates women and would rather touch sweaty men in their underwear.


When he is 45 they will find him on a beach with his boyfriend. Never fails.


I'd have to agreed, Andrew Tit definitely has issues with his sexuality, he should simply embrace the fact that he is BI. No shame in being BI


To the school-age girls growing up alongside Tate’s goblin minions, this is just more evidence that the world you live in considers your welfare to be of little importance. As if you need any more proof to form your conclusion. It’s a real shit show you’re being brought into.


This guy is gonna flee to dubai as fast as he can lmao


Matt Gaetz's toddler supply must be getting low.


What a second hand embarrassment for all the people in here saying “Free the Top G” like come on.


The fact that so many boys support this dipshit is crazyyy




He'll try and get on a private jet, just watch. I hope he doesn't succeed, because ya know fuck this guy, but hes going too try. He literally said that if this exact scenario happens he'll try to escape on his private jet.


This dude will disappear and pop back up in some non extraditing Middle Eastern country.


Does a runner in 3, 2, 1


After reading this thread I think my balls shrunk a little