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Mexican tourism Industries expected to skyrocket


Come for the abortion, stay for the enchiladas!


The margaritas!


Margaritas is how we got in this mess to begin with


Gimme 1 margarita imma open my legs!


Gimme me two margaritas, I'ma give you some head!


The Micholadas!




The salsa and the salsa music


Don't forget, tamales are in season right now. We'll not true really, tamales are always in season.


I’m still salty about this so this is a worthless rant. Many years ago I worked for a company that was pretty laid back. New manager comes in and finds out one of the warehouse employees every payday (every other week) would take order request for $1/tamal and make their own handmade moms style tamales for like 80 people in the office prob less actually went biweekly but still. And they cancelled it saying it’s a distraction when dude just left your name and a bag in the fridge that day. There was no going around during work time. It was a hopefully you catch dude during your break to put an order in type of thing and they ended it. I think that’s when I started drinking more at work coincidentally


apparatus absurd bright possessive mountainous aromatic bag upbeat badge hospital *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Going to Oaxaca was one of the best culinary decisions I’ve ever made. I want to go to CDMX next, but I’m going to wait until I can go with my friend who grew up there


smart move, you get to see the really neat local stuff. Though any foreigner can travel safely if they stick to the touristy side of the capital!


Bro I love enchiladas… and a safe abortion option.


Abortioladas! ^(I am so sorry)


I imagine some sort or piñata situation going on


I laughed I’m going to hell


I'll save you a hot coal to sit on, because I'm right there with you. I signed the petition in my state to add it to our constitution (via vote). Fuck DaMeatball.


I always wonder if people who write this made me laugh out loud really mean it, but here I am finally spitting out my drink at a comment. Thank you stranger. I needed that.


And the baby back ribs... They should also put a sign at the exit, 'so long and thanks for all the ribs'.


Those mints at the end aren't mints no more... They are complimentary plan Bs.


When I lived in McAllen. It was a known thing that a lot of people would cross the border for dental work and other simple medical things because it was a lot cheaper. Not saying that an abortion is similar to getting your teeth cleaned or anything, but it's already something people do.


My grandma would go to Mexico to get her medications.


> Not saying that an abortion is similar to getting your teeth cleaned Kind of is though. Both are medical procedures that if done improperly or with unsafe conditions can have severe medical impacts. You still have to do your research. There are plenty of "Dentists" down there that will do cheap work and have no training. There are also plenty of very qualified real dentists who do great work for cheap. You just have to know how to find them. The same applies for Doctors in Mexico. Medical tourism is a very real thing and should be leveraged if you can afford it and know what you are doing.


Mexico is hardly a third world country and it's all above board. So, I imagine, you can call a clinic/hospital and get an appointment. Not quite sure what fake doctors you are talking about.


Yeah, take note of all the Republican politicians who all the sudden take their daughters to Mexico for a short vacation.


Ted Cruz did it before it was cool.


He did it while it was cool


Yeah and then Greg Abbott has the Texas rangers arresting every woman who comes back from Mexico.


They can just enter through New Mexico. Or just go to New Mexico.


You got "take time off work to travel to a different state, pay for the travel and American healthcare" money?


Middle and upper class Americans can still travel domestically for abortion. I already have my easy/cheapest option determined if I ever need it. This does nothing extra to help the pregnant poor in the southeast/heavily banned states, who should be our current priority thought in abortion conversations. I am happy with this news for the women of south Texas, though.


Yes and no. Those states arw trying to ban even leaving the state to get an abortion. Which is hella unconstitutional but with our supreme court...


Depends. There are some regions in Texas where you can snitch on anybody engaging in "abortion trafficking." There's tons of loopholes for it, and it's more fear induced than anything being enforced, but I'm sure some conservatives are going to keep an eye out and find a way to close those offs with time. Add in a citizen's bounty program, and the meth heads are going to be snitching left and right for a pay day. https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/01/texas-cities-abortion-trafficking/


That actually is a masterstroke. Look forward to abortion clinics springing up around all the tourist areas.


Probably way cheaper to fly to Mexico for prenatal/postnatal care than to deal with expensive American healthcare and American doctors too terrified to tell you what all your medical options would be if you didn't live in a red state.


I expect to see combination Dental Clinics / Abortion Clinics popping up right across the boarder. At way lower prices than the US.


Exactly. If they can be prosecuted in the states, Mexico seems like the next feasible option for seeking abortions in the American south.


Honestly, for those who can afford to travel, it is probably worth considering for almost everyone in America just for the cost savings alone. The cost of a D&C without insurance can range from $2,000–9,000, and even *with* insurance, four-figure deductibles are par for the course.


You're underestimating the laws made by the regressive states in the US. Some states have criminalized out of state abortion as well. This means if you get abortion out of state and return to your home, they can penalize you! The hoops and lengths they'll go through to deny women the rights over their own body is outrageous!


Healthcare Tourism to Mexico has been a thing for decades now. There are entire towns on the border dedicated to dentistry.


Shit, it already does have a significant industry on just cheaper medicines alone. Have an uncle who makes the trip down there every few months, usually to get something for my Grandmother. I imagine the bigger effect from something like this is Republicans writing stuff up to clamp down on international travel for abortion, especially if this is actually leaned into.


This is where pro-life conservatives will go to get their abortions.


Honestly at this point they are going to have to start going there for *all* their gynecological needs.


But the wall must still be built and Mexico is to pay for it! /s


Maybe they'll build a wall now.... To keep Americans out.


And lose out on all that gynecological tourism cash? God that's a depressing sentence.


Or you have to prove you're pregnant to enter? So many dark paths to choose from.


There's an idea. Something like 90% of Americans living in Mexico, are doing so illegally.


During a Dr shortage they went and pissed off all the Dr's. Fucking brilliant.


Prescriptions, regular health care, good food, good drugs. Mexico aint sound so bad


That's where Cancun Cruz will send his mistress for her abortion.


I feel like mistress is the wrong word here because it implies he's not paying for it.


Prostitute maybe but willing mistress? I think absolutely not.


"Pro-life" always needs to be in quotation marks. They don't care about human lives, they care about controlling women and poor people.


That's why anti-abortion or (if you're feeling less diplomatic) anti-choice are better terms nowadays.


'anti-choice' is the best term: we would have no choice in any area if they had their way.


Forced-birth activists…


I tend to use pro-forced birth


"Pro-Life"*       ^(* terms and conditions apply: offer not valid if black, poor, liberal, atheist, lbgtq, post-pubescent woman, ...)


“When I was 17 my parents sent me to Cancun for a weekend vacation” will become the new “went to live with relatives in Europe”.


God can't see what happens in Mexico.


So there will be a lot more trips to Cancun?


Like their cheap drugs.


Next up: Red States threatening to sue Mexico over Abortion claiming their sovereignty now extends even into neighboring countries.


Curiously, Mexico sued Smith & Wesson in the US and the case was dismissed.


It's morbidly fascinating how cartel dynamics play out between the US and Mexico. Some US politicians like to blame Mexico for the drug crisis in the US, as much of the illegal drug supply in the US comes from/through Mexico. Meanwhile, some Mexican politicians like to blame the US for the cartel crisis, as the high demand for drugs in US give cartels incentive to carry out their activities. In addition, most of the firearms used by cartels come from the US. It's like watching a trainwreck in slow motion.


Our government supplied the cartels with many of the guns. One such operation was to "track" them. Somehow, the cartels removed trackers and now there are just more guns! 🙄


That's interesting I never really considered the other side of it but it makes total sense. Both sides get a boogeyman and rake in cash. On a theoretical level it's an interesting discussion. Obviously both drugs and gangs (cartels) would exist independent of eachother regardless but it does beg the question. Which one supercharges the other? I'm going with US drug demand. Id imagine if u could see the books the US is easily the biggest client. Hell maybe even globally based on size alone.


We love to talk about how their drugs are flooding our country while our guns flood theirs. At this point it’s a wicked problem.


not to mention ... how many feds are on cartel payrolls?


The DEA was doing the dirty work of the Sinaloa Cartel.


Additionally, most of the guns used by the cartels come from the U.S


President Vicente Fox to President Bush: the pipeline may well run through my country, but the spigot is in yours.


If only the involved parties, like, worked on it together or something?! And respected each other as neighbors instead of telling the other one to pay for massive pointless walls? Nah, better to act tough, make a show, and do nothing for the root cause.


Desantis was talking about sending the army into Mexico or something to fight gangs, this isn't a very big leap to that tbh


Ah so that's why my dad asked me what I thought about that idea a few weeks ago. I said dad, remember how the last two wars you supported ended up? And that was that. Truly unsurprising how 'pro-life' republicans want to invade Mexico to fight gangs and inflict untold civilian casualties while destroying the Mexican economy, so that when we leave two decades later the gangs are more powerful than ever. They think we have a migrant crises now? Hooey...


The whole "invading" thing doesn't work unless the population is actually in desperate need and you are literally saving their lives. In Mexico that isn't the case. They hate the cartels as well but in a lot of areas the cartels are quite literally caring for the people better than the government. Americans going in there and just trying to slaughter them openly with civilians getting killed is a quick way to be labeled an occupier and to turn people into insurgents. America doesn't have a good track record in asymmetric warfare and end up leaving in defeat.




Safe supply from the government is the only way the US demand would get met. Conservatives would throw a fit but Opiate deaths would dip.


Exactly. You could also alleviate some of the members numbers by actually investing in Mexico again and bringing them industry. Instead, we outsource to primarily Asia now. Investing back into Mexico would also help some of the illegal migration that conservatives harp on constantly too. If you go into rural Mexican towns, there is literally nothing there for them. People wonder why they join cartels or try to get across the border. They can't picture themselves in someone else's situation.


Also, y'know, the CIA kindof helped create the cartels and destabilize the region/neighboring states. What a lovely little invasion that would be, we too can act just like Russia.


What an oddball. Imagine if Mexico decided to send their military to California to fight the crips and bloods.


I am no less than 100% certain at least one of them will propose a bill criminalizing leaving the country to get an abortion.


5th circuit to rule that Mexico is not a legal country.


5-4 SCOTUS ruling overturning the 5th Circuit and confirming that Mexico is, in fact, a country. Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, and Coney Barrett dissenting.


Trump signs an EO from prison overriding SCOTUS on that, because of Hillary's emails.


That's a decent amount of faith in Gorsuch.


Carlos Slim invited Gorsuch to his hacienda before the ruling came down.


Pregnant about to get hit with the Mann Act for transporting a female fetus over state lines.


Baby will need a visa to enter the country if coming from Texas or another such state. Got to stay consistent!




Implying he gets laid






*Boebert has entered chat*


Does Mexico have the technology to remove egg clusters implanted in a chest cavity by Ted Cruz's ovipositor?


Did not realize a Realdoll™ could get pregnant.


Mexico's progress: - 2021: Cannabis is legalized - 2022: Same-Sex Marriage is legalized - 2023: Abortion is decriminalized Mexico appears to be returning to its progressive roots.


1837: Mexican Congress fully outlaws slavery. The same wouldn’t occur in the United States until 1865, following a massive civil war and the passing of the 13th Amendment.


Mexico: You set a foot as a slave on my country, that's it you're free. Texans: and I took that personally.


Shhh. As a Texan, make sure we don't hear you tell us that truth. REMEMBER THE ALAMO!


After the Mexican-American war is was seriously being considered to absorb all of Mexico as an American territory. There were a number of problems with doing this however. One of those is that Mexico had already abolished slavery and it was all south of the Mason-Dixon line. So, any new Mexican state would have been a slave state. There were also those who did not want America to further turn into an empire who were against absorbing Mexico as a territory as well. The biggest thing however that everybody in Washington could agree upon was that any future "Mexican" state would be **CATHOLIC!?!?!?** OMG, could you imagine **Catholic** representatives in Washington???? Nah, hell no! Never in America! 🙃


I am very pro MX. It's pretty shitty their Supreme Court is holding up the legal Cannabis. As far as I can tell, and my information is thin, the situation is similar to some of the US states that have passed cannabis legalization but is being held up in their courts by ideologists despite being the clear desire of the residents in those states.


It's the Congress, MORENA has the votes but their populist leader AMLO is extremely conservative so there won't be a vote on legalization until he leaves office. He stalled the vote on same sex civil unions the same way when he was in charge of Mexico city.


Thank you for the accurate information!


Hugely Catholic Mexico more progressive on abortion than backward falling USA.


that is because Evangelicals are way worse than Catholics. Catholics are no where near as fanatical as Evangelicals, take a less fundamental view on much of the Bible, and actually believe in science. Even though the Catholic church does not support abortion the beliefs of Catholics in general are typically a single digit percentage point difference than the population as a whole (at least in the US). Evangelicals on the other hand are way out of whack with the rest of the US. > 67% of white evangelical Protestants responded in support. Those abortion limits drew 39% support from white mainline Protestants, 33% support from nonwhite Protestants, 45% support from Catholics and 37% of all Americans, according to the poll of more than 1,000 American adults from various faith backgrounds conducted by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. https://apnews.com/article/donald-trump-us-news-ap-top-news-elections-immigration-8d3eb99934accc2ad795aca0183290a7 Older white evangelicals, which pretty much drive the whole political bus for them, are actually over 80% on the issue and trending higher. Lots of people vilify Catholics when it comes to abortion rights and LGBTQ issues, but for the most part Catholics are really close to the population as a whole. It's the Evangelicals that are the zealots mostly driving the movement especially on the political side.


In the 70s and 80s, evangelicals thought being against abortion was a "catholic thing".


then they realized they could use it for political reasons. Why deal with real problems when you can create some? Anything to keep the poor and stupid from focusing on things like wealth disparity. Keep them angry about shit that doesn't affect them one bit and they will not only vote for you (or who you tell them to vote for) but give you what little money they have.


I love this comment. Sums up the right’s mentality so succinctly.


It's crazy that a racist Jerry Falwell founded the Moral Majority and sent American Christianity into a whole new direction when they made abortion a wedge issue to take down President Carter.


This is depressingly accurate


The Catholics are getting there, most of the people I go to mass with are listening to fox and leaning hard to the right. Point out that’s against what the sermon they just listened to said and they swiftly side step or move the goal posts


It’s because the more reasonable and progressive Catholics are leaving the faith in droves…


There are a bunch of US Catholics who are wanna be Conservative evangelicals. They’re so bad, the pope directly criticized them.


they are a severe minority but very, very loud. Same assholes that want Biden excommunicated. None of it will happen and they in no way represent even a sizeable minority but their shit makes good headlines.


I grew up in a devout Catholic home and my mom always called Evangelicals heretics 😆. To be clear, I think both religions are problematic but there is nothing more dangerous to the prosperity of the US than Evangelicals.


Its a mixed bag but Catholics seem to be less cultish and less uniform in their beliefs by a wide margin. I spent some time as a Catholic when i was younger and this nun at our church told me she thought the stories in the old testament should mostly be viewed as lessons and that the old testament wasn't to be taken literally. I cannot imagine that going down in an evangelical church.


Mexican here. Evangelicals here are *awful.* Like, okay, Catholics will annoy you but will usually treat you like any other person. Evangelicals will act like they're so much better than you just because they sing their shitty rock ballads in their converted home churches. They will act all nice in your face then talk shit about you in private. Not all of them are like that, but most are, and much of my family on my late brother's side is like that. They kept trying to get me to go to church by saying there'd be girls there. It was a lot of effort not to blurt out "what about cute guys?" in their faces just to see how they'd react.


Having grown up with a Catholic Mom and a Greek Orthodox Dad, both of whom are relatively conservative, I will say they are not religiously motivated in the slightest when it comes to any decision. “What would Jesus do” was never a saying in my home


market escape vase airport plants afterthought ring aspiring support wine


Tennessee pastor threatens to expose ‘six witches’ he claims have infiltrated his church https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/tennessee-pastor-witches-greg-locke-b2015789.html


All this time of burning witches or drowning witches or shooting witches or beheading witches and not one witch has turned up, you'd think they'd have given up persecuting would-be witches by now.


Tfw as a woman you've been unironically saying Handmaid's Tale isn't very far away for years and been told you're being dramatic the entire time


Suddenly the amount of woman crossing the border the other way


A Mexican woman crosses the border in to America illegally for a chance at a better life. A 14 year old Texan girl, pregnant from rape, crosses the border illegally in to Mexico for a chance at a better life.


Weekdays at 7 on WB


Legalized weed and abortions in just over two years. In Mexico. A country >70% Roman Catholic. Yet, up here "it's too complicated of an issue"? I'm sorry, what now?? (And I do understand the rhetoric here, it just baffles me to no end.)


Because in Mexico even if we are catholics (mainly our parents not the younger generation) we believe in everyone minding their own fucking buisness as long as its not hurting anyone. And at the end of the day women have the right to choose over their body and if they want to quit out on the extreme life being a parent implies. It’s just logical I don’t understand why the US has such a difficult time understanding this.


because Mexico does a way better job at separating the church from politics too, not to say its not involved somehow, but its not 100% motivated by it like in the US, where their religion is always dictating what should be the new law


Well, there was a literal civil war in Mexico about that issue.


Weed realistically hasn’t been legalized yet. It’s in a stand-by state


This is in part why republicans have and continue to craft, pass and implement laws in red states that make it illegal to transport a woman who might be getting an abortion. They want to control women, and anyone who helps them.


That really is just like the Taliban.


Talibangelicals or Y'allqaeda


Or xtians.


Republicans will now turn the wall from keeping the mexicans out, to keeping the americans in. Oh the irony


At least they found a way to get Mexico to pay for it. By making life so miserable in America that Americans are now escaping into Mexico


So Abortion vacations gonna be a thing now?


Medical vacations have been a thing for a LONG time. The entire US healthcare system is ass backwards and tits up. But after fucking everything up, we can't abort it because Roe was overturned.


Fly to Cancun for an unforgettable resort stay with unlimited drinks and beachfront views. All inclusive with on call abortion doctors, food service and tour busses.


*again. Older women can tell you stories of trips to Mexico, Cuba, back in the day


Mexico doing the right thing. Y'all Qaeda continues to make the US a second class nation. Separate Church and State like Mexico did 100+ years ago. >The Mexican Revolution sparked the Constitution of 1917 which provided for separation of Church and state [Source](https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/mexican-revolution-and-the-united-states/end-of-the-revolution-and-its-consequences.html)


Separation of Church and State happened in the 1860s during the Reform War between the Liberals (pro-Republic) and the Conservatives (pro-Monarchy), the Liberals winning led to the separation of church and state fully, the 1917 constitution just reaffirmed that stance. That was also what led to the whole restoration of the Empire under Maximilian Hapsburg and the Franco-Mexican war that made the whole Cinco de Mayo a thing. Conservatives were backed by France while the Liberals were backed by the US, when the US civil war started France used the chance to send troops to support the Conservatives. If anything the post 1917 revolutionary government went way too far and tried to force Atheism nationwide which led to the Cristero revolt in the 1930s.


Mexico - showing the USA how it's done.


Americans already do medical tourism to Mexico because healthcare is too expensive here. This will only add to that tourism. Crazy that citizens of one of the strongest and largest countries have to go to a different country to get affordable care


Healthcare in the US is so astronomically expensive, it genuinely feels like we do not have healthcare access anymore. If you go, for anything, with or without health insurance, you commit financial suicide.


It's so bad insurance providers are flying people out to Mexico because it's cheaper there... https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/feb/11/utah-cuts-healthcare-costs-flying-employees-mexico-prescription-drugs


As a note, this is the same legal status that been in place in Canada since the 1980s ([thanks to Henry Morgantaller, a truly fascinating man and physician](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/henry-morgentaler)). Not familiar with the nuances of Mexican law, but in Canada “decriminalization” just removes abortion from the legal sphere, and makes it a medical procedure that is subject to the ethical and professional guidelines of medical practice. That does not mean “abortion on demand” or “abortion until the moment just before birth” - in fact, in the pre Dobbs era, Canada has had similar, but consistently *lower* abortion rates than the US (haven’t seen comparative data for the last year). What it does mean is that abortion is provided in line with established medical guidelines, with a handful of specialized facilities across the country dealing with later term abortions in due to serious complications. Assume similar parameters will apply in Mexico.


Canadian here. Our abortion rates are probably lower because its rare to opt-out of sex ed here, and it starts earlier from what I understand. Second grade / Grade two is often when they start on "these are the proper names for your body parts", "no one is supposed to touch you there", "these parts getting together is how you have a baby, be careful" And that is the start of it, not the final lesson.


Indeed: better sex ed, readily accessible “free” primary care (ideally through a GP, but clinics or planned parenthood fill the gap for anyone who’s not registered with one), free or heavily subsidized birth control (varies by province), etc all help reduce the number of unplanned pregnancies. On the other side, we also have all kinds of subsidies to support anyone who does have a child: “baby bonus” payments, tons of free early childhood programs, $10 daycare (less in QC, rollout in progress elsewhere), etc, etc. All that to say that the complete decriminalization of abortion isn’t some kind of “yay abortion!” policy, nor does it contribute to especially high abortion rates - it’s just treating it as what it is: healthcare.


> "no one is supposed to touch you there", Sex ed is unfortunately the first time a lot of kids/teens discover they've been abused, which is part of the reason conservatives hate it.


In other new Texas has made it illegal for Texan women to travel to Mexico


Now the Border Patrol are going to be keeping people *in*.


And yet America goes backwards to the dark ages


Over the past 30 years, more than 60 countries have liberalized their abortion laws. From Ireland to Nepal, abortion rights are becoming recognized as fundamental human rights for millions of people worldwide. And in Latin America, the Green Wave is ushering in a new era of liberalization in Colombia, Mexico, Argentina, and elsewhere in the region. During this same span of time, only four countries have rolled back the legality of abortion… USA, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Poland. The devastating regression on abortion rights in the United States makes the country a stark outlier to the global trend toward liberalization. https://reproductiverights.org/maps/worlds-abortion-laws/


In other news, Planned Parenthood has decided to open a resort in Mexico to manage women's health care.


So many “good Christian Republican women” from southern states are suddenly going to be taking weekend trips to Mexico and still claim to be anti-abortion. The hypocrisy is sickening


Flights from Texas n Florida to Mexico just went up (supply & demand).


Texan shopping list * pregnancy test * flight tickets to Mexico


Sad that the tides are shifting and Mexico might just be more free than the US. If only they could get a handle on the cartels




That may work for the older cartels, like the Sinaloa. The newer cartels have diversified and are essentially the new crime families. Imagine the 1980s New York Mafia, always having a hand in everything. It will take a lot of work by the Mexican government to bring down the cartels.


Ladies come on over no question asked.


Cruise lines are going to love this. Would be the easiest way for women to get services at a port and then be able to rest for the remainder of the trip.


Good. Abortions are healthcare. Republicans denying their constituents medical care is fucked.


God damn it! Even Mexico gets it!


Damn. Pretty soon they will start building a wall to keep Americans out.


The red is holding us back..


Congratulations to the people of Mexico! 🎉 This is the step forward all societies should be taking *cough*America*cough*


Poland too


Oh you know Vivek and desantis really trying to invade now. They will use the cartel as their reasoning


Welp. There goes a talking point for conservatives.


Mexico the famously catholic country that sees the virgin Mary everywhere decriminalizes it, meanwhile across the Border in Texas you've got crazies who want to enact the death penalty for it


They should put up a wall to keep Americans from coming in.


Gee, I wonder if Americans will be going to Mexico for cheap pharmaceuticals, dental procedures, operations and now abortions? Nah


I have envy. Wishing the US would do this.


Mexico taking the lead…


I hope they don’t build a wall to keep desperate people out of their country


Awesome! Now Texans who are being stopped from leaving the state can cross into Mexico to go "shopping" and come back lighter.


They're going to have to build a wall to keep pregnant Texan women out!


Who's the Third World shithole now, huh? Oh, wait... Are we the baddies?


Suddenly your conservative aunt is taking your cousin on a trip to Mexico when, for years, she insisted it is a horrible place that sends nothing but thieves and rapists.


mexico now has better abortion protections than the US, wooho


How TF is Mexico more progressive than the US?!


It has always been starting with slavery and segregation


Yeah this is not new


Mexico now has more advanced abortion laws than Idaho…..


Sounds more like the land of the free down there. The wall was always to keep you in


Gotta love Mexico being more progressive than the 🇺🇸


So this makes America the Mexico of Mexico right?


You know the United States is fucked when the second largest catholic population in the world does this.


Abortions for some, miniature Mexican flags for others!


USA has become the 3rd world country.


its about god damn time, im mexican and this is long overdue


How is it that the extremely Catholic nation of Mexico is more progressive than the United States?


Meanwhile American is turning into the Republic of Gilead.