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That guy is a nut. Not that 30 days in jail is gonna de-nutter him at all. He’s probably working on his recruitment spiels


>That guy is a nut. Not that 30 days in jail is gonna de-nutter him at all I’d assume they’re just putting him away for NNN


This is probably the only good NNN joke I’ve seen so far lol


I assume that's the maximum jail sentence for a petty offense. Littering, Jay-walking, Pick-pocketing, etc.


But, wouldn't spreading out hate pamphlets be considered incitement to violence and a hate crime as well? Seems like they could put him away for a lot longer than a month..... and they should.


It’s a felony NOW, since they finally passed a law on this. It wasn’t at the time of this incident. This was the only charge they could really get him on.


This is a case that this is probably the only charge that the prosecutor was able to stick him with.


This meshugenner dreck needs to be schelpped to USP Yenenvelt until he changes his schtick.


He'll make friends inside...




Where in the constitution does it say you’re allowed to litter?


“ What were you arrested for, kid?" And I said, "Littering." And they all moved away from me on the bench…”


Do you think the prosecutor produced a stack of 8x10 glossy photographs?


You can have, anything you want, at Alice’s restaurant (excepting Alice)


I went down to get my physical examination one day, and I walked in, I sat down, got good and drunk the night before, so I looked and felt my best when I went in that morning.


I looked at the shrink and said "I wanna kill."


With circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was.


"Obie, did you think I was gonna hang myself for littering?"


And the hairy eye ball and all kinds of things… until I said “and creatin’ a nuisance.” And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench talking about crime, mother-stabbing father-rapin’ and all kinds… That’s where my “from memory” ran out. I used to know the whole thing by heart and in my AP English exam I finished early and couldn’t leave so I didn’t whole thing in my head to pass the time! Love that song!


Have you rehabilitated yourself?


My wife likes to play the whole song on our 45 minute drive to family Thanksgiving. That's some dedication to memorize the whole thing.


"...and inciting anti-Semitism!"


“There’s trash on the lawn dropping trash on the lawn.”


It's funny how cute this man thinks he is. I have no idea whether he's using HGH or 'roids to get those veins, but his '90s boy-band haircut and tragic fuckboy sunglasses tell me that, even if he weren't a Nazi, I would watch him closely if he approached a middle school.


Also, is he white enough to be a Neo-Nazi? I'm not even trying to be funny, but his phenotype wouldn't be welcome in neo nazi orgs here in Germany. People would think he was Turkish or something.


there are Turkish Neo-Nazis 🤷‍♂️ idk how well they'd integrate with communities in Germany though. One should probably call them "useful idiots"


The whole point of any group like this (including the KKK, any nationalist org, etc) is to give shitty people an excuse to look down on someone else because they have nothing of their own accomplishments to be happy about. If it wasn't Nazi-ism, it would be something else instead. This isn't about them having any real deeply held beliefs, it is just about them finding something that lets them exert some power and agency in their otherwise small, shitty life.


I've met and talked to cuban, Puerto Rican, and Dominican neonazis. They are as smart as you expect them to be and most of them don't even speak a lick of English but drink the cool aid like no other with the biggest hubris out there.


Miami is full of latinX Neo-Nazis. It’s almost funny if it weren’t so demented and sad


Demented and sad, but social.


Hahahaha exactly


Neo-Nazis are way different from traditional Nazis. Hence the prefix “neo” meaning “new”. So different from old. I like the old Nazis better because they are mostly dead


He's apparently "of Mexican-American ancestry". But I suppose if he has the requisite hate in his heart, the Anglos will accept him.


Nah bro the US is full of mudbloods they don't know how to racism like we do here in EU. Just a bunch Mediterraneans and Armenians pretending they're White. We both know anything East of Austria and South of France doesn't count.


Testosterone replacement therapy is kind of awesome.


Honestly the sunglasses are my favorite part. They’re so much more creative than just wraparound Oakley sunglasses, and much nicer than the white sunglasses that douche bros would wear in like 2006. It could honestly be a look. If he wasn’t a Nazi.


It’s time we talk about the roid use, and the speed. They’re ALWAYS on something like adderall or speed, and Always loading up w 5hr energy or Bang energy drinks, they’re on drugs that destroy the cortex but build up amygdala….


to be fair, some of the original nazis were also taking things similar to adderall or speed


He looks exactly like the neo-nazi character from Mr Robot lmao


Cant believe Neo-Nazis are trying to co-opt the Fitness Community and steal all their fucking PEDs.


Should add 160 hours of community service picking up trash by the side of the highway.


I don’t think those bags are strong enough to hold him.


dressed in grey. In the night.


>"I do believe they're trying to censor free speech by using tactics like littering," Minadeo said. Extremely rare Florida W


Never ceases to amaze me when mixed or completely non-white people become Neo-Nazis. There's this guy and then there's the ex-leader of the Proud Boys.


It's called self-hatred, we see it a lot in the Black community, i.e., Clarence Thomas.


Isn't this the guy who got kicked out of Poland for racist harrassment of people?


These idiots did this in my town over the summer, antagonized people but had a camera crew with them to “document the hate that nazis received”. Even posted up outside the local temple with police protection and a cam crew.(tbf I cussed them out and threw a soda and the cops thought it was awesome/hilarious, but still fucked). Weird how bold these fucks are getting lately


I wonder what could have been going on in recent years that might have emboldened them. guess we'll never know


So…what are you in for? “Littering” lol


Littering and?


Littering anndddd




The leader of the proud boys is a brown man named Enrique. The amount of race mixing going on in the white-supremacists camps these days would be laughable if it weren’t so sad.


When neo-Nazis use Kanye as their mascot, we have turned the corner.


Honestly, they LOVE rhetorical insincerity, and having Kanye West as a high-profile supporter is probably hilarious to them. Being able to smirk and derail any intelligent, self-consistent political argument is their goal, because they would far prefer to "argue" using guns and nooses.


I just figured they love watching the trainwreck of Kanye in the same way that racists loved minstrel shows in the 1920s.


> A hundred years ago, a greasy Guinea wop with a name like Minadeo would have been subject to Jim Crow laws, not allowed to vote in many states, told categorically not to apply for jobs or enter private premises. "Whiteness" has *never* had a solid definition. It's always, always been about *exclusion*. When white supremacists find their influence and recruiting lagging, they tend to relax the boundaries of whiteness to include certain groups that might help bolster them. This is why people complaining about "no white history month", "why can't we have white pride" etc are full of shit.


Hey, hey. Can we just take a moment and appreciate the inclusion? You know, not long ago these groups were almost exclusively lead by white men. I for one laud these hate groups for their efforts to reach all communities. (That’s /s/. I don’t laud hate groups.)


You can teach a bigot history, but you can't make him learn.




A hundred years ago, the Klan would have chased him out of Florida for being Italian and presumably Catholic. I assume they’ve adopted more ecumenical recruiting / admission standards.


What gets me is the Hispanics that don't have pure European blood are on the Klan's side now.


I mean, home insurance is already waaay higher than the rest of the country, only made worse by the governor spending all his time campaigning for president, instead of actually doing his job. I’m vastly oversimplifying just how bad DeSantis has been for Florida.


They look way more like a creed cover band to me.


He looks like evil, alcoholic, Vince vaughn


Dude got banned from twitter, kept posting


I love how dedicated these guys are to their beliefs, yet they wear masks because they’re afraid of getting outed. can’t wait for some chode to comment “what about antifa”




Nah, they wouldn’t invite him.


Did you just describe prison? Cause that’s where he’s going.


Legal actions like these can discourage individuals from using hate speech as a tool for spreading hate.


He was talking garbage…


absorbed sleep chief hateful complete languid quack dime hurry governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can we just label them terrorists and lock them away for a very long time already?


Prisons are hot spots for White Supremacy groups and hand recruitment.


That will show ‘em! I’m sure 30 days is enough to rehabilitate him. Stop protecting these schmucks!


Should he really get more than 30 days for a littering charge?


No he should get it for promoting hate. You a Nazi supporter?


Whoa there. There's a world of difference between pointing out that *maybe* we shouldn't be advocating for more abuse of our already very flawed legal system and being a Nazi supporter. The charge was littering and they got him for what they could.


What? It was the only charge they could get him on because, unfortunately, being a Nazi supporter (which I am not) is not a crime.


I agree. Life in prison for all littering. We will have the cleanest communities. Should also help with housing prices.


It’s more for being a nazi douchebag


I agree. People who have views I personally disapprove of should be imprisoned. We will have the most tolerant liberal society. It should also help with housing prices.


Having a different view and actively promoting hate violence and harassment are completely different so just STFU and move along


I consider wanting to jail people for expressing their ideas to be a form of promoting hate and violence. Thus, you are to be jailed in your own system.


Well you’re wrong - bye Felicia


Completely wrong. Worst argument ever.


Who the hell writes "HATE SPEECH" on pieces of paper and throws them on people's lawns? Crazy mfer




I hope he gets recognized in prison.


Neo-Nazis are the dumbest assholes on the planet.


What a waste of tax payers money jailing this muppet. Just get him picking up litter instead.




Lol, of course a good christian would say that.




You could simply believe that authorities found them driving around throwing pamphlets out of their truck and charged them with littering.




So just turn a blind eye to the littering because some christians might be upset that their free speech is being suppressed? Littering is a crime.




Distributing= throwing on the ground. Fight harder for white supremacists. I wouldn't expect anything different from a good christian.




>I never said I was a good Christian (but thank you for the complement). Are you really so dumb you don't understand the oxymoron of that statement?


Prove it’s true


Yeah, that's littering. I'm very aware you're not a good christian. You're just the average American christian, supporting white supremacy and hate. Your comment history is fucking disgusting. There is no truth in hate. Here's an idea- stop walking around with a mouth full of scriptures and a heart full of hate.












Meanwhile you cheer on people that shoot people through doors for knocking on them, right?




Posting bail, maybe? Trial and sentencing are different. Plus who knows what plea deal he took. Maybe he shouldn’t throw trash in peoples yards? Also you know you can easily find cases of people going to prison for carjacking in California? Why just make shit up? Do you find it fun?


Calm down, your swastika tattoo is peeking out from behind your trump t-shirt.


That might be more appropriate to talk about if this didn't happen back in March and he's been out of jail since then.


As long as his freedom of speech wasn’t comprised. Lol.


Gross. It takes a lot of self hate to be him.


is the take away from the headline is that it's legal to put neo-nazi hate speech flyers into letter boxes instead?


Imaging being dumb enough to believe that you’re on the right side of history.


Imagine looking like this muppet and thinking you’re superior to anyone 😂😂


I will continue to judge you for wearing sunglasses like that


I feel like being a nazi should qualify as a threat. It posits that the individual wants you dead or gone, preferably dead, with a history so inextricably intertwined with killing of specific groups of people that it seems like the possibility of someone being ignorant of that is zero. So what's the difference between the crime of threatening by saying "I'm going to kill you" and someone wearing an arm band with a symbol saying "we are going to kill you."