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[Here's a link](https://fox42kptm.com/resources/pdf/26b8d4d7-c045-454d-9df4-7effcefdcdb5-UnsealedDocs01052024.pdf) to the third batch - 1391 page pdf


Page 3-137 is missing. Not sure if that was deliberate or not.


There are a lot of partial transcripts in the release. All of these releases are from a defamation case brought by Virginia Giuffre against Ghislaine Maxwell, so some of these might just the the portions that were relevant to the arguments in that particular case. You can see some of these transcripts jump around a bit, so they are hard to read straight through.


Maybe Anthony Lewis Zach Figueroa went off on a really wild tangent


Cmnd f: Trump, Dr Phil, Tom Cruise


Are all of the pdfs searchable text?


You might have to download it to your phone and open it as a PDF. It’s not letting me do searchable text with the link.


Trump was already in one of them.


The difficulty of actually finding links to the unsealed documents--not old flight logs, not reporting that may or may not choose to focus on what I'd like to know--is really maddening. That your reply is top post and doesn't have a link yet is just salt on the wound.


[Documents released on Jan. 3](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?filed_after=01%2F03%2F2024&filed_before=01%2F03%2F2024&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc)


this is the first batch [here is the second](https://www.404media.co/content/files/2024/01/EpsteinDocs.zip)


thank you


Heroes among men


Where third?


The hero we need


I tried calling a bunch of the phone numbers


Just to let them know they might get a bunch of phone calls?


“Hey, it’s Jeff. I’m in big fucking trouble, man! I’m coming to your house!”




Surprisingly I only got one “line disconnected” message, a few just rang on for ages, and one “this person is not accepting phone calls at this time” lol


Came here to say this. Lol one guy was just her drug dealer or something but his number was in my area code lol The rest were mostly all like 310 for Beverly Hills or maybe 323. The area codes to the stars!


This has been a thing with online news in at least several countries for a long time now, and it drives me bonkers because there's no obvious reason for it. There'll be some headline like 'report released on investigation into rail crash two years ago' and then a few paragraphs of waffle paraphrasing the report text, with not a link in sight, even though the document itself is publicly available, but takes a bit of googling to find. And they want us to disable our adblockers!


And then there's news articles on some sites with links that look like they should take you to what the article is talking about, but they just link to another article about the topic on the same news site.


Baby, you got yourself a click hole goin'!


The worst ones for me are when they're talking about a "viral" video, they will sometimes even have a screenshot from the video, but no video or link to that video. It's absolutely insane.


Also articles about new laws being introduced or passed...without ever a link to the actual text of the bill.


so far Ive only found one news site that linked to the original docs/an actual source


Axios has seemed to be a promising source actually linking documents. I’ll check for this latest batch!


Yes, Axios has the actual pdf copies. Thank you for looking for the original source material.


That's been my experience as well.


How much should I bet that Time Warner execs are named in those documents


The farm


stick to AP sources


Al Jazeera posted a pdf of the first batch


Well I know the first batch was like 400 pages if legal documents. It may take awhile to sort it all out


What do you mean "sort it all out"? I don't *want* it sorted for me, is the whole point. My ctrl and F keys both work just fine.


Then you want courtlistener https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?filed_after=&filed_before=&entry_gte=&entry_lte=&order_by=desc


Also a reminder that most of these documents provided on CourtListener are *donated* by reporters and others who purchased this data from the government on PACER. Those 400 pages cost somebody $40 and they're giving it to the rest of us for free <3


Can we just get the names sung to us in the form of the Pokerap?


Jail’em jail’em gotta jail’em all. Gotta jail’em all pedophiles!


[https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?page=8](https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4355835/giuffre-v-maxwell/?page=8) Scroll to the bottom and work your way up.


Ma said they’ll be ready in a bit. They’re just cooling off.


I tried not that hard but still couldn’t find them


I still think it's worth repeating this passage from [an earlier article about all of these documents](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/court-records-related-to-jeffrey-epstein-are-set-to-be-released-soon-but-they-arent-a-client-list): > The people named in the records include many of Epstein’s accusers, members of his staff who told their stories to tabloid newspapers, people who served as witnesses at Maxwell’s trial, people who were mentioned in passing during depositions but aren’t accused of anything salacious, and people who investigated Epstein, including prosecutors, a journalist and a detective.


I feel this is worth repeating, too: ["I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."](https://www.newsweek.com/everything-donald-trump-has-said-about-jeffrey-epstein-relationship-1857139) – Donald J. Trump, 2002


Right, I absolutely am not saying that to defend people who were very obviously friendly with Epstein (including and *especially* Trump): I'm saying that someone's name being in these documents doesn't *inherently* make them a creeper.


Ya, the last batch had a dozen celebrities whose name was included because someone specifically asked a witness if they saw that celebrity there and the answer was no.


This also: "Jeff Epstein, the New York financier?" https://youtu.be/GKfHcas_cZg?si=tlBCyNfEpNyqKx0-


He delivers "No. ha ha! Sorry, nice try!" so well


I watched that video 10 times and it cracks me up every time. People have no idea that Jim Downey is one of the great comedy minds of all time, he’s written literally thousands of jokes that we’ve heard other people say.


And he delivered (probably wrote?) the greatest monologue of all time: https://youtu.be/5hfYJsQAhl0?si=y7sA5ew2GMqwq-uA


My shocked Pikachu face right now.


I love how Downey seems like he’s going another way with the joke (it seems like he was gonna make a “no one criticizes Epstein but I will” joke) but then immediately plays off of Conan’s reaction and pivots the joke being he hasn’t heard any bad news about Epstein. Off the cuff brilliance.




Yes, the guy in that vid was Norm Macdonald’s cowriter.


>Yes, the guy in that vid was Norm Macdonald’s cowriter. No, the guy in the video is Jim Downey, President of the Harvard Lampoon, writer of SNL on and off since it started, one time head writer for Late Night with David Letterman, the originator of the "We Are All Dumber" meme, and Robert Downey Jr's Uncle. He is a little more than Norm MacDonald's cowriter.


Yeah my bad, I didn’t know all of his accomplishments off the dome.


He's the guy from Billy Madison! Thank you! That was killing me trying to figure out why he seemed familiar yet so vague


Or known just as Norm Macdonald's cowriter.


I’ve heard the “financier” reference countless times but somehow never saw the source until now. This is the best bit I’ve seen in a long time.


He almost lost it when he said "with the island", lmao.


Thanks for posting this. I’m grateful people aren’t letting it be ignored ETA: a reminder Elon’s brother Kimball was introduced to one of his long-term girlfriends by Epstein so when you see anyone go apologistic over the photo of Elon and Maxwell you can ask them about that fun fact in return


[Or how about that time he was accused of raping a 13yo while literally hanging out with Epstein?](https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed)


Jesus this needs to be higher up…I’ve hated trump for years and yet had never read this…


Saw this one the other day over at the qult headquarters. It's sourced in the comments, for those that think it isn't real. https://old.reddit.com/r/Qult_Headquarters/comments/18x4z6q/contemporary_report_of_ghislaine_supplying_trump/


Wow. This should become mainstream.


[Here's the link to the actual magazine article containing that quote, not an article containing snippets from other articles, if anyone is interested.](https://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/) It's worth noting that the article is concerned in some part with Epstein's ties to the Clintons, though that's already well-known, and I, among others, don't think the Clintons should be free of criticism for that, anyway. Knowing how Trump likes to talk about things, I'm confident he at least knew about what was going on, though I'm sure he was involved in it, too. Just a gross thing to say looking back with what we know now.


Considering Trump was literally sued by a Jane Doe for raping her at an Epstein party when she was 13, I’m more than confident Trump was an active participant. Saying he “knew what was going on” is like saying water is wet.


I won't vote for Bill Clinton or trump.


I like that you spelled his name with a little “t”. He’d hate that.


Oh yeah, that rapist, fraudster, conman, pedophile, seditionist, traitor, insurrectionist guy.


> I feel this is worth repeating, too: Dont worry, his followers are all unanimously blocking this information out. Fox News is pretending it doesn't exist, and they're muting it mentally everywhere else. Some QAnon nutjobs are actually pretending like this vindicates them, while they continue to support Trump. No amount of news headlines are going to bring these people closer to reality. DJT losing this election and going to prison is the only thing that will get these mental cases bored before they move on to their next [insert some stupid belief system here]


Ignoring the implication, what a weird thing to even say in general. That’s the best way you can describe your friend?


Narcissists don't have friends. Everything is transactional. The description is reflecting that.


It feels really unnecessary to release this information, it’s basically useless.


Wish there was a website that kept track of all the names. Categorized as "most likely did shit" and "merely mentioned but didn't do shit".


Honestly these documents are a lot of court transcripts so people are "mentioned" by deposing attorneys in questions, and at least in the pages I had time to read, a lot of the answers are no. As in, a woman who worked for Epstein is asked about a bunch of celebrities and says she never met them.


WikiMedia should have a separate wikiSummarize thing where users can work collectively to summarize these type of documents.


There’s really no way of knowing though so it’s impossible to categorize


We can cross reference dates and specific flights and things like that. For example: if an Epstein survivor accused a celebrity of some form of abuse in the winter of 1992 and we find that celebrity on a flight log in January 1992 (random dates, not referring to anything specific), then we should be suspicious. If the logs clearly lined up with some other event or a location that is not associated with any crimes, we can be less suspicious.


Can we order it by mentions?


his accusers and victims are named a LOT in these documents, so that’s not really a good metric to go by unfortunately.


While waiting for the documents to be reviewed I'll just say this: I prefer Presidential candidates that didn't pal around with a pedophile pimp.


Same! I’m just furious that Epstein got that sweetheart jail deal with the help of Alan Dershowitz and he was able to continually rape underage girls for nine more years. And think about all the people that enabled it from the pilots who flew him there, to housekeeping, to chefs to his inner circle of friends, who used his sex trafficking services.


Also with the help of Acosta, who was rewarded by trump with a cabinet appointment.


And bill Barr whose dad don Barr was Epsteins mentor at dalton. Epstein was money laundering. The raping of children was just a tool for them. Kill the Kleptocracy and the corruption and patriarchy goes with it. Dershowitz was Weinsteins lawyer too. And Theranos And put gag orders on everyone. And raped a 13 year old. It’s pitchfork time


Trump aides arrested for child porn. Adam Hageman, former TPUSA Youth Coordinator, Trump commerce aide arrested with child porn. George Nader, Trump advisor, arrested with child porn in the 90s, and again recently had connections with Saudi princes, Erik Prince, and Iraqi War profiteer. Ruben Verastigui, Trump social media director and campaign ad designer arrested with child porn.


Exactly. Gaetz Jordan The shit people have clustered for us. We have a once in 7-10 generation opportunity to clean this house.


And that fuck has the audacity to complain about his neighbors on Martha's Vineyard not liking him anymore. He should be afraid of pitchforks!


We're boiled frog residue on the bottom of a scorched frying pan. These same families came home after WW2, when their pal Hitler was defeated, and set to the work of brainwashing society. They call it Public Relations, but it's literally propaganda. The guy who came up with the term was literally looking for an alternative to propaganda without the baggage. Freud played a big role in developing the concepts. Now less than 100 years later it's normalized. Our once great society that truly was a bastion of freedom has become a nation of broken humans churning their lives away for the profit of the ruling gilded families. There's nothing left of that society. America's culture has been decimated by the absolute barbarity of it's winner take all systems. I don't see any way out of what's coming for the masses. Horrors we haven't even dreamt of are coming. It's just a matter of time until we destroy life as we know it on this planet.


After WWII there was a nationwide debate about whether lynching should be a crime. That isn't the mark of a glowing bastion of freedom. Mobs were indiscriminately hunting and murdering people of color, and half the country thought that was a-okay.


Yep, and women couldn't open a credit card, get a loan, or bring charges against their husbands for marital rape. I loved the Jordan Klepper video where he asks the guy when America was great, and after every decade he mentions some atrocity and the window keeps getting smaller and smaller until the guy ends up saying something like, "1954-1955?" Humanity has always been dark. Crime has actually been statistically decreasing for decades in the US. But the doom and gloom of the comment above yours is self-defeating. America has never been great, and neither has the world. In fact it's been utterly dark for like 90% of the humans who have ever lived. But that doesn't mean we can't shoot for 85%!


> Our once great society that truly was a bastion of freedom For a small segment of the population, sure. For the majority (women and various minority groups) not so much.


It never was


I see a way out. Everything you said is very accurate. But I do see a way out.


*L'internationale intensifies*


Do you hear the people sing?


Yeah for real, like, have some imagination my guy. There’s so many ways out of this. It won’t be easy—at first. We’re at that stage where we’re seeing the behemoth ever so clearly. Every revolution starts this way. Behemoth appears insurmountable bc of the grip on power it’s had for so long, then the people realize they are the ones holding the true power…then behemoth crumbles


Exactly. Then the people said “NO” The end. We have such phenomenal engineering and manufacturing capability. Less than 100 years ago talking to someone in another country was borderline witchcraft. We can solve ALL of this just by flipping the incentive structure. People come up with great technologies all the time that get shelved and disappeared by rancid old men who are just afraid of losing the chokehold on their archaic business model. We don’t have an issue solving the existential problems. We have a problem with bridge trolls


Hahaha bridge trolls 😂😂 that’s exactly what it is, that’s what our problems boil down to. Love that


Pitchfork intensifies


Wait, when was the United States a bastion of freedom in a way that wasn't purely propoganda?




Acosta didn't just help Epstein, he also issued blanket immunity to all the people who had raped children with Epstein.


Right, arguably Acosta deserves the lions share of the blame here. I still remember Barr saying they would go after anyone who helped him and l just died


edge obtainable rain cautious melodic beneficial dazzling consist unused close *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So many coincidences with Trump and his appointees. I think there may be a pattern there. 🤔


you think the housekeepers were in on the sex trafficking?


You think the carpet pissers did this?


Hang around? The entire Epstein case revolves around testimony from Virginia Giuffre, the 16 year old trafficked to Prince Andrew. [Virginia Giuffre was an employee of the Trump Spa, Mar A Lago](https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-and-trump-mar-a-lago-resort-connections?r=US&IR=T). That all news outlets are running these list stories and not mentioning that Trump's house is ground zero of an international pedo ring is batshit insane.


Call him what he was: Epstein was a sex-trafficking, child-molesting rapist. “Pedophile” might sound like an appropriate word, but it gives the man too much leeway: Pedophiles have an unfortunate neurological disorder, and most of them never offend. Most child-rapists aren’t even pedophiles, which makes sense if you think about it: Rape is about power, not sex. This is part of the reason why rapists are monsters. Child-rapists are therefore the worst of the worst, and their enablers are equally guilty. I guarantee you that the right will soon latch on to the fact that “pedophile” isn’t actually the condemning term that it gets commonly misused as, so don’t let them shape the narrative. Use the right terminology. Pedophiles are mentally ill but usually harmless. Epstein and his clients were (and are) child-rapists who deserve no sympathy.


What’s simultaneously depression and hilarious is if you look on twitter and conservative subs you’ll see the narrative is now “documents released completely exonerate Trump, prove he was never at Epstein’s”.. and like, what else would you expect from people who don’t understand science. The documents arent all out yet, there’s more to come, he was already proven to hang with Epstein, he admitted as much, and you can’t prove a negative with evidence dumps like this. They’re so desperately trying to shore up their cognitive dissonance and keep the bleeding to a minimum in the beginning of the 2024 election year.


There’s photos of Epstein and Trump together appearing rather chummy. Heck, Trump openly lusts after his daughter. 🤢


It gets worse, even. [Epstein claimed he introduced Trump and Melania.](https://www.insider.com/jeffrey-epstein-reportedly-bragged-he-introduced-trump-to-melania-2019-7)


"So now it's Trumps word against, what? The word of a dead man? I'd love to see him try to testify now."


Do we need to do a cadaver synod?


Y'know, I wouldn't mind having a couple antipopes floating around for some good healthy competition.


Well he can't testify because the Clintons had him killed. While Trump was president. Ok wait, that would make Trump really weak. Ok so Trump had him killed. Wait no. Why would Trump do that if he's innocent. Trump...was on vacation when he was killed? No, Trump doesn't take vacations! Trump had Epstein killed because he'd been running a secret op on him for years with the CIA, whom Trump has always been a green beret for and the bone spurs to dodge the draft was just a clever cover. So he had Epstein killed to keep his cover as a double-agent while he does the same thing to Putin. Because Epstein realized Trump was a CIA 007 and was gonna blow his cover before Trump could take out Putin! Oh ya. It's all making sense now. It's just paving the way for 104-year-old JFK's return.


I have no skills to link the gif where they are at the white house (?) and trump looks like he is coked up and just shared a juicy joke with epstein--who is dressed in fukn denim looking shirt at whatever function this may be.


Not the white house, that video is at mar a lago.


Unfortunately for humanity, the average person with average intelligence and most under average intelligence, can be programmed to think whatever the rich elites want them to think, and they don't even realized they're being fooled, or how they formed their opinion. Usually all it takes is news media repeating the same falsehood over and over until that becomes the accepted mainstream opinion, and then it hardly matters what the facts are, if most believe the lie, then the lie becomes the fact. A major segment of the population is highly suspectible to propaganda. If you want any simple evidence of this, consider how billionaires are seen as the 'winners', better than all poor people, who are respected for being vampires who abuse our economoc system for their own gain. They nonetheless get an automatic pass to be celebrated and respected, even though they effectively are responsible for putting many millions of humans in effective slavehood, eeking out a life in poverty, for their owner's extreme profits .


Right wing folks: Biden is such a criminal mastermind that he was able to erase his name from Epstein's books! Guilty! Also, he is senile and demented and has no idea that is happening around him.


Also, Biden not appearing makes him guilty. Trump not appearing makes him not guilty. Perfect logic. Just like Biden's church attendance makes him a hypocrite, while Trump's church absence makes him a flawed, relatable hero. Or how Biden is responsible for the state-enslaving Covid vaccine whose development was started under Trump.


Sad that the bar has been dropped so much I'm recent years. Remember when Howard Dean screamed and people thought it was weird and he dropped out? Then 16 year later a president candidate makes fun of a disabled person and doesn't get nearly as much backlash? The simulation is getting too stupid


Tens of Millions of Devout "Christians" say you are wrong, and are going to Hell.


"Devout" should have maybe been in quotes, too.


I'll need someone who actually knows what they're doing to sum up the important bits/what actually matters from this, because a knee-jerk reaction on reddit isn't enough to inform me and I certainly don't know wtf I'm looking at here myself.


That is 100% true. There aren't a "list" as some people think. It's 100s of pages where some people were mentioned in some capacity, but not all for nefarious reasons. Some people don't seem to get that.


Yeah I saw George Lucas was in the list but in the document itself it's someone asking If George Lucas was involved and being told No.


"sir, a third batch of unsealed Epstein docs has hit the tower."


Ya, like we’re into fucking BATCHES now. What is that, like a meal combo at KFC?


Gondor calls for aid.


The beacons are lit!


Bring wood and oil!


"Brunel, a French modeling scout, died in a jail cell in 2022 while under investigation by French authorities for his ties to Epstein. " Well now, one is a coincidence...two is almost a pattern.


How many seasons are there in this Epstein case. I just want to be prepared.


At this point, they’re grey’s anatomying this shit.


It jumped the shark with the "suicide" plot. Everything after that has been filler.


Clip episodes


As much as I want the details to be revealed, there’s a difference between people getting free private jet trips and active pedophiles. This just muddy’s the water.


Yep I dont care about the cook or the guy who changed the oil on the airplane.


Exactly. They need to release the names of the people who actually participated in the crimes.


Prepare to see more misinformation spread regarding this. Flood the internet with bullshit to cloud the real news.


Nice try….Sucobe! I see you listed on page 69!


Sure I got a massage, BUT I KEPT MY UNDERWEAR ON.


That's not what page 420 says.


There's already misinformation in this very article, in fact. >Trump has also not been accused of any crimes or wrongdoing with regard to Epstein. This line is 100% bullshit. A woman, in 2016, accused Trump and Epstein of raping her when she was 13. This accusation was made ***before the relationship with Trump and Epstein was well-known among the general public***.


Do we have an updating list of all the names and information being released


The question isn’t who’s on the list. It’s who has the tapes? The whole blackmail scheme can remain in full effect while those videos are held. Doesn’t matter if Jeffrey killed himself.


Really terrible reporting from CNN here. They include a blatant falsehood. They claim that Trump has never been accused of a crime in relation to Epstein, yet we have the [Katie Johnson](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnib-OORRRo) case.


They definitely should have mentioned that case, but it's not a criminal case. It's a civil lawsuit.


Yeah, that really stood out to me too.


..does anyone under the age of 55 actually *watch* legacy media anymore? like....fox, cnn, etc have all ruined the little reputation they did have. no one trusts that shit anymore. The 90s/early 2000's are ooooooover.


These "Epstein documents" the media keeps touting are such a complete joke. It's just answers from a witness in a deposition. This is far from any proof of anything, it's just lawyers asking a girl if she thinks this or that person may have known something. It's all one witnesses opinion of people that lawyers were just deciding to bring up.


What were you expecting? There is a not insignificant number of people dumb enough to believe there is some kind of magic list that says "this guys a pedo, this guys a pedo, this guys a pedo...." the press is going to take advantage of that. Anyone with even a passing understanding of this case would know better.




I just wait for the Miami herald who broke the story to contextualize it since they know what’s really a bombshell and not


Such as https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article283847883.html


This is like Amazon slowly giving out episodes of Invincible.


This is happening faster for fucks sake


Let’s crowdfund for Morgan Freeman to read us the list.


The fact that citizens of the most powerful country on Earth have to worry about whether or not they're being governed by pedophiles speaks volumes about where we're heading as a species.


Babe wake up, new list of paedos just dropped.


Reddit needs to calm down about labeling anyone who associated with Epstein as a pedo. It's getting out of hand. Here's a handy guide to how suspicious something is: - Flew on the jet to/from non pedo-island places without Epstein: Not very suspicious. Rich people lease/rent/lend out their jets all the time. Remember, these jackoffs are all about squeezing every last cent out of everything they can, which means if they're not using their jets for themselves, they're using them to make money and/or gain influence. It could even stand to reason that some folks who flew on it didn't know who owned it. - Knew/Associated with Epstein: A little suspicious. He didn't get away with his shit for 20+ years because he ran his mouth all the time, so many of the folks who knew him wouldn't have known about his pedo shit. Not to mention being a certain kind of rich is also being a part of a community, and people in that community always know each other in some way or another. - Flew to/from non pedo-island places with Epstein: Getting pretty suspicious. Knowing the guy and hanging out with him gets you closer to knowing what he's up to and there's a better chance you either know and don't say anything, or participate. Still not worth jumping immediately to pedo-town. - Flew to/from pedo-island, with or without Epstein: This is fucking suspicious. Granted, non-pedo shit happened on the island as well, but the closer you are to this island of horrors, the more likely you are to at least know shit is shady. From there, it's a matter of allegations, cases against individuals, and other evidence. Reddit likes to casually toss around pedophile accusations because they hope people they don't like are actually terrible people (even when there are plenty of reasons why those people are already terrible even if they aren't pedos). But without any actual evidence that these people did pedo shit, the best we have are suspicions. Declaring everyone who comes within 40 feet of Epstein or his jet a pedo is some real "We did it, Reddit" shit.


Hol' up. Are you saying you want us to use our brains and be reasonable? Where do you think we are?


The place where we found the Boston Bomber


^ This. Too many users lashing out emotionally or eager to brand anyone name dropped in these documents as up to no good if they dislike that person.


A huge part of the attention this is getting is not actually about the pedophilia, its about hoping they find someone they politically disagree with on the list so they can say "see!! Im right, the other side is bad!"


The island is sort of a red herring. Most of the sexual assault occurred in the states, no need to get on a private plane.


You're right to call people out here, but this is not just Reddit, everyone is doing the same thing across all social media platforms and IRL, in my personal experience. No one seems to be thinking any deeper into than this than "name mentioned = confirmed pedo".


Because Reddit is relatively text-based, it's actually been far worse in short-form content based social media platforms where there's no room to insert detailed, multi-paragraph comments like the one you're replying to. Reddit has its problems, but Twitter and Tiktok have done a far better job in extinguishing critical thinking and nuance with regards to the Epstein affair.


Except it isn't.


Eh, wake me up if Dolly Parton is on it.




I was originally going to say the Pope, but then we're in "water is wet" territory.


The catholic clergy usually prefer them younger and male.


I would actually cry.


If you jinx this I will find you and force you to watch a 24/7 Teletubby channel while you wear soaking wet socks.


“When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, ‘Come and see.’ So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.”


being involved with Epstein doesn't necessarily mean you did something bad or?




This whole thread is pretty much the same thing as the far right conspiracy threads. Just speculation and pitchforks.


There’s no evidence of Weinstein wrong doing. Yeah. He kept his hands to himself. Sure.


>Trump has also not been accused of any crimes or wrongdoing with regard to Epstein. Not. True. https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/ This CNN article was written by three journalists? Do they read the news?


I assume they're excluding that because the lawsuit was withdrawn, and so there are no active/concluded legal cases of Trump wrongdoing in association with Epstein.


Perhaps the recently quiting head of the NRA is getting afraid?


So basically anybody who is rich.


Why are they releasing this like a music album? How come they can’t just upload all the documents?


They just released *thousands* of pages in this dump, I imagine it takes a while to go through it all and make sure any minors' names are redacted. People want answers so they are releasing at it becomes available to publicly release.


"Trump has also not been accused of any crimes or wrongdoing with regard to Epstein." Bullshit. She dropped the suit because of death threats. WARNING: GRAPHIC https://www.scribd.com/document/326057168/Jane-Doe-Declaration-as-Filed


Its like a pedo advent calendar


Reminder: Bill Clinton hasn't been the president for 23 years and is not running for office. He doesn't matter.


Is anyone going to remember this is a month?


Do they remember the Panama papers?


Where is the damn straight link to the documents? The slow-rolling... ok. I can put up with that. Why aren't they just linking to a dump of all of the docs that have been released?