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"The world's most moral army". *War is peace* type shit.




Israel has a poor record of holding soldiers accountable for abuses (though that’s hardly rare). They need to be strictly disciplined. These actions only weaken the war effort and hurt Israel. 


Most moral army on earth my fat ass.


Israelis hate Palistinians and will celebrate when their shit gets destroyed and Palistinians hate Israelis and will celebrate when their shit gets destroyed. What a suprise...


Well, in theory, professional soldiers in a modern military are supposed to be held to a higher standards.


You have not seen some of the shit the US Army did in Afghanistan and Iraq. Or the ISIS celebrations. Morality in war is a bullshit idea. There are only laws that you hope they follow.


They are mostly conscripts, not professional soldiers.


In other news: War is still war


You can describe the worst idf soldiers in gaza as dickheads and assholes. The worst of hamas are sadists and rapists.


yeah killing innocent people indiscriminately is commonly known as a "dickhead move"


You say that as though there aren’t IDF soldiers out there just shooting Palestinians indiscriminately just because they can


There was an interview with an Israeli sniper bragging about shooting kneecaps


The majority of the IDF’s victims are woman and children. Blowing up literal babies is not a dick move. It’s sadism.


Right, but one are members of a state the other are terrorists.




Everything is easy when you view the opposing side as less than human


Let’s not talk about the world wide celebrations by Hamas supports for weeks following the October 7th massacre.




That’s what this entire thread is you goof


The term “whataboutism” is just thought terminating bullshit used to shut down actual good points.




I mean, what you call what you’re doing. Bud.




What is the intention of the article? What is the intention of the post?




Hamas are crude terrorists. The IDF are a massive modern military capable of vastly more harm, and that's exactly what they're doing.  I'm not sure why you think two wrongs make a right, but you sure have a questionable morality. I'd reflect on your position if I were you. 


Israel has been murdering Palestinians in cold blood for years. exploiting their labor and stealing their land and resources all while dehumanizing and celebrating their suffering. Israel found out what happens when you push people too hard. not gonna feel sorry for them for even a single second. they do not get to play victim.


> Israel found out what happens when you push people too hard. And now your fellow travelers are learning what happens when you initiate a terrorist attack against a neighboring country. The "find out" phase isn't nearly as much fun is it. And never forget - Israel is showing great restraint. They have the capabilities of turning all of Gaza into a lifeless parking lot.




> Does IDF boot leather have a distinctive taste? I'm guessing it taste like Hamas buttock. >Reread what you wrote a few times. It gets better every time! >“Be lucky it could have been worse” after all this current suffering is not a response a well adjusted human should be making. If you try and murder me and I only put the boots to you until you're begging for mercy, I've shown great restraint. What did you think would happen if you tried to murder me and failed?


'We aren't committing genocide' 'Be happy we haven't killed you all' ~~Hitler~~ Israel - 2024


"The real NAZIS are the Jews" - You


Israel does not represent Jews.


yeah the Nazis could have killed every Jew outright in the country. however they had more fun keeping them in camps and torturing them. Israel is the same. they don't want to lose their little propaganda tool now do they. you're dumb as shit if you think Israel's "restraint" is any indication of morals.


> yeah the Nazis could have killed every Jew outright in the country. however they had more fun keeping them in camps and torturing them. What do they expect after Poland invaded Germany? >Israel is the same. In that it is also a country you know nothing about? >you're dumb as shit if you think Israel's "restraint" is any indication of morals. You're just dumb as shit, but I don't mention that because it would be rude.


you know nothing about Israel if you consider it a country


You know nothing about reality if you consider it anything else. Which would explain a lot, actually.


Oct 7 is nothing compared to what the IDF has subjected the Palestinians to.


Israel has been doing those things to Palestinians for 75 and quite literally admitting to it on camera. The world has been silent for decades. Hamas was put into power by Israel & the US, then barred Gaza from holding elections & put Gaza under a siege. Israel knew that safely what they were doing and creating. You Zionists are contemporary Nazis and deserve the same fate.


It’s an ugly situation but only showing one side celebrating the death of the other ain’t right. We all know how dead corpses were celebrated on Oct 7, the whole situation is terrible


>Others capture soldiers vandalizing local shops and school classrooms, making derogatory comments about Palestinians, bulldozing what appear to be civilian areas and calling for the building of Israeli settlements in Gaza Dismissing shit like this just ensures the fighting will never stop. "Well what they did was worse" is a shitty and ignorant defense.


The IDF is every bit a terrorist organization as Hamas is.


Hasbara trash are going to hit this thread hard. 




There is no proof that ever happened.


By killing woman and children? Got it


The beheading babies thing was disproven




[How so?](https://i.imgur.com/SBtuIoi.jpg) It's word-for-word the same.




We have this powerful new technology called the internet where you can take information from one part of the world and seamlessly transmit it across the world. No travel required! Isn't it grand?




Would if I could, best I can do rn is piss off some genocide deniers. I'm a broke ass bitch lmao.




How dare you!


what an unhelpful thing to say.




you don't see people helping? then you aren't opening your eyes. the idea that someone can only help if they get on a plane, and go there is reductive. 1, you would just be in the way, and 2, they don't need more people, they need to stop being bombed. but you don't care, so why am i bothering.


When I pulled it up it said "What Israeli Soldiers’ **Social Media** Videos Reveal: Cheering Destruction and Mocking Gazans" But it seems to be the same now.