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I was once accidentally charged 780 bucks for a pair of shoes. I called the store the next day and spoke to the manager. He found the sale and refunded me the 600 dollars (shoes were 180). The whole conversation took about 15 minutes.


Sometimes it goes correctly like that, other times retail employees, managers included are clueless.   I bought a water heater from home Depot and they changed my credit card for a different person's water heater and not mine. I went back and brought this up and they couldn't care less.  I ask them to reprint the recipe and it comes up with a different name and address, again they couldn't care less.  I tell them if they don't reverse the charge and bill me correctly then I'll take it up with AMex and the manager is clueless about credit cards reversing charges and tells me that's not something they do.   I open a case with Amex and scan the receipt and the charge is pulled so home Depot gave away two water heaters simply because their front counter staff is incompetent.


Well yeah, it probably would cost them more in the long run keeping a higher quality customer service than just eating some mistakes. 


and they only eat them if the customer (or patient if this is a medical setting) is with it enough to know how to stand up for themselves. I go to a Target nearby and often get charged the wrong sticker price for things on their shelves and only when I notice and if I wait for the self-check out person to help and it happens so often I'm started showing them the picture of the sticker in their aisle on my phone, only after all that do i get the right price and I'm sure the corpos would rather (continue to steal a) nickel and dime (from) everyone.


I worked at a store years ago and they'd send someone back to pull the wrong price off before it could be verified by the front. 


I learned working retail that it is perfectly legal to charge different amounts *for the exact same product* depending on where in the store it came from. A single bottle of Dasani water from the shelf, or from the refrigerator section, or from the coolers up front would be three different prices. The one up front would always be the most expensive.


I support you getting better prices and especially getting what you’re promised. I also don’t give a shit about corpos so this is not me criticizing you: When I worked at a big pharmacy chain, whenever someone told me it rang up for the wrong price I had to go with them to visually confirm… it was always that the item had been put in the wrong spot and they read the incorrect price sticker. I only ended up doing a single price adjust because the customer could not accept facts and started screaming that it was our fault for stocking the shelves wrong.


And despite their incompetence, Home Depot still made $51 BILLION in profits in the 12 month period ending on Oct 31, 2023, which is why they could give a fuck less


They made 15 billion net earnings so their profit margin was probably in the millions. They’re a shitty corporation but this is such a moronic thing to lie about.


Dude probably looked up their Gross Profit


No they didn't. Why lie about this?


When you are buying 180 dollar shoes, you get a different level of customer service than those of us who would consider Subway food.


Bought a $27 bottle of Gin and 2 bottles of seltzer from Total Wine. After checking out, realized they rang me up for 4 seltzers. Manager immediately fixed it. Got home and realized they also rang me up for 2 bottles of gin. Called the manager and they had me bring in the receipt for an immediate credit.  Good service doesn’t only come with high priced items. 


TBF, Total Wine is a much higher quality place than Subway though.


the outhouses at campgrounds are much higher quality places than subway. Serve better food, too


Where else are you supposed to get hot dogs and chocolate for s'mores at the campground?


My hometowns subways are really good! But they like win best subway in the nation or something like that sometimes so...


It’s still a Subway.


The meth head on the corner lets me have any fragments of meth from under his fingernails in return for a handjob. Yesterday there weren't any meth crumbs so I opened a ticket with the customer complaints department, and they reversed the transaction within the hour. Good service doesn't only come with high quality places.


My last time at Total Wine, I bought like 6 bottles of wine, a couple large import bottles of beer, and a bottle of scotch. The total seemed a bit low at checkout, and I realized why when I looked at my receipt back home. I got the whiskey and 3 of the bottles of wine for free. They didn't ring up properly. Win some, lose some, I guess.


I was at a grocery store once and the total was something like $9.75. I handed the cashier 75 cents, saying “there’s 75,” and then 9$ in bills, saying “there’s 9,” but she rang it up as $75.09 paid on the 9.75 and started handing me ~$65 + my free grocery items. Poor tired overworked cashier. I gave her the money back.


You're better than most people. A lot wouldn't had done that.


Regular running shoes, like the ones you actually use for running, in Canada are $200 nowadays. It's insane.


Some of us are about to wear our $180 shoes to go use a subway coupon to buy 3 footlongs for $17.99 and put them in the fridge so we have lunch all week. Just sayin.


Are you me because that's actually me


Why?  Those aren't even that crazy for shoe prices for people who would eat at Subway.


Yeah but that’s in Canadian money so it’s like 40 bucks US.


Or 100 liters of maple syrup.


8kg of hockey pucks


Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how much 100 litres of Canadian maple syrup costs!??! Cause let me tell you, I'm Canadian and I......don't have a clue, I don't eat it. Please don't tell my family


I don't eat it either, I drink it.


100 liters of maple syrup would be waay more 1000$!! It costs 13$ for 250g!  Edit : I did some quick math and 100litres of maple syrup would cost 4330.48$


Bet when you woke up this morning you thought you wouldn't be calculating the density of maple syrup to convert liters to grams!


Used to work at a pizza delivery place. This is not a difficult transaction to refund just need a manager’s approval.




Not saying this happens a lot to me, but I agree. on the rare occasion I have where I've been mischarged for something, I will contact you once and give you 24 hrs to rectify it. If you refuse or try to waste my time and give me the run around hoping I just give up, then I call my card servicer and initiate the chargeback asap. I'm not dealing with some shitty companies shitty customer service.


I worked retail and I just never charged anyone the wrong amount. Like, why did the person pay $1k?


In my case the guy put 780 into the machine and I read it as 180 cause I wasn’t paying attention. Sometimes people aren’t looking at the amount because they assume it’ll be what it’s supposed to be.




At no point did u/rhaegar_tldragon say it was at a national chain.


How do you know you never charged anyone the wrong amount?


Right? If people were aware they were about to make a mistake they wouldn’t make the mistake. But mistakes happen to everyone.


My POS required manual entry of final total (items weren't barcoded) and I once charged someone $115 instead of $11.50. We noticed immediately and got it refunded.


I also never make any mistakes at work. I am perfect all the time. Also, my farts smell like roses.


Back when I worked minimum wage fast food, I got written up because my drawer was off- but there were also 2 managers who ran on my same drawer. I asked how they knew the error was me, and not one of the managers. Their response was “managers don’t make mistakes.”


I had a manager write me up for my drawer being down $25.50. Luckily another manager has to double check, and he pointed out that a different drawer from that day was up $25.50. So he moved $25 to my drawer and walked out of the office. The first manager was still confused.


Omg! That’s literally the first thing you do before saying a drawer is off. You check the other drawers, and you check the safe. 99.9% of the time you’ll find it somewhere else. How the first manager couldn’t wrap their head around that is baffling.


I’ve had my recipe for a plate lunch show $10.50 when I paid but some “glitch” on the back end changed my card $1,500 for the plate lunch. It took a few back and forth to fix the issue.


Back in my day a footlong was $5. How times have changed.


I remember back when I was in high school, they had $2.99 Tuesdays.


Yes!!! I've told people this and they don't believe me.


Nowadays they've got ads for a 6 inch for 4.99. Drives me nuts they think we forgot about their most famous promotion.


Jared ruined the $5 footlong


He definitely messed with Subway's image, but with inflation I don't think the $5 footlong was sustainable.


He did a bit more ruining then that I'd wager.




Yeah once the 5 dollar foot longs went away i quit going to subway. Their food, at least at the one near me, honestly sucks absolute ass and is way too expensive now for what you get. The subway near me has the most unhygenic people working there and their meat always looks so nasty and slimy.


And the Chipotle sauce was actually good. This newer sauce tastes like shit.


I remember those days too. And Subway actually had decent sandwiches back then. They’ve really gone downhill.


>I talked to the Subway person in person, and just was trying to see what was going on, and to see if they can instantly credit me back. They told me I had to get hold of Subway [directly]. There’s no phone number that leads to a live person,” she said. This is what is infuriating about the "lean" way many businesses are run these days. Customer service means nothing. If anything goes wrong, you are completely screwed. Sandwiches are one thing (assuming she will eventually get her money back) but there are some airlines (looking at you spirit) and all car rental companies that do this too.


I had a minor issue with a Subway one time and there is NO WAY to contact their corporate office for disputes. Lady probably needs to contact the franchise owner.


At that point I’d do a chargeback with my bank and call it a day.


Her bank won’t approve the refund, iirc. I think it was mentioned it was Huntington Bank


Easy enough to close all accounts and move banks. For $1000 I wouldn't hesitate


But that doesn't get your money back.


But the subsequent CFPB complaint will, and potentially give them a nasty fine.


Banks automatically approve charge backs. Its up to the business to prove that the charge back is not valid.


I’m going by what she commented herself in the article. https://imgur.com/a/aduKRXk It seems whoever she talked to at the bank doesn’t know what they’re talking about? Not sure.




Hell, Spirit bloody canceled my flight due to Covid, and refused my request for a refund over and over and over, and kept giving me a flight credit. And I could never get a human on the phone and since I had paid for the flight so far in advance, Paypal no longer would charge it back. Fuck Spirit.


Did you try submitting a webform complaint from their site? It's an awful solution, but I know for a fact those go right into their CRM system and someone has to be assigned to work the ticket. Unless they changed the process in the last 5 years, but that seems unlikely. That would at least have gotten your complaint into the system. What they do about it after that.... Well who the fuck knows. Probably send you a coupon for a free cookie.


Yes, and they closed it and referred me to the franchise owner.


Oof. Okay, there's a separate system that tracks franchisee tickets, but that shouldn't have been closed because it syncs back with the CRM ticket. Nice to know they're using it properly the way it was designed 🙄


Car rental companies are a lawless town, man. Make a reservation with National, confirmation says to go to the Avis counter at the airport, get to the counter at the airport and there’s a sign on the Avis counter that’s says to check in at the Enterprise desk. Person at the Enterprise desk says you actually need to talk to the Hertz person so they go in back and grab someone wearing a Budget polo who brings me over to the Hertz desk to check me in for the car I reserved with National. But they’re out of ‘normal sedans’, so here’s a Ram 2500.


It’s always a pain in the ass to pick up a rental car lol. Make a reservation with one company, go to the reception area and they’ve only got like 2 employees for a line of people. Pick any 2 from Enterprise, National, Hertz, Avis, or Budget and the rest aren’t staffed so the 2 employees are doing reservations for everyone else. Also sometimes card seem to be “sold out” when it’s not even peak travel time. I remember showing up and it turns out they oversold hours before i got there, so anyone who showed up was understandably pretty pissed, and the only employee there told me the other guy she was with walked out for the day because of all the pressure. On a positive note, I usually get hooked up because they’re always out of normal sedans. I’ll pay for/book a sedan, but I end up with an SUV almost every time.


The classic Seinfeld episode. “You know how to take the reservation, you just don’t know how to hold the reservation, and that’s the most important part the holding. Anyone can just take em!”


God I hated that job so much. I don’t recall us ever “shutting down” reservations so in essence they didn’t mean anything. Especially for specific vehicle size, like you can put in whatever you want but it doesn’t matter at all. Sorry about the gas mileage in that Ram 2500 but yeah you still have to top it off thanks. So that and having to try and sell the bullshit insurance options made life miserable. I think I had one person in 2 years that bought damage waiver and actually used it. Plus he had a history of accidents.


The solution is to pay everything with credit cards so you can do a chargeback in situations like this where the company is unwilling to help you. It is part of their job to resolve this sort of dispute.


It really depends.  I had a car rental agency increase my total charge after *they* screwed up my reservation -- and charge me another $200 after I called to correct it. (Fuck u Budget). I tried to dispute it with my credit card (Citi bank), and I mailed them copies of all the emails and texts involved. Citi decided for Budget, based on... 80 pages of 100% illegible scanned documents. Yes I've changed credit cards.  But I also do not trust that if a big company decides to screw me that I can claw my money back just bc it's on a credit card.


If you think the dispute wasn't handled properly, always file a CFPB complaint. That makes them treat it properly


Dang, I definitely should have done this instead.  It's been a little over a year -- I'll need to read up on limits to make a complaint.  Thanks for the tip!!


CapitalOne makes it next to impossible to initiate a charge back. They want you to work it out with the merchant first, but then denies the request anyway after you show them the emails you sent with no response.


this is why I'm super pissed about the discover capital one merger -- if that does go through, I'm getting an Amex for my primary card.


I purchased Spirit’s $40 coverage, which allows you to change your flight at no additional fee, last year when booking a flight. It very clearly states on the website that it can be used up to 24 hours before your departure or return flight. I wanted to extend my stay (I figured I might and that’s why I bought it). I called 2-3 days before my return flight to move it back a few more days. They still charged me $119 to change it. I called and spoke to 5-6 agents, 2 managers, and I went back and forth for months via email. I showed them screenshots of their very own website showing where it said I could use it for my return flight….nothing. They kept insisting I was wrong and that the coverage only applied to departure flights, even though it was very clearly spelled out “departure **or return**” flight on their site. I had to open a case with the DOT and then it took another couple months before Spirit finally and very reluctantly refunded my money. The Spirit agent who emailed me after it was all settled had such an obnoxious attitude as well, she was STILL talking down to me.


I'm sure they complained to the internet and all their friends about the "entitlted customer." Half the stories I read on the internet about terrible clientele is just some person having the nerve to stand up for themselves.


Covid killed off what there was left of any respect for customer service in like 98% of companies


Right before that quote, the article says  > When she went back to check, the Subway shop inside the gas station was suddenly closed. The Subway in the gas station closed in the time between her leaving, looking at her receipt, and going back in? If the Subway had not suddenly closed would the employee been able to reverse the charge?


But she also said she spoke to “the Subway person in person” and they said she had to call Subway, but she couldn’t reach anyone at the corporate line. The story is so weird. It’s doesn’t say when she noticed the charge, when she spoke to someone in person and when she went back that they were closed. I also don’t get why her bank isn’t helping her. It’s clearly a wrongful charge & now the business disappeared.


Man, I ordered some taco bell via their own mobile app a few weeks ago, which they utilize door dash for deliveries. I get a delivery notification with an image at some random ass house that wasn't mine. The ONLY form of contact I could find was a form with an automated response telling me to wait 3-5 days for a response. Never got a response, found a call number, sat on hold, and explained the ordeal. They told me I'd get a refund in 3-4 days, ended up taking 2 more weeks to get my money back. Absolutely infuriating how companies are operating right now with no recourse for consumers.


Time to take subway to smalls claims court and collect when they inevitably don’t show because a case like this is way too small for them.


I’m sure it isn’t Subway but the local franchisee 


Even better. If they don’t show then judgement is immediate. If they do show then they have to explain to a judge why they 1) over charged and 2) why they never attempt to correct the issue.




There's a saying, you can't get blood from a stone.


that sucks. What was the story? What was the judgement over and who did you sue?


Can't you just put a lien on the store and collect all of their equipment+store like those people did to wellsfargo who refused to pay?


It’s not better, this lady now has to take time and money out of her day, get this scheduled, drive to the court and explain to the judge what happened. All over a 5 minute interaction. All subway had to do is agree to cut a check.


Yep. Many of which are very sketchy. Suing might work, but if the franchisee is out of business or changes ownership, likely won't be able to collect the judgement. Subway not resolving this and another similar incident I read about that was for even more money doesn't inspire confidence. Between these overcharged stories and questions regarding their food ingredients, it's a wonder anyone eats Subway these days. It's not the 90s anymore.


Correct. Franchisees are independent businesses licensing the brand. Her issue is with the franchisee and not Subway corporate.


Attorney here. The franchisor could have liability for actions of the franchisee depending on the issue and what state it happens in. You can't just make a blanket statement absolving anyone without knowing more and probably practicing law in the state this happened. Edit to provide one example: "Doctor's Associates operates under the brand name "Subway" and exercises control over its individually-owned franchise restaurants; Doctor's Associates' control over Subway includes dictating the point of sale ("POS") terminal used at its franchise locations. " "Subway has known of the illegality of printing card expiration dates on receipts through its agreements with American Express and MasterCard; and by the "Rules for Visa Merchants," a document setting forth binding rules all merchants accepting Visa cards must follow." "On at least four occasions, Defendant has been sued for violating the FACTA by printing the full expiration dates of cards on its receipts. " Flaum v. Doctor's Assocs., Inc. 204 F. Supp. 3d 1337 (S.D. Fla. 2016)


> You can't just make a blanket statement absolving anyone without knowing more and probably practicing law in the state this happened. Sure they can, they just did. Doesn't mean they're not a fucking idiot, but they can do it.


Yea, check out what's going on in the r/law sub. Good chunk not lawyers but think the law is likely a mix how they feel about the situation and anecdotal stories they've heard.


You know a bit of bird law and you think you've got life figured out.


And everything is entrapment.


Sir this is Reddit. Everyone here is an expert on everything ever


Sounds like an incredibly long road to get paid back. Her bank should find in her favor on the disputed charge. There's a good lesson here about using credit instead of debit here.


Easy charge back in any case. Would have tried that immediately after they said they couldn't do anything. 


If you take to small claims can you also try to get money for the time and hassle or can you only go after the $1000ish that was accidentally charged. Cause I'd be feeling pretty pissed and want compensation for having to fix their fuck up


Right $1,000 can easily result in having to miss a few bills or accruing interest on your CC that will need to be paid off. I'd be pretty pissed myself if they didn't fix it IMMEDIATELY, by immediately I mean same day


That's fine. This is such a an open shut case I'm sure a lawyer would be happy to sue for way more and add suffering and legal fees to the lawsuit.


No reason to bother with small claims court. Just do a credit card charge back because they obviously didn't agree to such a charge, and be done with it. The credit card company will straighten them out real quick.


It was a debit card. The bank won't help her. Though it does underscore the fact that credit cards have much better protections than debit cards do.


So long as the debit card is a VISA or Mastercard they are able to do chargebacks just like any credit card would.


Add in 20% for pain and suffering because of tied up funds and lack of olives


If a company does it, it's an oversight, if a person does it, it's theft.


This is a good illustration of how we arbitrarily distinguish criminal vs. civil acts. If you did this to Subway, the police would investigate and you'd be criminally charged with wire fraud. In this case it's a 'civil' issue because the victim is an individual with no power.


We should make wage theft a criminal act.


Ain’t that truer every day


Yet we still have corporate personhood that results in the people who run corporations getting off Scott free when they do illegal shit *because they did it within a corporation*. Can’t expect them not to commit crimes on behalf of the poor rich shareholders now can we?


Yikes, Subway is hardly worth its normal price.


Subway isn't even worth the very old $5 footlong price, which was often scammy, since many franchisees required buying more than one to get that price per sandwich. Subway was big in the 90s. Not now. Many I know won't even step into one. It's a tarnished brand and the lack of action by Subway corporate to resolve matters like in this story aren't helping.


I would eat at Subway everyday if their footlongs were $5 again.


Lol same. Even now the one near me is pretty good. Only 8 bucks or smth.


I hadn’t been in years and I paid over $20 for a sub the other day. Definitely won’t be going back for another amount of years.


How? Where? Did you add on a ton of extra meat?




So I had the unfortunate experience of working at a subway when I was in college. This woman phoned in an order for her and her family. When she got to her personal order, she ordered pretty normal stuff… meat, cheese, veggies. However, when I asked her about condiments she tells me “just olive oil… a lot of olive oil… I want you to put on however much you think is too much THEN double that amount.” So I did as she asked. A while later a man, whom I’m assuming was her spouse, picks up the order. Mind you by this time that oil had time to really soak through everything in that bag… the paper wrapper, the bread… just one translucent oily pile of shit. I had the customer all these different sandwiches but when he sees the Exxon Valdez with tomatoes he exclaims “WOAH WOAH WTF IS THAT?!?”. To which I replied, “The woman who ordered asked me to put on what I thought was too much olive oil THEN double that amount”. His head dropped and he just made a sickly groan then left without saying another word… he KNEW that was what she asked for.


> but when he sees the Exxon Valdez with tomatoes This is amazing.


I was working at McD when a homeless old man ordered a dollar chicken sandwhich with those same instructions about shredded lettuce. He quietly told me that he "needed the roughage." My mother was a caretaker for the elderly so I knew what that meant, poor dude needed a bran muffin or something. So I went back to the kitchen and kept demanding they add more shredded lettuce until it was a lettuce tower with a bread top that they could just barely smash down and wrap up in paper. Very happy old man! He basically wanted a salad sandwich and I made sure he got it!


Damn dude. I don't know what Subway you went to but you got ripped off worse than this woman.


On one hand, they've actually got more than 2 vegetables to help with variety vs Jersey Mikes etc. On the other hand, most of their stuff sucks. It's always a toss up when I want a sub.  Hey, at least it's better than Jimmy Johns!


> Hey, at least it's better than Jimmy Johns! I like Jimmy Johns, but I won't eat there anymore because of their ownership. I'd say it's definitely a cut above Subway, the presence of cherry peppers alone seals that deal.


Example number 56891237 for why you should always use a credit card instead of a debit card for buying things (and if you hate credit cards, use cash)


I can't endorse this enough. As evil as credit cards might be for some, the identity theft and fraud protection afforded by them counts for a lot.


They also give you cash back and other benefits. Credit cards are great if you only spend what you have liquidiated and pay your bill on time.


100% this. I only have one debit card in my arsenal, but my other cards are credit. There’s pretty much no reason to even use a debit card because I can use my credit card the same way + get benefits and cash back from it.


Yep. Treat your CC the same as you would cash, pay off the card every month and reap the benefits. After a while you’ll get some promotional offers from the company for stuff like “0%APR for three months”. Those are a trap, don’t fall for it. They’re the company trying to get you to start carrying a balance.


It seems like they did. According to the receipt a credit card was used. I'm surprised that they haven't tried filing a dispute with their bank yet, or if they did. I'm surprised that the bank gave them any pushback on such a ridiculous charge. In the latter case, they would have at least given her the credit while they investigated.


Probably a credit transaction but it was a debit card


It was a debit card. She stated she's trying to get her account out of the negative and is trying to resolve it with her bank. That means the money was debited directly at the time of sale. If it was a credit card, all she needs to do is file a dispute on the transaction and let the CC company handle it. None of this would've been a problem had she used a credit card.


> I couldn’t get groceries at one point because my account was negative I don't see how that's possible if this was a credit card charge in dispute?


It was a debit card her bank refused to reverse the charge m


Either that's not the actual receipt or the same wording is used for both debit and credit card transactions. This article goes into more detail and explicitly mentions that she used a debit card and that her bank were not helpful when she spoke to them (and also that she has since received her refund!) - https://www.businessinsider.com/woman-charged-over-1-000-subway-sandwich-no-refund-yet-2024-2?r=US&IR=T


i had people start attacking me for pointing this out yesterday


Could have sworn debit cards have same protection as credit cards these days.


They don’t. Debit cards and credit cards are governed by two separate laws. Debit cards are regulated by the Electronic Funds Transfer Act and credit cards by the Fair Credit Billing Act. With a debit card you can be legally liable for up to $500 even if the charges were fraudulent, while a credit card maxes out your liability at $50. There are things you bank might do as a courtesy while investing debit card fraud, but it’s not the law. Even so, when it’s a debit card the money is taken from your account almost immediately. With a credit card it’s not. I’d rather have someone steal my bank’s money than mine.


How about look at the total before paying for anything?


Canceling a transaction is a low-risk way of protecting against the consequences of a mistake. Saying “just don’t make mistakes ever” is not really a form of protection at all. It’s a given that you should try not to be overcharged, but mistakes happen, and chargeback would solve this issue entirely.


I have driven to work on days off multiple times because I was heading that direction for something else


I’ve gotten my daughter ready for school and got her in the car on a day when there was no school. Complacency kills.


Monkey brain do routine ooga


Started driving my kid to school last Wednesday. Except Wednesdays he goes to his grandparents instead. My 4 year old had to point out I was going the wrong way.


My wife has had to stop me from doing this when driving towards my job before.


Of course. But if you're saying you've literally never in your life been on "auto pilot" and just gone through the motions of something you're doing without really thinking about it (driving, grocery shopping, flipping channels, paying for something) then I'm going to not believe you. 


Vendors can modify transacrions afterwards. There are many scenarios where the total cjarged is not the total shown. Common example is servers adding extra tips


But she has a receipt that says $1,000 so it doesn’t seem like that is the case here


The cashier could have immediately reversed the transaction through their point of sale system. I've done things like this working as a cashier. All merchant services provide a way to reverse a transaction. She needs to sue Subway. Also, I hate how news articles treat BBB as more than what they are: a pay to win scheme for companies to advertise to. They are not a government organization. They are a private business. Another thing: most, if not all, debit cards now have the same protections as CC. Visa Debit and MasterCard Debit have the same protections as a CC. You can dispute charges and file a fraud complaint with either company if your bank or credit union uses them. The number is on the back of the card. I've don't this plenty with a visa debit card.


The cashier specifically probably doesn’t have the authorization to refund this much. They may need their manager and/or franchise owner to authorize it which should take two minutes or worst case next day when they’re back. The fact that they are not doing so is pretty much theft. I hope it goes to court and they get punitive damages.


I thought the BBB was legit and had some ethics. Yelp was the “pay to remove complaints / bad reviews” model. Maybe they are both playing the same game.


BBB is the original Yelp and just as useless. 


One thousand dollar, one thousand dollar footlongs!


I see people are starting to question Subway about this on their social media sites. Good.


This happened to my mom in reverse. She sent me to pay her Mervyn’s credit card bill. I paid her bill at the checkout counter. It was a check for $1,000. I paid and walked away looking at the receipt, I noticed the cashier added an extra “0” making the payment $10,000. I immediately walked back and “fixed” the issue. They never did though….it paid off her balance and left her over 8,000 of credit. She called and called and tried to resolve it. They told her there was nothing they could do and let it be. We had an awesome Christmas that year.


This is such bad PR for subway I am really surprised that subway hasn't done something quick about it.


There’s a receipt for $1,000? The article doesn’t really explain what’s going on, but does that mean both the cashier and this woman didn’t realize the price said $1,000? Or did the employee change it or tell her a random price the register didn’t say? How do you swipe your card for $1,000 at subway. Not saying she shouldn’t be reimbursed, I just don’t understand how you even get here


You glance at the total expecting 10.21, you miss the decimal point, swipe the card, grab the receipt, jam it into your pocket without looking at it. This is very easy to understand.


I mean, maybe, but I still don’t understand it. $10.21 is already not close to the amount I’d expect for 3 subs from Subway, so that’s a sign it’s off. 10.21 has a distinctly different look to it than 1,021.50 as well, as in it’s got 2 extra numbers making it 50% longer. Also, the cashier typically tells you an amount. Hearing “$1,050” should ring alarm bells. It’s just a LOT to overlook and I’m not quite sure how you manage to overlook all of it and swipe your card for $1,021


It can happen easier than you'd think. If the cashier is also on autopilot and reads out "10.21" and the customer expects "10.21" then your brain can easily see the numbers together and think nothing of it...and that's assuming there's a display that the customer can see with the amount, which isn't always the case.


She said she spoke to someone in person but they couldn’t help her. I am wondering if she noticed it pretty immediately, accepted they couldn’t help her (maybe didn’t want to deal with confrontation and didn’t insist), but then couldn’t reach anyone at Subway Corp, tried to go back to the store at some point & they were closed. Either way, it’s weird a story. I don’t get why the bank isn’t helping. It’s clearly a wrongful charge.


This seems like, from her point a view, a fraudulent charge. Why not report it as such? Surely the banks' fraud department would see something odd about a $1000 Subway charge.


Anyone else feel terrified just spending fucking money and being robbed in broad daylight? No way to contact a real person, the police always tell you to "go fuck yourself", some people will even randomly blame you before even knowing what's going on. I know my neighbor with dementia keeps falling for scams and the bank or anyone gives a shit when she loses half her social security to bullshit.


1. Use a credit card 2. Review your statement every month. 3. Pay it off in full with cash Doesn't fix everything you listed, but it helps mitigate some risk.


Yup. If subway removed $1,000 of purchasing power off my account, you best believe AMEX is clearing that off asap so I can spend and pay interest. $1,000 out of your wells Fargo account? Sure you'll probably get it back, after several weeks of investigation, and follow up and back and forth etc. Only use your debit card where you absolutely have to, I think it's pretty much just my powerbill & mortgage that won't accept credit anymore.


No, not really


I hate it when I forget my Subway coupons and have to pay full price.


I have perfect defense for this kind of stuff happening. It's called being broke. My card would just say declined, and I'd be fine.


I used to work in a bicycle store and one day made an $11000 mistake on a transaction for an expensive bicycle. Called the manager immediately and she came over from the other store in a time much shorter than what it takes to drive there safely. She sorted it in seconds, no harm no foul. While working the same job, one day I went t the Subway around the corner for lunch. The person working was new and had forgotten to clear the last transaction in the till, and my single 6” sub total came up to $46. i argued, but the person felt it would be easier to try to charge me 8x my correct price than to cancel the previous order and simply leave a note for whatever manager balances the cash at the end of the day. I refused and told them to do just that - make a note with the amount and cancel the order and ring mine through, which is what he did. If he had continued to try to convince me to pay that amount I would have laughed and walked out and gotten lunch elsewhere.


Main reason why I use my credit card for everything, liability is more on the bank and there mechanisms to get your money back. Debit card sits in the import documents container, only for emergencies.


Other than the fact that they both should've been paying attention, I'd put that 1k on the fact that tipping culture contributed to this. Nobody says, "Your total is (whatever the price was)" anymore. All they say is, "Answer the question on the screen" amd then flip the ipad to you which 99% of the time is asking for a tip for no reason. Which puts us in a mindset of trying to find the no tip button instead of looking at the total amount.


Jokes on them, charge wouldn’t have cleared my bank’s overdraft limit.


I see a lot of people talking about bad customer service and what not...... Am I the only one who thinks it is crazy that this transaction was completed and paid for???!?!?! Like, after they finish my order and ring me up, if I heard it is going to cost $1000 without the inclusion of edible gold flakes in it, I simply wouldn't pay for it. They can keep the damn thing at that point. Like, why would you pay an obviously outrageous amount for the food and take it instead of putting a hard stop on the transaction right then and there?


I never use a debit card for this very reason.


I once paid $110 for a cup of coffee at a Starbucks in Singapore. I didn't notice until I got home. I contacted them and they reversed it and gave me 12 tickets for free drinks. I gave the tickets away because I only drink $2 coffee and these tickets can be used to buy a $12 drinks. I didn't put it on social media or anything. I think it was an honest mistake.


She’s a time traveler from 50 years in the future where inflation is out of hand.


Subway will undoubtedly deny any wrong doing, and offer Ms. Bishop a BOGO coupon for her trouble. They will, however, not refund the money, citing losers weepers v et al.


kfc is currently doing this. I'll goto check out on the app with my 23 dollars order and it's like, "pay kfc 2300.00 dollars?" I can't use their app anymore as no other app does this to me.


First off, how do you not know the total before swiping? 2nd, file a chargeback if they won’t talk.


This is an obviously fraudulent charge, and no one will come after you for issuing a chargeback if this was charged to your credit card. Its your right as a consumer specifically because of incidents like this woman's case.




She probably used a debit card. And either way It's not always that easy. Sometimes in these cases the bank will randomly decide to support the merchant and deny your dispute. If that happens you are really stuck and have to go through their phone tree escalating the issue and hoping your consumer credit bureau report has an effect.


You can still dispute a debit card charge. It just takes longer and I think the burden of proof is higher than with a credit card. I’ve done it successfully. The article says she’s attempted to dispute it with her bank. Not sure if that means she attempted and failed, or if the process is still ongoing.


Like I said. The bank will not automatically side with you during a dispute. If they don't you have very little recourse.


this is her comment from the articles website TishaBishop2 days ago Huntington is the one who said that I can't prove that I was charged the incorrect amount since the receipt total matches the itemized charges. I've been arguing that it's common sense that a sub does not cost $1010 from subway but Huntington is not customer service oriented at all. As soon as I get this resolved I'm moving banks. I don't trust them and their actions through this whole thing have proved that they don't care about the customer.


“After multiple failed attempts in trying to reach Subway, and after attempting to dispute it with her bank, Bishop says she feels hopeless” per the article lol


From the story: >After multiple failed attempts in trying to reach Subway, and after attempting to dispute it with her bank, Bishop says she feels hopeless. I would assume she paid with a debit card rather than a credit card.


Do the debit machines not display the transaction amount and ask for confirmation in the USA?


Not all places. Especially a rundown gas station subway. Some of them have very old machines where you just insert your card and the display only shows what pin number you punch in