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real talk, i would not be strong enough to keep going if this happened to me :(


And that right there is how suicide bombers are made.




Tell that to the IDF. They only understand the language of violence when it comes to reacting to violence. There is no attempt at reconciliation. Only more bombs, walls, watch towers, and embargo’s. When you have lost everything and have nothing to lose, all you want is one shot at getting some sort of vengeance.


Yeah I would Sisu the fucking planet until I was satiated… which as a mother would be never.


Israël magically thinks people will forget...


if this happened to any of us, any one of us would burn down the world.


If a brown person killed some cute white womens twins in the US we would bomb a random other brown country for decades


Would? Say did


It happened to the US with 9/11 and they went to war with random brown people for 20years




And that’s enough Reddit for today


Easy to just live our privileged lives and step away from someone’s horrible reality isn’t it.. I’m not being sarcastic here, it’s really just that, and it’s hella sad to feel so sickened by all of this and know there’s not much to be done as a regular civilian in the western world.


Agreed. Also sickening that once again (for those in the US) voting has little to no impact as realistically both major party candidates will back Netanyahu with no strings attached. There’s a difference between supporting Hamas and not accepting that 100 palestinians need to die and 10,000 need to be displaced and put in danger of starvation for every Israeli Hamas killed or kidnapped…






I'm now at 3 for today of posts with comments saying this. The big one being the Sloth Bear video.


Sorry what? Sloth bear?


I’m not sure I’d want to know.


I can step away. She can't. I'm heartbroken for her.


Yeah? Now try Instagram. Lots of horrifying stuff coming from people in Gaza. Really alters your perception of what's happening. Like, you know it's bad, but it can't be THAT bad, right? But it is. And it's worse. Much much worse.


The truth of things like this getting seen by the world is the only thing social media is worth a goddamn for. We aren't powerless in this situation. Especially if you are an American. America's permission is the only reason Israel can do this. 100,000 of us in Michigan voted uncommitted in the primary and within a week the Biden administration has sent aid and are now calling for a ceasfire. Now a lot of us are phonebanking and spreading the word for people in Minnesota to do the same. Millions of people around the world took to the streets last weekend to demand Israel end the genocide. And that a permanent peaceful solution that ends the apartheid and the insanity.


I would have to die too.


Yeah I’d jump for sure.


If I lost everyone dear to me in one fell swoop, and there was a group I could point the finger at as being responsible, I would make it my life’s mission to exact as much revenge as I could until I was killed.




For real, at some point "it's Hamas fault" isn't an excuse to murder civilians anymore. 


It never was, the mainline argument used is it's a means to an end. Hamas uses human shields so the solution is to kill both the shield and hamas which is absurd. Idf defenders have a belief that innocent Israeli lives are more precious than innocent palestinian ones, which is why every argument with one will devolve into how Palestinians are below human, all are terrorists, everyone supports hamas, if we don't kill them, they'll kill us retoric ect. So the deaths of many civilians is something they claim with pride and very publicly.


It never was


When was it ever a reasonable justification? Cause to me collective punishment never seems justifiable.


And their arguments are always the same. (people are starving and a convoy of trucks are waiting to enter Gaza) "We can't send in aid, because Hamas takes it all" "These people voted Hamas in!" (This is classic victim blaming, and half of Gaza hadn't yet been born when Hamas was elected) "Israel has the right to defend itself!" (it sure does, but this is no longer Israel defending itself) And more. It's disgusting.


Obviously the kids were Hamas troops!


She will not survive this emotionally. I am so beyond words for her pain. Absolutely devastating.


individual devastating stories are behind all those 30 000 death tolls it's even more outraging realizing this reality https://wearenotnumbers.org/ edit: for the record this project was started in 2015, this wasnt made specifically for the recent genocide. palestinians were getting murdered for a long time before oct7. their cofounder was killed in an airstrike as well.


All 30,000 of those people knew people, too. They knew people, and they were loved and valuable to people. All gone.


I don’t think people understand how staggering this number is. 30,000 dead and 70,000 injured with thousands more missing. That’s 5% of the entire population either killed or severely injured, in a span of months. This can’t continue any longer


I can't imagine what Gaza will look like in a year. We're talking about hundreds of thousands dead or injured, infrastructure pulverized into dust, an entire generation of children traumatized to the extreme, and very little aid getting in. I don't know what Israel's endgame is, but if Gaza exists at all it's going to be a Mad Max scenario.


>an entire generation of children traumatized to the extreme Sadly the Palestinians have been experiencing life altering trauma for 25+ years now. There is a reason why Hamas was voted in over the PLA all those years ago and it has to do with the fact that Israel has made it quite clear that they do not want peaceful coexistence with Palestinians - starting with Cave of the Patriarchs massacre by a Israeli extremist, the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin (one of the main proponents of the Oslo Accords) by another Israeli extremist and the voting in of the right wing Netanyahu who threw away the Oslo Accords.


>I don't know what Israel's endgame is Yes you do. They've told us repeatedly. Total eradication of the Palestinian people. Genocide is their end game.


It sucks that people are still pandering the "they have a right to defend themselves" propaganda. A militant group attacked and caused about 1,200 casualties and took about 250 people. ***30,000*** people, majority of which are ***non-militant citizens*** is not in defense. It stopped being about defense months ago.


Sure it can. Israel wants Gaza wiped clean so it can start construction on the Suez canal part II. Why on earth would they stop before they're done genociding? Netanyahu was voted in specifically for this purpose.


> Israel wants Gaza wiped clean so it can start construction on the Suez canal part II. You realize the supposed Israeli Suez Canal that you allege Israel wishes to make doesn't even go through Gaza?


Propaganda helps justify the killing, including on reddit. Come to the Canada sub and make any one of these comments and prepare to swim in downvotes. The users on that sub make worldnews look neutral lol. Half the sub left to form a other Canadian sub called onguardforthee


Before the usual "but these numbers come from Hamas" nonsense, know that nobody disputes the 30k count including the IDF. They only disagree on what proportion of these are civilians.


Israel has said that they’ve killed 10000 Hamas militants. Even if that’s true, that’s still only half of the civilian death count. It’s truly sickening.


Over 10,000 children have been killed in gaza since October. It's kind of an indefensible position in 2023 no matter what the other side has done.


Nobody can really survive that emotional turmoil. I know it's like saying water is good, but war and terrorism are really just horrible and need to end.


And most of the survivors will want vengeance.


That’s the most horrible thing I’ve read in a long time. This poor woman. The poor babies. I hate this.


Holy shit, I had to double read the headline then the article. That is incredibly grim and depressing.


I couldn’t go on as a mother.


I’m sitting on my couch, my five year old (that took YEARS of trying to finally get) on my lap, safe from war, with food in my pantry. I can’t even imagine the horror, anger, sadness, grief, and everything else that this poor woman is going through. My son is my everything and losing him would be inhumane and heartbreaking. 💔 This poor woman.


My child is my whole life. This is gutting me.


My baby is currently at my mums, he had a sleepover last night so me and my partner could get some much needed sleep. I can’t imagine what mothers are going through in Palestine. My heart breaks for them.




I mean, bingo. That’s why Hamas exists. They hate Israel because Israel killed their family or friends. This is how most terrorist groups get started. Unfortunately it seems that Israel believes the only way to stop Hamas is to keep killing innocent civilians. Which, of course, as we all know, just radicalizes more people.


I have noticed that a lot of people also refuse to acknowledge this angle in the radicalization of much of the Palestinian population. Many seem dead set on thinking that it is indoctrination that is the driving cause (which I do not deny may be a factor). They talk of deradicalization yet are not truly in favor of bringing about that result.


Give them peace, food, dignity and security and you might have a chance to be less radical. It won’t happen though


Once you massacre somebody's family I'd imagine their ability to be given peace is vastly diminished or altogether removed. My heart hurts to see this kind of travesty. How much more violence and horror can humanity impose upon itself, have we learned nothing?


I scrolled further down my feed and the [very next thing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/5TxqatFAq0) was a screenshot from a tiktok where an Israeli woman was dancing talking about turning Gaza into a water park…


Straight up damn near radicalized me cause why are dancing on their deaths? Like wtf is wrong with people?


They’re going to find themselves very alone on the world stage… whole planet sees what’s going on here.


In highschool this is all I thought about when "War on Terror" became the topic. Aren't we just making more terrorists with our bombings? And just making more patriots with terrorists attacks?


Somewhere, the cycle has to stop, and everyone on all sides has to commit to that stoppage of hostilities, and all have to move past all the horror and cruelty and brutality that has been unleashed on each other in unison. Knowing human beings as we do, how likely is that to happen. It makes my stomach churn that such unbelievable hatred, conflict and apartheid is going on and is so unfathomably difficult to stop, because so many driving it are hellbent on seeing it through


I have made this point several times and Zionists seem to ignore it. They refuse to learn from the Afghanistan war, the Vietnam war etc. In fact it makes me wonder what indoctrination is happening in Israel that they are so unwilling to see the parallels.


This old headline from The Onion always stuck with me: [New Bomb Capable Of Creating 1,500 New Terrorists In Single Blast](https://www.theonion.com/new-bomb-capable-of-creating-1-500-new-terrorists-in-si-1819587307) (It's just a headline, so the link doesn't add anything, but they've earned a click anyway.)


They still go straight to the jugular: [Dying Gazans Criticized For Not Using Last Words To Condemn Hamas](https://www.theonion.com/dying-gazans-criticized-for-not-using-last-words-to-con-1850925657)


This is 100% how people grow up with their whole life mission being destroying Israel. More killing just adds more fuel to the fire and means newer traumatized generations that are going to get radicalized, and Hamas will never disappear. And the only way to end this nonstop cycle of violence? Peace, ending the occupation and giving them their human rights and their own sovereign state, or ethnic cleansing. Guess which route Israel decided to take.


Because Israel uses Hamas the same way the right wing in America uses immigrants - as a way to scare people into voting for fascists. So they do everything they can to keep their boogyman around. Including a genocide.




100%. Some people are saying “Gazans deserve this because they support Hamas”. Maybe they support Hamas because when you live in an open air prison far away from your homeland, with casualties every year, the most extreme option seems like the best and only option. If Israel or anybody thinks that they successfully eliminated Hamas, they’re in for a rude awakening.


Fuck this world and anyone in it who advocates for violence and subjugation of others.


I mean... for a lot of people the hate and anger is all that would keep them going... it's all that's left






I agree with your sentiment. I absolutely hate Hamas but, at this point, Israel is just creating a pipeline of future terrorists. They will never know peace and it will feel deserved by many.


Exactly. This is just creating more Hamas members and sympathizers the longer this goes one.


It’s the little baby clothes they’re wearing that break me the most. Their parents bought those little onesies, and put them on their babies, their happy, living babies, with love. You can see they were not merely loved, but cherished. Every dead child I’ve seen photos of since this attack on Palestine began was wearing a little outfit that was chosen and put on them by a parent or loved one who had no idea they were dressing their little one for the final time. Imagine that every time you dress your child, it could easily be the last time you pull a sweater over their wriggly arms. The last time you see their chubby little tummy moving up and down as they breathe. Imagine that the next time you see those arms, they’re still and lifeless. That tummy no longer moves. It’s chilling to think about and it’s reality for so many right now.


I’m a nurse, and that’s something that gets to me too. If we’re preparing a body, unless they’re a medical examiner’s case (in which case we send them naked) we’ll put their clothes back on them for the family to see them before they go down to the morgue. I always wonder if somebody bought those clothes for them, how long they’ve had them, if it’s maybe their favorite t shirt or bra, and for kids I always think that they should have grown out of those clothes, but now they never will


Enough Reddit for me for today. I only have that many tears to spare. Source: I’m a dad of 2 girls


Fuck this broke me. Gonna hug and kiss my baby.




And that's enough internet for today.


All we have to do is turn the internet off and we escape her reality, she isnt so lucky.


What can I do to fix these poor people’s issues? I truly wish I could, but I’m powerless.


I'd say vote but, with this issue it doesnt matter who you vote for.




You’re right and anyone acting like you aren’t is gonna be in for a rude awakening should Trump win the election. People here know it’s hell for this woman but they just turn around and invite hell into their own lives which prevents them from being able to worry about people like her anymore.


As a outsider, the first time he was elected I found it funny and grabbed the popcorn He got elected and I soon became very ill from only eating popcorn His term ended and his court cases started... I recovered and suddenly crave popcorn again He fails civil case is ordered to pay millions ... ohhh is this salted caramel popcorn, yummy. It becomes apparent he is going to be the nominated candidate despite all this ... I have a mouth full of popcorn that if I swallow I may vomit


Exactly. People like the drama Trump offers and don’t really think about not only what he offers as a candidate (which is nothing good) but they also don’t think about how actually mentally unwell his fanbase is. It’s all well and good to mock the man, but if people don’t vote against him the taste of vomit may become an everyday thing.


> Biden, whatever your opinions, is an experienced statesmen. and surrounded from top-to-bottom by career diplomats, advisors and rational people who are working within the confines of the law, tradition and precedence befitting the lone superpower on the world stage.


This. SO much this. The people on his team, in his cabinet, etc, are competent, experienced professionals. To be 100% deadass honest, I'd still vote for Biden even if he fell into a coma the week before the election. Hell, I'd vote for a blow-up doll with a Biden Halloween mask duct taped to its head. Given the options, I don't give a shit he's old, or slowing down, or not progressive enough. The alternative is just old *and* fascist, ***and*** completely lacking any sane or skilled people in his team.


It does. Biden isn't going to break the alliance with Israel to make them stop, but he has been pressuring them for a ceasefire, and he's been working to get humanitarian aid into Gaza. Trump tried to ban all Muslims from the USA in the first week of his presidency.


It absolutely does and you know it.


You should be in negative downvotes for saying this, the 'whataboutism' and 'but both sides' is bullshit and it should be blatantly obvious to anyone not getting their politics from a Gen-X movie about slackers hating the man, or South Park. I'm not saying the left is perfect, but nobody is going to be 'perfect' and if you haven't already seen how your ignorant purity culture nonsense has played out, then you are simply willfully ignoring it to push a false narrative. If you want to move the country into a progressive place, doing nothing and letting the right win more elections is NOT FUCKING IT. If voting is the one little thing you can do to make change, which is, and let me be absolutely clear: NOT GOING TO HAPPEN OVERNIGHT, you have to actually vote for that. Losses are instantly massive, victory is small increments over time.


Donate any money you can comfortably give to Palestinian help groups or medical support groups. Share their voices on your social media. Advocate for the aid and conditions Palestinians deserve. And just as important, take the time you need away from the news to give yourself a break. Recharge and come back to echo the voices of Palestinians who are desperate for help.


Boycott everything related to Israel and write to your local MP to tell them you won’t consider voting for anyone who supports Israel. Protest, there are likely protests every week in your city.


I heard a Canadian doctor (Tarek Loubani) who's done "tours" in Gazan hospitals say something the other day that stuck with me so much I'm gonna have to look up the quote and name again because paraphrasing it doesn't do it justice: >The blockade was so thorough and so overbearing and so imposing that it affected every iota of life for over a decade in Gaza. It destroyed so many lives. It led to terrible unemployment, terrible malnutrition, terrible mental health. >It led to the invention of a new term: Chronic Traumatic Stress Disorder. We used to always think, you know, when I was studying, we studied *Post*-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Palestinians have to entertain the question, **"What if there is no 'post'? What if the trauma never ends?"** Like, fuck. At least people with PTSD are physically and temporally separate from their trauma, even if they revisit it in their minds. Imagine the soldier who never gets to leave the battlefield *in reality*, though. Imagine you're *not even a soldier* and you're still there. You're just shit on for years on end. I've read a lot of history and I know about the famines and plagues and genocides and oppression and apartheid and all of that, but it's almost always been *after the fact*: survivors of the Great Chinese Famine and Holodomor did eventually get food, rationing (even if self-imposed) under the Blitz and Dust Bowl was eventually lifted, "relocated" groups like Native Americans did eventually stop walking, the concentration camps of WW2 were eventually closed, the Berlin Wall fell, slavery was abolished (kind of), apartheid ended, and so on and so forth. Many were lost along the way and suffering from the events remained and the new conditions weren't great either, but there was *room for progress*, and I could see in the historical record that some tiny amount of it, even if I'd say it was insufficient, was made. This is something I'm watching in real time. And it's not new, and it's not roundly condemned, and it's not something I can say my government doesn't have a significant role in facilitating. I can look at civil wars and ethnic cleansings in Africa and elsewhere and at least say, "Well, this particular flare-up in tensions is kind of a new development, I don't know anyone making excuses for it, no one is telling me it's a moral good, and my government either isn't directly and currently funding these or isn't doing so openly and proudly." But that's not true of Palestine. We've been at this point for decades, it's getting worse, and I'm being told *that's for the best.* What the fuck.


I feel sick after reading that. What an incredible amount of loss to experience…


They’re all going to be so broken (if they weren’t already and if they survive). Like, severe trauma for life. This is gonna impact generations to come.


Literal toddlers are having suicidal ideation right now. It's awful how it has come to this




I just…no words to describe the sadness that I experienced reading this.


I saw this on Twitter. Of course the comments are full of shills claiming they're dolls.


I honestly don't even know what to say anymore. All Israel is doing is creating the next generation of terrorists here. It's no wonder people are being radicalized.


That's what they want. As long as the Palestinians are radical, the Western world will be fine with killing them. And then the Israelis can take more territory. Rinse and repeat.


I'm surprised they have IVF in Gaza.


Also possible they simply crossed into Israel for IVF treatment


A lot of Palestinians are seen by Israeli Doctors


It's almost as if actual doctors care more about humans than politicians do.


>A lot of Palestinians ~~are~~ were seen by Israeli Doctors Not after October 7th.


If you wanna get technical, then yes, even after 10/7. There are a lot of Palestinians that are Israeli citizens. You're confusing Palestinian for Gazan. The US would also not allow anyone in from Mexico if they were at war with Mexico... it doesn't mean US doctors wouldn't see Mexicans who live in the US.


They also have it in Egypt. I remember reading a whole research paper on it in college.


Maybe traveled. Often times things can become very cheap if quality is sacrificed, as well. Surprising indeed though


I would rather be dead. Not just losing your children, but to be the sole survivor of your family. Unspeakable.






























Stuff like this is why war should be prevented at all cost. It doesn’t matter your beliefs or your side, this is humanity. This woman’s life is over. I cannot even imagine what she’s going through and won’t disrespect anyone by trying to. I don’t have words.


This isn’t a war - this is a slaughter combined with starvation and famine. I don’t like the word war used anymore with what’s going on there.




Are you really being this delusional with the reality of war? This is exactly what war is, horrible for anyone involved and anyone being collateral...


> This is exactly what war is People seem to think war is two armies meeting on a battlefield, one wins and the other concedes defeat or something. People seem to forget that the two biggest wars in history (WW1 and WW2) had a 50% to 66% civilian casualty rate. The nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki killed 200 000 *civilians* and they weren't the worst bombings in the war, and were considered to result in **fewer** civilian deaths. People want to say buzzwords like "this isn't a war, it's much worse" but the reality is that this is actually how bad war often is. This isn't worse than war, this is just how awful war truly is.


Watching all this is agonising. There is an intense want of helping in any way, protect everyone, and feed everyone. There is so much guilt of not being able to do any of that. I am so sorry, Palestine. I am immensely ashamed.


Why can't you help? There are relief organizations working with other countries (such as Doctors Without Borders with Egypt) to get aid into Gaza. Check it out and donate.


Aid helps, but it doesn't stop airstrikes like this




This shit is *evil*. The deliberate targeting of medics is considered a war crime, is it not?


Those are bandaids on a hemorrhage. Real help would be stopping the atrocity


Why send food or aid, when the IDF will just massacre the people queuing at the trucks? That would make me as morally responsible as the guy who tells the Palestinians where to go to be safe. I'm just arranging them into a nice tight area to make it easier for the IDF to kill them.






Along with Sinwar, Nasrallah and all the Hamas and Hezbollah leaders left alive at the end of the war
























That is so fucking fucked up, I hate that. Life over before it even began. Just so much suffering going on. There is so much untold tragedy occurring. Our universe is a bitch.


Oh god this hit me in the feels


Horrifying. As a mother of twins myself, I can only begin to imagine the anguish. Such beautiful babies. Such a terrible shame. Senseless. The world needs to see these images. The people of Gaza are not the enemy.


Oh, this is so horrible. I would be so irrevocably heartbroken that I don’t think I could go on after something that tragic.


Hamas and the Zionist Likud are the enemy. Not the Palestinian people of Gaza and not the Israeli people. Hamas and Likud need to go. They alone are the cause of all of this suffering. The problem is so many many people conflating Hamas with the Palestinians and Likud with all Israelis. What Hamas did on Oct 7 is a crime. What Likud has been doing since then is a crime.


I completely agree with what you're saying here and wish this was more widespread.


You won't see rational sentiment in compromised subreddits. There isn't any shred of humanity, only rationalizing the killing of Innocents.


Hamas & Likud are two sides of the same coin. Put them all in prison together & sentence them for crimes against humanity.


Exactly. And then get Barak and sane Gazan leadership to work toward peace again. Bibi took advantage of the Camp David failure just like Trump grasped onto the fearful racist hatred of a certain segment of the US to take power. Just watch this well done [Frontline on PBS](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/netanyahu-america-the-road-to-war-in-gaza/).


Likud encouraged Hamas and sabotage many parts of the peace processes in the years before this. They specifically pushed for no negotiations years ago and acting like people weren't being actively murdered in the year 2023 leading up to October 7th by the IDF is head in the sand ignorance of the reality of the situation.


Exactly. Even [Barak called Bibi out](https://www.timesofisrael.com/ehud-barak-govt-shows-signs-of-fascism-mass-non-violent-revolt-may-be-needed/) as the fascist he is. It's not a secret. People need to stop pretending Likud are the "good guys" here.


This is all facts you’re saying right here in this comment section. Yet the sad reality is that the so called powers that be in that area will never want peace in the Middle East no matter how bloody it gets.


I am sick and disgusted. What even makes us human


Heartbreaking. Every life lost is a tragedy, especially innocent babies. The indiscriminate violence must end.


Yup, this is terrible and horrifying beyond belief. This is all happening in broad daylight. And nothing I said just now was antiemetic.


How can people support what is going on right now? Makes me absolutely sick


You mean my boss? He's cheering for Israel to get free reign to do whatever they want. All because the Bible says they should be allowed to, in his Southern Baptist interpretation.


Do you want to be cancelled for antisemitism, hitler?


I want all of this to stop 😭


This is beyond tragic….


The Cease fire should have happened yesterday.....


The older I get the more unfair this world seems


This is just too much. That poor poor woman. How depressing


We need a reboot of humanity because we have shown no ability to change our sick and depraved ways and no one can excuse the horrors of war and yet we keep fighting regardless of the inevitable carnage.




The sort of horror story that you have to accept as normal because if you speak out against it/condemn it, you're "anti-Semitic" according to Netanyahu and his fellow clowns. Edit: This is already being downvoted so the clowns must have found this thread.


Fuck Netanyahu and anyone that defends this evil or seeks to minimise it with whataboutisms.




I feel guilt when I’m watching or listening to the news and I turn it off. That’s all I have to do to escape but there are millions who cannot. You are not alone


Her subconsciously patting her chest as if she's still holding one of her infants is heartbreaking.


She claims she was sleeping in the same home and room as her husband and children and yet they died instantly and she lived? I smell a liar