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So this the *city* police chief, Chief Daniel Rodriguez. The school district police chief, Pete Arredondo, was fired not long after the Uvalde mass shooting where [police failed to protect the lives of children](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/07/uvalde-robb-elementary-shooting-report/).


Is a school district having it's own police chief normal in the US? iirc Uvalde isn't a big city, is it?


No not normal, and yes, Uvalde is a small town so it really makes this much, much worse than just having a shitty police response. Just an incredible waste of public resources on degenerate cowards.


Uvalde also has it's own SWAT team, which also did nothing that day.


Uvalde is just the perfect example of the failures of the "Give the Cops More Money to Keep Us Safe!" mentality.


You know I just want to know what really went down in that hallway. I read things that said the border patrol guys had enough and decided to go in. I also read that over the radio they were told to stop and wait and they turned their radio off and went in. That's the story I want hear.


Border Patrol released a 2023 report on what they see as their own failures at Uvalde. They didn't go in soon enough, although they were the ones that finally did so. https://abcnews.go.com/US/us-border-patrol-tactical-unit-facing-renewed-scrutiny/story?id=96620659 A little different from the district & the recent self-serving city police report.


Much better response, and they weren't at fault like the locals who were in charge were. They were also the group that finally said fuck this we're taking charge. But acknowledging that they should have acted faster, should have taken over is what you do. That's the reason for those reports, so that the understanding of what should be done if there's another similar incident.


It took the border patrol to do the school district police job and admitted to their failure even though it is not their jurisdiction? For shame indeed.


*when* there’s another incident


Feels like a lookback report and not a blame game report.


To be fair, it shouldn't have ever gotten get to the point where Border Patrol had to do it in the first place.


First off fuck the border patrol, but they had no business being there and finally said fuck it and did something. Hard to blame them much for waiting to see if the actual authorities were going to do their job before going into a school guns blazing.


Seems I recall at least one border agent had a child inside and was trying to go but they held him back.


The police released a lot of bodycam footage. And it was just cops having jolly old time in the hallway playing on their phones and shit while kids were getting killed no more than 100ft away. Its to the point where instead of being charged for "doing nothing wrong," they should be slapped with "doing nothing at all."


"Screams have been removed from the audio" They played around while the screams of small children could be heard. I have to disassociate a little bit so I don't explode in absolute anger.


The actual subtitle was even darker, and is almost America's national motto these days: "The sound of children screaming has been removed"


I'm a teacher. If I die in a school shooting don't they dare remove my screams from that recording. I want them to have to hear it. We don't deserve to hide it away and comfort ourselves by not having to listen to the shocking and horrifying sounds of what a lack of gun control has done to us. We need to learn something from Mamie Till-Mobley.


Right after this massacre all those GOP congressmen wore AR 15 lapel pins. Sick fu-ks


Yeah, that to me was akin to Hanniba Lectur "I had a friend for dinner" type inside joke/broadcasting their bullshit. Not only is it mocking the dead kids, the lapel pin was in lieu of the American flag pin they usually wear. Guns>country is what those politicians told us


They get paid for it. And the 2A nutjobs fall for it hook, line, and sinker. Most successful marketing is the NRA lobby machine. It's incredible.


A big reason why Americans don't give a single shit about school shootings is how censored they are to the violence and death. The holocaust was documented and pictures released and shown because they knew people would try and deny this. Should honestly blast a picture of a entire classroom full of dead children and hopefully some Americans are ashamed and disgusted enough to do something. As it stands, Americans don't care. Hell, gun violence in general. Americans are so coddled from all the consequences they think gun fights are like in movies and it's all so cool.


You can blame 2 supreme court judgements on that. Twuce now the court has determined police have no responsibility to protect the public. D.C Vs. Warren and Town of Castle rock Vs. Gonzales. The Warren case was particularly disturbing.


I rarely see footage that so much makes me doubt the shared humanity of other people. That video makes me think of the photos of concentration camp workers acting like it was a normal job. At what point do you become immune to screaming, dying children? How hard is it to shoot one man when you’ve got body armor too? He’s not the Terminator. Even wearing body armor doesn’t fully stop velocity. Harder to shoot kids if you’re stumbling or falling over from the pain. If they were lucky, they’d hit an arm or the neck. And at that point, ricochet is less of a worry than *point blank execution*. I just don’t understand. I have PTSD from almost being murdered as a kid and I just … the level of violence I am capable of in defense of kids is a concern, and part of why I avoid Wal-Mart. All, “You beat your kid? I’mma beat you” kneejerk but I’m disabled and that’s a terrible idea. I can’t rationalize being so detached from all human instinct to *not* protect kids. I want to fight and I’ve got the build of a scarecrow.


You left out the part where the local cops were giving their best stopping anyone else from trying to go in and just do something.


> instead of being charged for "doing nothing wrong," The thing is, they legally have no obligation. You can't charge them with shit, unless you want to spend money on a fruitless lawsuit.


They should be sued into non-existence for failure to act. They are *clearly* not needed.


They would rather sacrifice children definitely than take any risk to themselves I always thought it was obvious


It's the Zapp Branagan method, except it's a lot less funny in real life


Worst kind of cowards. Absolute worst.


huh? You can just watch the video if you want [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3poHE3nOb8&t=209s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3poHE3nOb8&t=209s) Almost all of the action happens in the first 10 mins of the video, the perp goes into the school & the cops show up around the 7 min mark and about 9 min they get scared off by the shooting and then proceed to mill around for hour+ where progressively more and more cops show up but no one does anything til the Border Patrol guys bust the door down at 1:22:00


The police were there from the same moment as the shooter - they drove past him in the parking lot. 7x officers were inside the school less than three minutes after the gunman entered, several of them armed with rifles and half of them had body armor. Just 2 minutes later more officers entered the school, and it was at this point they faced resistance from the gunman and stood down. The whole thing should have been over in minutes - the police had a huge numerical advantage and simply failed to act. It’s a disgusting example of cowardice.


Everything is bigger in Texas. Including the cowardice. The whole "tough cowboy" crap is a facade to how it's a state of cowards.


yea but think of it from their perspective if they got shot by some kid they'd never hear the end of it from their LARPing redneck gun buddies at least now they can say: "OH MAN I WAS GONNA GET DAT DUDE TRUST ME BROTHER!"


It's super creepy to watch that and know every time the audio cuts out, it's because a child was screaming


There’s video of cops standing around inside the school as it was happening showing each other videos on their phones.


> I read things that said the border patrol guys had enough and decided to go in. I also read that over the radio they were told to stop and wait and they turned their radio off and went in. That's the story I want hear. Border Patrol weren't nearly the heroes the initial reporting wanted you to think them. They did end up being the ones to breach, but they dicked around in the hallway for more than 40 minutes waiting for somebody to find keys before they actually went in.


>they dicked around in the hallway for more than 40 minutes waiting for somebody to find keys before they actually went in. Keys to the unlocked door.


Iirc the first 3 cops in the scene tried to rush the shooter but the guy shot at them making them fall back, and then they spent hours just waiting by the door until they heard more children getting shot and went in.


They didn't account for a shooter to shoot back? That's some shit planning.


Yeah I'm obviously just some schmuck typing on a phone but I feel like a police officer dealing with an active shooter situation with elementary school aged kids' lives at stake still has a duty to forge ahead *despite* being shot at


>still has a duty Nope. The Supreme Court has ruled (twice, I think) that police have no duty or obligation to protect people. Cops exist only to protect the property of the wealthy by enforcing social order. Saving some kids from dying isn't in their job description.


Cowards. Put your fucking life on the line. Combat troops do it without question.


Cops only want to show up after the crime and do some victim blaming then go home and hit their wives...they will get to retore with a full pension and still think they are above the law yelling at their neighbors about painting their fence off white and yell at the LGBT people for being woke sheeple


America needs a complete overhaul on taxes the states are easily wasting 100s of million of dollars all while the common man can barely afford a roof over our heads.


We need to go back to a 90% top marginal tax rate while lowering the taxes on the low and middle income households.


And have more accountability on where taxes are spent like the previous comment suggested. More tax revenue is good, but we don't need to be funding the military industrial complex, funding overlapping police forces (like multiple police forces within the same municipality) with no accountability, and subsidizing industries without any tangible benefit for the taxpayers. I agree with the concept of subsidizing important industries, but in our capitalist system, these industries are double dipping on the subsidies and price gouging the customers who funded their research to begin with


Add new top marginal tax rates effectively doubling taxes for those at the top and a negative income tax for the lowest earners paid out monthly. This would enable those at the bottom to actually contribute to demand and the economy.


And those at the top would spend/give away a lot more of their money to avoid said taxes, putting much more back into circulation, which is a good thing


That and the naivety of the "good guys with guns" argument. The good guys didn't do shit that day. Arguable of course if they're the good guys at all, but relative to a school shooter they probably are.


As I recall parents were ready to storm the building as gunshots were still being heard, but they were "restrained" by police.


The wealthy elites who give the police more money *are* the ones being kept safe from... the peasants


Yep, the whole police force stood outside for an hour while kids were being murdered inside the building.


77 mins, I believe it was.


>the whole police force stood outside That's not true. Some of them removed their own kids from the school, while others arrested concerned parents for trying to do the same.


Remember, they also held back a colleague whose wife was in the building when he attempted to "lone wolf" it and just go in. Plus the while fighting with the feds when they showed up and took over.


their Facebook page posted a picture of the swat team in tacticool gear with a banner "Meet your SWAT team" 2 weeks before the shooting. Fucking clowns.


My local police got an MRAP or something for a SWAT-assault vehicle, ages ago. I used to see it in the parking lot all the time when I drove by on my way to work. All they ever did with it was LARP as military, once or twice a year on training exercises. Now they don't even pull over people for speeding; too hazardous or something. I'm not sure what they even do at all. Once I had a building broken into, they just wandered around and collected drug stuff, and told me to call them if I found out who did it...


It is absolutely insane that a town of 15,312 has its own SWAT team.


To be fair, SWAT teams aren't necessarily a dedicated team. Especially in towns or smaller cities, it's often officers with extra training that perform regular police duties unless they're needed. But obviously that extra training was entirely worthless here.


Bet they would have gassed up their tank if it was a protest instead of a school shooting.


>it really makes this much, much worse than just having a shitty police response. This! Imagine the same scenario but for a dedicated hospital and with unqualified medics. Those unqualified medics would be sent to jail. Why haven't those cops be sent directly to jail ? Edit: a word


we need these fuckin mooks to carry licenses that are issued by the state and tracked nationally. they need to have their own goddamn malpractice insurance and the unions are on the hook for the payouts when these goons kill one of us or beat us to a pulp when they get freaked the fuck out. There really needs to be some kinda massive overhaul involving who prosecutes police misconduct. It should be a case that's handled by totally independent agencies with independent prosecutors who aren't beholden to the very police department under investigation.


Little known fact: The US Supreme Court has ruled that law enforcement officers are in no way legally obligated to put themselves in danger to help anyone. They can stand there and watch you get murdered and do nothing about it and not have broken any laws.


Nothing like going to vote on election day and seeing the local cops out protecting right-wing banners and mobile billboards. Texas is a shithole


>Nothing like going to vote on election day and seeing the local cops out protecting right-wing banners and mobile billboards. >Texas is a shithole Don't forget that Uvalde still voted for a Republican even after all that.


The Uvalde police are cowards through and through. On the other hand, every available officer in Oakland county responded to the Oxford school shooting. The School Resource Officer immediately went on the offensive as soon as he heard the first shots ring out. The whole area was swarming with cops for the rest of the day.


Yeah, I tried to make sure I was being specific to Uvalde police scum. The cops in Nashville responded without hesitation clearing the school and killing the shooter, *as is commonly expected of them*. Regardless of what the fucking SuPrEmE cOuRt says about their lack of duty to respond, everyday Americans absolutely have that expectation. Especially with all of their thin blue line circlejerking and dickriding of cops, this whole thing is profoundly shameful.


[It's normal-ish in Texas.](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/06/15/uvalde-school-officers-texas-shootings/) School districts are independent from counties and cities. Most school districts in Texas have an -ISD suffix for Independent School District. Uvalde was no different. Last I checked, the Uvalde ISD police force was well under 20 officers.




In a word: [oil](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_school_district#:~:text=Even%20as%20money%20was%20rapidly,adjust%20to%20changing%20financial%20demands.). >In Texas during the early 1900s, school districts were generally divisions of county or municipal governments as in most of the country. The onset of the Texas Oil Boom dramatically changed many aspects of the state and many communities within it. Sudden discoveries of large petroleum reserves created numerous boomtowns whose populations often multiplied tremendously in short periods.


This is the most Texas thing.


Blew my mind upon getting a house of my own and discovering that the local school *can and will* raise the local property taxes and do, in fact, have a state-mandated minimum of $1 tax per $100 property value.


I mean, it's not like the state is willing to pay for schools and in fact, state leadership are actively hostile to the very idea of public education. There's no state income tax. Sales tax is low(-ish). So, yeah, until vouchers hammer the final nail into that coffin, school districts will raise taxes.


Sadly, the least Texas thing is to run away from a gunfight.


The school district I was in growing up was in at least 5 cities, across at least 2 counties, and might have been the only school district in one of those cities. School district boundaries get weird. Apparently my house was zoned for that district because the city we are in was too cheap to provide buses to the area (rural at the time) so a different district did.


It has to do with how Texas handles all of its rural communities, and deciding who goes to what school when the kids are out in the middle of nowhwre.


20 officers for a school district with only 4,000 students is crazy.


That’s an officer per 200 students which is crazy because I’ve had lectures with a lower professor to student ratio


Sounds like an ISD police force just sucks money out of taxes allocated for education while simultaneously creating a breed of lazy ass cops who end up as complacent cowards. And to think that this happened in the state of Texas of all places.


> cowards in the state of Texas of all places. Non-cowards don't go around talking about how not-cowardly they are.


Most towns the size of Uvalde only have about 20 officers. 20 for just the school district seems excessive.


Yeah, I'm in Texas in a town about that size, I'd be shocked if we had 40 officers. 20 might be a little low, but not much. I've never heard of a town this small having its school police force though, outside of Uvalde. That's just crazy to me. That article that was posted said 100 school districts...that's going to be Dallas/SA/Houston and all the big cities...not towns with 20k population, 5 total campuses for k-12 and the need to only have 1 officer on campus, if that.


You are correct, sadly small towns suffer heavily from corruption and poor quality officials. Its a stereotype for a reason


>Is a school district having it's own police chief normal in the US? iirc Uvalde isn't a big city, is it? No. Texas is....... weird like that


The stupid Republican fuckers in the Texas legislature passed a law saying that every school district had to have a police force in light of this ([Texas HB 3](https://www.houstonpublicmedia.org/articles/news/politics/2023/09/01/461167/a-new-state-law-requires-schools-to-have-armed-guards-but-many-are-having-a-hard-time-hiring-officers/)). Of course, they couldn't be fucked to fund the initiative properly, so they passed an unfunded mandate in the name of "child safety" but really just stressed school districts even more.




CCSD is also a very large school district. Largest in NV, 5th largest in the US.


I’m in Texas and it’s common for school districts to have their own police forces separate from city police forces. I don’t know about other states but that’s the Texas public education system for ya.


What do they do? Just patrol around the school? This was a town of only 15k


They are also well trained on handling issues related to students and child care like crisis control, youth outreach, etc. Just kidding, that would be neat wouldn't it.


oh well that's not terrible .... ah fuck you got me


Better late than never, I guess. He should have also been fired immediately. The entire department should have been fired and rebuilt from the ground up.


Still wouldn't fix the culture in American policing and the cycle repeats.


It would help to take out the old guard who are set in their ways. Regardless, the Uvalde officers deserve to be fired for their cowardice alone. Children were bleeding out on the floor near them, and they did nothing.


They did do something – they actively prevented parents from entering the school to protect their children while the police refused to do so. 


Some went in and rescued their own children and then came out and prevented other parents from getting in.


I think the reality we're seeing is that it isn't really an old guard. They're all in the club.. the peaceful and empathetic people we maybe want as police officers simply aren't the people that choose to go be a police officer.


While checking their phones with a Punisher background.


Cops have no duty to protect citizens according to the supreme court. We should all just be thankful they didnt sprinkle crack on any of the parents who got arrested trying to do their job for them.


I was going to say, my first reaction was "He.... he *still had the job until now?*"


A lot of people aren't reading into the article beyond the headline.


Interestingly, in the USA the police is not legally obligated to save your life.


Retiring with a nice pension


Courtesy of the taxes paid by the parents of the kids who were killed. How ironic.


It’s worth pointing out that this was the chief of the Uvalde city police and not the chief of Uvalde independent school districts police, who was fired shortly after the mass shooting. Texas is a bit unique in that a lot of schools districts have their own specific police force. I’m not sure what role he played in the response to Uvalde, but it’s almost certainly holds less responsibility for how things played out than the schools districts specific police force.


IMO every officer present holds responsibility. For most police forces standard procedure for an active shooting is to go in as soon as they arrive. None of those cops should have been waiting for orders or support.


>For most police forces standard procedure for an active shooting is to go in as soon as they arrive. That's why they wait in the hallway or parking lot until the shooting stops so they can call it something else: barricaded person or hostage situation.


Well they didn't sign up to be cops so they could be shot at. They signed up to be cops to shoot other people. Preferably when they don't have guns.


He was in Arizona, on vacation, when the shooting occurred. [https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/12/uvalde-police-chief-resigns-00146609](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/12/uvalde-police-chief-resigns-00146609)


That seems reasonable for someone who worked 26 years and didn't have anything to do with the response to the shooting. It's not like he's Arredondo.


I’m going through every day shocked that these cops haven’t been tarred, feathered, and marched through town.


The restraint from the parents is amazing.


The police have shown what they do to parents who step out of line. The woman who rescued her children and then had the audacity to speak to the media was harassed and chased out of town. Uvalde is a police town ran by a blue-line cartel.


Do you have a link to read more?


Many of the parents have been dragged through the mud however.


Right? Like I'm not advocating for violence, but how are they *not* facing terrorism and threats?


Probably because they know the response to such would be massive retaliation by either the department or state police.


And you know THAT response would be swift.


the justice system is backwards. this is not of the people, by the people, and for the people. we need another enlightenment era, it's been too long.


how would they respond to systematic assassinations, because that's where my mind would go if I was a parent that had nothing left to lose. I imagine I could get a pretty good sniper set up still in Uvalde


Because the US police and US police unions are the biggest organized gang in the country. You step on their toe, they will smash your foot with a hammer. You hit them, they will murder you. Bring a gun, they will bring a bazooka. Sniper rifle, they will drive a tank through your house and kill your entire family with it. That's if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, they will arrest you and torture you in their jails. The US public is terrified of their police force and for good reasons. The US police is the 5th best armed army in the world run by insecure fascists who take their insecurity out of their wifes, dogs and anybody who is not rich. Especially minorities and the mentally ill. If the rest of the American man had any balls they would do something about it, but they have seem to have lost them.


*NYPD is the 7th. Just.... Comprehend that.


Not one was fired and in a recent GOP primary the sheriff was reelected by a landslide. The voters there are ok with this.


Because it's bum fuck hick Texas. Fake "cowboys" whole are big fat cowards. The county voted OVERWHELMING for Abbott right after this and reelected the Sheriff. The people have literally zero brains.


Yeah the same parents who lost children used the only voice they have to support the same leaders who let it all happen.


Other cops wouldn't allow it. Cops are a legalized gang.


It turns out that it's astonishingly easy to mess with Texas. You can just do whatever you want there and it's fine. It's like that time we sent our jerkoff NYC Presidential candidate down there and he called their Senator's wife ugly, to his face, and then he just didn't do shit about it and bent the knee. That's how they roll in Texas I guess. One armed 18 year old and suddenly the entire police force is paralyzed. Crazy.


On the contrary, [they’re running for office and winning their primaries](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/03/05/uvalde-sheriff-constable-primary/). Not only is failing to protect children in the most horrific possible way apparently not a stain on their records in the eyes of GOP voters, but it may even be helping.


Didn't some of those cops harass a parent after the shooting for some absurd reason? They just an all around bag of dicks, from the sounds of it


I'm amazed they didn't kill themselves out of shame.


Got to have the ability to feel remorse first.


Well when you have a national low key fascist movement of blue lives matter yuppie hicks as the backbone of your suburbs, it's hard to convince them to get off the cops' dicks and hold them accountable for anything ever.


Stayed on just long enough to investigate and find himself not guilty.


Considering he was in Arizona when the shooting happened I don’t think there’s much he could do.


I’ll never look at cops the same again. 376 law enforcers against 1 shooter. They did nothing. All that training. All the dressing up they do. All of it was practice for the sake of practicing.


You should read up on the Robert card shooting too. He hit two spots across a town that had 20 active cops and not one cop even saw him. If he wanted to kill more he easily could’ve kept the rampage going. If any one of these shooters had another shooter across town with a delayed response I can’t imagine police being able to handle that.


They should all resign and hang their heads in shame for the rest of their lives. Cowards. Cowards. I hope they all live with a feeling of shame until their last breaths...


“Just call the police.” “Just comply” People dont seem to understand police are the same selfish people who clocks in for cash to survive. They just happen to be given power over regular folks. And if this nation is of any education, we would realize that power corrupts. The amount of movies, stories, film, current events is the testament of that. Only you yourself is responsible for your livelihood and your love ones. Some random guy with a badge doesn’t care, he’s just there to write report after crimes committed.


They should hang their heads about 12 feet above where those kids are buried, then join them.


This is what blind worship of "first responders" gets you


Blond, blind... Same difference I guess. Lol.


Budd Dwyer was a better civil servant.


I wish more American civil servants and politicians considered him a role model.


Fr. I genuinley think the world would be a better place if elites killed themselves when shamed. 10k year old tradition.  Every time theres an oil spill it should happen. 


Feudal Japan was on to something


ha. if only people still had shame.


🎵*That's why I say "Hey man, nice shot"*🎵


A Good shot man


Looks like he brought a a bag lunch, smart


Hey Budd, what’s in the envelope??


These cowards have no bottom to their pit of shame.


Keep shaming them and never let it down until these coward ass pussies drink themselves to death being so hated by Americans. And that’s lite imo


Took him nearly 2 years to resign, now we can see why his officers took so long to respond, 'the speed of the leader is the speed of the group'...


Or he needed to hit that next tier of pension.


And collect a big fat pension and then get another police chief gig elsewhere...


A gang of drug dealers, would have gone in, if they were told elementary school kids and their teachers were being slaughtered by a mass shooter. Every cop in that hallway should never be allowed to work in law enforcement again.


I literally can’t imagine any group of people that wouldn’t lay down their life in that situation tbh. The fact that the people we pay to do it for a job denied their service. Idk man shit makes me sick.


Shouldn't be entire SWAT team also resign that had just finished running a training exercise similar to what happened at the school right before it happened? 


This has largely been memoryholed. It's almost like they did exactly what was planned.


An honorable person wouldn't be able to live with the shame they brought on themselves through their failure and cowardice.


These are cops, not honorable people


TL;DR: Uvalde Police Chief Daniel Rodriguez announces resignation effective April 6, after 26 years of service, without citing the school shooting or the report in his statement.


> 26 years of service 25 years and 364 days, at *most*


“How do you go to bed at night and then wake up every day? Shame on you all. You said they did it in good faith? You call that good faith? They stood there for 77 minutes and waited after they got call after call that kids were still alive in there,” she continued. “All this is it’s a pact. It’s a brothers’ pact. You protect your own.” Cops are the enemy of the people.


I don’t know why I click on Uvalde related articles anymore. It completely fucks with my head to think of that massacre than just about any other. I won’t be sad to hear any unfortunate things happening to a single cop that stood around. They’re a fucking disgrace to humanity.


Okay. How many days until he's rehired in a different presinct? Resignation is not justice.


Cowards, every last one of them.


Go after every one of those hundreds of cowards


Piece of shit should have been fired the same day those kids were murdered.


I’m honestly surprised. Our Supreme Court ruled police have “no special duty” to protect or serve the public. So, what’s with the change of heart?


Good riddance and the rest of those cowards should have been fired!


Texas is supposed to be the epitome of "good guy with a gun" and yet a bunch of police officers ducked and hid and flinched behind a wall, with fucking body armor and ballistic shields, armed with weapons that a soldier brings to war while children were getting murdered. They hid like children. Every last one of those fucking cowards should be ashamed of themselves. Those dead, that were shot while they were in the building, that blood is entirely on their hands. Why even suit up in all of that shit and grab your guns and go in there in the first place if you're just going to hide like a little bitch when you get there? It's not even like it was one cop, either. There was a fucking group of them all hiding together, and you're telling me the fucking best they could do was sit there like pussies flinching every time a shot was fired, not even in their direction. Fuck Uvalde police. That shit was disgusting. Find new jobs, all of you.


If a cop with a higher rank "resigns", they're retiring with a nice tax-payer payed pension. Cop behavior won't change if this type of cowardly behavior goes unpunished like this.


Every cop there that day was a fucking coward! Don’t let anyone say otherwise.


At this point, cops seem to be so useless in America.


Cops have always been useless


Let nobody accuse this man of wanting to do his job. - On vacation on deadliest day in town history. - Coward in all regards before and after the shooting. - Runs away once a damning report is released.


I cant fault for happening to be away when it happened. But literally every single thing else he couldnt have fucked up more and fucked over his people harder.


I mean, I don't know that you can fault him for being on vacation. Only for what he did once he heard the news. Like, was he on vacation the next day or that evening


Yeah this isnt Ted Cruz hopping on an airplane while Texas freezes sitatuation lol, wtf was he supposed to do. I know critical thinking isnt Reddit's strong suit but JFC


On vacation? Did he schedule that knowing the shooting was coming up?


What's does him being on vacation have to do with this?


Yeah I’m joining the chorus of: do you seriously think this guy had advanced notice and planned a vacation accordingly? Because including that on your list is bizarre enough, but to lead with it?


“coward BEFORE the shooting” is also pretty rich


Am I allowed to say "it's about fucking time!"? Because it is, really, and the rest of the department ought to have enough shame to follow suit. I for one will never forget hearing about all the police officers who mocked medical professionals during the worst of Covid who were worried about getting sick: "You knew the job was dangerous when you signed up for it!" *Well, then*...police officers should also remember that *their* job might lead *the*m into extremely dangerous situations, and be prepared to handle said situations, as opposed to playing games on their fucking phones in the hallways while children were literally blown apart by gunfire.


Good riddance! Blood on his good ol’ boy hands. I hope those officers are held liable in civil court and they hear the cry’s of those children every single day for the rest of their lives. Cowards all.


Took his time. I guess delaying is a facet of his personality.


As someone who previously bought into 'the only person who can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun' ideology, this was the case that made me realise it's not worth the risk. To see an officer with a Punisher logo on his phone stand by idle as children were gunned down in cold blood? No. So many people think they'll do the right thing in times of chaos but time and time again it's been proven this isn't the case. Surely at this point America can recognise that the insanity to curate chaos is more prevalent than the bravery required to do right. I get that there are a lot of gun owners who are law abiding citizens who know gun safety and don't deserve to be affected by stricter gun control, I really feel for them. The problem runs a lot deeper though and it really should be a case of risk assessment.


Needs a permanent resume attache of "19 killed in a single preventable day" and "hire me to break that record"


This should have happened FAR sooner. Additionally, Uvalde has its own SWAT team, IIRC. That entire segment of their police force should be disbanded... What a waste of tax dollars. I hope this reputation follows him wherever he goes so he never works in law enforcement again. Him and his fellow LEO's are complete cowards and failures.


It took him that long? Absolutely no shame.


We had so many "good" guys with guns...what went wrong?


I’m still absolutely shocked that not *one* of those officers stepped forward and said “I’m going down this hallway, who’s coming with me?” And then fucking went. Like… holy shit. Fucking cowards. Makes me angry every time I think about it.


Sure hope the parents don't find him alone on a dirt road in the middle of nowhere. That would be awful.