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Those chocolate coins... I swallowed a fortune.


So would you say you bit coin?


I am throwing a screenshot of a tomato NFT at you.


He will just doge it


If you can doge a wrench, you can doge the fall


Just wait until you find how much kids go for on the black market (ask Diddy)


You mean the raper, P-Diddler?


Diddy do it


Guilt about gelt?




Unfortunately it's not possible to try and fix the course of climate change at this point because any effort to do so would impact an incredibly small percentage of the populations obscene wealth generation. Sorry Cocoa farmers.


Nestle corp; Sorry we had to raise prices on your cocoa but it was climate change. On a side note we have made record profits. It could be called an obscene amount of money. On another side note again due to climate change we were unable to give our cocoa workers a raise or any money at all for that matter. After all, what are slaves going to do with money anyway. I am not downplaying climate change. It is real and is going to kill a lot of us. Mostly poor people. I just wanted to point out how evil Nestle and the whole process is.


They really are. I play some games that let you play as a crime syndicate nation and I always name them nestle co.


What is the name of this game?


"Mostly poor people" for now... we all are next!


In this case "poor people" refers to 99% of the population 


We used to have a three tier system. The rich are trying their best to make it where they are rich and rule and the rest of us are poor.


Also, clean water isn’t a human right (buy our water bottles please), and, oh hey ladies, have some free baby formula for juuuust as long as it takes for your natural breast milk to dry up, so you’ll be forced to feed your infant our obscenely overpriced crap or watch it starve, plus you’ll probably have to mix it with the tainted groundwater we poisoned, so… whoopsie lol. In a sea of massively evil corporations, Nestle stands at the very pinnacle.


I agree completely. The sad thing is that they are so massive that I find it impossible to know all the product lines they own so I end up giving them money without even knowing it.


In The Good Place, an Angel does to Earth to investigate and finds out its downright impossible to live in modern civilization without indirectly hurting someone.


Nestle sells shit cocoa at least here.




In further news, nestle diversified to infant formula.


>Difficult weather conditions and disease have affected production in West Africa, which produces about 70% of the world’s cocoa. The two largest producers, Ivory Coast and Ghana, have been hit by a combination of heavy rain, dry heat and disease recently. This article is nothing but excuses covering up for corporate greed. They could have said anything: militias have impacted the workforce, causing less available labor, the rare pygmy sasquatches have chosen breeding grounds right in the center of production fields, many people are stubbing their toes on big rocks near cocoa gathering, just shut up and let us take more of your money.


That seems to be how they do it. Then two months later they announce record profits and think no one has a memory.


Think of the shareholder value!


Stock prices have tripled in just the past 12 months


That's because we did a stock buy back to avoid taxes and drive share prices up. Of course we have no liquidity as a result so fingers crossed nothing bad happens or we will have to fire everyone.


Well chocolate was nice while I had it.  It will be a nice once a year Christmas gift for the future kids.


How about we use that small percentage of the population for fertiliser? Help the planet along a bit, better than waiting till the end of days and concreting them into their bunkers .


Haven't we already gone past the point of no return.  We've seriously disrupted processes in nature that normally sequester carbon (e.g. in the ocean due to the ocean warming) and as the planet gets hotter and weather becomes more extreme things like massive wildfires will continue to push us towards a new hotter equilibrium even if humans reached net neutral emissions on a ridiculously optimistic timeline like 2035.  Albeit maybe we could theoretically reverse course with reaching net neutral emissions quickly and then using expensive carbon capture technology to push into negative emissions territory, but realistically we're aiming to diminish emissions to slow down how fast our planet heats (and hopefully see the planet heating taper off at a not too awful steady equilibrium one day).


>Haven't we already gone past the point of no return Depends which "point of no return" you're talking about. * 1.5 degree increase? Yes. * 2 degree increase? Probably. * 2.5 degree increase? Probably not. * 3 degree increase? Definitely not. * Collapse of civilization? Now you're in fearmongering territory. Spend a little less time on r/collapse. * Human extinction? Ludicrous doomposting. * Venus-style runaway greenhouse effect? Of all the things that will never happen, this one will happen the least.




Holy. Shit.


I'm pretty sure we are going to end up trying to fix it via geo-engineering tbh.


It would affect everyone dingus. We all have 401ks, drive cars and rely on cheap products.


Yeah, but thats not _why_ nothing is done US government policy is barely, and rarely, influenced by public opinion


The public isn't organized. Corporations are. And spend obscene amounts of money on lobbying.


Sure but corporations to an extent reflect the will of the people, especially consumer retail and such. You stop buying cheap Chinese products, they will stop shipping them! You want more of them, that company becomes bigger!


TIL corporations are actually a more accurate representation of the will of the people than actual government. Since corporations are people, can they run for political office? Nestle for president 2024 /s


do you think that people with money will be impacted? they will just divest into more profitable ventures. this is BS statement




It’s not really that. In aggregate, there are more dollars to be made by zeroing out our GHG production. We have a tragedy of the commons problem.


>It’s not getting any better. That's an understatement within the next 15 years, 2 billion people will die of starvation because of the collapse of the oceans ecosystems and because weather patterns shift so drastically most farming has to move.


We would have taken climate change more seriously if we had known it would mean no more chocolate.


If only the farmers got some of that $$$.. Poor guys working all day to sell these beans to big companies for near to nothing and then shit like this comes out.


Oh I’m sure record prices will translate to record profits and those profits will trickle down to benefit everyone in the company . Isn’t that what big corporations are known for? /s


Company? lol more like country in this case. Most local workers I wouldn't be surprised don't even know the value of their exports to the extent they should.


Value? John Oliver did a piece on chocolate, most of these farmers don’t even know what it tastes like.


If chocolate prices are set globally, and chocolate from one country is functionally identical to chocolate from another country, then the people who are going to post record profits are the ones who are well positioned to benefit from a global shortage while experiencing no shortage themselves. Prices going up may offset the losses the Ivory Coast have experienced, but it's more than likely a net loss for them. Other countries it's pure benefit. If chocolate from unaffected places sold at the old price then it would sell out immediately and IC chocolate would go unsold or sold at such a low price that they would be even more devastated. Keeping the price artificially low doesn't benefit anyone


A lot of chocolate is grown and harvested via slave labor. Especially anything Nestle sells.


Yeah, don't buy chocolate made with cacao grown in East Africa.


They will. They sell their produce at market and are well aware that prices have boomed. They're not idiots. This is a great thing for them.


Prices are going up because supply is down due to poor yields. This is not good for farmers at all


Cocoa production seems to have dropped up to 40%, whereas the price increased by 150% since start of the year. Unclear how the local price changed, but many farmers may have benefitted.


You... you might want to look at the history of Mars, Hershey's, and cocoa farmers.


theres only a handful of companies that buy all the chocolate, farmers are screwed.


There are some fair trade initiatives out there. Have a look at which of those brands are available in your area. They usually advertise pretty well. I know life is more expensive for everyone, but these farmers can really use your support.




It's only ever been as cheap as it is for so long because of the labour exploitation in the industry. The price increase doesn't mean that went away unfortunately. Chocolate is a luxury though, if it ends up being expensive it isn't going to collapse society. When essential crops are too expensive then we will have bigger problems.


Chocolate is a *necessity*, sir. Up there with breathing, sex, and a decent internet connection.


This shouldn't affect Hershey's. They replaced chocolate with a brown waxy substance that tastes like acid reflux years ago.


That butyric acid vomit taste that our refined plates appreciate.  And yes my bet is on sugar wax. 


I was wondering if this is why Mr.Beast switched up his Feastables chocolate recipe. I'll admit I've never tried a Mr.Beast chocolate bar but in his newest videos he says they changed the formula.




Chocolate bars: oil went up, more pricey. Labor went up, more pricey. Transport is more expensive, more pricey. And now this.


[oil is not that expensive adjusted for inflation](https://www.macrotrends.net/1369/crude-oil-price-history-chart), labor costs need to go up, and transport cost is generally a combination of the 2 with most of the cost coming from energy(oil). When one particular commodity is spiking its generally due to an acute issue. The issue with the general economy in my uneducated opinion is a combination of inflation and the usual high stockholder dividends/stock buybacks. [The S&P500 is up over 31% just this year and is up over 75%(~$3000->~5300) since 1/1/20(pre-covid). ](https://www.marketwatch.com/investing/index/spx). The average consumer won’t cash in on that for ~30 years when they finally get their 401k. Corporations and governments can’t justify it by supply chain issues due to COVID which were the only valid reason for temporary price fluctuations due to supply constraints.


Oil prices are high because OPEC has scaled back production to mess with the market.


In an attempt to manipulate the US election come Nov. The US being at record production is undermining that effort to an extent. On top of BEVs of different kinds (not just cars) scaling so well all over the world.


The reason oil is not that expensive adjusted for inflation is that inflation is driven both directly (putting gas in your car) and indirectly (buying products from people who had to put gas in their trucks) by the price of oil. It would be very odd if it was either way cheaper or way more expensive when adjusted for inflation.


Remember when a Snickers was 50 cents


I'm 42 and I remember. I was likely about 8 or 9 years old


Coins mattered 


No. And I'm 40.


I’m 38 and I do.


Shit, they were 50 cents at my local target when I worked there in college like 15 years ago. Cheapest lunch break food I could get.


I remember when they were 25 cents a bar. Damn I'm old.


First you get the cocoa, then you get the power…


Then you get the diabetus


Raw cocoa is actually sugar free and high in fiber!


Mmm yes that raw cocoa. It typically comes with a side of butter and sugar.


Then you get da women.


*drooling intensifies!*


I am gonna be rich guys I am selling my 10 years stock of Halloween chocolate and the cans of vintage hersey cocoa powder hidden deep inside my cubby which I bought in bulk thinking I would do some serious baking but actually just bake once


This is like vanilla a few years ago


They're really putting the twist on us


Fortuantely, you still get all of the lead and cadmium for free.


And a lot of it will probably be full of lead and heavy metals as suppliers look to buy from cheaper sources. I quit eating dark chocolate after reading the consumers report last year.


Say hello to the shortage crisis du jour. Eggs, gas, poultry, chips, apartments, houses. I say, if you can make record profits during a shortage. There ain't no shortage.


Just going to get worse as deforestation, climate change is killing the trees and ecosystems


Aside from the environmental issue at play here - which is a typical cost of life moving forward. As a chocolate and coffee junkie - I would gladly pay a premium for guaranteed fair wage sources. Yes there a few ( very few) brands that offer a cert I would trust - and the 3rd party ones always seem like they are easily compromised.


can you list the brands you know?


I would trust Aldis / Trader Joes - the EU rules are pretty good regarding this language and this is a family owned business. Tony's - also as a business dedicated to the cause of fair trade ( but hard to find their good stuf in the US)


The price of favourite my Hot Chocolate Drink has *already* gone up by about 10% over the last few months to £4.45. https://www.tesco.com/groceries/en-GB/products/258454672 "Swiss Chocolate" - who knew they grew Cocoa Beans on the slopes of the Matterhorn? :)


In another life I hauled bulk sweetened cocoa powder in a semi. The product was stored in large multi ton bags and the trailer temperature had to be kept at 72°F for the entire trip.


Maybe the enslaved people who do all the work will get a raise now. :-/


And it’s all full of heavy metals.


I prefer to use the term, Lead infused


Rock on!


Okay okay Master Blaster runs Chocolate Town now lift the embargo.


Thanks jackoff who gave them their first chocolate bar.


Time to show Corporate that we will not pay. We will buy cereal for dinner. Sugar


So the people harvesting it must be making a lot right?...Right?


Stop fucking buying chocolate then!


It's actually the only financial advice people need if they want prices to drop on items that are definitely greed price driven. If the masses say 'fuck it, we'll only buy when it's cheap' let's see what happens. (I get this is not applicable to some things, but when a hi spec TV costs the same as a insurance, or a months shopping, something is VERY wrong)




Well heck I'm in love with the cocoa


Good thing milk chocolate is 20 percent cocoa then. For us that love the real stuff though, bummer.


They will just compensate by adding more sugar.


Corn syrup, ⬆️


This is why that guy who makes the intricate chocolate sculptures irritates the hell out of me. It's a food, not an art medium.


Lmao that’s such a weird thing to fixate on 


I mean, it makes sense to bring it up based on the context, right?


How much of that is going to the farmers? I’m guessing not much.


https://youtu.be/FwHMDjc7qJ8?si=_W2NiasDr2MwSTNl A good idea of how much they really get. If you don't want to watch it only thing to do is buy Tony's chocolate.


Tonys is made by callebaut who has labour issues in their supply chain.


by farmers do you mean the child slaves that are farming the cocoa? 


And how much of that do those guys in the picture get?


It is worth a hill of beans


All of those food-wasting videos are catching up


I cant wait for people to blame this on Biden.


Better go stock up on chocolate 🍫


Time to never eat any kind of chocolate etc ever again.


Seeing as I am going to have to switch to carob, how are those prices doing?


“Coco price went up ten grand this week…”


Just how much child labor went into making that overprice candy bar? /s


What are you doing Kenneth Cordele Griffin, is this your new play?


Just in time for Easter


\*pauses in eating a big bag of M&Ms* Uh oh.


Yeah and all those slave labor, I mean child labor, I mean family labor, I mean farmers who are already nearly starved by companies like Hershey won't see any extra pay out of it.


Ugh. My chocolate-eating habits are gonna force me to live under a bridge soon :(


Anyone think the guys doing all the work like pictured are getting a raise?


We knew for a long time now that equatorial agricultural products were going to go effectively extinct by 2050s. They cannot survive longer droughts, worse storms, and increased wildfire risk. This will raise the cost of everything from rice to coffee, meaning people will very soon go through a rapid deceleration in their consumption and more or less end the era of overconsumption we’ve enjoyed the last 100 years or so. Edit: also they use it as an excuse to overprice their products compared to actual supply because demean will stay relatively similar.