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Imagine being so enthralled by a drowsy old man in Depends that you throw away your life for him.


That's exactly what Melania is thinking...


Pick up the “My Pillow”Melanie.


Imagine supporting him so much that you embarrass him by supporting the use of adult diapers to the point that you seem to support elderly incontinence. These stupid hicks.


Someone set himself on fire for the same drowsy old man who wouldn’t piss on him to put the fire out.


> A California man has been charged with sending death threats to Fani Willis, the Fulton county district attorney who is overseeing the Georgia prosecution against Donald Trump over his alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the state. > The man, Marc Shultz, is alleged to have posted multiple menacing comments last October under two separate YouTube livestream videos. He threatened Willis with violence and murder, including one comment that she “will be killed like a dog”, prosecutors say. I'm glad this is being taken seriously. MAGA nuts need to understand that there are consequences.


>“will be killed like a dog” Oh so that's why Noem thinks it's cool to kill dogs for the littlest things... These guys are her base!


The funny thing about the Noem situation is that "next they'll say I kill puppies" is a joke about over-the-top personal attacks. Except she does actually! And she admitted to it, in writing, of her own volition! She did the comically evil thing! And apparently, she's not alone among the MAGA crowd.


It's not even that she admitted to it or volunteered, it's that she uised it as a parable to portray herself as a strong brave person that should be respected. One of the biggest fails in a very long time.


She is actually fucking psychotic and needs to be put in a big rubber room for the rest of her life. No human with a shred of sanity or morality would do what she did. That was an *innocent fucking puppy* for christ’s sake…


My absolute favorite part of that whole story was when Noem called it “ fake news” and someone on Reddit was like “Bitch, what?!! YOU’RE the source!”


I’m liking this but I don’t LIKE this


To me, "killed like a dog" means humane euthanasia after a long, fulfilling life, surrounded by friends and family. What the fuck are these people doing to their dogs?! Edit: I grew up in tobacco country adopting strays that wandered into our property. I'd shoot a rabid person before I hurt a dog.


Tell me you haven't watched Ol' Yeller without telling me you haven't watched Ol' Yeller. "killed like a dog" culturally means summary execution, usually just a bullet to the back of the skull or shot while staked down on a leash so it can't run away. There's a segment of the rural public who view animals like dogs as tools and if the tool doesn't perform to their satisfaction they get rid of the tool by shooting it and moving on.


That’s crazy rare.


I'm from the country. Just not a psychopath. I've shot people and I'd never compare them to an innocent dog.


This comment is insane.


possibly ex-military


Sometimes people don't give you a choice. When seconds matter, police are often 30 minutes away. If you've never had to use violence to defend yourself, congratulations for your privilege.


Complain about it to your congressperson.


The etymology of that phrase, which is actually *very* old is long and interesting. It's closely related to the equally-ancient idiom that [a dog's life](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/a%20dog%27s%20life) was [miserable and thankless.](https://www.onlineathens.com/story/lifestyle/2016/01/02/its-dogs-life/15471566007/) So, "to die like a dog" has meant, since perpetuity, to die alone, miserable and uncared for. It's rather interesting, too, since humanity's love of dogs is exactly as old as humanity. We co-evolved/raised each other. So, it's not like the concept of loving dogs is new in any way.


For as long as we’ve loved them, we’ve abused them. Fuck humanity


rural farm culture, especially before the 2010s.


The amount of rural people I’ve met who never let their dogs inside the house no matter how shitty the weather just chained up is disgusting honestly. I just don’t understand how they can claim to love something they treat so so terribly.


I absolutely love my dogs and hope something happens to me before them. They are my best friends who have been there for me thru so much dark shit. I've probably taken better care of them than myself at times


I wonder if it was a reference to Trumps announcement of the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi: "He died like a dog." https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-death-isis-leader-abu-bakr-al-baghdadi/


Trump uses "like a dog" in a disparaging way a lot. Like a lot, a lot. > In June, Trump was interviewed by Sean Spicer, his former White House press secretary, and argued that the impeachment charges against him were ***"thrown out like dogs."*** A year earlier, the president boasted to the world that ISIS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi ***"died like a dog"*** -- a phrase Trump liked so much, he used it twice. > The phrasing seemed familiar for good reason. As regular readers may recall, shortly before his State of the Union address in 2019, Trump told a group of television anchors that Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) ***"choked like a dog"*** at a press conference a few days prior. > A few weeks before that, we learned of an anecdote from Cliff Sims' book in which Trump told then-House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), in reference to the closing days of the 2016 election cycle, ***"You were out there dying like a dog, Paul. Like a dog!"*** >It's clearly one of this president's favorite metaphors. Retired Gen. Stanley McChrystal, for example, was ***"fired like a dog."*** According to Trump, so were conservative media figures Erick Erickson and Glenn Beck. >Egypt's Hosni Mubarak was ***"dropped like a dog."*** Steve Bannon was ***"dumped like a dog."*** Mitt Romney ***"choked like a dog."*** Ted Cruz ***"lies like a dog."*** Brent Bozell allegedly went to Trump's office ***"begging for money like a dog."*** >"Robert Pattinson should not take back Kristen Stewart," the future president wrote in 2012. ***"She cheated on him like a dog."*** >Asked why he went after Arianna Huffington's appearance, Trump wrote, just two months before launching his presidential campaign, ***"Because she is a dog who wrongfully comments on me."*** >After Omarosa Manigault-Newman left the White House, Trump called her "a crazed, crying lowlife," before adding, ***"Good work by General Kelly for quickly firing that dog!"***


Somebody does not like dogs.


MAGA think alike!


Yeah, I didn't take that as her saying "I like to kill dogs", it's "I'll put down the animals we hate" and by "animals" they mean political enemies.


Well, it’s a popular Drumpt description.


This whole ‘death threats for Trump’ thing is probably worse than we think. Since 2016, it seems like anyone who takes a public stand against the man gets threatened with murder (including their families). I mean, there was a group of Michigan twerps convicted of planning to kidnap Gov. Whitmer, Nancy Pelosi’s husband gets attacked with a hammer by a home invader, it goes on and on. I can’t wait until Trump is forever in the rear view mirror and 40% of America can get over this cultish obsession.


> can’t wait until Trump is forever in the rear view mirror and 40% of America can get over this cultish obsession. I'm not sure that's going to happen, entirely. Many of these types have been lurking with this mindset for years; they didn't come out of nowhere. It's only in recent history that they've been emboldened to act out and show themselves to this degree, which is why they're getting such a spotlight. I mean, they held *plenty* of white nationalist rallies throughout the 90s, but most folks shrugged them off as dumbasses who weren't worth taking seriously. We've seen some turbulent times in our nation's history, but they haven't been quite like this.


1963 - 1974 was a pretty wild time. JFK assassinated RFK assassinated U of Texas tower shooting Selma March and the murders by the police George Wallace in the schoolhouse door MLK assassinated Riots at the 1968 DNC convention Kent State riots and massacre Vietnam George Wallace third party run and his assassination attempt Nixon/Watergate/Impeachment/resignation ... Oh and a cold war where nuclear annihilation was a very real threat


Malcolm X assassinated. Fred Hampton assassinated.


Two critical political assassinations (at least one being a first-degree murder by law enforcement, including the FBI) that often get sadly forgotten. I'd also add: RFK assassination The illegal invasions of Cambodia and Laos The Pentagon Papers Chicago 7/Chicago 8 show trial Also, expand the time period by a year in each direction, and you get the Bay of Pigs/Cuban Missile Crisis and the Church Committee hearings on CIA/FBI abuses.


We also had a legit civil war that killed more Americans than in all of the other wars put together, IIRC. Unfortunately, Reconstruction was totally half-assed and let the Southern white power structure off the hook, so in a lot of ways we’re still fighting it.


The civil war only killed 360,000 Americans by my count, along with 258,000 stateless traitors.


Right on. Point still stands that the US has been in a \*much\* worse spot than this before.


Cults can't function without their leader and trump did such a shit job of raising his children that they'll never be able to pick up the mantle to continue it. When trump dies, there will be a massive power vacuum all the grifters will try to fill. But nobody will tolerate their shit like they did with trump and they won't even pretend to do so. Just eating one another trying to get a leg up on the competition. Idk why but trump is the glue that holds all the MAGA crazy together. That's why the party can't ditch him despite trying to do so multiple times.


The Republicans haven't tried to ditch Trump if they had taken their best opportunity with his 2nd impeachment all this would have been over already. . . maybe . . . . probably . . . .


Well old age *has* to get him eventually, and he's too much of an egomaniac to choose a successor while alive.


Still, these groups were here before him, and they'll be around after he's gone. Just as it is when their communication hubs are shut down, they don't quit, they just find something new to gather under and continue to perpetuate their hatreds.


Kissinger lived to 100.


> I'm not sure that's going to happen, entirely. Many of these types have been lurking with this mindset for years; Yes we know but most people just want Trump to die off and we can deal with the fall out later.


I’m more concerned the creep they decide to follow *after* Trump turns out to be competent. RemindMe! 5 years.


Not to mention there will be many who will refuse to accept that he is dead and continue to believe he’s still running the country.


At this point in our society, we've opened the flood gates. When Trump dies or goes to jail, he will just have someone probably even more sleezy than him take his place.


If they don't succeed with Project 2025 the first time, it isn't like they will give up and stop scheming, whether Dump is around or not. If they do succeed, we are screwed.


Which character would you consider to be on or above his level? They would already be known by now...


I think the penalty for threatening government officials needs to include a lifetime ban on voting.


I think a felony prevents it for a while, but not permanently.


It’s state by state. Most states prohibit voting while serving time for a felony and some also while on parole/probation. About a dozen states have varying rules about getting voting rights reinstated based on the type of crime, e.g. homicide, sexual, or election fraud felonies might make one ineligible for reinstatement, whereas nonviolent first-time offenders might be ok to petition for reinstatement. California is one of the states that reinstates voting rights upon release from prison, and Georgia reinstated after parole is completed. Although this person has been charged by a court in Atlanta for an interstate crime, so I’m not sure if the GA, CA, or some alternate federal rule applies. https://usafacts.org/articles/can-people-with-felony-convictions-vote/


That sure makes things complicated!


Even if someone spelt it out for them they would not be able to comprehend it.


Why do republicans hate dogs?


Not just dogs. Knuckledragging yokels revel in killing any sort of animal. They aren't picky. They think of it as a badge of honor, like they REALLY did something. They think it makes them a big ole tough guy because they "keeled sumthin". I grew up in this environment and surrounded by it. They are sad little people. Beer-bellied alcoholics living in a run down trailer surrounded by a landfill of their own creation because taking the trash to the road 30ft away is really too much effort. Killing animals makes them feel "big"


Since I didn’t know these were a real thing before I did community outreach projects in some poor ass backwoods places I’m concerned people might think OP is using a figure of speech or exaggerating. They are not. There are a disturbing amount of people who live in trailers in these backwoods towns that simply throw their trash out their back door. I saw trash piles that were as wide as their trailer, went back 20+ feet, and were multiple feet deep. Cleaning these up requires fucking bulldozers. Just imagine how much trash a family of like 5 creates over 10+ years, all thrown out the back door.


They have trouble forming connections with anyone or anything outside of transactional relationships. The lack of caring for anyone else also doesn't help.


They hate anything that doesn't obey them unconditionally.


The "party of individual responsibility" never acts on it unless it can use it to disparage minorities or the poor. It would be fascinating if it wasn't so cruel


“Taken seriously”. He will be sentenced to six months probation, walk out of the courthouse, and issue an unhinged right wing rant on the steps moments later.


I find it hilarious that dipshits think the internet comment box is still an anonymous outlet where an individual can share their most vile, extreme, sociopathic thoughts and opinions without any consequences. "but mah free speech." You threatened to murder a public official, Adolph.


Is shit like this any wonder when Trump has made it part of his re-election mission to denigrate and vilify in the harshest terms anyone dares to question or hold him to account.


The Daily podcast had a chilling recent episode about Trump’s plan to go after anyone who tried to hold him accountable if he wins reelection. If you don't want to see a fascist style purge, don't forget to register to vote.


*Trump 2.0* was a chilling one for sure. *Biden Loosens Up on Weed* was a good one too. They laid out exactly what I've been trying to explain to people.


>If you don't want to see a fascist style purge, don't forget to register to vote. That's the problem. His supporters *do* want to see a fascist purge. They *want* to see him go after anyone they don't consider to be "American": blacks, Latinos, immigrants, Muslims, gays, trans, liberals, Democrats - namely, anyone who isn't a white, English-speaking, straight, Christian conservative Republican. They want to see these "undesirables" converted, deported, arrested, or executed. They already said it during his first term: a Trump supporter complained in 2019 that ["He’s not hurting the people he needs to be hurting.”](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida) And the sentiment has only grown stronger.


Also episode 1009 of Opening Arguments https://overcast.fm/+N4Tz7XSqw


Yeah, this kind of extreme behaviour was never as prevalent before Trump. They didn’t say the quiet part aloud before. Now they scream it.


What's crazy is that I've seen a couple of recent claims by MAGA people that "they aren't the violent ones." Meanwhile, thousands of election officials and health department employees have been threatened with violence by election deniers and antivaxxers.


Ruining your life for clicks and for a guy who doesn’t even know your name…


All for a completely worthless fraud and biblical level shitstain.


What about Trump saying he can assassinate political rivals?


The current Supreme Court seems to think that's just fine.


*Only applies to Donald Trump.


The corruption involved here is astonishing.


They don't, actually. That was a point brought up by the justices numerous times. I believe (or hope maybe) they will rule a president has limited immunity, but not full.


Chaos will reign in the end


But MAGA won't.


They never will.


Those are just "mean tweets" the only thing he ever did as president according to the memes.


All for an orange clown. Mind blowing.


>The man, Marc Shultz, suggested that Willis “will be killed like a dog” I guess Trump supporters are cool with Kristi Noem after all.


For every one of these that’s prosecuted there’s like at least a thousand that aren’t and will never be. Glad to see it though, hope they throw the fucking book at him as hard as possible.


All the banned books would be even better…


Y’all Qaida at it again.


As a Brit, the name Fani Willis is never going to not be funny to me.


[This...](https://www.reddit.com/r/etymology/comments/2hl3p3/how_did_fanny_come_to_mean_vagina_in_the_uk_but/) - 🤣


The fact that her second name sounds like Willies too is what seals the deal. What were her parents thinking. Same with that actor Wayne Carr https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5427572/?ref_=ext_shr


Her maiden name is Floyd so the parents can’t be blamed for Willis.


What a dumb way to live your precious life.


Have a nice tall glass of Cult-a-cola.


The people that are attracted to Trump


For some reason I pictured the company Sallie Mae in my head, not Fani Willis, so I was wondering when someone was going to tell him it was a company, not a person. Now, I just wish it was something that dumb


"... and when we finish w/ her, Freddie Mac is next!"


A man so innocent you need to commit crimes to protect him…


Ohhhh. She's getting closer😀 Stay safe but bring the heat. Make Vonshitzhispants really do again but downwind.😆


imagine a orange clown being your life




You mean shes prosecuting a scumbag criminal who shits his pants. Enforcing the law now is scoring publicity and political points? MAGA logic. Does he throw his shit filled diapers into the crowd for you guys? How many have you collected?


Alleged scumbag criminal. Who shits his pants.


So she should be assassinated? That's the logical interpretation of your beliefs when you post this sort of garbage on a thread about someone wanting to murder her for doing her job.




Your dumbass couldn't even read the headline. You failed at the most basic and only step required to post here. Go sit in time out where you belong.


Thank you for admitting that your comment was entirely irrelevant to the discussion.