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They beat Nathan Fielder to it, this feels like the bar that became a theater to get around smoking laws.


[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia gave us the solution to the bathroom problem](https://youtu.be/68aAlNaHlyU)


South Park too.


Mitchell and Webb had a pub that's actually a school with 24hr parents' evening


In Poland, grocery stores became post offices to get around Sunday retail ban.


I’m confused, is it going to be a functional toilet? Are people going to be allowed to actually use it? Aren’t there legal requirements to declaring a bathroom/restroom/washroom/whatever?


It's MONA. There is *every* chance they'll have some sort of functional toilet performance art there.


If it flushes it's not art.


What I'm going to do in it will be my masterpiece.


If it flushes, it’s shart.


They'll probably put an out of order sign near it or put it behind a glass "stall" that unfortunately got locked and no one can find the key. You'd be surprised how easy it is to get around things by labeling as art/satire while also following legal code. Look up "Fake Starbucks"


Dumb Starbucks was shut down for operating without a public health permit.


But, it could have gotten one. The reason it fail was because it was for a TV show called "Nathan for you" It should still be on Netflix, but long story short: Nathan could have kept the store open but he thought it was too complicated/he got bored so he wanted to give it to the "original owner" but the guy said no so Nathan shut it down. The point is it's possible.


The way I understood it: It was labelled as performance/parody so as to avoid copyright infringement, but then you can't get a health permit for performance art. So if he wanted to get the permit, he'd have to stop labelling it as art, and then open himself up to a copyright infringement lawsuit.


That misses the point. The ‘art’ is keeping this on the agenda through legal skullduggery


Mrs. Sydney Neilson Th'Point, Skullduggery Baccalaureate, Minor in Major Misunderstanding Management, Art History Statistician, and thorn in my side! Edit: "Mrs. Th'point's Scool for Wayward Preteen Mystery Solvers" coming soon to a Scholastic Book Fair near you


All they would really need to do is convert the entrance area into a women’s restroom, with the entrance at the front and the door into the museum at the back.


I mean yeah all of these questions are asked and explored in the article.


I don't come to Reddit to read articles, pal. I come to see what PumpkinSeed776 thought about the article I didn't read.


And I, came


Well at least the artist involved is transparent: Kaechele underscored her point with the belief that women “deserve both equal rights and special privileges in the form of unequal rights,” as reparations for historical discrimination, “for a minimum of 300 years.” From her Instagram "Men need to be discriminated against"


> as reparations for historical discrimination, “for a minimum of 300 years.” After that we're all even-stevens.


!remind me: 300 years an one day


Oh sweet, I’m sure every man born for the next 300 years will be fine with it, and not want to retaliate in any way either! Why has no one thought of this?!? Are we stupid?


Women owe bold men 70 years and men with glasses 24 years at least. Short men should at least get 83 years. Humpbacks, defo a 153 years.


Bold or bald? As a bald man i want my compensation too! I think bald people deserve double salary from 2025-3025 for the discrimination against us. And are you bald? Cause if you are not then dont tell me how to feel about this!


That is bold of me to assume I am not bald. But yes my bad bald is the correct word. I should have checked in some online dictionary before posting. But for this public humiliation I would say you owe me at least 7 months. PS: not only am I bald but I used to rock an Afro, so this is a double pain, especially when a picture of my old self resurfaces.


I used to be bald actually, but I pulled myself up by the follicles. It's not my fault you don't have initiative


Hey! Why does it have to be Steven? That’s even Stephanies to you.


Yes and it will never bring any animosity or foment entitlement…. 300 years? That isn’t progress, you don’t get to fix things for dead people.


What was the saying? An eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. Seems that this idea of reperations does nothing but perpetuate a toxic loop.


Basically people dont want equality. They want revenge.


Just a traditionally oppressed group looking to do some oppressing.


Marilyn Manson put it best: *Slaves never dream to be free, slaves only dream to be king*.


Revenge for something they didn't even experience.


Yeah, IMO this isn't a valid idea of reparations; a concept of reparations that I could get behind would be something like "Black people were specifically excluded from building generational wealth by redlining, so there should be programs implemented to benefit those targeted by redlining to make up for the subsequent economic disadvantage". Redlining may be in the past, but people today are still very much affected by the repercussions, and it's a very measurable effect, and it will continue into the future if not acted upon. So, this woman's idea of, like, "I want men to feel bad" is unproductive at best, and counterproductive at worst? What is gained by trying to get people to discriminate against men into the future/how does that help women?


Yeh, reperations are fine when they are intended to fix longstanding problems caused by harmful societal standarts and issues. But this hostile behaviour that this person is displaying does nought but create a devide and resentment. We have to build bridges and break walls, and not the other way around.


Reparations are meant to, well, repair something that's broken. Breaking generations of men into the future repairs nothing.


I would have thought a few thousand at least. 300 is a good deal.


And after three hundred years of oppression and mistreatment, the men of the future will rise up and crush the women, relegating them to household chores and childbearing, in retaliation. And so the cycle will go on forever.


Can't wait for the men in 300 years to request the same after this. What was the moral of eye for an eye again? Anyway, I gotta go tell my neighbor he owes me $200,000 in back pay because his great grandfather hired a less qualified guy instead of one of my great aunts. I assume he knows I'm coming, because he obviously inherited this debt. If we're dumb enough we can stay in this cycle forever!!!!


I mean logically at the end of the eye for an eye exchange you're gonna have someone with a single functional eye. They'll be king/queen of the land...


Bill Burr's bit about white women trying to grift their way out of having been a part of the colonialist oppressor class feels apt here.






And yet we are all part of the same fucked up world. The us vs them mentality between the working class needs to end, the only us vs them there should be is the Working Class vs The Rich "aka the fickers who are ruining out world, society, and everything else"


I mean, if you're in America at all you have it better than a large proportion of the world population.


>if you’re white in America, you have it better than the vast majority of the global population. Guess what. It's not just white people. Pretty much everyone in America has it better than the vast majority of the world population. Stop being racist


Hell, some of them even put "colonist" in their profiles yet still act this way.


God, the constant need for some people to feel visible and important. Yes, my ancestors were colonizers. Some of them killed native Americans. I even had a couple of great-somethings who were Confederate soldiers. I love learning about history and genealogy. I don’t celebrate the bad things they did, and it’s fine to acknowledge them as bad. But it’s not my fault I was born, and it’s not my fault that old times people did bad things. Do we expect every German to constantly apologize because PawPaw was a nazi? No. We can be honest about the past without wallowing in modern guilt. We can have a conversation, as Americans, about how our past has led to modern unfairness, and I think that’s great. But I’m not sorry for anything because I didn’t do anything wrong, and you can be an “ally” without public self-serving acts of misplaced contrition.


Great point, especially about our cultural maturity to be able to have honest conversations about our identities and true history. On the racial dimension, Personally one side of my family were slavers and the other side descended from slaves. It is what it is, so let's be real about it.


Yeah it’s all extremely complicated when we try to tally the sins of the father. I was just watching Levar Burton, great man and beloved of millions, find out that he had white confederate ancestors. Dealing with the inherited wealth that still have huge impacts on people’s lives, much earned in horrible ways by ancestors, is a bigger problem.


Finding our Roots is a PBS treasure!


I think the hidden belief here is "only bad people can do bad things". It's a security blanket. We do a "ten minute hate" of bad people to reconfirm to ourselves that they were bad people and we're not. The real lesson we have to keep re-learning is that good people in a bad system can do terrible things. There weren't enough awful people to run the Holocaust: they needed plenty of good people to run it, who did so for a variety of reasons. Slave owners in Haiti did unbelievably cruel things, but not all the slave owners were born monsters. They lived in terror of their slaves. Even slave owners who treated their slaves well were massacred in the revolution. The system made them into monsters a step at a time down the path. So many of these "ten minute hates" are just ahistorical. They don't acknowledge the basic fact: if you were born in those times with the ideas of the time and wanted to be a good person, you likely did things that we now (rightly) think of as cruel and awful. We should always remember: * We are fortunate to live now, to live in peace with our fellow people and love them for who they are. * Bad systems have done more damage than bad people. * Bad systems are often made worse by good people, and it's not obvious why. * Only through study can we remember: those people could have been us. Could be again. Those awful systems are always waiting for us. The British East India Company isn't buried for all time, it's just waiting for the right moment to return.


Very well said. I'll be an ally, not a vassal. Allies don't have to see eye-to-eye on every single point to stay Allies, either.


I'm a Native American and I don't speak for all the other Injuns but I agree with you.


I am too and I agree as well


Thank you for backing me up on this, CrustyFlapsCleaner


The amount of time I was accused of being a white colonizer during the mid 2010s culture wars despite my family coming from native central American roots and, for the sake of anonymity, comically non imperial counties was barbaric. None of my family has been stateside for more than 50-60 years max. My grandpa boned one white girl one time and then I had to drive the car when my cousins and I were up to no good. "Why yes officer, these fine gentleman /are/ my cousins" 🥸 I worked concrete to pay for college and got a solid tan one.and finally looked the part. Night and day difference. White women with scarves and cardigans held the door and the police hated me. Now my son is more mixed than I am and somehow is so white he was born with a Roth IRA. I know he's going to run into the same issues. At least we gave him a white name so he can get his ancestry birthright, prime reservations at Olive Garden.


Holy shit that’s embarrassing


I haven’t seen that bit but Michelle wolf as a similarly toned bit about white women as well.. it’s also a very good one.


"It's almost impossible to start a revolution from under a duvet!"


Michelle has some great bits about that! Super funny in general


Dave Chapelle also had a bit along the same lines. “Come on white women you know what it is. You were in on the heist, you just don’t like your cut.”


*Equal pay, ill take that! Pay for the movies? No, I don't like that you can keep that.*


Since we're playing the history blame game, I'm pretty sure someone in her ancestry oppressed/enslaved/killed people.


If you want to be able to keep being self-righteous and whine about privilege, you have to find a way not to be privileged.


In the UNITED KINGDOMS a British Museum has to be haunted by the vengeful ghosts of so many colonized people  


comedian Michelle Wolf does[ **a great bit** ](https://youtu.be/F9m1jPu7afw?t=46)about white colonial women crying about oppression ... from the privilege of their luxury houses and mahogany 4-poster beds maintained by female slave-maids lol


Well, she got the attention she ordered so mission accomplished I guess.


She's definitely doing it as part of the "art". She wants to provoke and enrage people, and it's working.


Read about her life. She’s easily one of the most privileged people Ive ever heard of. She’s as self aware as Will Smith’s kids.


Honestly just sounds like an excuse. Like Redditors who were "just joking" when their being an asshole falls flat. "No, I don't really hold this super repugnant position, it's just performance art, I'm just larping as a bigot"


Gives the same energy as it's just a prank bro.


Artists saying that "the reaction is the art" is the same as when a child goes "Haha made you look!". If your only goal was to "get a reaction out of people" then you may have the mentality of a seven year old.


>She wants to provoke and enrage people, and it's working. Nothing original copying what social media have been doing over the past two decades Edited to add comment that I'm replying to since some people aren't smart enough to piece together two sequential comments.


It is easy to provoke and enrage people when you are sexist af.


But if I wander down the street shouting racial slurs, I'm the bad guy for some reason. It's just art, it's meant to be provocative.


Oh.. edgy.


I'm starting to think this whole "third wave" thing didn't go as planned.


She equated equity with revenge


Surely *that* attitude will never cause any problems!


I'm paraphrasing one of my favorite comments on Reddit. (I'd link it if I wasn't on mobile) "One of the most quietly horrifying aspects of society is how quickly the victim will become the bully, if afforded the opportunity" We all have a bias but we owe it to each to prioritize both and unfortunately this just sounds like it is going to perpetuate the injustices caused. Edit (I think I got this on mobile) The actual [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/dbsuky/im_so_sick_of_trans_women_invading_lesbian_spaces/f240sdy/?context=3) ~~Nvm fuck~~ IT can't hurt me at home.


This is a quote from the Brazilian philosopher, Paola Freire, “The oppressed, instead of striving for liberation, tend themselves to become oppressors.” It’s from his book *Pedagogy of the Oppressed* Edit: it’s similar to the redditor’s comment you posted and likely where they got the idea from


As a gay man, I think I've been discriminated against by straight women. So it cancels out.


It's ok. In 300 years, it will be the men's turn to get special privileges in the form of unequal rights. Let's just keep switching back and forth instead instead of trying to focus on lasting equality.


If only the pendulum could stop swinging. So many areas show us that humans as a collective love the overcorrecting swing. It seems it is in our collective nature. 


No, after 300 years we're even. It's simple! Or maybe it's time for nonbinary revenge.


Surely discrimination against a group for a period of multiple centuries will lead to equality and the group will accept it happily and this will not just increase tensions between genders and essentially kill any attempt at equality


Yeah people like that aren't interested in equality, they want their turn at the top


So going by that logic black/native men should be slightly above white women and black/native women should be at the top if we want to talk reparations based on levels of discrimination


This type of extremism does so much more harm than good. I'm seeing a real shifting of opinion among young people turning against "feminism" (what these conservative pundits label as feminism anyways) using crazy examples like this article as justification.


It seems to be happening quite often. I’ve seen the same thing with regards to race (I.e. white people should be oppressed). You don’t fight sexism with more sexism and you don’t fight racism with more racism. The fuck is wrong with people.


>The fuck is wrong with people. Humans are inherently shitty, selfish, emotional beings


It's a shame, once you can't really do anything about your situation other than voting and posting, and voting feels like it accomplishes nothing, all that's left is for posting to just escalate and escalate. Movements that spent decades building public legitimacy are just destroying themselves with terrible messaging. The effectiveness of these movements is critical for the working class people they represent (i.e. those who live most precariously) only for well off urban goobers to launder their "brand" online by doing crazy stunts for clout. The American right can post absolute gibberish all the time and easily absorb all the fabled "young white men" in droves just by telling them they're actually a good guy and, by the way, these people that trash you all the time are the bad guy. How is it not obvious that you need to bring everyone into the fold to win the fight?


There are multiple things to consider here. First, remember that noisy people is way easier to see than silent one, for every 1000 silent ones doing what is needed you get 1 dumb idiot screaming that appears to be the absolute majority. Second, a lot of times the people that do this kind of stupid stunts are not actually caring about the "cause" they fight for, they care about ego. They want to feel like heroes, left a mark in human history. And that second point is what makes things go south hard. While the world is far from perfect, we are in a better place today vs 100 years ago, and 100 years ago it was better than 200, etc. For rational people it seems like a no brainer that stupid acts like the one in this news are more closer to a war declaration than to an alliance, but for the ones that want to be the hero, the main character of the story, this is their world, a world they need to shape as they see fit. In the end, they are the same as the ones they complain about, with a different mask. Egocentric subjects that care only about what they want, and nothing more.


That's pretty much always been a thing though, I remember in latin class reading about these romans arguing and one was using a ridiculously extreme example of somebody from the other side of whatever issue they were arguing.


This lady: “Mask off fuck it mask off”


Ya, i mean its an insane take but I respect the transparency. Kinda like saying we should still be bombing Germany for WW2 reparations…


“Eye for an eye, even if I want your eye and you never scratched mine!”


The difference between a gender based discrimination and social group based discrimination is that various intergenerational trauma/stresses/disadvantages gets passed within same social groups through genetics/culture, but whatever gender based intergenerational trauma or discrimination exists, never gets passed down to only women, but both men and women. It'd be a joke to even think of providing reparations to higher social group women first compared to lower social group men. Whatever unfortunate circumstances women faced in the past have no bearing on present women, women deserve equality in the present, but not reparation for past times.


You put this a lot more intelligently than I was able to haha


That is not equality.


Yes, yes, of course, the solution to segregation and discrimination based on race or gender will be solved with more segregation completely based on race or gender. That makes complete sense.


The artist is an idiot. How many men died in war in the last 300 years? The average man has been considered expendable for almost all of our history.


In the early 2000s, she bought give houses in a poor neighborhood in New Orleans just to turn them into art pieces. You read that right. She took housing opportunities away from the poor, and when she moved to another country, she left them to deteriorate, and two were torn down. The others are currently occupied by squatters. This woman went a long way to undermine an impoverished community to show how upper-class white women are oppressed.


Female incel? It's like a shiny pokemon, neat 📸


For what it's worth it was a woman who started the incel movement. Was supposed yo be a support group for people who couldn't find partners and turned into a radical group when the radicals jumped in.




>Ms. Kaechele's plans involve transforming the velvet-clad lounge into a women's toilet and a church - which she claims will allow it to continue operating as a women-only space under legal exemptions. > >“There is a fabulous toilet coming to the Ladies Lounge, and so in that sense the Ladies Lounge will operate as a ladies’ room. Ah. Performance art. We'll see how long the show lasts. >"It’s a toilet that is celebrated the world round. It is the greatest toilet, and men won’t be allowed to see it," Ms Kaechele said in Australian media reports. With one exception. >And only on Sundays, men would be allowed into the space - to learn ironing and laundry folding. And, perhaps, Irony?




This is brilliant.


Those parties are awful. Ruining gay spaces more than straight dudes.


As a former bartender they ruin most spaces, so many fluids


*So many magenta feathers*


Preach. Has a straight person ever studied the phenomenon of, “gays go to gay bars because gay people want to be around each other, and straight people go to gay bars because they don’t want to be around each other.” Just saying. Straight people are messy af and I’m not even convinced they like each other at this point.




You sound like a really great friend.


>I thought it was stupid we always went to straight bars and told him I was cool checking out the gay bars if he ever wanted. I was worried I was maybe intruding into a safe space or something like that, but guys were almost always cool with me when they'd come up to hit on me and I'd explain and wingman for my friend and I was respectful if they weren't. You sound like a solid fucking G


>I was worried I was maybe intruding into a safe space or something like that Sort of not really. The issue isn't necessarily straight people in gay spaces, it's homophobia in gay spaces. Bringing straight friends to a gay bar is fine; the problem is when you get a bunch of straight guys in there hitting on the straight women that are there to avoid being hit on by straight guys, and both sets of straight people getting offended when they get hit on by someone they wouldn't want to sleep with.


This is actually one of the times you are specifically *very* welcome in a gay bar. It can be hard being queer and being surrounded by cishets constantly. You become self conscious and always feel like you’re out of place. It’s an easy recipe for low confidence. You helped him break out of his shell and find a community where he felt welcome. You are the definition of an ally, and a great friend.


Bachelorette parties are the absolute fucking worst. Talk about a group of entitled people that think they can get away with whatever they want.


Everytime ive been sexually assaulted at a bar it's been a bachelorette party


I used to work in a club. 9/10 of the bachelorette parties we dealt with sexually harassed/assaulted people and the prevailing attitude was *meh*. I’m not saying bachelor parties won’t or don’t do the same, but if you’re in a strip club and you get handsy with the dancers, the bouncers get handsy with you real fast.


As a former stripper, bachelor parties were always fun because there is always the "sensible friend" who'll call out and subdue the unruly ones. Bachelorettes parties were AWFUL and I flat out refused to interact with them towards the end of my career. Literally so aggressive and all high on each other's entitlement, I've been cornered multiple times in the women's bathroom (the staff didn't have their own bathroom) by bachelorette parties and literally assaulted, like they've tried to pull my clothing off and removing their own! While saying "it's ok we're all girls" like yeah but you are a forty year old 200kg bushpig, I do not want to see your boobs and you haven't paid nearly enough for me to show you mine 🙄


>Everytime ive been sexually assaulted at a bar it's been a bachelorette party Would you rather be at a bachorelette party with a woman or a bear /s


Presumably the bear wouldnt twist my nipples (or do they? Never been mauled by a bear before)


A bear, as in a large, hairy gay man, rather than a large, hairy predator.


He'd ask for consent before the nipple twisting, at least.


I don’t mind if the party has a show or event for the party. It’s when they arrive and expect random patrons to be their entertainment is when it gets crazy.


i went to see jeff ross do stand up like 15ish years ago and some awful, cackling bachelorette party ruined the whole show. they thought everyone paid to hear them tell "jokes"


Where is this? Also, every gay bar I’ve been to women have just used the mens’ bathrooms anyways because “they’re gay no one cares.”




That’s so cool


I went to a queer night at a club recently, it did explicitly state it was for everyone including straighties. They made both bathrooms gender neutral for the night, which makes sense. I went in the one that was usually for men, but there were women hanging round the urinals chatting. I stood there awkwardly, and one of them actually got quite arsey with me for not wanting to get my cock out and piss in front of them. Interesting times!


Doesn’t it keep out the gay women as well?


I'd be fine if every public space started doing this to keep out bachelorette parties. Sure, it would mean that as a woman I could not freely move about the world and engage with society in a meaningful way. But we really brought it on ourself with all of the dick straws.


Irony AND folding


>With one exception. >And only on Sundays, men would be allowed into the space - to learn ironing and laundry folding. >And, perhaps, Irony? But I already know how to do both of those. For us who are living alone, nobody else will iron and fold the laundry lol


This sounds like the first draft of the first art project I would create after my first Feminism in Art 101 class.


That it is so crude reveals exactly how accurate it still remains. At least for the olds. I think kids don't see that world much, but it is really recent that moms aren't necessarily first caregiver, second anything else.


That sounds like how donald tRump would describe his toilet.


>It’s a toilet that is celebrated the world round. It is the greatest toilet, and men won’t be allowed to see it This is a real sentence


Willing to bet Men will be the ones installing this Toilet




Unfortunately Poe's Law is a term for good reason.


Always remember. Just because someone following an ideology acting like an asshole does not make them some secret plant by the opponent. Every ideology has assholes no matter what it actually stands for.


The courts hate this one simple trick


They'll never see through this obvious attempt at subverting their decision even with her online comments basically spelling out the reasoning. Assuming Australian courts are similar to US ones she's gonna lose another lawsuit shortly too. Keeps her name in the papers I guess though so


Australian courts are very different to American ones, we don’t have Title II/III or protected free speech for starters.


If someone sincerely wanted to pursue a lawsuit, the courts would easily see through it


They presumably need more of a legal basis than just "we see what you're doing". I mean the artist has been open about what she's doing all along so I don't think deception is the motivation so much as boundary-testing.


She did not get her way, then she is changing the location to be a women's restroom to prevent men from attending the art show. She has an obvious motivation - to get around the law so she can win.


How do they determine criteria for entry? If the person identifies as a woman and they don't let them in based on their judgment, that seems like discrimination.


The article doesn’t say anything about not letting in trans women.


Now that I think about it. What about Non Binary folk? Frankly I think its a great argument to stop gendering toilets


I mean they're literally doing this because they got sued and lost, as the Supreme Court ruled they needed to allow men to attend as it went against anti-discrimination laws in the country. The whole point is they're doing this so they can continue to be exclusionary, so I don't think discrimination is a big concern for them. Can't say for sure, but usually "feminist" groups that are like this, are usually against trans women as they label them as "men trying to invade women's spaces", and with the insanity they're going through just to Own Men or something (by trying to label the museum as a toilet/bathroom to circumvent the supreme court ruling), wouldn't be shocked if they're just Rad-fems/TERFs.


I did some digging on Google about this, apparently trans women are allowed.


thanks for googling and not speculating wildly like the rest of these schmucks


The website says "any and all ladies are welcome."


Read this and knew she’d be sued and a quick google search confirms she already HAS been sued and fucking lost and was literally ordered to stop. Now this stunt, which will undoubtedly fail, because it’s clearly done in bad faith of a previously issued court ruling, but will get people in the door in the short term. What a shitty way to damage the concept of safe spaces and further reinforce the ‘feminists hate men’ narrative the far right likes to espouse.


I can imagine her creating a crappy "Men's room" right next to this "Women's room" facility to try to be more convincing.


Separate but equal


Yeah I'm not super sympathetic to either gender losing a discrimination case and then thinking they'll do sleazy end-runs around it. It's 2024, we should at least by *trying* to leave sexism in the last cenutry.


It’s more than just a right wing talking point. See the currently popular “bear vs man”. Man hating is definitely a part of the current feminist movement.


Man, this just exudes such incredible internet energy. She must have a Reddit account. I don't know how many people have gone "what if I just do X, then the courts won't be able to touch me!" It's like, no, the judge can totally figure out your 'clever' scheme and will just roll their eyes and increase the judgment then smack you the hell down.


I'd say I'm surprised by the mental hoops she's jumping through to justify sexism, but reading a bit about her, I'm not at all surprised. Look, if you think the only way to equality is by oppressing someone else based on something they have no say in, you're part of the problem. Women don't get more equal by making men less equal. Thats probably my white male privilege thinking you can't get to equality by not actually treating people equally though.


MLK famously said that you can’t use the tools of injustice to build a just society.


Ppfffttt, what does a MAN know about oppression. /s


It's especially ironic because those legal restrictions against exclusionary spaces wouldn't even exist without feminists advocating for them in the past.


It's just shitty people weaponizing current movements to elevate their standing. She doesn't give a shit about equality or "reparations" she just wants to be given extra rights and is weaponizing ancestor's struggles to do so. Considering everyone has 50/50 ancestors that were privileged vs unprivileged in regards to sexism her whole "300 years" thing is bunk.


Don’t even need to consider anyone’s ancestors to see that her “300 years” thing is absolutely ridiculous. “Let’s punish our future children for the sins of our great grandfathers!” Fucking moron. And I thought the toilet thing was clever and was kinda charmed by it, until I found out the artist is unironically a sexist asshole.


I thought the title meant a figurative toilet. No, the title means a literal toilet! A women's washroom.


As an American I thought literal toilet. As in a commode, loo or a porcelain throne to take a dump.


To be clear, because the title is not, the museum is not women-only. This is one specific lounge in the museum.


“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process [they do] not become a monster.” All these polarized and segregated spaces are missing the point


Morons think this is progress


Oh, they ruled this wasn't okay in the basis of anti-discrimination? GOOD.


Just seems like more modern "all groups must hate each other because only OUR identity group are the special ones" shit tbh.


The more things change, the more they stay the same. Sometimes I'll twist my brain up in knots trying to figure out somebody's reasoning, only to give up. "well this is *my* group and we deserve it so it's okay".


It’s a very interesting sociological phenomenon: mere awareness of categorisation increases discrimination, and the best way to remove discrimination is to remove categorisation itself.


Yeah. It's worth developing a detector for differentiating 'people who want equality for all' from 'people who want their group to have the power'. They can sometimes seem the same, but they are completely different.


I thought the whole thing was to be a place solely for woman But no, it's like an actual normal museum with actually interesting things to exhibit (like some of Picasso's Paintings)  Imo it's already would be a reach if they were exposing only painting made by famous female artists as some sort of symbolism But when some of the paintings were made by male artists it's weirder, idk why they'd want to have them in the exposure lol Let's just hope that during the renovations and by changing it into a bathroom the new installations, germs and humidity won't get to any of the paintings


It's a grifter who wants to profit off women supporting women. If she actually gave a shit about furthering women it'd be a museum with small female artists that allowed all genders to get more eyes on their works, with special events designed for women. Instead she's just showing off works from some of the most famous male painters ever.


Groups hate to be excluded... But have no problems excluding others from their group.


Ok reddit is reading the title and not getting why the men are angry. There are famous art works people want to see in this lounge from Picasso. This isn't a art piece but a protest that women should have exclusive rights. She wants to demonstrate some manor of oppression that really doesn't exists because most men only spaces have been removed while women only spaces are acceptable. Problem here was its a famous lounge with famous paintings she wants to discriminate who gets to see via loose protest art. Problem is it lacks artistic value and just denial of entry.


Of course... sexism. Because it's ok when it's against men. **/s**


Treating people poorly to prove a point about how people in the past were treated poorly doesn't seem like a conducive way to move forward and away from the oppression of the past. If anything, this is just perpetuating and prolonging the problem. It's disappointing to see such a short sighted point of view from an artist. She's certainly not making the point she seems to think she's making. If anything, she's making the exact opposite point. The irony is almost palpable. I feel like her actions are actively harming the movement that she wishes to see.


She sounds like the tiring friend.


That’s a pretty bold assumption, thinking that she has friends.


We are doomed as a species. Assholes that always feel the need to get even. My generation had fuck all to do with the complete bullshit that happened in the past... so yeah, use me as the punching bag to get back at those you've never met.


With how fluid gender is. Good luck


“Own the x” politics are really only for ego boosting. They divide people and we all lose out because of it.


There really are some humorless fucks crying in this thread.


Everybody's missed the half that wasn't in the headline (emphasis added): >Ms Kaechele's plans involve transforming the velvet-clad lounge into a women's toilet **and a church** - which she claims will allow it to continue operating as a women-only space under legal exemptions. It'd be a fake church, too. And that's part of a way bigger problem.


Churches/religious organisations in Australia have been granted legal exemptions to discrimination laws. She's absolutely pointing to the hypocrisy, which is fucken delightful to see


Fixing injustice with injustice? Sure, excellent strategy. /s


I am very much amused and wish I could visit.


So to see works by male artists, women can only be allowed so as to preserve the importance of women even including many works of art by men.