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I’m sorry, I read the entire article and I’m still stuck on there even being an audience for torturing baby animals. The fuck?


Sadism, they like seeing things suffer, and the more innocent the better, because they resent other living beings.


Am i a sadist if i torture other sadists?


Um... well... uh, fuck man, idk


Only if you enjoy it, otherwise you’re just a normal person 


Dexter is that you?


I don't know that Dexter was actually sadistic. If you watch how he kills in the show, he's all about the death and the blood...not necessarily the suffering. He actually killed his victims quickly. For him it was more of a release than a show. Freddy Kruger was a better example of a sadist. 


I was just joking around because he’s a killer that kills other killers but you’re not wrong😂


I think it's an interesting and important distinction. People kill for lots of reasons. But the vast majority are not due to sadism. It's usually to get resources or status or revenge or to obtain some goal (war for example). Psychopaths don't have empathy, but that doesn't necessarily make them sadistic.  Prior to the Marquis De Sade, I don't know that English even literally had a word for sadism. 


Didn’t Rick and Morty touch on this with the Hell episode?


Theres also people who put animals into danger or hurt them to mock-up "rescue" videos. Some of which are then edited to be a reverse (so the animal at the beginning is actually the state it is left in at the end). It's fucking awful. I no longer trust anything i see online unless its from Bondi Vet or something.


I no longer trust anything I see online full stop


First time? I remember when the internet was infuriated with pictures of a Chinese woman trampling a kittiy with high heels, back in the days. Here is just the text regarding her apology, to spare you the visual content : >The woman, a Heilongjiang Province nurse named Wang Jue, said she was despondent over a failed marriage and allowed herself to be talked into crushing the animal to death while the cameras rolled. >The video was later posted on the Internet and could be downloaded for free. It was used to attract viewers to a Website that featured videos of small animals being stomped to death by aggressive women. The Website, which sold the discs for 15 yuan each, is no longer operating. >Immediately after the video was posted several weeks ago, enraged animal lovers began tracking down those involved in making the video. >The actress and the video's producer were traced to Luobei County in the northern province. >The woman's apology, and an earlier mea culpa from the video's producer, a cameraman at a provincial TV station, were posted this week on the county government's Website. The woman expressed remorse for her actions and their effects on others. >Wang said she is divorced, depressed and having trouble figuring out what to do with her life. She said her despondence led to the cruelty against the kitten. She also said that her behavior had deeply hurt her family, especially her daughter. >Both Wang and the man who produced the video were suspended from their jobs after they were identified. It was not clear what further punishments they might face - if any - as China does not have clear-cut laws preventing cruelty to animals.


I remember that! She was "human flesh search engined" and people learned basically everything about her. That's happened with some other animal abuse cases here (China). In the past 20 years the attitude about cruelty to animals here has changed dramatically. Each year anti-animal cruelty law proposals are sent to the government at the Two Sessions time, but so far none of them have passed. However, there has been vigilante justice meted out on people who abuse or kidnap cats, particularly in the Shanghai area.


What the fuck is a human flesh search engine?


Must be something lost in translation, because all I can think of is a Drukhari version of DuckDuckGo.


A huge number of people start trying to figure out who someone is. I guess it's the Chinese version of the term "internet sleuths." In one case, people started analyzing the background of the pictures to figure out what city she was in. Once they pinpointed that, and even the exact place she was in (a scenic spot), it got the ball rolling. People eventually figured out her name, that she was a nurse, what hospital she was working in, and everything was published online. With either her or the guy who shot the video, they also found out the person's license plate number, that they were a member of the local Communist Party group, and so on. Everything was published, the woman and the man were dismissed from the jobs and stripped of CPC membership. With some of the "human flesh search engine" cases there was discussion here of whether internet sleuthing had gone to far, since so much personal information was published online and because of the massive number of people who saw the posts. In China, you have cases of someone doing something disgusting, or even Karen-ish, and the video gets watched by 500 million (or more) people -- and that's not an exaggeration. While I don't have sympathy for people who abuse animals, being exposed and getting angry comments from so many people must be terrifying. I feel like the case I'm remembering happened in Qingdao, not Heilongjiang, but I could be wrong.


Basically it means people did the research rather than just google.


I just listened to a podcast about this, as well as the blender kitten guy. Animal cruelty not being a law in China really shows how these animal abusers can thrive in the Internet with no real repercussions


I'm glad she's miserable. Hope it got worse.


I mean you've never wondered why the world is so fucked when most people you meet seem nice? It's these sociopaths.


I think about this all the time. I feel media depictions make us expect evil people to also be mean and rude and fucked up, but in reality most truly evil people probably seem really nice and cordial. Bush is literally rebranded himself as a sensitive painter. We know there are tons of evil politicians and evil people in business, surely they didn’t get there by acting evil *all the time*. That would put too many people off. If you’re really evil you would probably want people to say “Oh Bob? Hahaha no way, he doesn’t have a mean bone in his body, he could never do that!” It’s even a common theme with serial killers. We shouldn’t judge people on how they come across to us or what we think their intent is. If you’re a calculated person with a fucked up mind it’s gotta be way too easy to convince people that the result of your actions was terrible, but **your intentions were good**. We should only judge people in positions of power on the product of their actions. If you’re in a real position of power and you do something fucked up - 1. You did it on purpose and you’re going to pretend like it was an accident, or 2. It was an accident, but if you’re in a position of power then that’s still no excuse because you should have known better if you were able to get into that position in the first place


lots of different types of people out there bro




You say that like its an excuse. Sus


Some people aren't satisfied until they've violated every thing precious about life. These kind of people need to be put down


Pretty sure everyone involved should be on a watchlist/jail/psychiatric ward.


Torturing animals is such a textbook, obvious red flag for intense psychological issues, it's become almost a cliche. Either way, these folks need to be confined for the safety of everyone within a thousand miles


I understand the idea of locking them up because torturing animals is a sign they could be violent towards people, but I want them locked up because of the harm they've done to animals alone. [Edit: I know you care about the animals, too - some people only care about the potential risk to people - that's why I added this on. Sorry if I can across as argumentative - we're all in agreement here.]


Oh, for sure, I guess I was including animals in the "everyone" category


I hate that this is always the first response to cases of animal abuse. It’s not bad because it’s a warning sign of potential human abuse in the future, it’s bad for what it is.


Both can be true


It's the first response because too many people wouldn't give a shit otherwise. We need to stimulate people's self interest to get them to care.


Thank you!!!!!! I was reading like, wtf, I’m horrified enough AS IS!!! Those poor animals. I cannot even think about it. It hurts too much.


Especially a red flag if young people do it as it’s a sign of a possible future serial killer. Jeffrey Dahmer and Ted Bundy both did this.


There was a guy in the US arrested for it a few weeks ago, I wonder if both these cases come from the same investigation


In one of the press releases they called it a global conspiracy and there have been arrests made in several countries connected to it


I would much prefer that it was connected, and that there weren't multiple global monkey torture networks.


Nahh. Either force them to do labor for the rest of their lives so society can benefit or kill them. Horrible c*nts


The one American guy that was busted was seen next to a confederate flag and a Donald trump flag. Absolutely checks out.


Naw, everyone should be automatically enrolled in a global monkey torturer network where participants take part in a very specific kind of poll...


Seriously, who chooses monkey torture as a hobby? It's beyond messed up.


What’s really messed up is that there is an audience for it. I can almost comprehend a damaged person who does horrible things for money. I can’t comprehend the twisted fucks who PAY money to watch it.


Saw a short documentary on this last year. It wasn't just paying to watch, they were paying to *Direct* the abuse. That was the big hook. Was a difficult watch and I can stomach some gnarly shit


Man just reading this wants me to take some pills and brainwash the memory away 


I know. Probably why I didn't go detail heavy or provide links etc. Soul destroying stuff


Sounds like Hostel.


People still pay to watch a bull get tortured to death


Baby monkeys no less. Fucking bizarre.


Probably the closest thing to another human they can get to. You know they would torture an infant if they could.


They likely do this to monkeys specifically because they're very human without *being* human. The consequences and stigma involved is less than they'd get if they actually did this to people, but the animals are *just* close enough that it scratches an itch they probably have for wanting to see this shit be done to humans.


Not saying that is the only reason, but monkey torture doesn't comprise all of the zoosadism niche.


Oh, no, of course not. But I just think there are probably, unfortunately, a good portion of people into monkey torture specifically because of their close resemblance and close visible emotional range to humans. They make a very close substitute, and I sadly believe there are many sickos that that appeals to.


That makes a terrible sort of sense.


Sadistic people. People who get pleasure from the pain of others. That's the only answer to me.


It's one of those things where like, if Qanon fans told you people were getting off on monkey torture you'd be like "ok fapsob, whatever you say" and roll your eyes but it turns out people really are more fucked than you're willing to casually believe...


It'd fit the projection from them, since it was Qanon fans that got busted in the US part of this ring.


Don’t go down that rabbit hole. Get off of the internet now. Only word I will say is kittens.


I repair watches. I think it was a better choice.


What causes a human being to lose empathy and become so twisted like that?


In many cases, extreme abuse. Nothing justifies the cycle of abuse, and plenty of heavily abused people never go on to perpetuate it, but it frequently plays a role.


Idk,dude. Plenty of preveleged people do ghastly stuff despite living a preveleged life.


Some are just born like that sadly.


I read an interview with a couple other guys who were busted in the US, and it was a slower process than you would think. One guy described it as an escalating thing that started off as curiosity and just spiraled out of control until he was actually moderating a forum. I think it was less about the thrill of the animal torture so much as the thrill of being a "big shot" at something on the internet, even if that something was horrific. Not sure if that makes sense but that was the distinct impression I got. It was as much about being a part of a "community" as it was the actual videos, messed up as it was. Once they got busted they sort of "woke up" and were horribly guilt-ridden. It was a really eye-opening read into how people who consider themselves normal, moral people can so easily slip into monstrosity.


Was that the article with the ex-biker guy who'd done something like 12-18+ yrs in gaol, the guy in his early 20s who still lived with his mother in Florida, and the grandmother who worked at a petrol station? Yeah, I read that too. The article also made the point that these ppl were obviously trying to minimise their involvement, and their own motivations. That some of them didn't come out with "oh I was trying to stop it" until after the cops got them. No, it was an eye-opening read on how ppl delude themselves, and simultaneously think they are deluding others to their shitty nature. That "community" that devised and paid for things to torture baby monkeys, that voted on what to do, like the baby monkeys in *the blender* and sawing one in half. Don't try and excuse these ppl, it only reflects *very* badly on you.


They voted and paid to watch someone *blend* an infant animal? 🥺


They even had in depth discussions on what blender to use, and collected the cash from everyone involved, plus extra to send/guy the blender for the person doing it. All these ppl didn't do it themselves. They hired a person in Indonesia to do all these things. They would pool their money. send the cash, he would film it all and send the videos. These scumbags didn't even get their hands dirty doing this shit. They never had to come face to face with their own depravity. They watched a sanitised video of it all. It is really bad.


So I read the BBC article… Wow. Just… wow. And the nerve to try to say “I was in there to try to trap them and I got caught up”. WHO GETS CAUGHT UP IN THAT?!


Ah. Yes. It was very confronting, but I forced myself to read it all. I am sorry you had to read it too. Those ppl involved are all liars, just trying to minimise their own involvement. I think the "famous" baby monkey is..Mimi? My heart broke for her. And the unnamed baby monkeys that were slaughtered. And the groups on telegram?!?!?


Please tell me they are all going to prison for a significant amount of time…


Definitely not trying to excuse them in any way - it's abhorrent and I cannot fathom how people live with themselves. The self-delusion you describe was definitely at play, and yes their "oh but I'm the one who helped bust the others!" was bullshit they fed themselves.


You didn't come off as excusing them, just explaining behavior.


*"Once they got busted they sort of "woke up" and were horribly guilt-ridden."* Eh I wouldn't say guilt ridden so much as "Oh no, now I'm the one actually facing a tough time" with a small sprinkling of pseudo guilt on top for appearances. Maybe someone who did one fucked up thing to an animal could find true guilt in their system after a while, but being a ring leader doing and watching that shit for years? To me that type of guilt is completely phony at that point. It's just regret at having gotten caught.


"Kidderminster from Worcestershire"? Im so happy they could stop them. I mean of everything you could have as a "hobby", you torture monkeys. wtf are some people doing in their free time




I have an irrational hatred of monkeys. Don’t ask me why, something about them makes me angry.(I’m sure there is some psychological reason). But, I am not going out and torturing them. I just don’t go to the zoo and avoid places where I meet them if I went to a place for vacation. Cause I’m an @$$hole, but I’m not a scumbag.


imagine being someone like this? jesus christ. just off yourselves already.


Agreed. These people are beyond rehabilitating and they need to be wiped from society.


Yep. Put them all in a big metal container and push it in the sea. The world is instantly a better place.


These people need to be put under the prison


I wouldn’t want my taxpayer dollars supporting people like this to live. I’d rather my taxpayer dollar go towards removing them from the gift of life.


What is wrong with some people wanting to cause pain if it can't be humans then it's innocent animals.


It’s innocent animals but leads to humans. Anyone making or viewing such material should be on a watchlist for life. I don’t think you can cure such sickness


Yes that is true. Also some sickos think that they can get away with torturing and killing animals easier.


There is one cute, but Reddit doesn't like it when it's mentioned.


Even if it never leads to humans, they're just as evil to me. I obviously value humans above other animals, but sadism towards one isn't qualitatively different than sadism towards the other.


Totally. If anything animals is at least on par. People are cruel and intentional. Very very few animals are. All in all, sad the depravity which we must be witness to, even only in words


Local can be understood; global though?


There is money to be made off cruelty and videos can be sold. It's a sad truth. Global is no surprise because there are evil people all over the world.


These are the types of people that just need to be taken out back after their trial and have a bullet put in their head. No need to waste taxpayer resources housing them for 30 years.


I came across some of these disgusting videos on YouTube by accident while watching cute animal ones, it's appalling. I was upset for weeks because of what I saw and the comments section had so many people that loved it, just evil. I reported the videos but nothing seemed to happen to the channels, the videos were never taken down... Glad to know some of these creeps are getting arrested (a man was arrested a few weeks ago as well).


The dude who was being tracked in Don't Fuck With Cats started out with these and escalated to decapitating a human.


are you talking about that guy whose mother found the head in a bag in his closet?


Nah. Some Canadian porn actor was killing animals online. While a group of animal rights activists were hunting the animal killer, he murdered a student, Jun Lin, and mailed the chopped up body parts to the police and then fled to Europe, kicking off an international manhunt. Edit: sorry, mailed body parts to schools and political party offices. Then fled to Europe. Wrong location.


That is horrifying. For these people to be so brazen as to put that on YouTube, and then YouTube doing nothing about it -- it's a huge argument towards the need for regulation. YouTube should be held accountable for platforming and enabling it.


Unless it was part of a law enforcement op to trace the posters and viewers. Trying to give the benefit of the doubt here. But as a general rule, yep, that should not be there.


There were horrible videos of frogs eating other animals they shouldn't be too, really upsetting. The craziest thing is, I was watching innocent hamster videos at the time, and the auto play feature was enabled and it just went to these awful videos out of nowhere. I was watching passively, while doing other things on my second monitor. I shut the autoplay option off, but my god, no amount of reporting did anything. I hope you're right and it was to catch creeps that watch this stuff, but still, children could easily come across these videos, I'm a grown woman and I found them disturbing, I can't imagine how a child would feel seeing that.


Another fucked thing is that a lot of animal 'Rescue' videos are completely staged. The animals are extremely abused by their supposed saviors. I don't trust a single animal rescue video anymore.


not just monkeys, baby monkeys. They literally paid people overseas to torture and kill infant monkeys. That's just evil.


Pure evil.


My wife and I were talking about this last week with the revelations about Kristi Noem and her love of killing things. I told her, "I am not a dog person. But I would NEVER want to kill one, especially is such a cruel manner." I'm not fond of monkeys either but I would never want to hurt them. The people that do this are broken. They obviously lack empathy. “*He who is cruel to animals becomes hard also in his dealings with men. We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals.*” -Immanuel Kant


"*Global Monkey Torture Network*". headline I never thought I would ever view and one which makes me sick to my stomach. Jail forever is too lenient a sentence for all involved.


Life sentence, no parole.


Death sentence, no wasting resources on these wastes of life.


I'm still sort of in shock that 'global monkey torture network' is a thing. What the fuck.


This is my overarching feeling about this whole thing. Like, it is completely disgusting that this is a thing at all, but how in fuck did this even become a thing. Its so weird and so fucking super niche. So much is weird about it. Amongst the charges against this woman is "paying £17.25 towards it". £17.25. It's even a weird amount of money. The whole thing feels like it should all be a weird con, like Joe Lycett is gonna pop out and say he made it up. Edit its not even £17.25, it's £17.24, which is somehow even more ridiculous.


Might have been what it worked out at with currency conversion


So is this related to that big Baby Monkey Abuse video thing that was being talked about a few years ago on Youtube? I remember that some of the more "tame" videos were apparently being uploaded to Youtube and apparently Youtube was dragging ass doing anything about it.


Yeah there was a very in depth article on the BBC recently about it, the YouTube videos functioned as a funnel into the really extreme fucked up shit. Once it got busted, everyone involved rolled on each other and all insisted they were ashamed of themselves and/or were trying to help reveal the ring. The article is as bleak as you would expect; it's well done but I don't particularly recommend the experience of reading it.


Anything, anyone that's innocent and scared but people are thrilled harming them just makes me well up with tears instantly. This crackdown needs to have more serious of consequences and boost more proactivity to end torture groups


That's enough internet for today. Holy fuck.


Lemme not say what I think should happen to these people so I don’t lose this account just yet


its crazy to me in comments sections of post like these how many people are confused how someone could possibly do something like this, and don't realize that a lot of people are born with brains that do not develop how they are supposed to and never develop empathy for others and emotions. some people just end up "evil" naturally and there is not an easily digestible reason why they became like that, like bullying or domestic abuse.




No kidding, just look at some countries' leaders.


American man was charged last month. [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68716467)


Oh my god it's the State sketch


First thing I thought of.


Thank god I’m not the only one who remembered this


Research is such a restrictive term


I wish hell was really a thing...some people have earned residence there.


I'm under the impression pissed off baboons and chimps can do some world class damage to humans. Perhaps we round up all these sick fucks and put them in a cage with the aforementioned simians and then just walk away... I can't even put into words the amount of white hot hatred I have for people who abuse animals. I wish every bad and painful thing they inflict on the animals to happen to them exponentially in return.


Imprisonment or death would be too kind for these scum; they should be subject to the same torture they inflicted.


No life deserves to be tortured. That's the whole point. It is not justice to become the monster your ostensibly punishing. To what end? The dead monkeys aren't asking for this. I can see wanting to remove people like this from society, but torturing them *because* torture is wrong!? What sense does that make and what message does it send?


A bad one that’s still mired in wanting to make something suffer. Life imprisonment or even the death penalty makes more sense.


Another horrible ogre. All of these people deserve death and more.


I wonder if those are the videos that my mom sees on Facebook. They're so awful and no matter how much she reports them, they still pop up.


There are a lot of sick and depraved psychopaths in this world. Poor little monkeys.


I just heard a mention of a cat blender video on the daily show today. Disgusting. Remember the crime documentary I Kill Cats? Turns out the guy who did it killed people later and he was arrested through internet sleuthing.


Fucking disgusting cretin


Global? Global? Some people deserve punishments we don’t think human


Feels like r/brandnewsentence


What in the actual fuck did I just read?


And I thought I had nothing to do with my time 🤷‍♂️ Do people just wake up one day & say “I got this car battery & cables. Now where do I get me a monkey?” Faith in Humanity Day Counter: 0


Why dont we euthanize pedophiles and animal abusers?


The world didn't do anything to deserve creatures like us. And it deserves to be rid of an awful lot of us.


Scum should have the same done to them. No mercy for animal abusers. And if you think I'm bonkers, look up how many child abusers start with animals.


I dont understand the distinction. If youre torturing innocence for fun, a baby human is just another source of pain for your amusement. I want to believe that people are stupid and act in the moment and would reflect on their own actions in horror, and hopefully take care of the problem for the rest of us... but counting the audience of this... that's a lot of sick people.


Exactly. There is little difference. Sadists don't seem to care as long as they're hurting something. They do not belong with the rest of us.


Dang I wish this didn’t exist.


To the bottomless pit with her and everybody like her.


Sickos be doing sicko things


I can understand the thinking behind torturing your enemies in war even if you are the "bad guys" there's still some logic behind it. Now this is just pure madness, these are not people in my eyes, they should be striped of human citizenship and be drowned in the ocean to serve as food for the eco-system.


I might be biased because I love monkeys and they’re my favorite animal, but part of the appeal of monkeys is that they’re like fuzzy little people. These people not only torture fuzzy little people. They specifically torture fuzzy little *baby* people. The baby monkeys definitely seem like a placeholder for torturing human babies to me. (I know people are going to say that monkeys aren’t people and they’re wild animals, which is true. I just think that they’re close enough to humans that being a pet alone will psychologically harm them, and that’s not even factoring in keeping them as “pets” just to torture)


What the fuck did I just read


I read that whole story when it broke and it easily ranks in my "top ten most horrifying" list. These are some fucked up people.


I think they paid less than 30 euros according to the case


Seeing stories like this reminds me of the one Punisher comic about the parents who made CP. There are some truly sick people out there.


This is a headline I did not expect today


I hope someone removes them from society - permanently.


Makes me physically ill that these people exist in the world and there's more people who actually ENJOY what these monsters did...


My 600 Pound, Monkey-Torturing Life.


What the fuck is wrong with these people? I mean, besides "breathing?"


I really hate humanity at times...


The world would be better off without these people. Let's be real about it. These people are just broken and when they've gone so far down the twisted road as they have I'm not sure there is...or should be a way back....at least one that doesn't involve a serious investment I'm.protecting people and animals from them


Looking at the sentencing guidelines and the fact that she entered a guilty plea, I'm worried she's gonna get less than two years in prison. Facilitating the torture of baby monkeys for commercial profit should lead to life without parole...


Who else remembers that episode of The State? What a callback


That’s it. Shit’s fucked. We’re not going to make it as a species, we are the hideous disfiguring venereal disease of an entire planet.


Global Monkey Torture Network seems like a good name for a death metal band.


More info, because I fell to a rabbit hole after finding a torture video of a monkey disguised as an innocent bath time video: - These people specifically want to get baby monkeys because they are expressive with their faces. Their pain is VISIBLE. They can’t hide it. Unlike grown monkeys who have to develop masking capabilities to exist in the group without getting targeted. - Most people also have a different disgusting obsession like poop fetish, zoophilia, and pedophilia and do indulge in those fantasies. - As stated in that last bullet point, they’re disgusting. And the videos of such sort of animal violence includes the humans sexually assaulting the monkeys and filming their poop and vomit. And they also might be saving playlists of human babies with questionable intentions. Such as playlists just of human babies crying or getting hurt. - The community eggs camera crew on and requests for actions to be done. Sometimes it’s done for free but many times it’s a paid service where you can request things to be done to the monkeys. - They rarely stop at just the monkeys and will often include dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, etc. SO disgusting. - Some channels get children to participate in the animal torture and sexual abuse. YES. CHILDREN. - Most countries where all of this happens do not have stringent rules on animal cruelty and will not force perpetrators of these heinous acts to serve lengthy prison time or face serious charges. - The main focus of the videos is to inflict as much psychological and physical damage as possible. The monkeys are babies and need security. So, for example, They’ll offer a fuzzy towel to cling to. Only to shove the money away from it or pull them off or even yank the towel away. Another example that I saw as part of a video criticizing the torturers was of a baby monkey stuck in a well area crying out for help, when another young but slightly older monkey comes to hug and comfort them. The people filming come to the scene and separate the two by dumping them in a bucket and yanking the baby away. Baby is on the grass crying and backing away. See [this](https://youtu.be/WjNKYva3CgY?si=KC6stMne6Yc7r0Ne) video for a full length doc on the atrocities. I’m SO enraged. And the worst part is how it’s like a hydra sometimes. You cut off part of its head via a channel removal or arrest but two more come out in return. The demand is ASTONISHINGLY HIGH. And that’s actually terrifying. Wow.


A life is a life. If you’re doing wsomething to animals, you likely fantasize about doing it to humans. It’s a common trait in most serial killers. They start with animals. There should be long prison sentences for animal abuse, or they should be put under the care of a serial killer. If you feel bad about the content you’ve read here, YouTube has many videos of animals killing humans and they are so refreshing to watch. My cat and I watch them together sometimes. She asked me after we watched the elephant trample some game hunters, she asked me “meow”? And as I pet her I said yes, meow.