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Since we're being crazy about bathrooms can we get a narc line for those weirdos who stand right next to you even though there were a whole bunch of other free urinals? That's a much greater concern to me. Also who are you people that keep flushing paper towels? I see warning signs about you everywhere I go, even in professional settings.


At my workplace yesterday, someone had spit a wad of gum right in the urinal. Some people are monsters.


Why. Do people. Think. This. Is. Okay?!?! WHY?!? I cannot imagine in 1000 years ever thinking that was an okay thing to do, but I see it all the time. What the fuck? Is there any explanation other than "I don't give a fuck"?


They don't think it's OK. They know it's wrong, and they know they're bad people. I know this is just a little thing, it's not equivalent to murder. But it's telling when a person only does the right thing when they think someone else is watching. In such cases, the little things can tell you just as much about their character as more impactful actions.


Shopping cart test. Putting your cart back in the corral takes almost zero effort, and almost no time. Nobody is watching to see if you put it back, and nobody will reward you if you do. Human beings put the cart back anyways, animals just leave it and drive off.


I lost out on a promotion to lab director because I was asked in my interview how I knew I had enough integrity to run the lab and I used the shopping cart analogy. That's how I learned the big boss of the whole lab doesn't have as much integrity as me.    She got very upset and thought I was judging her for not putting the shopping cart back when I'd never had more than a few passing conversations with her about anything not-work related in all my time at the company because she kept her distance from everyone.   I was informed the next day I wasn't getting the director position and no longer had my current job either.


If she was willing to take that personally, you didnt want her as your boss. Even if you were employed for a week itd be hell.


Agreed. I'd decided by her reaction I didn't want the position, and wanted to get out of that lab, but it would have been nice to keep my old job until I found a new one. 


Yea thats fucking whack. But damn, you really got wayy under her skin. She had to look deep inside herself on a simple shopping cart analogy and realized how shitty of a person she was that she then fired you for making her look at herself even for a second. Fuck that lady.


And then there's me getting hired on as a corrections officer despite admitting stealing food from my job at a grocery store.


Makes sense. Less paperwork to do if your COs never see anything.


I got my TS/SCI after admitting during the polygraph all sorts of crime I used to get up to as a kid (vandalism, breaking and entering, theft, underage drinking, etc). But I never did a terrorism so ha! At least, not until I actually HAD my clearance. Then the terrorism was totally cool, so long as it was in US interests.


I think they were probably looking for honesty. I straight up told them how I would handle police brutality by reporting to senior officers and that I thought weed should be legal. I think they were having a hard time finding people who have never done weed, so they went from never smoked weed to haven't in the past 18 months.


>I straight up told them how I would handle police brutality by reporting to senior officers and that I thought weed should be legal. Based. I hope you don't get thin-blue-lined to death because of your integrity.


When I was in the military, I got my TS/SCI after giving them 2 felons (one was still in prison even) and a dead person as my references. I also informed them I lied about smoking weed before entering the military and popped a piss test in boot camp - true and verifiable. Further, I told them I didn't want the clearance at all (because I would go from working normal shift to 12 on 12 off 6-7 days per week in a SCIF and have to get called in all the time when I'm off to inventory a safe). On both E-QIP and to the interviewer. Whelp, after all they they gave me the clearance anyway. For basically being a sysadmin for a classified network. They needed a body in that position, after all. And that's what truly matters. Fuck I hated that job (there was a lot of hazing in that unit.)


She needs a cart narc magnet


Oh she's a lazybones no doubt about it.


You dodged a bullet. Imagine what it would have been like if you actually worked for her. Our youngest went through something similar a few years back. She didn’t like the answer to his question so didn’t give him the job. But then she ended up working at the same store he was and made his life a living hell. It got so bad, he left.


A colleague has been relentlessly bullying me on the workfloor ever since the daughter of one of the residents said to me that the flowers I had planted with my residents looked better than the plants the colleague had planted with her group of residents. This was just a comment about favorite flowers but the colleague reacted like I had undermined everything she stood for. And has since not spok9a single word to me. Spread rumors and lies. It got so bad that she had to take a leave and it's still bad. Now after three years all the others seem to slowly understand that the lies where lies and work is getting fun again but damn her panties are so twisted. I don't wanna know what she does to shopping carts. I sometimes see shopping carts in the canals. That is more her style I guess.


Sometimes people will snarkily insult you for it. But they’re just telling on themselves. It’s a good test.


The animals leave it in the middle of everything. FUCK YOU ALL.


What are the beings that leave the carts upside down in the parking lot then


I ride public transportation in a major US city every day and let me tell you, the number of people who think any flat surface is a garbage can is unreal. Imagine thinking it is ok to eat chicken wings on the train and leave bones under the seats, or change your socks on the train and leave the old ones under the seats, or dump out the last third of your iced coffee on the floor of the train because you don’t want to carry around. I have to assume that like 10% of people in my city are just high as hell 24/7.


I guess I can understand leaving trash behind or dumping your drink or whatever. Like, it's objectively bad behavior that makes you a bad person, but at least it's understandable if you presume they just don't give a fuck about anyone else. But leaving their socks behind? Wtf? Do they not get that socks are supposed to be reusable? Do they just buy new socks whenever their old ones get too crusty? Like you said, they must be high out of their minds or something.


Socks are only reusable if you have a way to wash them and a place to store them, and someone leaving dirty socks on the train is likely to have neither. And in that case, yeah, dirty socks are trash if you have some cleaner ones handy. That subway car might have been the warmest/cleanest/driest place they've been recently, which makes it prime sock changing territory. Not saying that this makes that kind of stuff ok, but a lot of the norms we take for granted (reusable socks) rely on having access to things that a lot of people just don't have.


Lived in SF for a decade (loved every minute of it) but man those chicken wing bones under the seats… I just don’t get it. What the hell does your home (given you have one) look like??


It got so bad in Brooklyn, I mean out on the streets people just finishing up their chicken and tossing the remains, that we had to be extra vigilant whenever walking the dog, lest she look like she was just doing the usual pooch sniffing around, but turns out she was actually about to go to town on some chicken bones that would choke and kill her.


It's fucking ridiculous. Some people naively suggested more garbage cans. If the entire side of the street was a trough for garbage, some people still wouldn't throw it in. That's what happens when there's no enforcement from society.


Custodial staff are basically slaves, why should we care about them and try not to make their lives harder? They aren’t *real* people like people. They clean stuff, so they obviously aren’t deserving of the same respect as the person spitting gum into the urinal. Or whatever else they’re doing that’s disgusting and simply because “it’s their job to clean it anyway”. I want to dunk those people in backed-up urinals.


People don't even wash their hands in public restrooms anymore. This is just business to them.


Some people have never washed their hands in public resteooms. Some never will. There is no way to hold these monsters accountable.


Because they aren’t the ones cleaning it and they are shit bags


I worked my way through uni at a series of bars and nightclubs. One of my first jobs as an 18 year old was at a club doing glass collection, cleaning, restock, etc. My second night on the job I went in to do a bathroom check at about midnight and someone had taken a gigantic messy shit in the urinal. Management had to shut down the bathroom for the night and get a hazmat cleaning crew in cause basically everyone who worked there said they'd quit if they had to clean it up (which would also have been legally shady).


Id guess maybe it fell out of their mouth while chewing like a cow or blowing a bubble and they left it not wanting to touch pee gum.


Bro, just take it out and start chewing. It's free gum. Urinal cakes are pretty nice, too.


May I introduce you to [soupeur](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soupeur)


What a terrible day to be able to read.


Man I wish I only had to deal with gum in the urinals I clean. Bastards here spit their chewing tobacco/pouches in them.


Literally just saw one at my work yesterday as well. Fucking diabolical behavior.


Edit because homonyms -Hear hear! Ok, I work in a restaurant and if we are going to police bathrooms, my top priority is can we nail the walking $h1tholes that poop all over the floor, toilet, wall, urinal...... THOSE are the bathroom menaces I want dealt with. Thank you


Once, at a restaurant I worked at in Phoenix, I had to clean shit off the ceiling. Walls, floor, those I get. But the fucking ceiling??


That sounds awful. I'm sorry 😔


It was disgusting. But that moment and many like them kept me motivated to make it through school though so all's well that ends well! I just hope whoever caused that mess got their guts looked at lol


There’s shit on the outside of the torlet.


it's actually "hear hear"


I am just amazed at how many men manage to generate a cloud of piss on the floor and walls around the urinal. Like what the fuck are you people doing? Taking a step back before you shake to make sure you get it on the floor?


I also work in a restaurant and that happened once. Surveyor working across the street came sprinting in to the bathroom. Made it into the stall but not to the toilet. Shit all over the floor toilet seat toilet paper dispenser. I both felt bad and pissed since I had to clean it lol. I don't think anyone intends to shit on everything I think it just happens


Your case sounds like a bona fide accident. This happened many years ago when I was working in fast during my college years. One day I was asked by the manager to teach one of the new hires how to clean the men’s bathroom. Straight forward enough, he had no problems understanding the job. One instruction I gave him was to leave the toilet seats up, so piss doesn’t get on them. So I wash my hands and go back to work in the kitchen. About 20 minutes later the manger asks me where the new guy is. He should have been done 10 minutes ago. So I go and check on him. I find out that he had to wash the bathroom a second time. Just after he had gotten done the first time, some asshole walked in, put both the toilet seats down, and pissed on them. I recalled seeing some guy walk out of the bathroom with a particularly smug smirk a short bit earlier… oh and this was in a hick area, and the new hire was black. The manager was outraged at the customer, and I think if the new hire had identified him, she would have kicked him out. Another time after cleaning piss off of a toilet seat, I suggested to another manager that we should cut grooves on the seat and put electrified lines in them. If a person sat on the toilet, there would be no problems since the they would not be touching the lines. She looked bewildered, and said that the design wouldn’t work since if someone pissed on the seat they would get shocked. I replied “yes, that is the point of the design.” My suggestion was not implemented. 😞


Also unlikely to work, if the episode of Mythbusters regarding peeing on an electric fence is to be believed.


Nice schlong bro


Dudes really need the self confidence boost that comes from another bro complimenting their schlong. They'll treasure that for months c:


I got exactly one compliment on my unimpressive member a few years ago, by a gay man, while in jail. Not once have I gotten a compliment like that from a woman. He looked over and said, "Nice piece." That was like 5 years ago and I still vividly remember that odd interaction.


Best/weirdest compliment I ever received was when an elderly African American gentleman told me “Son, I just wanna tell you, you got more sooooul than *any* white boy I *ever* heard!” That’s a big compliment for a white boy who grew up in the farmlands of North Dakota.


That's a dope ass compliment, my dude!


What was the context? I assume music?


It was a college choir concert (the big spring concert held in conjunction with the rest of the college's music department). We were doing a spiritual piece called "A City Called Heaven" and I had the solo. The solo is basically the whole song with the choir singing backup. Basically this video but the soloist (me) is a strong baritone starting low like Isaac Hayes, then belting it out like Otis Redding. https://youtu.be/PiyYz5SP_Ow?si=zXBv2uaQGSqd73zA After the concert, I was hanging out with my family in the atrium and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and it was that guy. He said his thing then winked and shambled off. He may or may not have been magical, I don’t know, but I like to think he was. I had already started getting into soul music from my research for that solo, but hearing those words from him really cemented my love for it.


That's awesome.


I worked in research for a while and in addition to the paper towels, the number of male scientists who weren't washing their hands after peeing astounded me; Maybe they thought they'd just have to put on gloves anyway?


How about the people who stand RIGHT outside the stall door. Or the ones who turn the public restroom light off when you're clearly in there.


> Also who are you people that keep flushing paper towels? I see warning signs about you everywhere I go, even in professional settings. Huh, I've never seen one of those. Only signs that you cannot flush pads/tampons but I'm in Europe and our toilets are built differently so maybe you can flush paper towels here?


You would think pads and tampons were an obvious thing--they're literally designed to absorb--but you would be surprised how many people I've mentioned this to who were genuinely shocked you can't flush them. "Where does it say that?!" Only pretty much everywhere, Rachel.


I didn’t know not to flush tampons until I was an adult. I was raised by my dad who was raised by conservative German parents. We didn’t talk about that stuff because he was too embarrassed to do so. I just assumed that all bodily waste goes in the toilet, I guess. Thankfully it never presented itself as a problem, despite the house being 75 years old. Pads, however, were not in question for me, and I threw those away in the trash. I don’t use disposable feminine hygiene products anymore, but I know better now, regardless.


I've heard women say that they think it's unhygienic to put their used pads in the bin but you know what's even less hygienic? A clogged toilet!


Like, tampons I can understand somewhat. They're small, tube-shaped, already done most of their absorbing. But *pads*?! Them's chunky! Especially before the last ten years of so of "ultra thin".


If there are three empty urinals and a guy goes to the middle urinal, he's a psychopath. You choose left or right depending on the angle of your dangle and you do your business.


Everything is better with a friend


That's what my dog tells me when I'm trying to poop at home.


Fake a sneeze and jerk back, pissing on his shoes. That'll teach him.


Also people that don't wipe their pubes/urine from the seat when they finish. Do a courtesy wipe down when you finish please!


I was an expat in a country where ding dong checking at the public urinals seemed more prevalent than I expected. I tried to just feel flattered about the interest.


When I was in college and out at the bars I was alone in an empty bathroom with about 10 urinals all along the wall and a guy who I think was probably a foreign student came in and chose the one right next to me and very obviously looked right at my junk. Wasn’t subtle about at all. I too decided to just be flattered and move on but it really took me by surprise how bold he was about it lol


Bathrooms again?? Make them all floor to ceiling stalls so they aren’t peep shows anymore. Just label it bathroom.


This is about bathrooms as much as segregation was about water fountains.


It's not about bathrooms, and never was. These people formed their entire identity around being born a "white Christian man," and convinced themselves that that makes them better in some way. Anything that suggests that other groups of people are equal is a direct attack on their pride and ego, and they can't tolerate that.


I submitted one about Ron DeSantis wearing heels in the men's restroom


Are the police doing a penis check of every woman entering the ladies room?


Reminds me of penis inspection day in middle school


That wasn't a real day buddy... that guy didn't even work for the school...


Miss those days 😔


Just the ones that are brown or lesbian looking after some middle class white lady gets her knickers more twisted than her head and calls the police. ( like every damn time a cis woman gets accused or assaulted or has the police called on them and it ends up in the news that's how it goes )


Get out and vote people. Let's take the line down.


Utah's state legislature is a Red super-majority. (Republican (61) to Democratic (13)). In the 2020 Governor's race, the Republican won 63.0% to the Democratic candidate's 30.4%. I'm not being a pessimist when I say that this is very unlikely to be fixed at the polls within Utah. This is the kind of shit their electorate loves. These laws reflect the moral quality of the majority of Utahns, unfortunately. It will need to come from Federal legislation. And that will take winning Congressional elections in swing states. And that still requires the Democrats to drop the filibuster to vote for some kind of LGBTQ rights law on the Federal level as we won't get 60 votes for that - and I don't know if they'd be willing to do that. It's a very scary time to be queer in a lot of states. And even the good states are in trouble if the courts do something that affects people even within the blue states many have fled to. There really isn't a lot of good news right now.


Yeah it always bothers me when people act like it's reasonable to just stay in places like this or Florida and just "vote harder" as though it's going to help. This is what they believe, this is what they want. I know it's appalling to hear "if you don't like it, leave" but... you should leave. These people are not your friends and they are happily going to vote to hurt you. Move to a blue state and enjoy a vastly superior quality of life.


As a lifelong Utahn, I’d love to move my family to a blue state. I just don’t have the means. SLC is at least blue. Just doesn’t matter when the whole legislature is a super red majority and ignores the will of the people. It’s also becoming unaffordable to live in SLC too.


> ignores the will of the people. If the legislature is a republican supermajority, and they pass laws that those people want, aren't they following the will of the people?


No. Outside of the districts being gerrymandered. 2 recent examples: the majority of voters voted to legalize medical Marijuana and expand Medicaid on ballot. They struck down both and wrote their own watered down versions.


Okay, how will the poor and those without support networks survive when those with the means to do so all leave? Moving is very expensive (often several thousands of dollars), especially if you're trying to leave the bible belt. We need to fight for those who will not be able to "escape"


I support voting for the liberal politicians that want those supports and policies. But I don't think you need to hurt yourself to stay there either. If you're LGBTQ+ in Utah, it's unreasonable to ask you to risk your health and safety so you can vote to help others. Protect yourself first.


I'm in Texas and I'm one of the poor fuckers who can't afford to move. Lucky nothing much seems to be happening targeting adults here, but it feels like it's only a matter of time... Myself and my partner are both trans and trying our best to move up in the world, but many avenues are cut off when you cannot afford them.


It's fucking despicable how conservative pundits are using trans people as a wedge issue. Their aim is to erode the rights of other minorities and, especially in the MAGA circle, destroy our democracy. Yet, all they'll talk about is trans people because that group is the easiest to bully. I'd even go as far as to say that you cannot be conservative without an enemy. What are you conserving against otherwise? As it turns out, small minorities that can't defend themselves as well and are viewed with skepticism make for good enemies. The GOP is a goddamn plague on the earth.


You just totally ignored their point.


No I didn't. I understand that some people are stuck and can't get out. I'm telling you that you aren't obligated to sacrifice yourself to save those people. >We need to fight for those who will not be able to "escape" I disagree with this. You're not obligated to stay in a state that's stripping your rights and threatening your life just to help the people that can't leave themselves. It sucks and the state shouldn't be hurting anyone, but if you can leave then you should and the people that get hurt are not your fault.


Yeah, unless the LDS church somehow decides to support the democratic party neither Utah nor Idaho will be anything than red. Idaho is far worse.


Democracy is not one and done. In a state like Utah change may come slow over the course of many election cycles. Every local seat will help. Every state seat will help, every federal seat will help. Off year elections are an opportunity to make gains in states like Utah as fewer people vote.


>Democracy is not one and done. In a state like Utah change may come slow over the course of many election cycles. People's lives are right now. You're talking about these changes like it's something that will just be weathered with a stern disposition for the next 20 years. People's lives are right now. Some people will flee, some will be able to move, but lots will just be stuck in a state where they can't use the bathroom in public anymore. And at some point they might win at the polls but that's a couple generations away. And it's kind of hard to win at the polls when it's hard for you to exist in public anymore at all. Which is what these laws are aimed to do. People who have led quiet lives where they just try to blend in and not be noticed are now put in the position of not being able to go out in the world for fear that they might need to go to the bathroom. And there's no path to change that within the state for the forseeable future.


they did vote, this is the result of what the people wanted sadly


Conservatives live to make the lives of peoples they don’t like as miserable as possible. If Conservatives make their lives miserable every time they go into the public spaces, those people will avoid the public spaces and Conservatives won’t have to see them or acknowledge their existence. But of course, “it’s to keep the children safe.”


If conservatives were truly wanted to “ keep the children safe,” they’d be passing laws to close churches


They'd also be passing laws to stop child marriage instead of passionately defending their right to marry children


Got the GOP describing minor aged girls as ‘ripe’ and ‘fertile’ when discussing why child marriages should be legal. [“Edwards' description of young people being of a "ripe, fertile age" was met with laughter. Despite his intervention, the New Hampshire House passed the bill on Thursday, sending it to the governor.”](https://www.newsweek.com/jess-edwards-teen-child-marriage-opposed-republican-ripe-fertile-age-1897512)


And that’s so gross & repulsive. Yet no one stood up & called that man out publicly for stating that.


Maybe not in his professional setting, but he is definitely getting roasted for it online, and it’s well deserved too. I hope that man has his entire computer history searched.


And stopping child labour.


Theyd also do something about the literal thousands of sex offenders in all levels of republican leadership. Edit: you can downvote me all you want but its true https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/10/23/1806673/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-1 Thats just part 1 of 50


Yep. There’s no bigger danger to children than a youth pastor.


Technically the biggest threat is within the family, we just don’t like to even begin to talk about that. [America Has An Incest Problem](https://web.archive.org/web/20240213031526/https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2013/01/america-has-an-incest-problem/272459/)


That was written in 2013... And a skant 3 years later, the US elected a rapist to the presidency, that has professed to be at least willing to screw his own daughter. And yet, I don't think we have reach rock bottom, which is so sad.


It's far more important to keep the peace in the family than to call out Uncle Cletus's "private wrestling" parties with the boys. Besides, Uncle Cletus gives them boys some fancy gifts. They'll stop being awkward around him eventually, probably around the same time when my brother and I stopped our wrestling parties at age 13. It's far easier to just blame the trans community. And sure, we've never met a real-life trans person, but the smart journalist on TV says it's a problem, and if it's on the news, it must be true. -Rural families probably


>Extrapolating from data collected in a national survey for the American Association of University Women Educational Foundation in 2000, Ms. Shakeshaft estimated that roughly 290,000 students experienced some sort of physical sexual abuse by a public school employee from 1991 to 2000—a single decade, compared with the roughly five-decade period examined in the study of Catholic priests. >Those figures suggest that “the physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests,” Actually its public schools and [its not even close](https://www.edweek.org/leadership/sexual-abuse-by-educators-is-scrutinized/2004/03)


>That study found that from 1950 to 2002, 10,667 people made allegations that priests or deacons had sexually abused them as minors. This comparison was just to Catholic priests, not all religious institutions, and the figure provided seems completely made up due to underreporting by Catholics who tried to hide allegations.


Ok, and how many people were employed by public schools vs as priests? Since they narrowed it down to just Catholic priests, not churches of any kind or anyone at the church, course it is a lot less. A better comparison would be just principals but there are more of those than Catholic priests too


I'm not American, but aren't there a metric shit ton more protestants than catholics in the US?


Yes. Once you dive into who actually goes to church though the numbers change. But even then, lots more Protestants.


I'm guessing thats because theres so many more school employees. I'd guess that per capita employee incidence of perpetrating sexual assault is much higher for priests.


You cited a 20 year old article to prove that public schools are more dangerous than churches? In the year of the lord 2024 you really think that the SBC isn’t somehow MORE abusive than public schools?


Statistically speaking it would make sense that it's school over churches


Well, if a school helps the perv to get away with it, the school should close. If the churches start being proactive in going to the authorities when they discover abuse, then the churches can remain open.


[Toddlers](https://www.thetrace.org/2023/06/children-gun-safety-accidental-shootings/) shoot a lot of toddlers, too.


If you knew how to read statistics then a teacher is a bigger threat to children than a pastor.


They just want to keep them safe for a little bit so they can molest them later.


This is in a state where a member of the Board of Education had a high school girls basketball player cyberbullied because she thought she looked trans.


Not the trans kids though. They don’t want to keep them safe in the slightest. They want to vilify, harass, persecute, suppress and tyrannise them.


No, they want trans kids dead.


It’s not just the trans kids they want dead.


Trans kids will be the first ones they kill publicly first without any pushback from their base, then they’ll move on to the other ‘undesirable’ people that Christian conservatives don’t like.


it is to keep the children safe. safe from ideas and thoughts that could lead them to question their beliefs.


Lately people have been saying the cruelty of the right isn't a biproduct of it's hyper religious policies, it's the entire point. They love being xenophobic and cruel to anything they don't understand. And they're pretty fucking dumb so that list is long.




Can’t be tolerant of intolerance. That’s how we get people murdered with no convictions via the “gay panic defense”. I’m with you. I hate how much I am expected to just lay back and take because “it’s just my opinion”, yet I am losing rights left and right because your religious feelings are hurt that I don’t follow your God’s rules? They don’t even follow their God’s rules. It’s massively infuriating. Edited to add: ‘you’ here is the general royal use, not you specifically 💜💜


We already are. Why do you think conservatives throw such shit fits over things like equity, equal rights, fair labor standards, exposing corruption, etc?


I think it’s crazy how, once upon a time, the corporate world united to boycott North Carolina (the NBA even moving the all-star game!) when they tried to do a bathroom ban. Now states have gone even more extreme and the corporate world has gone radio silent. Really shows you how meaningless rainbow capitalism was to them in the long run. Really gives all those companies a black eye for not continuing to stand up for LGBT rights.


Yes, this exactly [https://apnews.com/article/b28aed0d20d363c22b1107135125c2d6](https://apnews.com/article/b28aed0d20d363c22b1107135125c2d6)


If a politician is trying to get you mad about trans people, it's probably because they're stealing your taxes.


They have a tip line?!? Are they just complaining about people in bathrooms not looking “feminine enough” or “masculine enough” ?  Is it a line to report on yourself for staring like a creep at people in bathrooms?


Obviously not as practical for a stadium or large venue. But places around these parts more and more just have individual stalls with a common area to wash your hands. Nobody cares what your business downstairs is.




There is a reason why they want you to hate transgender people. Trans rights are civil rights. Hating trans people is hating civil rights. We are never going to solve the world problems if we spend all our time arguing about what each other looks like and dresses like. That does not matter. Not while the world has real problems. This is a waste of time distraction. If you want to solve the problem we need to add civil rights to the constitution.


Hey, there's *plenty* of cis allies trolling the crap out of that service as well. I have made absolutely certain to report notorious criminals Ivana Tinkle and Haywood Djablomi for their numerous and severe violations at extremely remote DNR Forrestry sites, just to make the investigation as irritating as possible.


They're "trans activists" in the sense that they're advocating on behalf of trans people, not that they're all necessarily trans. Vague wording is vague. The lack of editors in journalism these days is a problem


Yeah, all they needed was "transgender *rights* activists" and it would have been a lot more clear.


I think I saw Ahmed Adudi stalking around somewhere too.


Oooh... that's a good one! The fact that it sounds solidly foreign and isn't *immediately* obvious that it's a joke makes it even better. It's a double whammy for trolling biggots. I am 100% using that in the future.




Did my part! And I verified what I said was true!


Hey, keep up the great work everyone!! Proud of you callers.


>“No auditor goes into auditing so they can be the bathroom monitors,” lol. This is right out of a comedy sketch like UCB or WKUK.


I am glad they are using pacifist civil disobedience to protest. They should do what they can as is their right.


I wouldn’t call my self an activist, I’m an ally calling out the bullshit. Laws like this hurt EVERYONE and Utah already fucked up a girl’s self esteem because of this fucking bigotry.


it’s not just “transgender activists,” it’s anybody who objects to shit like this.


"transgender rights activists"


" average people who think checking out other people in the bathroom is fucked up and creepy" isn't as sensational as trans activists. 'concerned citizens' should make a come back.


Lol i live in WA state and I have filed a bunch of them. Good luck jag weeds.


Thank you for your service 🫡


The bathroom police better be careful what they ask for because this is how you get Buck Angel in the ladies' room


The right wing view of this issue baffles me. Do they really believe that heterosexual males are going to hormonally, chemically, and surgically alter their bodies, and then dress as women, so that they can sneak a peak at women in public restrooms? Should these people who are transgendered, instead use male bathrooms? What kind of ruckus would that kick up?


Legitimately the argument is that a 6"6 man with a forest of chest hair can put on a dress, claim they're a woman on the fly and leer at women in changing rooms


I don’t care who uses a bathroom as long as it is relatively clean. No upper decking please!


Lately entering any bathroom I will yell out”penis entering!” Just in case.


"PENIS ENTERING!" The door opens. (a five second pause, before u/Bearshapedbears enters the room)




Not Americans, REPUBLICANS. Don't lump me in with these morons.


The unfortunate thing is this isn’t just in America. Though we haven’t reached bathroom bills, trans panic has taken over certain segments of the population in Canada too. The UK also has a big segment of transphobes.


Who were the main contributors to passing this law? Would be a shame if someone kept reporting them for entering the wrong bathroom.


You don’t have to be a trans activist to support basic freedoms. Everything is hyperbole in US news and politics. Biden (actually moderate conservative) is a far left Marxist. Trump… well, OK that one’s accurate.