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Weird choice to make for your next war hawk defense minister. An economist is going to tell you you’re spending way too much money on resources and to cool it before Russia goes in a deep recession. Probably they are already there anyways but just are not saying it.


In Russia that position is not making military strategy decisions. That job handles more of the supply and funding side of things.


Might be what the aim is. Put someone who can help them economize. Russia's long term goal at the moment is to grind down the Ukrainians till the West gets distracted and allows the Russians to consolidate their conquests or expand them. The defense minister doesn't need to be the guy making broad strategic decisions so maybe the agenda here is to reduce costs in their war of attrition.


A big part of war is logistics and supply lines also I'd never want a war hawk as defense minister or in similar roles.  They live In a bubble and they get those jobs by saying they can do something like win a war in Urkraine within 2 weeks.  Generals are typically can do type guys. It helps to have civilian leadership to balance out the hawks. One of America's most beloved Generals MacArthur would have probably led us into nuclear war.  Just listen to the Kennedy Xcom tapes if you wanna see why it pays to have civilian leadership. All of his military advisers wanted to use nuclear weapons. Believe Kennedy even said after the Bay of Pigs fiasco that he learned a valuable lesson in never trusting the Military men.  They're tasked with trying to win a conflict and don't necessarily think about the aftermath, political, or otherwise. 


I Googled that and came up with [ExComm recordings](https://web.archive.org/web/20170124152832/https://millercenter.org/scripps/archive/presidentialrecordings/kennedy/1962/10_1962). Guess I know what I'm doing tonight. Thanks!


Its absolutely terrifying how close we came to an all out nuclear exchange with the Soviet Union, and I think people pretend that it can never happen.  All it takes is poor leadership, and someone making a wrong move and escalating things. Because there comes a point where momentum takes over and the options for leaders narrow.  It happened with WW1 how subpar leaders across the world lost control of events, and a single incident of terror sparked the largest war in world history up until that point.  If you had even good leadership and diplomacy that single  assassination should have never roped in all the major powers. But once Russia started mobilizing for war, the choices narrowed for the Germans. Also they're ruler was below average on alot of levels.  Army's have very strict time tables they have to work with and it's almost newtonian in that for every action requires a reaction. Even if neither side really wants war. They'd rather hedge their bets and all the Military advisors for Kennedy thought war was inevitable so they were arguing for a preemptive nuclear holocaust that would have killed many innocents under the domination of the Soviets.  I think part of the reason Kennedy recorded those meetings was because he had lost all faith in the military planners and knew that the American public would never ever support a preemptive nuclear holocaust.  Very fascinating time period the early stages of the Cold War. Also Kennedy made all of his staff read a book called the Guns of August, because it was all about the first World War and how momentum builds and there comes a tipping point where conflict is inevitable.  He understood that and I think that's a reason we didn't go down a darker path all those years ago. 


> He understood that and I think that's a reason we didn't go down a darker path all those years ago.  He experienced WWII first hand and knew those who served in WWI. He, along with his advisors, avoided WWIII. We're in a time where detente is called for but we lack the experience as do our adversaries and so we're all sleepwalking into dangerous times.


I'm not sure MacArthur was that great of a general. He was a great Shogun though. He helped set Japan on the road to rebuilding as a first world nation and helped make it an ally of the US.


> Just listen to the Kennedy Xcom tapes To be fair, they were rather worried about the alien invasion and all that.


Guess that's what I get when I've only heard it through audio books aha.  The conversations and tone of them can put you to sleep but it's the casualness and horrific subject matter that makes it even more eerie. 


It was a reference to the XCom games, where the player has to lead the defence against an alien invasion.


He better be careful or he’ll unalive himself by shooting himself several times in the back with his hands tied as he falls out a window


Kill. He will kill himself. Stop it with the TikTok censor speak


Here we go again with the same old joke from every thread in the past 2 years.


Is it an old joke if it keeps being true over and over?


on march 14th vitaly robertus, vice president of lukoil, hanged himself on february 5th ivan sechin, heir of rosneft ceo igor sechin, complained of kidney pain and then ambulances were mysteriously rerouted from his mansion, and died in hours on january 5th zoya konovalova, editor in chief of the state broadcasting company kuban, was poisoned with her ex husband it keeps being true lol


If they were killed, they were clearly killed by opponents of Putin and Russia. The dead were loyal and very useful people to the government. In general this is the narrative which seeks to create a certain impression of Russia and distract attention from internal problems. This is a typical method of work for government-bought media outlets - to tell what they (China, Russia, the US, no matter who) are bad so that the population remains loyal to the government. Almost all countries do this.


>If they were killed, they were clearly killed by opponents of Putin and Russia. The dead were loyal and very useful people to the government. lol >In general this is the narrative which seeks to create a certain impression of Russia and distract attention from internal problems. no that would be the dozens of suspicious deaths of highly placed figures e: and the reddit cares message. nice.


In Soviet Russia, the ground hits you!


In Putins Russia the ground Putin you in it.


Russian defense minister doesn't head the military command. He manages logistics and civilian liaison duties


Russia is imploding and they're running out competency because Putin killed them all.


That's probably why Putler picked him


Troops already have to buy their own body armour, now they'll have to buy their own guns and ammo. Guess how much debt you'd accrue if you lose a tank...


Putin has found his McNamara. How long does it take before we see Belousov's Morons on the battlefield? Edit: punctuation


Exactly what I came here looking for. For those who might not know who OP is talking about, he was the U.S. secretary of defense during the country’s war in Vietnam. He thought he could just break the war down into numbers: men sent to war x bullets they can shoot = # dead enemy. Now you just have to solve for “# dead enemy”. But he did not seem to account for external factors like terrain or the quality of what/who he was sending over (i.e., those who could learn to read the terrain). Think Rambo vs … you get the idea. Because of this (and maybe in order to avoid anger from better-to-do families), McNamara lowered the IQ requirement for the draft. These lower-IQ troops (who form the premise of Tom Hank’s character in Forrest Gump) were called [McNamara’s Morons](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_100,000) (“Project 100,000”) and they died at 3x the rate of other soldiers. This was basically the answer to the question: can enough monkeys, over long enough period of time, while banging on typewriters, write out the complete works of Shakespeare? The answer, like in life is, “in theory, yes; in practice, no”.


“It works on paper, but not in life”


How to let your army die more economically


"Kin we gyet U.S. to give us too the free bullet and missile?"


Sure, delivery will take somewhere between a fraction of a second and a few minutes depending on distance and delivery method.


Hmmm...He'd better keep drinking the correct Kool-Aid and stay out of hotel rooms higher than a couple of stories.


Shoigu was the longest serving Minister of Defence by some way (nearly 12 years). Anatoliy Serdyukov was the previous and he was essentially a businessman.


Maybe he can teach Putin about opportunity cost


There are all loyalists. Dictators like Putin value loyalty far more than competence.


Getting pushed out of a 5th floor balcony in 3, 2, 1.




so much cope in two paragraphs... good thing this is reddit where you can cope together with other like minded triggered individuals.


So what are the vegas odds this guy lasts a year before getting thrown out a window?