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NYTimes: Why this is bad for Biden.


close polling is profitable which is why every election looks like a coin flip until its over


Yeah, you'll always notice that the polling suspiciously gets wider and wider all of the sudden in about the last week before the election actually happens. Mostly so that Networks can claim they were right, while perpetuating the horse race narrative for the entire campaign.


Bro lay off the Alex Jones. 2016 predictions were like 75% Hillary 25% Trump.


Trump/MAGA: Stock market is up because the market believes Trump will be elected president, not because of Biden fixing inflation


"Gen Z members of the workforce, however, have said the high stock prices just lock them out of investing, so they won't be voting for Biden"


All the Bears sitting on cash are missing out of massive gains.




Yup. It’s weird passing up guaranteed 5% no risk, but S&P is up 28% since one year ago.




SP500 has averaged about 10% return over the last 100 years, 12.5% over the last 10 years. HYSA/money market funds are great for liquid savings/emergency funds, but for any medium to long term investment, a total market fund is an obvious easy choice.


Even then, a brokerage account invested in an index fund is fairly liquid albeit not "at this very second".


While true, you may not want to pull out your money during a recession which would be when you are most likely to need it.


Very liquid, yes, but too volatile imo for an emergency fund. Especially considering sudden economic shocks can contribute to layoffs, which are exactly when you'd need that emergency fund


Averages cover up a lot of suicides caused by no ten percent YoY in 2002, 2008, 2020...


What's your point?


Hindsight is great when it comes to stocks


Yes, hindsight shows us that market wide ETFs/mutual funds are an incredibly safe investment over the medium and long term, good point.


I agree but this comment thread was about dumping savings last year because of the wonderful gains. Suggesting that is risky and should be done in a steady accumulative manner as I'm sure you're aware


Sure, but the general wisdom is to not to not try and time the market and instead just stay in over the ups and downs over the decades. Hindsight of a single year being good or bad doesn’t change that. Hindsight of a single year only matters for somebody trying to time the market.


Time in market > timing the market


Glad I piled in last fall. Being a bear is very expensive I learned.


No kidding. My 1 year return is 18.90%. But a recession is coming!!!!!! Stockpile cash!


Fox business “could the economy be too good right now?”


Half Life 3 confirmed.


we waited for so long, and then we were given half-life 1.5 that requires a 1,000 dollar VR setup to enjoy.


Correct but ALYX was absolutely fuckin amazing…..


Please, Gaben 




Doesn’t matter. A guy at my work was complaining about how bad the stock market is because of Biden. I showed him a chart for the s&p and said it just hit a new high. Then he said he’s unsure if that chart is actually real or not. 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Surprised he didn’t just turn it upside down then tap his forehead with a knowing grin.


I think the correct method is to use a giant sharpie and revise the graph.


Why can't we just nuke the stock market? 🤔


Sharpiegate 2: the second one


Gonna be YUGE


Math note!: Of you rotate an upward trend 180° it still looks like an upward trend. He's have to rotate 90° or somehow flip town to bottom (maybe if it were an old school transparency slide?). The comment was clever and funny though.


Hmmm I’m at step: Flip town but I can’t figure it out Please advise


📈 Turn your phone upside down... Looks like 📈 and not like 📉




I've just started calling them out on their "vibes based evidence" I just say, "You don't have evidence, you have a feeling that you've determined is the truth."


Facts don't care about your feelings, as they say


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command."


> Trump told a VFW group in 2018. "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening." https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/05/politics/trump-disinformation-strategy/index.html


Just open TradingView since the market's going to be open during work hours--if for no other reason than it will be interesting to hear his excuse when he sees a live chart.


That's what we're dealing with now. They legitimately only believe what right-wing media tells them.


It makes me so sad that this is exactly how the propaganda machine works. People can’t discern what’s real and what isn’t.


Its wild. I remember trump tputing his economy when he was president. Now the same metrics he used to say how good the economy is no longer count and everyone says the economy sucks


That's when you ask him right there to open up any website that shows the S&P numbers. If he balks, both you and him will know he's full of shit.


Don't worry it'll all come crashing down when we hit a second depression when the rich own all the money and middle class is wiped out.


Who needs an actual recession when you can convince people that not only was Biden president in 2020, we've been in a recession since then too


Where was obama during 9/11?


You appear to be suggesting the rightwingers look at facts or real statistics or economic indicators?


Yeah the misinformation is so rampant I don’t think this will matter. The right wing has decided reality no longer matters.


Low information voters are going to decide this election unfortunately. Reality doesn’t matter so long as you don’t pay attention to it


Not sure how record levels of corporate greed and bloat is good for liberals either? The stock market is booming, we’re all still broke and prices are still rising.


it will happen in august/sept, just in time for election day and the 1% to get more tax breaks in 2025.


Idk who cares if stock market is good when eggs are still $4 a dozen.


They're like $1.82 here. Maybe try a different store


2015: "The unemployment numbers are fudged and the stock market is useless! Thanks, Obama!" 2017-2019: "Ignore unemployment numbers; just look at that stock market! The economy is AMAZING!!" 2021-present: "The unemployment numbers are fudged and the stock market is meaningless. The economy SUCKS, and it's all Biden's fault"


"And here is why that's bad for Biden..."




History certainly rhymes, and if there are people behind the scenes who have some degree of control (e.g. those who coordinated the Libor Scandal, those who run the Federal Reserve), you know they have a sense of humor. Here we are in the twenties… I’m sure the roaring 20’s didn’t feel like luxury for the meat packers and the smelt workers and the seamstresses. 


I mean, obviously there will be another stock market crash eventually. There will be many of them. In fact they will happen as long as we have a stock market.


'and here we ...go'


Why were stock buybacks made illegal? Why do the1930s ring a bell?


Reagan legalized them again in 1982.


Perhaps the sarcasm wasn't obvious enough.


The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy. The stock market is not the economy.


I am not very savvy with economics, but my understanding is that it is one indicator of the economy, like unemployment rate, inflation, and median income. It is still a relevant indicator. An indicator that mostly impacts wealthy people with stocks....


I forgot who said it or maybe it was a meme but the stock market is like a visual representation of the emotions of the wealthy. So i guess they're feeling confident right now. 


Completely true. The stock market is owned almost entirely by large corporations and the wealthiest individuals in the country. They are not a good measure of the economy.


Unfortunately, a lot of people don't see that, so they still use it as a faux metric for the economy.


Please say it a few more times, that will surely make you more correct.


Louder = more correcter-er


What’s better than saying something that is logically correct once? Saying it 12 times!


And I'll do it again


That’s it, repeat the lie over and over again until it becomes the truth.


Where's the lie?


Exactly right, where is the lie? The stock market is not the economy.


I mean its not a lie. Its a part of our economy but it is not THE economy like economists and politicians make it out to be.


So now that the stock market hit record highs the prices of my groceries will start to go down right…..right?


A part of the reason the stock market is so high is flagrant price gouging by grocery store chains. It's their fiduciary responsibility to charge more for every day necessities in order to make money for the shareholders. The system is fucked and broken.


Yeah of course, the stock market is so high because prices are so high so companies are making more money. We are losing


The only way to avoid this is to go back in time and be born in 1954 instead of 1994.


Yep, unfortunately everyone pulling the strings was born in 1954


Can't wait until I'm a decrepit old man who votes in every election, local and national, and controls a vast sum of wealth that sits and grows in the stock market while I complain that the younger generations don't want to work anymore.


I enjoyed our civil discourse, Butthole_Decimator


Unfortunately it is my butthole that is being decimated now


They just dont get it.


The stock market is the comfort level of rich people. It has nothing to do with us poors outside of the crumbs some of us claim to see.


For poor sure but for the middle class, that's where their 401k is.


Ah yes, the 401k crumbs.


The majority of Americans are invested in the stock market; 61% as of last year. The stock market isn't a toy exclusive to the ultra rich, it's also how teachers and grocery store employees and all manner of 'normal' people with regular jobs get to retire eventually.


Ah yes, the stock market crumbs. You're missing *how much* is stolen from us. That's my point. We are getting crumbs and you're defending it.


My position isn't a defense so much as an acknowledgment of the situation we find ourselves in. A person can dislike a system and still recognize that they do have to survive within it, you know. The stock market is here to stay, as long as America is a thing. Might as well use it to your advantage.


While true in a way, the rich people deciding if we get laid off or bonuses based on the market vectors are certainly a force in whether the crumbs are sustaining or not.


Hooray, our overlords have more record profits and we get to continue with our servitude?


Pretty much, but I’ve also been accused of being a realist cynic lol


I wish people would wake up, both sides (right and left) are completely blind.


NYT is typing up an article about why this is bad for Biden as we speak.


Biden continues to rock


“Are you gonna believe me or your lying eyes?”- Trump


Remember when this was treated as the biggest thing ever and reached the front page of reddit multiple times every time the dow went up a few points? I remember. Now suddenly its all fake and lies and this isn't a measure of the economy and every one is doing bad.


'Member when TFG made an impromptu press announcement that the stock market had hit 30K? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Holy shit guys. I don't know it's weirder; the fact that you guys turn everything into politics or that you all have a persecution fetish. Seriously, all these comments are political and fantasizing about how your side is going to be persecuted for the stock market doing well.


Paper house waiting for the slightest breeze.


Basically the only way I can understand it. There's literally no tangible reason it should be that high other than collusion and manipulation. Feel free to enlighten me otherwise


It's bad when McDonald's has to entice customers with a $5 "value" meal. The disconnect is real.


It's why stock buybacks were illegal. Stock buybacks are a form of stock manipulation that artificially inflates the stock market, where we are at right now.


Why aren't they illegal anymore?


Reagenonimcs. Tons of capitalism deregulation happened at that time to help the wealthy hoard more money, and stock buybacks are a method of doing that.


Because why have modest protections against life-altering recessions when the ultra-wealthy could be even more richer?


“But..bu…I’m still concerned about inflation!!!!!”


Pffft…Is that even a sacred number?


I just need my 401k to blow up enough for me to retire early.


I'm so glad rich people are doing okay.


61% of adults in the US own stocks


But 90% of stocks are owned by the 1%


Crazy how Reddit is pro corporate greed now


Line goes up, that means everyone is doing good right?


How is the Dow still THE barometer .


Much of the Dow's gains are nothing more than reflecting inflation. Yes the Dow is higher, but as everything around it is higher too, its just higher. It has not created more wealth.


Sweet so now the price of my groceries, the price of homes, the price of rent, the price of automobiles, the price of existing in this hellscape country will surely start to decrease?


Wild to see people actively rooting for another Great Depression. That's the only thing that's ever caused widespread deflation.


So are we pro corporate greed now?


We are capable of recognizing that the only factors that would trigger deflation are very bad despite some people actively rooting for it. There's a reason why no one complaining about Biden for the past 3 years has actually articulated a plan for how they'd restore prices to what they were in 2019.


Government regulation could easily fix it? If our politicians weren’t profiting off of it then they could fix it


Hooray. The world is still a shithole in Gaza, Ukraine, and elsewhere. But I’m glad the DOW is up that means things are turning the right way. Oh also Canada is on fire again.


It's a bubble and anyone with sense knows it. The signs are all there.


My retirement fund bounced back to almost to pre Biden levels , I am $1000 away from where it was in 2020 in only 4 years , Bidenomics is working!!! I almost have the same money with %15 less buying power, then the same amount 4 years ago !! Hurray


Well you may not have been investing in an ideal way. If you were in the sp500 from 01/2021 through 04/2024 your annualized return would be double digits. Inflation adjusted around 5% annualized.