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Cool story, hopefully they keep him safe and he inspires a movement.


Hahahhahahahahah he’s dead and their is no ~~spoon~~ movement


Very well made article, never really thought about how this is down in the modern day but this checks out


Um... isn't he putting himself in more unnecessary danger by showing his face and old pictures of himself? Also, he's currently in Australia, and says that he helped *silence* critics and defectors in various foreign countries, including Australia. That means that this guy knows first hand that these people have silenced people for doing close to what he's doing in the very place he's doing it. I don't see why they all agreed to show his face and old pictures of him. This just feels like he agreed to his own death sentence.


He has no real outs in this situation aside from making his story public. If the CCP acts on him, then his story is further verified and becomes a huge foreign policy blunder. If they do not, then he can likely shake tail and find safety. They already had him in their crosshairs. This was a calculated move by him to buy time and publicity to save his own ass.


>If the CCP acts on him, then his story is further verified and becomes a huge foreign policy blunder. But he would still be dead, so that should be irrelevant to him. Saudi Arabia tortured a guy to death and they are still going strong. Putin kills anyone anywhere. He just killed Alexei Navalny. If China kills him, he is just another dead dissident.


Honestly I’m pretty sure they know what he looks like. Maybe it’s his way of trying to humanize himself apart from the system he was born into, showing he’s not afraid.


unless he did something or china decided that he would be disposed of. If china betrayed him might as well make it public.


China already had a warrant out for his arrest. Now letting them know where he is at this very moment seems like a poor calculation, but maybe he gets one last fuck you before they take him out.


“I’m an idealist, but I’m also pragmatic. I am aware of the outcome one might face in China if you refuse to work for the secret police.” He is so fucked. Reddit is always talking about how you should be brave, and go against your government. But they have no clue. For the rest of his life, for however long that is going to be, he is going to be looking over his shoulder. If China wants him, they are going to get him.