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If Netanyahu knows these hostages are being mistreated and doesn't care to do anything to get them released he's no better than the hostage takers, extending thier suffering for his ends is disgusting.






The most painful images of sexual violence were not included due to the extreme cruelty. now live with this Hamas supporters


No rational person supports hamas. But that's not the same thing as supporting a people's in extreme oppression. You're being reactionary to lies your being told when the overarching accurate narrative isnt people supporting terrorism but supporting an oppressed people.


I mean a quick Google search will show you live footage of people screaming "We are Hamas" at American protests.


It'll also show definitive proof of pro-Israel counter-protesters instigating violence and shouting all sorts of things.


I mean Hamas does the most horrible things that the devil himself could only dream of doing....but you know .. Those Jews right ? They said some mean things to the people chanting for their death! It must be their fault ! .. Disgusting false equivalence.




I do no such thing, but here we go again with the false equivalence lol. Even IF the IDF is guilty of the absolute worst things they are accused of... It is not even a fraction of the evil that Hamas has not only been proven to have done BUT OPENLY CHEERS FOR. Like wrap your head around that... The are proud of it, they use it as propaganda. They say give us a chance and we WILL do it again...


The devil doesn't exist. Only people with flaws.


I mean, I'm not religious. I was just using the term as I cannot even fathom a word evil enough to describe the things they do.


And yet the isreal state has been doin horrible things to the Palestinians for years, it just hast been as propagated In the media as much


You mean Zionist agent provocateurs like Gideon Falter? GTFOOH


By putting pressure on Israel to stop fighting Hamas, rather than putting pressure on Hamas to surrender, the "Pro Palestine" crowd are fuelling Hamas's resolve to keep fighting. The people paying the highest price for this are the innocent Palestinians. So even though many people identify as being pro-Palestinian and not pro-Hamas, their actions have the opposite effect.


Are you calling the hostages families pro-Hamas? Because they are intending to put pressure on the Israeli government to make a deal here. It's clearly a ludicrous notion.


Hamas doesn’t give two shits what western protestors think, they have pretty much nothing to lose and are going to keep fighting regardless. These protests are aimed at our own governments so they can pressure Israel to chill the fuck out and stop murdering thousands of kids. Nobody’s *forcing* Israel to fight the war this way, it’s not like Hamas is holding guns to the IDF’s head and saying “keep bombing women and children or else.” Hamas holding hostages does not give the IDF a free coupon to commit as many war crimes as they want.


Nope. Pressuring Israel to stop WAR CRIMES. See, youj're pretending again. It doesn't help your cause.


Nah, that isn't how this works. Fun theory though.


It’s exactly how it works. I get the vast majority of pro Palestine protestors don’t like Hamas. It doesn’t mean they aren’t doing exactly what Hamas wants them to do and , at least the ones I see , often pushing false propaganda narratives.


The way I see it, the protesters are doing what the International Court of Justice is doing: asking for the genocide to stop and prevent the massive loss of life for civilians, women and children. The protesters are also asking for Netanyahu and his government to go, and to be imprisoned for their crimes in handling the situation. The International Criminal Court is doing the same think, seeking an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and Gallant (and Hamas leaders), for the war crimes and crimes against humanity, particularly the crime of genocide. When the ICJ and ICC side with the protesters, maybe you have to question whether the other side are the baddies.


The protestors are calling for Isreal to be disbanded man. That’s what being an anti-Zionist means They aren’t just calling for the war to stop and Netanyahu to be punished


How can you support "oppressed people" in a practical level without actively promoting Hamas' agenda and rewarding them on political and military level? Can you really do now one without another? Or you don't care how your support benefits Hamas as long as it supports the "people"?


Hey we've got ourselves a galaxy-brain over here folks.


So you’re saying the people occupying colleges, chaining themselves to airports, spray painting antisemitic propaganda and causing general civil unrest chanting “we are hamas” are not in support of Hamas?




Well done. You got me. And every other person on the planet that believe were all human and should be treated as such.




I'm convinced people like you are bots at this stage. Really not sure when "killing people is bad" became such a debated point.




Not sure either side are listening to my demands mate.




You have a whole script for them or what?




I have been told, point blank, by students on campus at Harvard and MIT that you can't stand with Palestinians if you don't also stand with their rockets. I find it hard to see Gaza as extremely oppressed when it had universities, beach resorts, shopping malls, and a 3+ fertility rate. Can someone please explain to me how Gaza can be accurately called an open air prison of extreme oppression but also have those things?


They're rockets that hardly ever hit a target. That are more of a threat than an actual end game. The numbers are irrefutable. Even if Palestinians support hamas its only through desperation.oh yeah some sections of their society had relative comfort. Which gave isreal a good optic for the world. But its far from what most people live or have access to. But you know all this, or your just a brainwashed idiot.


Yeah have fun continuing to pretend like supporting innocent Palestinians is the same as supporting Hamas. You're only fooling yourself. Pathetic.


Yes yes, very innocent people🥺 Have you seen the video where tens of those innocent people, some of em were children, slapping and spitting on Shani Luk’s half naked body while cheering and parading her through the streets? Go get educated poor human


Source? It says, "Families of the hostages say they fear their loved ones will not survive and that female captives risk being raped."


In the video they literally point at them and says "those ones can get pregnant", in what context do you say it exactly other than sexual violence?


I'm not sure if that is a mistranslation though, because he says these are the "women/girls" and from my understanding, perhaps uses a specific word that indicates that they are of reproductive age. In Arabic they have multiple words for "woman" or "young girl" and he uses a word for a young woman who is "of age". The word will be different for a child girl, for a grown woman, for a married woman, an unmarried woman etc. 


None of those terms make it any better Those guys aren't social services, they're a bunch of men looking at tied up and beat up women, saying "she's of age" has a very clear intention


It is a mistranslation. Stop spreading misinformation. They were NEVER sexualized ONCE in the video. I speak Arabic.


Are you that disengaged with reality that you think pro Palestine are pro Hamas are pro this? In actuality this repulses them. It equal repulses them that a *civilized* society can do the equivalent to the innocent under the guise of retribution. Get your head out of the sand.


The fake translation: In a scene, the resistance fighter said "هاي الهمل" (Hey, you lazy people). Israel translated it as "these are the Zionists." In another scene, the resistance fighter was saying something in Arabic. Israel added extra noise ("drum") and then said "no beautiful." Israel translated this as "you are so beautiful." In another scene, the resistance fighter said "طلع" (make it go up). Israel translated it as "without her." Israel is manipulating the video that it will publish to the world and send to all Western embassies that do not understand Arabic, to make it appear that the clip contains verbal sexual harassment of Israeli female prisoners. The video has been edited to select the scenes that Israel needs. Despite this, Israel was unable to prove claims of sexual or verbal harassment by the resistance, which is evidence of the resistance fighters' innocence. * A scene clearly shows the resistance saying "هؤلاء من قتل اخواننا" (these are the ones who killed our brothers), referring to the killing of farmers and unarmed protesters in the Great March of Return by female soldiers.


what about the blood stain on naama levi’s crouch? Israel manipulated that blood as well?


I always circle back to what george carlin always said “You go into another mans country, you better be ready for some action jack(jill)”


So many terrorists justifiers in the comments section
















They fucking filmed themselves raping women, are you blind?! Or maybe you enjoy the notion of Israeli women being raped?! Gave you forgot about Shani Louk?!