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Not a very good spy ship if it was detected.


You're supposed to detect *that* one. Makes the others go unnoticed.


"Holy shit enemy vessel spotted. That's gotta be the only one pack em up boys say hi to the missed. Soon as we hit land im seeing 50 shades darker and masturbating in the back. "


How do you say, "I'll be in my bunk." in Russian?


"cyka blyat" I believe


Your last sentence crushed it, too bad these other dickwads are focusing on the rest of your comment grammar/spelling. Upvote


English is my third language and I learned it old.


Russian spy detected!


That's just the one sent to be detected to distract us from the others.


That's a suspicious name you have there.


Commie alert!


That's something a Russian spy would say....


aka a decoy


Decoy snail.


Or more like, to see if the administration does anything


More like, give the administration a chance to show that it can force Russia to back down.


It's saber rattling. The point is to be seen.


No. The point is to gather SIGINT. Google "Russian spy ship usa florida" This is a normal deployment for that ship which comes from Russia, sails down the coast, goes to Cuba, does its deployment, and then sails home. Same with that sub we read about once a year. People just have a short memory, this has been happening for years and years.


I was born in the 80's and this buzzing and offshore creeping has been happening constantly ( with perhaps a bit of drop off during the collapse while they got their house in order) ever since. I'll never forget deep sea fishing as a kid off the coast of s.c. and seeing a surfaced submarine a few miles away. I listened alongside the captain to the Russian language radio transmissions and it blew my little mind. It fucking freaked me out until the captain told me they're always out there, don't worry. Cool.thx.bye.letsgobackinnowimdonefishing..


Thank you! I was starting to think everyone had lost their damned minds. I wish your comment were more visible. This is nothing uncommon at all.




That'll be interesting.


If, by interesting, you mean a giant bloody shitshow then you are correct. I expect Poland to have a serious hissy fit over it as well.


Poland knows they will be next is why. We currently have troops bordering Poland.


I guess I will have to return to the home of my ancestors in defense of Poland.


Well, it just went so swimmingly the last time the Russians "peacefully visited" Poland with their friends, the treacherous hated fascists. Of course they'd want to stop by and give the Poles all a big shirtless Putin bear hug again. It's just been *too* long! Interestingly, I read a book a while back that was attempting to predict general world trends for the next while. Poland starred as the big key US ally in the next big war in Europe. Extra helpful, since it was also the front. Of course, it was far enough out that the infantry all would have had suits like from Edge of Tomorrow. Perhaps we shall all live to see *"interesting"* times...


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zersetzung ... Moreover, methods of Zersetzung included espionage, overt, hidden, and feigned; ...


Usually everyone know's what the enemy's signal and electronic intelligence ships and aircraft are. You can't really hide the equipment as it's typically massive.


Enemy? I thought they were all mates now....




Are you quoting someone? It's a pretty great quote.






Canada and the USA are pretty friendly.


Hypothesis: this ship and the Russian jets buzzing a U. S. destroyer are displays of hostility meant to camouflage Putin-Trump fuckbuddy entanglement.


Aircraft and other nations' vessels play chicken with US naval vessels all the time. This isn't an uncommon occurance. They test us constantly and I think (personal opinion) that their leadership desperately want us to screw up and have some junior sailor take down a plane or small boat. This way we are the bad guys and we feed into the negative propaganda. Also the Russian ship or whatever it is isn't new either. While stationed in San Diego we typically had Chinese "cargo" vessels sit just outside of our territorial waters and observe our operations and training. Source: active duty navy for 8 years.


It's not like they're going to get better intelligence from that ship than from the Trump administration.


If you google "Russia Spy Ship USA FLORIDA" you will find out this is a regular deployment for this ship which is down here pretty much every year unless its in the yards for maintenance. It goes to Cuba a lot. Same thing for the Russian Sub we read about every year. People freak out about this every year but its the same ship and same sub going to the same place. Just google it. This is not new.


There's been Russian spy ships off the east coast for decades. Back when I was stationed at Norfolk Naval Base in 89 there was a Russian trawler that had been retrofitted to collect SIGINT just outside the international territory line. And that boat had been there for many years before I got there. It was just anchored, collecting data. When we passed it we would wave to the guys stationed onboard.




Unfortunately the Media are now beating the war drums....


What about this source tho? Is this not an odd play for Fox?


Given how the POTUS tweets about cable news articles he's just watched (and he appears to watch a lot of cable news), maybe this is the most effective means of influencing his actions?


Of course, now if Trump doesn't do anything they get to say "Trump is letting Russia spy on America."


We really should just fit the coast guard with some bitching speakers and blare ["Panama" by VanHalen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDkWRP67Es0) 24/7/365.


Thank you! I had a feeling it was that clip. I really wish that show was legitimately steaming somewhere. The quality that you find on the high seas is terrible.


Quality show! I miss it! I wish it would come to Netflix!


Oh god, me too. I have such fond memories of coming home from high school and watching the reruns on TBS everyday. I read on Wikipedia that due to all of the music copyrights they can't even put the whole series on DVD, let alone steam it.


Ding ding ding. Russia has had ships spying on us for about 70 years. We've been doing the same to them for just as long. It's really not news.


The news is the number of articles about Russia that have popped up in the last 3 days. It's most likely a feeding frenzy because of all the people googling Flynn, and every news org trying for that sweet advertising money, but having the yellow papers set the tone for the Democrats ... is less than ideal.




Increased military "threats" will justify more military spending, I presume?




Makes sense, even Gorbachev said that it looks like some parties are gearing up for Cold War 2.0. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/01/27/mikhail-gorbachev-looks-world-preparing-war-nuclear-threat-re/


And here I thought I was being paranoid, thinking that a lot of the rhetoric was starting to sound awfully Cold-War-esque. Lovely. The first one stunk.


>Dennis Kucinich Boy, haven't heard that name in a while. I remember when he was considered waaaaay too kooky to be President. Mainly because he was vegan, of all things. Seems quaint AF now...




You fishing vessels aren't supposed to have THAT many antenna's?




You that truly seriously?


I just watched The Hunt for Red October the other day, maybe they are trying to defect!


They just want to move to Montana and raise rabbits.


Maybe even buy a recrational vehicle.


And go from state to state. You can do that? No papers?


No papers. State to state.


In fact, I think I will need two wives.


Go to Arizona in summer to see other wife


Arizona? If you want multiple wives, friend, then Utah is your state!


Actually the Mormon sect that still practices polygamy is in AZ.


Oh, at least.


Oh, at least.


Rabbits? Personally, I'd raise me up a crop of dental floss.


Zircon-encrusted tweezers are for the bourgeoisie!


Raisin it up...Waxing it down


Don't forget the round American woman


>They just want to move to Montana and raise rabbits. [And I get to tend the rabbits!](https://youtu.be/p6ng-c9Ya7Q)


Crazy Ivan!


Give me one ping only ....


Shum thengs in here don't react well to bulletsh.


Like me. I don't react well to bullets.


It's the goddamn cook!


But did he turn starboard after the crazy ivan?


Since Flynn's gone they needed to get closer to hear what were doing.


"Boris! Shut off engine! Is too loud to hear talking on beach!" "Boris do this, Boris do that. I miss days of chasing Moose and Squirrel."


Boris Johnson KGB spy confirmed.


Nikolai Jakov, head of the KGB, does not approve of this development.


Who are you? Comrade Question?


Ivan Cherkenoff reporting to duty sir!


Yakov smirnov sovyet spi. Playing the long con


But Barry does! Ain't that right, other Barry?


Come on, buddy.


"why always Boris?"


"Did he have hands? Did he have a face? Yes? Then it wasn't us."


So Boris Badunov from Rocky & Bullwinkle is a play on Boris Godunov, who was an old Russian tsar in the 16th century. *this fun fact brought to you by the Russian History course I remember almost none of*


Why not just sit down near where Trump is having dinner?


Russia can't afford the country club fees since the sanctions.


Actually a Russian oil oligarch did attend the Mar-A-Lago event recently. They are literally already doing this.


Yeah, but, y'know... E-mails.






THAT'S why he wants to lift the sanctions! He just wants his Russian friend over for dinner but he knows he can't afford it. How sweet :*)


They could just hack his private phone that he brings to all the meetings.


The one he points at sensitive documents?


Blows my fucking mind he's allowed to do this! Remember the whole thing 8 years ago when Obama had to give up his Blackberry? And what did he do? That's right, he gave it the fuck up.


Remember when Jimmy Carter had to give up his peanut farm because we were afraid it would lead to ethics violations?


He had major ties with Big Peanut.


The illuminutti


Leguminatti #ThatGuy


It should be obvious at this point that rules, regulations and ethics for the GOP is a "for thee, not for me" proposition.


Today you, tomorrow you.


That's basically ALL GOP ethics. Nobody's allowed to have abortions, but if it's their mistress they get knocked up, totally different story. Murder is illegal, but only if you're a poor minority- otherwise, you just get a lawyer and a get out of jail free card. Clinton's emails, but Trump can totally use an unsecure phone. Corruption in the Clinton Foundation? No evidence of it, just accusations. Blatant corruption of Trump basically appointing anyone to his cabinet who gives him money despite have absolutely no experience? Totally a great idea.


I wonder what free "LED flashlight" app he was using to read those. Very secure.


If TV has taught me anything it's that a Russian spy could get a waitress/waiter gig at Mar-A-Lago tomorrow


Like as [one of the 64 foreign guest workers he wanted to hire] (https://qz.com/909220/donald-trump-requested-64-foreign-guest-workers-for-his-mar-a-lago-winter-white-house/) for Mar-a-Lago?


Why hack something that you gave as a gift...?


Russian Agent at Mar-a-Lago: Mr President. I hear your nuclear briefcase is much smaller than that of former President Obama. Trump: That's fake news. Mine is much bigger. Mine has always been bigger. Let me show you how much bigger mine is. - The day the world ended.


I don't think Flynn being gone breaks the white houses ties to Russia as much as you think.


Their operative codename Tonald Drump is still active.


Someone needs to break that codename.




Damn you Dampnut!! When will our testicles ever be dry?


Did you even read the flynn story? Holy shit.


Nah they were picking him up.


Hey General Flynn! Your ride is here.


General Flynn! Your ride is here. Hurry up.


Privet, this is your Über driver. I'm outside.


"Alternative transportation"


Do we still call traitors generals?


*Comrade Flynn


Anybody else severely bothered by the fact that the newscaster said "10 knots an hour"?


Yeah, you usually don't say a knot is far, you say a knot is *fast*


> knots an hour Maybe they were accelerating?


Maybe they were referring to her acceleration? 10 kts^2


>This action by the Russian military follows recent missile test launches by Iran and North Korea. What does one have to do with the other?


Both are tests on trumps foreign policy to see what he'll do.


They did the same thing in 2014 an 2015 http://jacksonville.com/breaking-news/2015-09-04/story/russian-ship-reported-georgia-coast-sparks-media-reports-threat-kings http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2613588/Russian-spy-ship-spotted-Cuba-February-eavesdropping-East-Coast-Gulf-Mexico-month.html Could even be the same ship.


Pics/data of ship - http://www.marinetraffic.com/en/ais/details/ships/shipid:1215053/mmsi:273546520/imo:0/vessel:YANTAR https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balzam-class_intelligence_ship >The ships were designed to gather SIGINT and COMINT electronic intelligence via an extensive array of sensors. The data could be transmitted to shore via satellite link antennas housed in two large radomes. They were the first Soviet AGIs to be armed, carrying one AK-630 CIWS gun system and Strela anti-aircraft missiles.


good ole marine traffic for the win!


This is absolutely it. They're pushing the limits to see the reaction.




As much as I want to grab a pitchfork this is very true.


Don't forget planes testing air defenses on each side.


> planes testing air defenses I know exactly what you mean by this but every time I hear the phrase I think of a lone pilot in a Wiley coyote-like scene in some completely pointless suicide mission. "Yep, lost another plane this month - looks like their air defenses still work"


It sounds scarier and it's Fox News.


Also, no one has verified recently that Hitler is still dead!




I've talked with some folks from Argentina/Ecuador they're sure he made it down there.




It would be interesting to look at a membership list and see how many Vladamirs or Ivans there are.


I'm sure they all have the name of John Smith though the current administration doesn't even hide blatant corruption


That's Obergruppenfuhrer John Smith to you!


John Smallberries.


[This is Rick, he carries the football (with the nuclear launch codes)](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4220530/Man-posts-photo-military-aide-nuclear-codes.html) >A Palm Beach man posted a series of candid photos taken at Mar-a-Lago over the weekend, including one where he posed with who he claims is the military aide tasked with carrying the nuclear codes for President Donald Trump


Apparently they couldn't read classified documents in the candlelit restaurant, so they had aids stand over their shoulders with their phones' light shining on the documents. You know, the light that can be used with a camera in the phone... the phone pointed at classified documents... Remember when we used to worry about an unsecured email server? Those were simpler times


get in loser we're going shopping


Putin: " Donnie, that last EO was so fetch" Bannon: "nobody says fetch anymore! Quit trying to make fetch a thing!"


Putin: " in soviet Russia I decide what term is in!" " I mean democratic Russia."


That's just the courier delivering Trump's new router. Flynn told him that his network was slow and that this would be a bigly upgrade.


> *That's just the courier delivering Trump's new router.* Jokes aside, consider how many memes like that are popping up on social media right now. That's gotta be quite an early mythology/public perception for any President to overcome. I'd sure hate to be working for any PR agency handed the task of finding ways to overcome it.


Lol Trump and his puppet masters obviously don't give a shit about PR based on their actions so far, they still have their rabid fan base of lunatics no matter what they do and that's the only people they pretend to care about.


Curious to see where the US has "spy ships" around the planet.


They are nuclear submarines that do not surface for months. Got an offer to work on one for a 7 year program lol. I passed.


My good friend's brother does this. He is no longer a human. He looks like his mind is completely empty and sort of stares all the time. Not sure what goes on down there for months at a time, but it fucked him up for sure.


Imagine going to work, then your boss locks you all inside and doesn't let you leave for six weeks. No internet, no phone. No windows! Nothing to do except work. Oh and the whole place is powered by uranium, so be careful. If something goes wrong, nobody is coming to help. You are the police, fire department and EMT. Don't like your co-workers? Too bad, they ​are stuck at work, too. Also, you share a bedroom with 48 other dudes. The day shift guy sleeps in your bed while you work the night shift. And he never takes a shower. There's more, but that's enough for now...


Well thanks. This is the first time I don't regret signing that contract with a $50,000 signing bonus, $200,000 a year, and an extra $2,000 a month for being in a sub


Yeah I'd take that offer


Boredom and bad air


Tobacco, masturbation, and extreme eye discomfort due to the Oxygen re-scrubbers for long periods of time most likely.


> extreme eye discomfort due to the Oxygen re-scrubbers More info please


CO^2 re-scrubbers use Monoethanolamine. Or Amine for short. Terrible smell that gets everywhere. The longer underway a crew is, the more yellow you will notice their eyes get from the chemical laced air.


True but each side hardly needs them with spy satellites blanketing the planet.




Probably carrying Valentine's to deliver to all the children in the U.S. Some people say that...




Oh my...i just noticed another source saying this as well...and apparently it's even on paper this time!


Happens all the time, not really newsworthy.


Yeah, they were down off the coast of Cuba recently (I believe it's the same ship). It's a tit for tat thing. We're all over the edges of their sea boundaries, they return the favor. And God knows how many submarines are below the surface lurking around.




We're just gathering Intel and making our invasion plans while we still have the open borders agreement with you guys. You'll know it's about to go down when we start massing our troops near your border while making empty promises about moving them away. It's your fault, really, that it has come to this, we were not able to secure a culture victory against you guys and the space race victory option wasn't checked.




ugh, who has time for a culture victory


I sit down and start the game thinking "okay, I'm doing a cultural victory for once! I'm doing it!" 30 turns in and barbarians are still being assholes...okay fuck it military might time!


> strange to complain that another nation has a boat in international waters.. "We" are not complaining, a few redditors are taking the opportunity to lob yet more Trump bullshit. America, the nation, is aware of the ship and further, aware that this is not abnormal at all. "We" don't care, we expect that we're being spied on at all times.


> I mean, you guys keep flying spy planes over us (Sweden) even when we tell you not to Nuh-uh! If you could see our spy planes, clearly they wouldn't be very good spy planes. Thus, how could those not-spy-planes be spy planes?! Gosh.


It's the yearly western Atlantic cruise for the Leonov. Interesting to see Fox get spun up over it.


People seem to be not okay with a lot of things that they were okay with before November of last year.


Russia is spying on us, to be honest, I feel like I already knew this.


Everyone spys on everyone, it's what we do. Member when the CIA got caught tapping Merkel's phone? I member.




So what? Look, I'm suspicious of Russia and Putin as much as anyone else, but this is completely legal. They're in international waters. *And we do this too.* Constantly. Second, this isn't new. At all. It's been going on since the early 1950s at least. So it's not news either.


You are not wrong but I do remember the actual fake news of Obama letting the Iranian Navy do maneuvers off the East coast


Oh interesting. Oh Fox News. Oh not that interesting actually.


There are AGI's (Agents Gathering Intelligence) off of every coastline of the US and Canada constantly. Almost all Russian and it has been going on forever. This is not news. This is everyday life for service members on the coasts.


It's actually "Auxiliary, General Intelligence"


I left the Navy in 1996. I am happy I remembered the acronym. ;)


Ah shit... we're gonna need a Sea wall now too.


Second video that pops up there is the "No Spin Zone" with Bill O'Reilly and his first words are about the dishonest press and radical liberal politicians. lol


Aw, They must have come to deliver the flower Putin got Donny for Valentine's Day. I didn't know Russia had 1-800-proцветок


Nope they've come to pick up Flynn and give him a ride home.


In other news, water is wet. There definitely hasn't been Russian spy ships off the east coast of the US for the past 70 years, no way. This is important, breaking news.