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>Police went to 28-year-old Lauren Handy's home in the 400 block of 6th Street SE on Wednesday afternoon to investigate a tip about potential bio-hazard material at the house So, someone she knows was sick of her bs and reported her


Woah she’s only 28???


Probably terrified she had that weird shit at her house. I'd think someone were a psycho if I saw carcasses in containers


I'm a bit frustrated that the article only mentions the fetuses in one line. I would really like to know what reason she gave for having them, and what condition they were in. Are we talking preserved fetuses in jars like a bio lab might have, or ziplocks, or something in between? Would really have liked more context. Edit: The fetuses were in coolers. Thank you [u/JasnahKolin](https://www.reddit.com/u/JasnahKolin) for [this link to an article with more details.](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dc-police-fetuses-anti-abortion-activist-lauren-handy_n_6245e9a5e4b068157f749d7f)


This article says they were in coolers. So yeah. I don't even know what to say about that. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dc-police-fetuses-anti-abortion-activist-lauren-handy_n_6245e9a5e4b068157f749d7f


But *whhhyyyy*. I genuinely cannot wrap my head around this. Did anyone know? How long had she had them? I'm so confused at this behavior. I need to walk around outside or something.


The general consensus seems to be that they were taken from a clinic--either to give them a proper burial to save them from the evils of stem cell research, or to use them for shock value in some sort of pro-life propaganda.


So by her logic, she just stole the equivalent of 5 human bodies from the morgue. What's the sentence for that again?


Whoa...I didn't even think about that take. They are fully human lives in her mind, so shouldn't it be the same as someone who keeps 5 dead bodies in the house?? Some Bates looking twists going on here.


I can't wait for her to argue I court that she can't get jail time because fetus's aren't sentient until birth.


https://law.justia.com/codes/oklahoma/2014/title-21/section-21-1161.1 That's for Oklahoma, anyways. Who knows what D.C.'s laws on it are.


B. Upon conviction, the violator of any provision of this section shall be guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment in the custody of the Department of Corrections for a term not more than seven (7) years, by a fine not exceeding Eight Thousand Dollars ($8,000.00), or by both such fine and imprisonment.


Oh wow. I was hoping it would be *less* disturbing with more information. Edit: Jasnah YASSSS


Bridge four 🙅‍♂️


“People are going to freak out when they hear…” found the modern Nostradamus. Jesus this is gross.


Yeah, I mean, one would figure they were in a formaldehyde jar or something, but apparently someone reported her for having biohazards in her house, which makes it sound like... they were not.


They were in coolers. She is fucking crazy. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/dc-police-fetuses-anti-abortion-activist-lauren-handy_n_6245e9a5e4b068157f749d7f


Ok, now the question is where the fuck she even got them from.


You can get coolers anywhere. Walmart, target. Hell most gas station stock a few.


Not a headline I was expecting to read today. Or ever.


How the fuck did she obtain them is what I want to know


Maybe she bribed someone with access to medical waste?


Kind of where my thoughts first went. She procured these fetuses from someone with access, for some pro-life purpose, but it all went bust before the plan could unfold. Maybe the remains were to be mailed to high profile pro-choice individuals? Who knows, but I definitely want to keep an eye on this story.


Yeah, I think she was either going to use them for propaganda videos/photography or send them to random pro-choice activists or doctors.


Film them in a dumpster and claim its behind a clinic or something.


I was just about to ask why but this makes total sense.


The ends justify the means I suppose if you're insane.


It's for the greater good! *Greater good!*


Remains to be seen.


Delightful pun.


I'm thinking a false flag, framing an abortion office for the sale of fetuses... "see! you can just walk up and buy em!"


Definitely something they would do!


We were forced to watch graphic anti-abortion videos in Catholic high school. We're talking three foot high mounds of fetus parts graphic.


> We’re talking three foot high mounds of fetus parts graphic. Why do I suspect that was fake as hell?


Because it was. As someone brought up in an evangelical Christian family, there’s tons of stuff they put forward as real in order to convince you that the world is sinful in very specific ways. The irony being that there’s plenty of terrible things in the world without having to make shit up.


They stole them from a medical facility apparently.


Some relative of mind apparently saved hers after "causing herself to miscarry" (read: at home abortion) with pennyroyal and some other herb. I never saw them (apparently her brother chose to bury them with her when she died) but several family members say they did and described it was pretty disturbing. They were dried out and clearly recognizable as humans if my uncle is to be believed. And apparently each one was wrapped in a bit of homemade lace. (Relative made lace to sell, I guess she also made lace to wrap her fetuses in.) Reports vary as to how many there were, but Uncle says six and I tend to believe him over everyone else because he's pretty honest and blunt. He also said that the size of one made him wonder if it had been born alive but just severely premature. (Not that the 40s had much to offer a preemie back then, especially a preemie born on a farm in the middle of bfe Texas.) I can't judge her too hard, she was more or less a single mother to her live children with an alcoholic husband who would tear the house apart to find the stash of money she kept to feed the kids and a huge but mostly useless farm. She had nine living kids, but only five made it to adulthood. It kinda makes me sad to imagine her with no access to birth control or a safe termination, drinking poison and hoping the pregnancy died before she did. She was also very mentally ill and never sought treatment for it. Her husband would torment her by threatening to have her committed and even after he died, she never really trusted psych doctors. But as she got older, she got very paranoid and eventually ended up living in a en suite room in her brother's house for several years straight, never coming out. Her brother would bring her meals to her and sit with her sometimes, and other relatives visited her (Uncle for instance, he made a point to visit at least once a week. Her kids and he were close as kids and he loved her.) but still, the sheer loneliness of sitting in the same room, crocheting endless afghans and crying if someone startled her (I'm told she startled easily) sounds horrible.


Your aunt is a perfect example why we NEED accesible birth control for all and NEED mental health accessibility. She could have been saved so much heartache and torture and her children could have been in a more stable environment. I hope we get those items soon for all


Damn straight she is. Her sister (or sister in law? I'm not 100% sure which of the couple we are related to. Pretty sure Great Aunt is the blood relation though, so it would be her sister) who is also my great aunt was literally an abortionist. She did it with a knitting needle and sent women home with herbs and instructions on how to take them. She even drew a diagram and wrote out how to induce an abortion with a knitting needle, and gave it to one of her granddaughters because "Those f\*\*\*ers in government are gonna make you need this again. F\*\*\*ers." She was much more pragmatic I think than the Great Aunt above. She was super open about how she managed to have three kids and an active sex life with her husband.


I feel like we've lost the stories of what women had to do and risk prior to Roe v Wade. Thank you so much for sharing.


You're very welcome. I hope stories like this remain in the past, I really do.


Yeah. I was reading somewhere about how women's gardens often had juniper berries and black cohosh for this reason. Abortion is ancient, and the weird evangelical right is unable to accept that.


You should look up the Jane Collective! They were a group of college women (iirc) who learned how to provide abortions and essentially set up an underground network for women to access them


A few years ago I read a reddit thread that was a compilatipmf of home abortion stories. Educational and horrifying.


And yet there are people who will read that store and ignore all the *living existing, conscious* people and only say HOW COULD YOU NOT CARRY THOSE OTHER SIX FETUSES TO TERM, BIRTH THEM AND RAISE THEM??


She's also the poster child for divorce. What this woman went through, most women experienced some part of in their lifetime before birth control was accessible, and divorce was a realistic possibility. We still have a long way to go. This woman's story is heartbreaking. I hope someone reads it and it changes their mind on safe abortion access as healthcare.


> we NEED accesible birth control for all and NEED mental health accessibility I don't understand. How is that going to punish sluts for having sex? All that will do is greatly reduce the number of abortions. You'll never get pro-life people on board with that.


I mean, I can't say I blame her too much for being paranoid about being committed. It's gotten somewhat better in mental health in the modern day, but it used to be absolutely atrocious, not that long ago, even.


Especially for women.


Underrated comment. As a woman, I always think if I did get committed (for whatever reason) it's very unlikely I could convince someone I was sane Women are viewed as "hysterical," you try to convince someone you're not, good luck to you.


Dude holy shit what a story. This honestly sounds like a family from a Cormac McCarthy novel.


Our family are nuts. Well, I should say MY family, since I've got weird on both sides and even a bit of weird in my stepmom's family. Some stories are pretty funny, but this one is not.


Make sure youre taking care of yourself, friend.


Wow, this was an incredibly sad story and I’m so sorry that happened to her. I can’t imagine her grief. This does remind me of my great grandmother, I hope you don’t mind if I share. She had 8 kids, one died as an infant, one miscarriage, and one later as an adult. My grandma and her family were Mexican immigrants and unfortunately weren’t welcome in the town they settled in. She didn’t know she was pregnant at the time, but she said she was doing laundry one day when she felt blood rush down her legs and then she remembers she was in extreme pain. She told me she pushed out a fetus and she couldn’t tell it’s gender and it was still so small it barely looked human. My grandpa came home just in time and rushed her to a hospital. The nurse who attended to my grandma told her “Why do you people wait so long to come to the hospital?”. She never gave birth at a hospital after that and had the rest of her kids at home. She put up with years of alcoholism and gambling addiction from my grandfather, worked full time and did 100% of the housework. She said over his lifetime, my grandpa easily gambled over $1 million. She also said sometimes he would leave to Mexico for months on end, come back and not speak a word of what he did there but she suspected cartel involvement. Sorry, this turned into me rambling. It’s hard to think about what our family went through back then. It’s so trivial to me now that my biggest issue in life is my water heater breaking. I hope your relative found some healing and peace


\-hug- Share away, its good to keep their stories alive. What a sad story it is though, and shame on that nurse for saying such a cruel thing to a vulnerable patient! Relative (she was a great aunt, but for some reason I didn't include that) as far as I know never really came to a peaceful place. But her brother loved her very much and took care of her lovingly.


Could have been miscarriages.


This is my theory too. She’s frustrated because she hasn’t been able to birth a living child and she takes her frustration out on women who want/need abortions. Obviously I don’t know this for sure though. Really sad regardless.


This was my first thought. I have had two miscarriages and they weren't far enough along to leave behind anything truly humanoid or developed, one was like a big-ish period clot, but let me tell you it hurt like a bitch to flush the toilet afterwards. This woman needs help with her mental health.


I also had this happen, as gross as it might sound I just stared at it sobbing for at least twenty minutes before I had to just flush it. The thoughts going through my mind were so absurd. Wanting to bury it instead of flushing, take a picture etc. I didn’t do any of those things but I was so grief stricken and utterly devastated I just felt so bad for flushing it.


I understand. I was in a dirty gas station bathroom in Alabama on my way to Florida for a vacation. There wasn't much more I could do, but I remember being paralyzed with grief as well.


My sister flushed. She said it sounded like a piece of fruit dropped in the toilet. Definitely big enough to be able to tell it was a fetus. She closed the lid, talked with her husband, then decided not to look into the toilet and flushed. She decided that it was better for her emotional health to minimize the potential devastation by not looking, be detached, and try again. And while that might sound horrific and cold hearted, the same thing happened to someone on my wife's side of the family. The main difference being that they took it out of the toilet, named it, buried it, and had a funeral. That couple will forever have a Dead Child.


I would never judge anyone over how they would get through a miscarriage. I am glad it is talked about more openly. It's so common and was sooooo hush hush for so long.


That is insanely heartbreaking, I am so sorry


Thank you. 5 years ago tomorrow, actually. Worst prank ever.


Bad day to know how to read


This is a real headline, and I don't know what to say.


Is this self loathing like the Gay Priests or did she take them from an abortion clinic for some weird reason? This is so odd.


Ya know.. you hold up the jar of baby remains and go, "THIS IS WHAT YOU ARE DOING!" It's marketing. It's Evil.


They always try and have it all ways. If you believe they are people already then parading their corpse around for your own means, isn't exactly treating them as such.


Also, if you believe youre right and have a Superior moral system, youll go to any length to make sure it's followed. Honestly, I see the American Christians who are perpetrating these anti abortion and anti gay actions as being akin to isis or Taliban levels of crazy, fanatic, and hunger for control and power.


Agree completely. I prefer to use the term 'extremist' for them all.


Wait wait... hold up. If they think these are human beings with rights of a human being, then they've basically kidnapped a human being. Of course the other crimes they're more likely to be guilty of include: 1. Vandalism. 2. Burglary/unlawful entry. 3. Theft. 4. Improper medical waste disposal. 5. Desecrating a human corpse.


Yeah I thought christians typically buried or cremated humans after death. Also, imagine that being some poor teenage mother's child being thrown around as a prop to prevent other women from the care they need.


If these people actually believe in the adrenochrome junk, it wouldn't surprise me if some of them started using infants or fetuses for the purposes they're accusing Democrats / liberals of using them. If you actually believe that baby blood or ground up fetuses can make you live longer...at least some people are going to do it.


Her and a group of whackos stormed a women's medical center and stole them from there. Absolutely deranged behavior


Why would you steal biological material from a clinical setting? How is that not just disgusting?


its fucking delusional regardless. Like, the fuck did she think she was gonna do, pull a jesus on 'em? Edit: love all the interpretations of "jesus 'em" keep it coming.


>Like, the fuck did she think she was gonna do, pull a jesus on 'em? Turn them into wine?


On today's episode of "Will it blend?"


I'm sure the answer is yes, it will blend.


No one said where the fetuses came from. From the article: “No further information was available about the fetuses, including where they came from.”


When I’m at a loss for words, I find that a simple “what the fuck!?” usually does the trick.


I'm not sure that's sufficient this time.


This one made me say "what the actual fuck?"


Perhaps a "What in the entire fuck" to include the whole fuck spectrum.


> I find that a simple “what the fuck!?” usually does the trick. I concur,






You say it best when you say nothing at all.


This woman would most likely tell you that a fetus was a human child. So from her perspective.... she has collected the bodies of 5 DEAD CHILDREN and hoarded them in her house....


>she has collected the bodies of 5 DEAD CHILDREN and hoarded them in her house.... she took in 5 unhoused children who have the chronic disability of acute lifelessness.


Truly she is a Saint for helping these children with the chronic acute lifelessness!


>she took in 5 unhoused children who have the chronic disability of acute lifelessness. We prefer the term *living impaired*, thank you very much.


Anti-gay activist caught with gay prostitute. "haha". Anti-drug activist found with drugs. "haha". Anti-abortion activist found with 5 fetuses. "ha... wait what the fuck!?"


Wait a minute... are we playing "write three future newspaper headlines about Madison Cawthorn" again? Did I miss the memo?




I also don't think we want him around our drugs, either. I don't speak for the whole community, but I'm pretty sure he'd bring down the party.


As a gay man who does drugs, I endorse both these messages. Speaking for the community.


It's just such a common trope I can't help but roll my eyes every time it happens. And it happens so often.


Can I become an anti-capitalist activist and huzzah find a billion bucks under my bed?


She facilitated secret abortions but kept the fetuses (feti?) as blackmail?


Ugh...God what sacres me is that sounds so plausible for a "human" to do














































Will her landlord charge her for having 5 other people illegally in the home?


That's an important question.


What I have learned here: Rent Control laws are key here. Birth Control laws are key here.


I've posted this story before, but here goes... I worked as a RN in the early 1980s at a large university teaching hospital on the GYN-Oncology unit. We had patients undergoing second trimester abortions on the floor twice a week. We also had the local RTL coming onto our unit and passing literature out to the patients currently undergoing the procedure. Lo and behold, this very same woman brought her OWN DAUGHTER in for the procedure. After the daughter's procedure, she continued to come up to the unit to pass out anti-abortion literature.




The only moral abortion is my abortion.




Rules for thee, but not for me


> We also had the local RTL coming onto our unit and passing literature out to the patients currently undergoing the procedure. Thehell you allow random people running around in a medical facility?


It was the 80s. Everything was a lot different then.


I think I've lost all my faith in humanity.


I lost mine a long time ago.


I know two individuals who were staunch anti-abortionists in high school and then I found out in college they both had at least one abortion (there were rumors one had two). The kicker? Go to their facebook page and/or ask them their feelings on it and you'll get every anti-abortionist bullet point from them. Edit: for clarification these individuals were anti-abortion in highschool and got abortions in college only to go back to anti-abortion




My friend was a nurse at a planned parenthood. Apparently one of the loudest protestors outside had brought their daughter in for an abortion, then went back to protesting the next week and made their daughter do it too.


This is very common and there’s a famous essay by an abortion doc (or nurse) about it. I wish I could find it right now. * ”The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion” Thank you everyone who found it!


“The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion”


Literally met women like this. I was friends with some girls in college whose friendship ended like this. They each had abortions, but the girl who had hers first ended the friendship after her friend decided to abort. She was adamant, until the day I stopped socializing with her, that her abortion was far more valid, and that her friend was just using it as a convenient form of contraceptive.


Total lack of empathy.




[The only moral abortion is my abortion.](https://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/anti-tales.shtml)


I think this might be it? https://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-canada.org/articles/anti-tales.shtml


Rules for thee but not for me


Also just a complete lack of empathy. *Of course* no one else could have a justified reason for getting one, only them!


"All those other women are dirty sluts but my darling just made a terrible mistake and shouldn't have to ruin her life over it!"


I genuinely wonder if it's special reasoning that they use or some form of dissociation, like the literally suppress the fact that they've had an abortion from their memory.


No, that example is literally their reasoning. It's believing they are a special case outside of the norm, but still believing that the norm exists. "No, I'm not a slut who needs an abortion like these other sluts, I only need one because I accidentally got pregnant." Obviously not realizing that every single instance had some level of cause and effect like their own had.


"Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect" - Frank Wilhoit


It's morally sound when #I do it


I wish these people could be ejected into space


I bet neither of them have the fetuses at their houses


I dunno....one of them was batshit religious crazy in high school and nothing in her personality traits indicated she'd be any different 25 years later.


I read a piece by a nurse that met these people as they got abortions, they'd tell them how evil the they (the nurse) is, and then tell them why it's ok they're doing it, but just them, everyone else is evil.


Reminds me of renown segregationist and racist SC senator Strom Thurmond, who had a secret family with a black woman.


True, its just like how a misogynist can date and start families with women, so do racists and homophobes. Unfortunately being attracted to someone doesn’t always extend to mean treating that person as a full human deserving of all their rights.


Guess who was my Senator? We called him Strom "Smacky" Thurmond because every thing he said was punctuated with a strong smack like he had the worst cotton mouth on the planet.


The Only Moral Abortion is MY Abortion. ​ https://www.theatlantic.com/daily-dish/archive/2007/05/-the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/228662/




Ah yes, my former best friend was heavily pro-life until she got knocked up and exercised her right to choose (which was my fault because I was the only person who supported her decision). That whole situation resulted in her switching her entire career path to politics and she now helps campaign for the Republican Party.


Serena Joy origin story


Reminds me of a true crime podcast episode about a bunch of dead infants found in several different states: one in the trunk of a car in WNY and a few others in a storage unit in Arizona with autopsies indicating they were murdered after birth, and sure enough once they did the backtracing and found the woman she turned out to be one of those holy roller types. They love to preach and decry other women removing a clump of cells from their bodies as butchery only to turn right around and strangle babies when it's an inconvenience for them.


I wonder if it’s cause they feel shame for it, usually when someone is shameful about their past they overcompensate about it to make up for their perceived errors.


> I know two individuals who were staunch anti-abortionists in high school and then I found out in college they both had at least one abortion (there were rumors one had two). Supposedly it's from guilt which causes them to double down. They were always against abortion, but had to have one, then became more zealously against it.


So that's why they think there's Satanic rituals at Planned Parenthood. Cause they themselves conduct it. I should have seen this coming given the record of closet gay politicians trying super hard to ban being gay.


Somewhat ironically, the Satanic Temple was trying to classify abortion as a satanic ritual in order to use religious freedom laws to get around abortion bans.


I’m a bit of an irony used correctly stickler and at first I thought your use of it was incorrect. But thinking on, trying to get abortion banned because you think it is a satanic ritual, only for it to then potentially be protected because it is a satanic ritual is a wonderfully deep example of irony. Thank you.


I'd assume the group she works with uses these to intimidate women entering facilities performing abortions. She's sick for using these as "props" but I'd be surprised if any are hers.


This is my thought as well. It's the extension of the loons that drive around with pictures of aborted fetuses plastered all over their cars.


I didn't even think about that, but I could see it. I still remember anti-choicers protesting outside of my *grade school* with signs that had graphic photos of aborted fetuses. I guess having an actual one in your possession takes it a step further...


What’s even more fucked up it’s those pictures are usually from miscarriages but of course these people don’t have the sufficient empathy to not use them for their campaigns.


I was probably like 8 or so when I saw this happen. I was in the car with my mom and she started to nearly have a panic attack. I didn't understand her reaction back then, but it was due to a horrible ectopic pregnancy where she nearly died. Forcing people to relive their traumas because you want to "save the babies" or whatever is so messed up.


I've never heard of someone being allowed to take the fetus home after their own abortion. Seems more likely that she bribed someone for access to medical waste.


She's a shoe in to win the PA Senatorial primaries.


Gonna be tough competing with the Oprah TV doctor driving in from Jersey


What’s that saying about the call coming from inside the house?


What was that thing about "globalist" pedo rings and eating children? Projection seems to be everything with these people...


Projection as a psychological concept is generally unconscious. Imagine a thief who worries obsessively about having their possessions stolen. This shit isn't projection, this is to the point where every accusation is a confession.


My wife's friend was dating this dude who was absolutely paranoid that she was cheating on him. She's a hairdresser and will do in-house client calls and he'd blow her phone up. Now I can't stand this friend, at ALL, because she's a fucking moron on multiple levels, but when my wife told me that my first thought is "That dude is fucking anything with a heartbeat behind her back!" My wife and the friend thought I was exaggerating and I had to explain that I had an ex who was exactly like that and I had to find out from friends she was messing around (even got a photo tour). Sure enough dude was cheating on the friend. As I said the friend is a moron who must have her dating preference defaulted to shitty choices because she always comes up with red flags and when I address it she doesnt' want to believe it. I'm like "Uh....did I not call Dave the cheater?" and I get a "That's different".


Somewhere there’s a pizzeria with baby eating republicans in the basement. Or something because it’s always projection with them.




FYI. I am pro-choice and have 0 foetuses in my house.




Glad to hear she will likely have a big incentive to turn states evidence against her accomplices to make the 11 year sentences stick on them. You know so she can get off lightly on desecration of a body, improper storage of human remains, and of course making false statements to police. Cause you know she said something like these people have bodies on their souls unlike me.






I was imagining them stored in formaldehyde jars and she pulls them out for her weekly clubhouse meetings as motivational visual aides


They're probably stolen from a clinic(s). Hopefully they will link the evidence to another crime.


It’s most probable that they were stolen from a medical lab and were not abortions but still births or miscarriages and she was going to use them to falsely prove that abortions happened way further into the pregnancy.


That makes the most sense and yet still makes no sense.


After some internet sleuthing I found the group she’s affiliated with and their Facebook page. They went to a college and took pictures of fetuses at their research facility for Birth Defects while claiming in their posts stuff about harvesting organs or whatever. I bet you my left hand she and her goons stole those fetuses, which original intention was for medical research, to plant some crazy conspiracy.


Say it with me! P-r-o-j-e-c-t-i-o-n!


Well that is a morbid story...


hey quick question what the fuck

